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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Scarlett - the message is coming from them, not their computers - they feel WOW will be better and faster, etc. Big babies. Although my grandson can't get Spore to run, so I think he does need the new card.

    What a day you had!!!!!! Our day here sort of revolved around the use of a 50-foot sewer tape - which "fixed" the stoppage at 47 feet - cost $29, cheaper than a plumber.

    AI was boring - needed more Clay!

    djs, maybe they'll be happy with WOW tips from Permaswooned's DS or SIL Can't remember who it was exactly but someone close to her was working on WOW. Oh, that's a good alternative to calling the plumber! :clap:

    I'm envious of everyone who saw Clay on TV -- any caps yet? (yes, yes, I know we have them all individually but, well, uh, they're in a different order so I'm treating it like a montage! Yes, that's it. A montage. And I want a copy!

    Thanks for the dashing Dr. Clay pic, annabear! Have something to :claydreaming_ClayIzzaQt: now!

  2. I guess I should renew my AAA card. So anyway, my last thank-you's are for the laundry guy, the other customer gal and the nice lady at the battery place who took one look at me and said I'll take care of everything...
    Most definitely renew the AAA card. I pulled into a gas station once for a fill-up. Pumped the gas, got back in the car, and the engine wouldn't turn over! Called the auto club to get a charge (this was about a 16 bay gas station with no repair services). It was late on a Sunday afternoon, but I got to Sears for a new battery before they closed at 5. Then, there was the time my credit card got stuck in the outdoor pay at the pump. I had to hike to another place to borrow some pliers and extricate my card!

    Congrats on the new job duties!

    Thanks!!! Note to self: Renew AAA first thing tomorrow, put a pair of pliers in the car (long-nose pliers?) and perhaps one of those battery charger systems(?) H anyone tried if those really work?

  3. Oooh, which string quartet cd are we talking about?

    {{{all those who are ailing}}} Would a visit from Dr. Clay help?

    About that laptop I recommended, just wanted to warn people that it doesn't come with bluetooth. However there are some cheap ways to get it including an under $10 usb dongle.


    Completely OT whining... but I just needed to get this out of my system...

    I started out bright and early with a 6am meeting. Then had good news about a position I was seeking -- both my old and new departments approved my move. The new job will involve about 30% travel (on the company) so I'm hoping to accumulate lots of flyer miles for the next tour/show/anything. that was the 1st thing to be thankful for. I also hope that's a sign that I'm not getting laid off within the next year or so. Because of the early start, I left the office at about 4:30 and was able to get some errands done, swinging by Kroger's and the cleaners. At the cleaners, I switched off the car, jumped out, picked up my clothes, unlocked the car, put the clothes in the back, jumped in, closed the door, and then everything went dead. The battery had died and it was too dark to see the manual latch that opened the door. I couldn't do anything, not even unlock and open the door or the sunroof because the power was out. I was banging on the windshield but everyone seemed oblivious to me (turns out it was because of the tint and also because it was dusk). Talk about completely helpless!!! Finally the owner of the laundry saw me and went to see what was wrong. With sign language, he showed me where to look for a manual latch. Then he checked the car and told me it was the battery. He said that he would bring his van over to jumpstart it. Told me to go inside as it was v cold. Meanwhile, another laundry customer drove in and took the slot beside my car. I went to explain that we needed to free up the space and she said, "Oh, I understand. The exact same thing happened to me the other day". What were the odds? Then she told me exactly where and how to get the battery changed. The laundry owner then came by with the van, told me not to worry as it was a "normal" thing, shooed me inside again. He got the car charged and started, confirmed the info that the other customer had given me, gave me his cell phone in case the car stopped between the laundry and the battery place. Wow! I'm so glad the battery didn't die at Kroger's. I guess I should renew my AAA card. So anyway, my last thank-you's are for the laundry guy, the other customer gal and the nice lady at the battery place who took one look at me and said I'll take care of everything... :)

  4. djs, MHO (and probably a boring one)... I've done the same thing before -- used an hp recovery disk that came with one computer to recover another that wasn't exactly the same but a similar model. Not guaranteed to work but it often does. Sometimes though, there are quirky cases where even slight differences in the mobo could cause issues. There have been rumors that recovery disks were tied to mac addresses but this hasn't been proven afaik and would probably be only on the disks that you create yourself, not the generic ones. At one time hp even sold a recovery disk that worked on any of about 50 models. So, as long as you were using the same computer and OS (ie. not upgrading a laptop that came with XP to Vista), I think it should be ok.

    About the message saying that they need new PCI-E cards, I think it's a driver incompatibility issue. Does it still connect to the network ok? Current laptops usually come with an Intel 5100 Wifi A/B/G/draft Ncard in the mini PCI-E slot. If a new driver was installed it might expect one of these and burp if it finds a different one.

    Oops, I forgot about aikim being on the green sweater rotation. I was hoping to get it back in time for GFI but I guess it'll be the week after when it comes back around. Any chance of swopping weeks?

    What a day I've had... 3 major things to say thank you for!!! (will write & whine in a bit)

    Topic: :loveclaysbutt:

  5. Gidday ausdon!



    This is a neat fun site... it tells you the #1 song for any given date.


    The #1 song for my birthday - I've never heard of!

    But I just checked and

    on 30 Nov 1978 when Clay was born, the #1 song was

    "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" by Barbra Streisand & Neil Diamond

    on 08 Aug 2008 when Parker was born, the #1 song was

    "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry

    on 4 Aug 1961 when Barack Obama was born, the #1 song was

    "Tossin' and Turnin'" by Bobby Lewis

    How cute! Mine's "Roses Are Red" by Bobby Vinton

  6. Oops, I didn't realize you were sick. {{{ couchie and gbmifan}}} I hope you feel better. Get well soon!!!

    I also went over to the OFC. Some of those people are nasty. Making statements that he is a popstar and should not be appearing like this. Who made them the fashion police. So he looked a little dorky, I think he looked cute. I sometimes would like to see what these people look like who have to make such horrible comments.

    But why would he give a hoot ? Someone with much better taste in clothes than the so-called-fashion experts at OFC was with him. If I were he, I'd be blowing raspberries at that thread <anyone have the appropriate gif>?

  7. {{{clayzycoffin}}} on your laptop. The one I posted last week isn't on sale anymore but it usually goes back on sale every 2 to 3 weeks. I'm going to be watching for it because it's such a steal for $1050 (btw, it also has a slot for a 2nd hard drive on top of everything).

    justclay12, your laptop is only 2 years old? It'll be fine until you graduate! Mine is still fine after going to mumblety-mumble Clay Aiken concerts, from San Diego to Burlington, Vermont, from Vancouver to Miami and even to Hongkong last August.

    couchie, don't get me shmoopie or I'll never switch out this laptop.

    On Topic:

    *still hoping that more pictures will show up and that I could get into enough mischief to get detention for all of Saturday -- do they still do that, like in the Breakfast Club?

    Oh, and I don't care if the cute guy's the teacher or the "brain".... and maybe Reed could be the "athlete" ... detention heaven!!! *

  8. via CV,

    this was bigappleforclay's recap at getclayaiken:

    The afternoon just snowballed. I had returned from Hawaii one day late because of the snowstorm, and although was very jet lagged, the trooper in my got me to the Shubert...only to find the show completely sold out. I first called Laughn just to tell her Clay would be seated in the center of the orchestra section, but I may not get in. Then I called her to say Craig the Ticket Guy pulled through for me with an orchestra ticket (little did I know then it would be one row behind Clay). As Laughn mentioned I watched earlier Spam cast members greet and hug each other outside, and felt a small thrill that Chris Sieber stood in line right behind me (overhead him chatting with friends, what a nice guy). Once inside the lobby, a few fans were gathered at the top of the aisle waiting for Clay to walk in and, and soon enough, there he was, smiling, followed by Reed who looked a bit "sheepish" (but he's very handsome and his body language is "humble"). This was the moment I'd been hoping for: to see Clay and Reed, with mine own eyes, as a couple. They are a couple, no mistaking that. They waited a few seconds before being escorted to their seats, and a small group in the audience (probably Clay fans) applauded.

    Once in my seat, I watched Clay out of my right eye, and the other Sir Robin--David Hyde Pierce-- who was a few rows in front of me, out of my left eye. Kinda nice symmetry there. But I did watch most of the show:-) As has been reported, Clay and Reed ducked out right before intermission, and returned just after the lights dimmed. I watched them quickly take their seats, Clay first, then Reed. Both did not have their jackets on. I couldn't see Clay clearly, but it was easy to recognize those long arms and fingers as Clay reached up to applaud the YSOB and Diva numbers. Also saw him clapping for Claylily, when she was chosen as the peasant.

    But tonight (except for a few whispers of "oh, there's Clay Aiken") wasn't about Clay at all. It was all about Spamalot. There were more guys at this show than any of the previous ones I've been to. People were clapping along with the music. (Btw--I have to say Merle really has grown into the role, and I didn't miss Hannah at all.) The show flew by. Clay was one of the first to jump up with a standing ovation. Then so did everyone else so I lost sight of him. The curtain call momentum kept building...when Eric Idle took the stage, the crowd went wild. I called Laughn hoping she could hear it all, but my phone kept disconnecting. Then Mike Nichols--one of the most brilliant directors ever--came on stage. The original cast members were called up, followed up 'whoever else has been in the show'. At this point, I saw Reed look over at Clay (as if to say, 'go up there!'), and Clay slowly moved up to the stage. But he was just one of the huge ensemble cast--past and present--and it took me a while to spot him. ( I got some clack but nothing clear; I really wasn't prepared). With an emotional cast on stage, the entire audience singing and swaying, and confetti falling everywhere, the atmosphere was both exuberant and bittersweet. When the curtain finally came down (with everyone remaining on stage), I thought: what a monumental professional and personal experience this has been for Clay.

    Clay left the theatre early. Most other performers (except for David Hibbard who rushed off), came out briefly to do siggies. My thrill was to get Eric Idle's (and earlier had gotten David Hyde Pierce, who was so gracious in his seat--I think he did like the attention), and what the heck, I got everyone else's one last time. Tom said he still doesn't have a gig--may be going to Europe instead. Rick said he's seeking some time in the sun. Sean is probably the only with with a job--doing "Nine to Five". He's a sweetheart. They all are. With 70% of Broadway shows closing, something is just not right in this world.

    I'll close by saying I feel relieved to have seen Clay with Reed. Now I know it's real (maybe not forever lasting, but the out-in-the open, 'what a nice couple' kind). It was a happy night.

    So good to see happy times in the fandom again! :04: :EmoticonRingAround:

  9. cindi, to answer your questions:

    1) According to Reed's MySpace (and yes, I went there to check :imgtongue: ), he's 26. I've also read 27 -- so maybe he had a birthday?

    2) George W. Bush, right before Christmas 2008, visited Iraq. During a press conference, an Iraqi reporter threw not one, but two shoes at him. This is ultimate sign of disrespect in Iraq.

    Thank you!! luckiest, I do remember Clay throwing his shoe - maybe he learned that on one of his field trips! :hahaha:

    Two things about throwing shows:

    1. in the Middle East, it's the ultimate insult

    2. in Heather Headley's community, it means "that was an outstanding performance"

    I think Clay learned about the other meaning while practising "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?"

    ETA: *waves to Caro* :clap:


  10. About the band...

    Funny thing is, I can actually read music. I just can't execute what I read -- either in the correct tone or in the correct rhythm. I think I provided lots of entertainment for the Spam cast by clapping not-in-time to ALOTBSOL. I can only read music because of 5 years of futile piano lessons. We finally gave up after the end of those 5 years when I was still only start at the 3rd beginner's book. I think my teacher went insane.

    Sooo.. what could I do? Maybe I can take care of electronic stuff, mixing and things? Do the job of Ferd or whatever his name was? This way I'll also have a feed with Clay singing a capella -- I'll take care of muting all the triangles, cymbals, harmonicas, etc.

    Or if he'll let me, I can keep Reed company while y'all are practicing?

    Hee, bottle!

    Rider: Cheez Doodles, my own hotel key, a GPS that behaves responsibly, ooh just realized I can specify the mikes and thingamajjiggies.... scoots off to make a longer wishlist for the sound system...

  11. Start date for the next tour/live show

    April 18, 2009 - ldyjocelyn

    April 27, 2009 - luckiest1

    May 7, 2009 - ncgurrl

    May 11, 2009 - jmh123

    May 15, 2009 - shamrock

    May 21, 2009 - cindilu2

    May 22, 2009 - Claymatron

    May 27, 2009 - clayzycoffin

    June 12, 2009 - justclay12

    June 17, 2009 - tribeca

    June 19, 2009 - wandacleo

    June 22, 2009 - lilyshine

    June 28, 2009 - spikesmom

    June 20, 2009 - Bella19

    June 25, 2009 - keepingfaith

    June 30, 2009 - keldanker

    July 4, 2009 - Scarlett

    July 9, 2009 - claylove

    July 10, 2009 - gbmifan

    July 10, 2009 - georgiesmybaby

    July 11, 2009 - duckyvee

    July 11, 2009 - FromClaygary

    July 15, 2009 - aikim

    July 16, 2009 - Thankful4Clay

    July 17, 2009 - cha cha trusty

    July 20, 2009 - smittenwithclay

    July 25, 2009 - FearofH20

    Aug 1, 2009 - annabear

    Sept 4, 2009 - merrieeee

    Sept 9, 2009 - jazzgirl

    Sept 15, 2009 - Gibby

    Nov 28, 2009 - Couch Tomato

    Dec 5, 2009 - jamar1700

    Hey, check and see if I got it right so far.

    Please anyone jump in and update the list whenever you feel like, OK?

    We've got some duplicate dates, if anyone cares and wants to change theirs. Either to add another duplicate, or eliminate one. I don't care; I'm not making the rules here, just keeping the list. Duckyvee was first by six minutes, and gbmifan was first also. I'll let someone else decide. Interesting that they are all so close to each other though.

