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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. If anyone's in the market for a new computer (aikim?), here's a nice deal on a laptop that came up yesterday:


    At $1050 it has a 320GB 7200rpm drive, a 1gig video card, 4 GB of memory, a 1900x1200 screen, Gigabit Ethernet, 64-bit Vista, etc. It'll function like both a desktop and a laptop. It simply has the best and fastest video card in the "reasonable" price range -- comparable video cards can only be found in $3000 Alienware computers. Looks great too! And if your kids want to borrow (if you'll let them), it'll make a great gaming laptop as well!

    I'm very tempted to get it because my laptop is 5 years old (bought just before my first IT show in Tampa) and the hinge is broken from where I kicked it off the bed in Orlando when I flew to avoid a storm the night before the FL DCAT series, and the keyboard sticks on the 'A' because... oh,I'd better stop now because i"ll never get a new one if I keep talking memories.

  2. Is the clack here yet? I've got friends coming over this evening, and want to not be rude to them.

    I think if you want quick Clack, you'd have to try to get the Clackgathers tossed out of Sardi's / Juniors / whatever where they're probably all parked, eating and drinking and chatting it up.

    :5: Priorities, people!

    annabear also has nice video but yes, we're just starting to come back from the post-show parties -- bear with us. People wanted to hang around each other as long as possible today.

    Please, PLEASE, those of you who were there--give us every little tiny detail about Clay, Reed, the crowd, the reaction, the SD, the crowd singing, the reactions of the audience, the reactions of the other performers, the looks on Clay's face, etc. etc. etc.

    No pressure though.

    Will try to fill in all the gaps. We called at intermission but there was too much crowd noise to get things through. Will try to read what you already have and add what's missing and/or more details....


  3. I wanted to do a recap but someone told my roomies to make sure I eat and sleep... can't believe how late it is!

    So just wanted to wish everyone good morning and here's to a nice day!

    *can't believe that we're done with half the shows I was going to see. Only 3 more...* :cry4:

  4. Just a few things from this afternoon's matinee, January 2 (will continue the other recap soon -- hopefully not Clay's):

    When the cart in NYD started to push off to leave Clay sort of fell over backward into Lancelot who had to push him back into "his seat". Not sure if he lost his balance because of the momentum or because he'd raised both legs instead of swinging them alternately like he always does.

    When he tried to shake Jenny's hand in KOTRT, she high-five'd him so hard that it was more like a loud smack. Robin was so thrilled about this of course and bragged about it to Galahad.

    No kiss with the dice girl this afternoon but lots of lovey dovey gestures.

    LOTL sang Funkytown.

    Matthew, the nun, was out today and the monk almost dropped the new nun.

    Clay initially went for the wrong torch girl, but was so sweet when he found the real one.

    Rick was back so the slo-mo horse had great interaction between him and Clay, with Clay giving this totally disgusted look that had lots of tongue.

    Still more tongue in the entire show, even as early as NYD. Maybe we can all this "The Weekend of the Tongue"

    Jenny as cancan girl was so determined to get Robin that she half-climbed on his back.

    Then Knights of Ni made Clay laugh today because (I think) Rick stumbled on his lines a bit.

    He flicked the behind of the "nasty tights" girl with the back of his hand -- and it looked like she was waiting for it!

    It was great to have Rick and Tom back.

    At the wedding scene, Belvedere Patsy and Robin did their dance formation and then Clay did two subtle thrusts.

    Still love the confetti trumpet at the end -- he's been doing this all on of the shows I've seen since Thanksgiving.

    Mismatched striped socks -- blue and light green on the right, orange & red (?) on the left.

    Still does the twisting, grinding dance while the curtain drops, all the way until the very last sliver of light disappears from under the curtain

    Summary: He was adorable!!! (tm:canuck)

  5. January 1, 2009 Evening show

    The reviews at this fun movie, tv, dvd and comics site usually begin with a description of how the day went for the reviewer before going straight into the actual move review because they acknowledge that one's mood and outlook could color one's reactions. This was especially true of me tonight and probably will be for the rest of the week because I can't help but remember that "this is one of the last times that I will see this." I'm trying to keep a cheerful outlook, savor each moment and etch each detail firmly in my mind while keeping a close watch on Clay but once in a while I get schmoopie upon remembering how many more we have left.

    It was a great show show as always and as I've already mentioned to toni7babe, I once again saw more of the early Jan '08 'fraidy cat Sir Robin tonight, although he stuck to the Spam2 dialogue changes and actions. Clay's performance tonight seemed (to me) to be more subtle and understated but this was only because I'm comparing it to memories of more "hyper" shows. Maybe it was because, except for some scattered ClayNation strongholds like the first 2 rows, the crowd was mostly NJU's particularly Python fans.

    Tonight's subtlety didn't stop him from continuing to improvise, though. We're 5 shows away from the last one and I still saw him doing things I'd never seen before. Do you sometimes have to push away some money that's profferred to you? That's what Clay was doing when Lancelot kept trying to hand him ninepence-- he raised his arm and pushed Lancelot's hand away. Repeatedly and insistently. In the God scene,no one else remembers this and I could have been hallucinating but it's also possible that I was the only one close enough to hear, I thought I heard him exclaim "big feet" when the thing first appeared. He also sang a few new syllables -- remember how he does "so they couldn't bring a coconut back anyway" in a singsong manner? He also did the same thing with the word "Jews" somewhere in the middle of YWSOB. Ohh, before that in "Idol of my Age" he gave an excited and somewhat high pitched "Hah!" of triumph right after singing the "Idol of My Age" part.

    Despite the subtlety elsewhere, he was still very flirty with the girls. The drinks lady did a sort of back slide on his backside. He tried to reach out and touch the camelot tower girl but missed. He kept trying to shake the girls' hands,introducing himself as Robin but the thing that stuck from tonight was how he kept telling the girls with maces to "Be careful" and "Stop that" almost before they took out and revealed the maces. He was also especially concerned about the dancing monk and nun, telling them several times to be careful; when the nun was spun, he lifted both feet quite high and then proceeded to lay one ankle right there on the table to avoid putting it in the path of the speeding nun. At this point he was also interacting a lot with Belvedere across the way. Come to think of it, he was talking to his closing dance buddies a lot tonight (Patsy and Belvedere). BTW, LOTL sang "Drop It LIke It's Hot". Like he's been doing lately there was lots of tongue everywhere. Oh he still flirted thoroughly with the torch girl and kissed the dice girl before that. I'm so going to miss his Find Your Grail dance so much. The slow-mo horse had lots of tongue too but Rick wasn't there today to do the saliva splatter thing. The horse dismount wasn't so high tonight but he made up for it by getting all worked up at the "rude gestures". He again kicked the ground in front of the Taunter's castle. In the cancan dancers scene we can always count on Jenny to muss up his hair with her raised skirt.

    Oh, he also changed the way he reacted to the Knights of Ni's missive of putting together a musical and taking it to Broadway. Tonight, he seemed very excited at BOTH of these items -- the musical and Broadway, clapping happily and jumping about. In the past, he was excited about the musical but dejected about Broadway. Tonight, the initial prospect of taking a show to Broadway seemed to thrill him no end. Then, when he was alone at the center of the stage he seemed to realize what succeeding on Broadway entailed and became much more worried about the entire plan. Bottle dance was perfect as always. No woos on the huge tunic flip -- maybe all the Clay fans were still in mid-gasp. Good applause from the mostly NJU crowd.

    <to be continued>

  6. Just got back from a nice post-show get together with goldarngirl, preden, couchie, mblovesclay, fromclaygary, memyb, shamrock, diamondjake, annabear and permaswooned !!! It was great to catch up with everyone and just sit and talk Clay for a while. We all met at various places so people were talking about shows past. In case you're lurking, glad to meet you tonight annabear (finally!), preden and memyb!

    Oooh, KAndre's awake! Hi, K!!! *waves wildly*

    ETA: Tried to catch up and got excited too quickly upon reading that people were claiming Clay's pouchie (what. it's page 69)... and then realized that it was a sweater. As sweaters go, I like his collection. I even have a cross between the grey pouchie and this one. Except that mine has a hood and probably cost 1/3 of his; it's very warm and soft though since it's cashmere from china/mongolia. Discovered today that thin&warm fibers are the key to layers -- can't believe I set a personal record of 5 layers of clothes today. Whatever Clay has about layers, it's contagious. Beware!

    ETAA: I also still like the Rolling Stone sweater.

    EYATA: And if you'll let me have a turn with it, ldyjocelyn and aikim, I'll mend the unraveling parts of the green sweater to make sure it's wearable for another 5-10 years.

  7. <snip>

    Can't wait to see everyone tonight!! Still no red from last night? I'm determined to make everyone see red this weekend?

    There was no show last night...hence no red...looking forward to it tonight though!


    Oh, right. I knew that... :hahaha: (no not really -- thanks for the explanation, aikim!)

  8. Hi! Just checking in on a beautiful New Year's Day in NYC! The sun is shining, the sky is clear and though it's rather cold, everything is sparkly and fresh!

    Glad to hear that couchie and muski are fine. Travel safely, annabear! KAndre, rest well then send us the pictures/recaps!

    I'm moving to the Edison now as I don't have the heart to ask the Courtyard for a 3rd extension past checkout time -- hee!

    Can't wait to see everyone tonight!! Still no red from last night? I'm determined to make everyone see red this weekend?

  9. I'm home and ALIVE!

    I'll tell y'all all about my trip tomorrow as I need to soak my poor abused feet and thighs...if you don't wanna walk, Tokyo is not for you!

    Happy New Year, y'all!

    Scarlett, send me your freaking new number.

    Sent! Glad to see you back.

  10. Happy New Year everyone!

    This year I'm especially thankful for good friends and great company!

    My plane arrived at LGA 25 minutes ahead of time, though we did have to wait a bit at the gate. The hotel that Solo pricelined at $125 (on New Year's Eve!!!) sent the shuttle to pick me up within 5 minutes -- even I'll say that was cold! Wind chill of 0 degress, wow!!! Everyone was friendly ahd helpful -- the driver who shooed me into the van and took care of my bags and the front desk people who were sympathetically freezing with me (swore they hated the cold as much as Texans).

    Now I'm warm in my room with a cup of soup and chunk of bread from Au Bon Pain (at the airport). I could go outside and the front desk people were encouraging but I think I'm ok and will just cozy up with a good book and the Internet.

    Thanks to everyone for a great year, especially PerusingOne and Solo who enable me almost every week!!!

    I'm going to Spam tomorrow, Eeeeee!!!!

    ETA: And I just got back to a PM from PerusingOne that she found me a great Friday afternoon ticket -- I'm just about to burst! Here's to a great year ahead of us!!!

    ETAA: ldyj, thank you for the beautimous pics!!!

    ETYAA: kimiye, OMG, I forgot to send you my new phone. I PM'ed it just now. Thanks for all the restaurant recommendations -- I guess I'm not going to Megu's though I'm glad you were able to go when they still had that great lunch deal; nevermind, the noodles at Sapporo rock!!!

  11. It was great to see your post, AAIT!!! Thanks for the Beyonce link. By any chance was Linda there tonight as well? Can't wait to see you!!!

    Couchie, Happy trip & see you there!!!

    BTW, if you have my old cell number I'm switching to a new one tonight. New year, new phone. If you have the old number and would like the new one, pls let me know. I'll also PM the new number by default to Couchie, Annabear, goldarngirl luckiest1 and fromclaygary, just so someone knows how to reach me.


