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Posts posted by Scarlett

  1. Are you willing to ride on the humpy thing between the seats? Do you understand the occasionally necessity of changing clothes while driving down the freeway with the top down? Are you cool with the concept that getting lost sort of accidentally on purpose is a good thing? That speed limits are sort of suggestions? That shrieking madly while passing slower peons is really fun? Are you willing to over/underdress for the occasion? Scarlett has dibs on shotgun - and it's one of the few times I drive....otherwise we're good!

    :cryingwlaughter: You rolled up the window, that should have been enough. And yes, we never did dress exactly right, did we? I loved last summer -- what'll we do this year?

    Liney, we're good on gas (I have a discount). We just need to be reminded to get some once in a while. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    eta: I never used ringtones before today but.... now I don't want to put my phone on silent mode anymore.(Solo, when are you going to call me?)

  2. If it's about getting more people, not necessarily "cool" ones, why do the NJU's bring a special excitement?

    Why aren't we hoping for MUPLU's (More Uncool People Like Us) or YAHOCITM's (Yet Another Horde of Claymates-in-the-making) or even TLOTMAFCIAWHBCY's (The Last of the Middle-aged Female Caucasians in America Who Haven't Been Clayverted Yet)? People (not on this board) are pushing for demographics that they aren't a part off; what'll happen if TC took their suggestions to heart about actively working to shift his demographics to the 18-24 age group? