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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Wheeeee! Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

    goldarngirl, I'm finally home early enough to do the files -- will run them now (and will shoo myself off until they're done)

    ETA: Of course I had to stop and put air in the tires because they were at normal pressure at 78 degrees yesterday, and when I got in the car this evening they were below 15. :(

    ETA: Runs to put on Winter Wonderland... (oops, sorry goldarngirl -- Gala first, then Minneapolis part 2! The way I see it is... that performance was special because Clay's entire family was there and someone else is from there too! (no, not my sb although "we" have a park bench)

    ETAA: Sorry, toni7babe. I was out playing...

  2. Ahhh, I have to jump on board with everyone who is happyhappyhappy and giddy! This story may be everywhere but since I rarely go anywhere other than the boards or work, I wouldn't know. :cryingwlaughter: But if the main gist of it is that Clay has a new, hunky boyfriend, hey, I'm good with that. Such a departure from days of old where everything was spun to be as ugly as possible. Unless Clay indicates that it's not true or that he is bothered by the lighthearted fan shipping of the Creed, I'm definitely on board with it! And I agree with keepingfaith, if the two of them are going out in public together, then what's the big deal anyways? Barring the fans who pry, of course. I don't even know how to go to a myspace page, let alone befriend someone. But couchie, don't diss the facebook! My daughter got me into that and I luuuurves it.

    Me too! I'll admit that I went and took a look at myspace (just looked, I don't know that "scarlett" person from milwaukee) and boy! Between Jessica Rabbit and Edward Cullen alone, I started thinking that I might end up liking him more than Clay... Eeeee!

    ETA: But I'm still watching Spam instead of Wicked this weekend!!!

  3. Haven't been away, just been at a bunch of holiday celebrations but wanted to say.... IIT, it's wonderful that someone loves him and can give him all the joy and happiness like someone as nice as Clay deserves!!!

    Is there any chance for stage door pics tonight?

    After all this time MCWL still gets me. What a nice Christmas card...

    By coincidence, I was looking over things to get KAndre to find in Japan and saw an oldie... is it cute or what?


  4. Thanks for the link to the stage door video. It cracks me up how I'll be watching just about any video of Clay, and then I suddenly notice that I have that silly grin on my face. Heeeeee! He makes me happy.

    Me too! I've been I've been thinking about him all day because I was at our other office building where people just play iPods the entire time and I had my Clay Christmas Songs playlist on endless repeat. *i need a silly grin emoticon*


  5. Since my DH just told me he is coming home on the 12th he had better not be home on the 20th so yes we can have a Partay!!!! My place...hot toddies.....hot snacks....hot tub...and hot bodies!!!!

    Sounds... hot!!! And you know we can re-create one of the JNT's in your media room... take your pick -- Long Island, West Point, Red Bank, Minneapolis 1&2, Merrillville?

    KF -- please try to make it. No one else will use the hot tub with me in December!

  6. Scarlett is such a geek...chick! Guess where one of the places I'm staying in Tokyo is? (I know that sentence totally sucks structure wise, but science major here, thank you very much!) The Akihabara district!

    Eeeeee, Akihabara is now a manga/anime place (my favorite stuff from Japan, hint, hint), not so as much an electronics place like before. So, don't forget my uh-stuff and also the Japanese ATDW (& did they make a Japanese OMWH?)!!! When are you leaving?

  7. And I have to add my own countdown....8 more days until I go to Spam!!!!!! :)

    I found my first forecast for the 11th (not that I'm nervous about getting snowed in or anything):

    Cloudy with drizzle and flurries. High 38F and low 29F. Air Quality: NA, UV Index: NA


    Heh, I agree, definitely a brocolli, not a pickle...

    But.. but.. it's more fun if it were a pickle!


  8. Couldn't sleep and somehow all I could think of is how ridiculous it would be for Belle from BATB/Fiona/Bella to say, "Gee darling, why did you lie and not inform the townspeople that they were living next door to a Beast/Ogre/Vampire? Surely it's a safely issue. Yes, I know they would have broken out the pitchforks and lit bonfires but it's matter of trust!" *Mutters darkly under breath about how some people would've phoned Homeland Security to turn in E.T.*

    Me, I don't care if he's from Mars, Venus, Pern, Betazed, Mustafar, Ba'ku or Planet B612...

  9. Awwwwwww!!!! Just want to hug him too!!!! (yes I know I'm late to this but I was travelling yesterday)


    Joined the OFC contest even though I have those things already because they may be using the information they gather to collect data and count numbers (eg. to feed to a "where should a tour be planned" datamining engine - speculating wildly here). Can't think of any other reason to hold this particular contest other than to collect information. I hope I don't win though because someone else would be more thrilled with this particular "package".

    {{{luckiest1}}}{{{aikim}}} Sorry to hear about your workplace woes. I'm posting this not to boast but because 1 year ago I was so frustrated with my workplace situation (and I still am to some extent) but I just wanted to say that things can turn around pretty quickly. Yesterday, I arrived at work at 2:30 pm - really too late even for a "half day of work" and within an hour I received an IM saying "We need to talk". I was dreading it because surely who expects to stroll in at 2:30 and still keep their job but it turns out that people were relieved that I actually showed up, and just wanted to make sure I knew that that bit of tiresome work they attempted to push on me in the past is going away. They've always teased me that they get nervous whenever I go to NY and now I'm starting to believe them. Anyway, things are looking up and are much better than last year so I have hopes that your situations will improve too. Whistles (well, attempts to whistle) ALOTBSOL because there are hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs in recent weeks.

    {{{jazzgirl}}} I completely understand about the dentist and hope you don't have to visit again in the near future!!!

    I need to send extra-special thank you's to Playbiller and PerusingOne without whom my fun Thanksgiving weekend wouldn't have been possible! :BlowKiss: :blowkiss: :BlowKiss:

    I know I owe people things, especially goldarngirl, and will run off to work now so that I can return early enough to send these!!!

  10. Here is Clay's horoscope from Washington Post (by Holiday Mathis):


    Today's Birthday, Nov. 30: Every year you get better at giving your attention to what and whom you really love. You'll be spending your time in the most productive ways and life reflects your stellar priorities. A powerful person offers you help in December. A love match is made in January. Financial success in March emboldens you. Cancer and Virgo adore you.

    (bolding mine)...Yes I do!

    K'andre You rock!


    And I and about half the board--Cancer--adore him too!!

    Another Cancerian who adores him!!! :BlowKiss: (re-bolding mine)

    I don't know why but I couldn't post here this am so I had to put my birthday greetings on the blog comments.


  11. I gotta go get my car inspected. I don't wanna go get my car inspected. I wanna sit here on my butt and do nothing.

    I was in my happy place -- saw only the Clack segment from Rosie, saw bright eyes doing an interview (I don't use makeup enough to scrutinize it on other people), saw lots of hip thrusts and grinding over the last 24 hours.... then this?!!!

    Do I need to get my car inspected too? The insurance cards and 09 tags already arrived in the mail (haven't put them on) -- isn't that enought? How often do you get your car inspected? Will they say anything about teeny garage-door-colored scratches on the sides?

    ETA: Oh, in the middle of all that toni & I even forgot to mention the searing hot coconut dance!

    And during the first amen (the matinee, short sweet but deep one), he sang along with the knights behind his book when they attempted to duplicate his beautiful tones.

  12. We put up the lighted houses on play's mantel tonight (ok, play put them up and i stood in the way and ooh'ed and ah'ed). They're very pretty.

    "We" put them next to the ornament holder filled with Clay JNT balls from various cities.

    There were a few typo's here and there in the recaps but I'm not going to correct them tonight because the essential parts are there -- a fun, fun show with lots of energy.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement and the crossed fingers on the signs from FromClaygary, CM, Cindilu2 and ldyj. We need them! We'll going to do our best but right now it looks like a long shot. Clay didn't do the Stage Door tonight. But I'm plenty happy from the show itself; SD is always just icing on a cake and the cake tonight was soooo rich icing would have been redundant.

    Sunny 99.1 plays Clay? Who knew! When they interviewed him for OMWH they played a song from MOAM.

    Contentedly :offtobed:

    Non-Clay ETA: I didn't find anything wrong with the "Twilight" guy's hair. He's a vampire. Nice to find another pair to add to the list of centuries apart (well approx) relationships:

    Edward Cullen and Bella Swan

    Tommy Albright and Fiona MacLaren

    Jean-Luc Picard and Anij (trivia: Anij is played by Donna Murphy, B'way star of Passion "Loving You")

    Richard Collier and Elise McKenna

  13. Just checking in briefly to say how cute the videos and the new shirt are! Eeeeee!!! So many clips in just one day!!! And looking forward to more...


    I must have a juvenile mind because I just went to see Twilight with Mini-Scarlett (both of us for the 1st time) and enjoyed it a lot. :offtobed:

    ETA: Is he wearing the red equivalent of the Frisco blue shirt? ::Heart:: them both!

  14. ldyj, I think Word'll be fine. Just in case, I will also take a .jpg conversion. We're going to try to print this at playbiller's Fedex branch and so I can't ask before hand. Play? As for the design, maybe the ones who have theirs could share them with you for ideas.

    annabear, there's a nice bus to the Port Authority for $25 roundtrip -- the drivers are very helpful with luggage. The same bus goes to Bryant Park and Grand Central.

  15. "How many bath, body and hair products are really necessary?"

    Interesting question since I was pondering whether or not my bathroom finally needed cleaning (I decided no), but then I remember thinking recently that the ehP is really sparse when it comes to bathroom products. There were 5 of us sharing 2 bathrooms last week and my sink was practically bare. Only time I remember using make-up was at the River Rocks Gala, and I think Solo and KAndre also prefer the free makeovers in LA. We're either v. lazy or we just like what nature chose to distribute. Besides, it's not easy to put any stuff on when you have to change clothes in a car.

    ETA: Aikim, why not institute the same policy as the Airport people -- everything must fit into a quart-sized ziploc bag. I can do that easily that home, which is why I don't have to clean the bathroom very often.

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