  12. Oh, sorry ldy, got too distracted by the pic. I'm v. glad to hear that you had a great time and that you got your picture with him *still mourns the signs we tried to do*

    Fear, a faux Spamalot sound great! After this Sunday that's all we'll have.... *weeps* :cry4:

    kimiye, thanks so much for the tip! What's the name of the other Japanese place close to Ground Zero (the pricey-at-night but decent & a great value at lunch one)? :BlowKiss:

  13. From butterflyshine last night (12/29/08)

    Ok while the photos are processing, yes, I have a lot...eeee....

    Here is my recap:

    Tons and tons of NJU, I was standing in the back, and I didn't think the crowd was quiet at all...so i guess it is just a matter of perspective...hee....didn't see Faye, but glad to know she was there

    --Clay chewed on his strap of his helmet during the opening guard scene...

    --I had a feeling got a very nice reaction

    --coconuts migrating got a great laugh (the crowd really loved the Python jokes)

    --did the sing song anywaaaays

    --mimicked Rick's dancing

    --Poked Tom with his triangle striker

    --the whole play on words with kneel got a huge laugh

    --Idol of my Age got a very nice reception

    -- Reached out and touched the Vegas Girl and tried to introduce himself to the other Camelot girls...the red dancer shook his hand...very excited...

    --bent down to look up skirts

    --hug from behind from the drink girl...she spooned him

    --he swatted her on her butt

    --tried to introduce himself to Jenny Hill (blue dancer)

    --tried to meet LOL...she brushed him off

    --Galahad caught the glove

    --LoL sang drop it like it's hot

    --kissed the dice girl on the lips...Tyra style

    --audience loved somebody swallowed it...

    ---audience liked the cymbal thing...Clay made faces...

    --very entranced with the flame girl

    --find your grail got great applause

    --Rick did the throw my shoes at you line as the French Taunter...crowd loved it...

    --got very caught up in the rude gestures and kept point to and fro before spitting out his line

    --Rick had the crowd rolling during the Taunter scene

    --Clay kicked the dirt just before the rabbit came out...

    --Clay peered into the crack of the rabbit when he said his "oh wow" line...

    the Knights of Ni were the keeper of the scared word of ni knuck knuck

    loved the Bright Side of Life...Love Tome

    When Clay reached down to stop Tom's tambourine, he kind of tapped it a couple of times...

    Rick did big butts ...get sprung and Clay just looked all around and a bit bewildered....

    the girl in naughty tights got flicked on the butt...

    the Jew line during YWSOB was drawn out...

    Very nice applause on YWSOB

    --Merle got nice applause on her Diva's Lament

    --Guard scene...he looked like he was trying to focus several times...and then before Rick came out he had his ribbons in his mouth...

    Tom was quite adorable...really milked the time before Rick introduces him to his father

    The King and Patsy really milked the Broadway the whole time...looked bewildered and amazed...the crowd loved it...

    --Crowd loved heavily armed Christians

    --amen was fabulous...sung aahhhhay men...the other knights tried and couldn't replicate it...

    B101 is the peasant

    Wally said it was a hebrew declaration of sexual orientation bi oy

    Rick did that yay boi

    Peasant was very cute and seemed a bit shy and timid...Clay was waving to the crowd...maybe to Faye?

    They scared the Peasant when they sang at her ...she visibly jumped...

    He popped his top hat or his topcat hee...

    hip thrust...2 large ones

    confetti horn...

    pics in a minute

    this recap may travel....

    Some more favorites...



  14. Is it bad to say I am from CT and that weather report doesn't seem that bad

    I'm from Houston and it doesn't seem that bad -- a nice break from the muggy last few days when I had to keep shooing myself away from the A/C switch.

    btw, :welcome23:

    claytonic, I'm impressed with your Filipiniana knowledge!!! My lumpia is actually much simpler than that (few ingredients, fewer things to mess up).