    Logging the latest update - jmh did all the hard work, y'all!!! :clap:

    Thanks for the pretty Spam pictures, annabear, bottle, ldj, kf!

    KAndre -- eagerly awaiting the next segment!!!

    jazzgirl -- glad to see your post!!!

    annabear - I hope you find the 3rd anniversary pictures. Sorry about the clip -- I will try again tonight though with more "tools"!

    merrieeee - Muah, just muah!!! :BlowKiss:

    Speculation? I hope he's travelling for Unicef, someplace warm and where there isn't a war going on this time!

  12. I just wanted to add this from last night... you know the nice thing about Reed is that nowadays whenever I see less than positive posts about Clay's appearance I can picture Reed in my mind and the poster beside him and muse on how the person who has the prerogative to comment on such things probably cares only that Clay is there and having fun. Could you imagine Reed taking Clay aside that night and whispering, "Should we ask Jerome if he could get some cream?" ...reposting a quote from last Christmas, "Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important."

    Jamar, you are such a pessimist. I'm going to keep thinking there will be a tour this summer so I don't depress myself. However, if he has other stuff planned, I'm good too as long as I get to see him somehow.
    Jamar, justclay12 and anyone who wants to, how about a little poll -- when do you think the next concert/show will start? Just pick a date and we'll check later on who was closest. I call July 4th mainly because I miss sweaty Clay.

    ROTFL, KAndre!!! :hahaha:

    I'm taken to the airport, while the driver keeps asking me about the "little one". Scarlett, no poaching of my drivers!
    Oooh say hi for me!

    Reads this:

    This is when I find my child and Scarlett are apparently long lost twins - he didn't actually have a copy of the hotel reservation either, and the bus service rep certainly didn't recognize the hotel he was telling here.
    Goes hmmmm.....

    and this:

    Before he disappears into the shower (he's the only person I know who spends more time in a shower than a certain member of the eHP) <snip> On to Paul's ship!
    Bigger Hmmmm..... yes ship...

    and then this:

    My only child will be all of 22 on Jan. 18.
    Awwwww, <Insert yet another thing we're not supposed to know tm:KAndre>. I draw the line at 25.

    Besides... what would I call K?

    ETA: I want to do both...

  13. MHO, and I'm in Clay Aiken withdrawal mode so it's probably best to scroll: (don't say I didn't warn ya)

    On the "disrespectul to women" thing...

    I think it's disrespectful to women to presume that they would react to situations in exactly the same way we ourselves would. I'm not Merle but she's a big girl and can think for herself and can speak up if she's not comfortable. She looked fine and everyone else seemed to be having a great time.

    Hey, maybe it's a Lady of the Lake ritual and it would have been "disrespectful" to Merle if she'd been skipped -- LOL!

    And that goes for Reed too. If he's feeling "bugged" he can do something about it. I don't feel a need to get creeped out on his behalf. I'm responsible for myself and my personal "creepiness meter" tells me not to engage strangers but there will always be some "enthusiastic" one who will try. I saw it when it happened but I spent my Spam time enjoying the show instead of letting anyone creep me out. Reed has a phone and probably has Jerome's number on speed dial.

    BTW, if I had had a picture like Merle's taken purposefully and it bugged me so much that I couldn't let it go, I would've talked to the "friend" concerned. No one can put you in an awful position unless you let them. If someone remarks, "why can't you just take a joke?" tell them calmly that "No, it's not a joking matter to me." If they were really your friends, they would've understood. If they didn't, it was a good opportunity to find out what sort of people they were and how they regarded your feelings.

    If it's difficult to explain a picture like that to a particular 12 yo, it's way past time to bite the bullet and start explaining away. At 12 years, kids are in middle school and pictures like that are very accessible to middle schoolers and if it hadn't happened today, it'll happen tomorrow on another thing.

    I don't know how to "stalk" a website -- websites don't go anywhere and aren't websites put out there in order to get clicked on? What's the use of putting up a public website (and updating it constantly) if you don't want people to look at it?

    btw, nice people like Clay (who have had their share of difficult times) get made fun of here. While I don't do it purposefully, mainly because it's a waste of time to give feedback to people who can't read or hear what you say, I don't think it's a fair thing to ask this for "nice friends who have left the fandom." BTW, I'm also very nice and have had a tough year but there's this bunch of wimmen who make fun of my driving skills all the time. (and I :heart: them)

    Most people who have differing opinions aren't upset, they just have differing opinions.

    It's probably more useful to run virus scans while the computer is disconnected from the internet and booted from the Anti-virus CD instead of the internal hard drive (ie. change the boot options so that the CD is first in the boot order list)

    I'm also not upset if anyone thinks Clay looks like <insert whatever>. I know he looks like Apollo/Michaelangelo's David and I am confident that others will eventually agree -- we have ways of making you vote for us, or at least of making you abstain.

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