  15. Now I am a ground-breaker! Oh Lord, what have I started!

    (hopefully some good smutting!)

    waves to nuttyprofessor


    (bolding mine) Ok, where's muski?

    Someone needs to make something of this -- last summer, Clay said in an interview that he was constantly being told to shut off the water while brushing his teeth...

    BTW, couchie, this weekend I made some lumpia -- have you tried those?

  16. Bwah, aikim - you're a bad girl! Who knew? tmKing Arthur.

    You know though, IIU and IIT - I sure hope that Reed would be able to see Clay as Sir Robin before his run is over. He'd have to be a pretty brave knight himself to subject himself to the Claymates!

    If Quiana, Angela and Nick will be there it shouldn't be too difficult.

    BTW, tell me if I'm going too far but it seems that aikim also broke new ground in smutting with some *coughsemecoughrolecough* assumptions. oh wow! (tm: cute knight) Congrats, aikim!

    *keeping fingers crossed for couchie's chow mein*

  17. My new Carolina blog is about "The Waiting List" and Broadway World's "11 Stars A-Shining." From the "live feed," I can tell you that lots of people have arrived at the site by searching for "Clay Aiken The Waiting List."

    After I read fan concerns about TBAF not being named per se, I typed in "Clay Aiken's Foundation." TBAF comes right up. It is also linked in the blog. Have no fear; I think everything is covered. :whistling-1:

    Glad you checked the links Caro! Yes, I've seen you at or near the top of technorati and the other blog searches (I only listed the web results in my post) and was always relieved to see your entry since I know you'd guide people to the foundation's main site.

    Thanks, ladies. :bighug:I'm looking forward too, but Spamalot, the wonderful cast and Sir Robin will always have a special place in my heart.

    I'll be here next weekend too. *sniffle* I won't complain too loudly though, as I was fortunate to see it many times. You know what the man says though, you can never have enough Clay Aiken. *g*

    Would that man be Reed?

    "blushes furiously"


    LOL at both the original thought and also the picture of aikim smutting and blushing at the same time. :cryingwlaughter:

    Then again it's about time someone smutted. I haven't seen any mentions or speculation on how quickly fans would spot someone carrying roses into the theatre this time around.

  18. Spam1227E_1.jpg

    Awww, I love this shot! That's still my favorite hair.

    KAndre, you're making me so hungry that I almost want to get up and drive to Willowbrook for some unagi. Could you take some pictures of the buttons in the bathrooms? I completely forgot to do this 2 weeks ago when we went back to Morimoto's and some people were curious about the list of available options.

    Have a great trip and can't wait to see the pictures!!!


  19. Er, yes .... Shinjuku is actually the busiest train station in the world. That's why I named the specific exit. It has umpteen gates all around it. There is only 1 Exit named South Gate -- the others are New South Gate, Southeast Gate, East Gate, Central East Gate, etc. And those other 3 stations are not Shinjuku. They're Shinjukusanchome, Shinjukugyoenmae and Sendagaya.

    OTOH, Shibuya sounds great! ...And wasn't the entire area around the station interesting anyways? Hope you found some excellent shops and things![/sv]

  20. Just had this urge to check "Clay Aiken's foundation" on all the major search engines:

    Aside from google, TBAF also comes up first on yahoo, lycos, hotbot and altavista. It's second on livesearch and netscape (after an icky first link). The first entry on Gigablast is an article on the Vanderbilt camp that lists the name of the foundation and the website. Ask.com and AOL both list it as 5th and 6th -- their first is a Spamalot link.

  21. I think that as long as what he did say came across well then it's all good. That's what people remember most.

    "Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important."

    People would have to search anyway because many don't know how to spell it even after hearing it. It's not that difficult to google for "Clay Aiken's foundation" -- the first thing that comes up is www.bubelaiken.org

    ETA: And thanks for the quick screencap, cindilu! :thankyou:

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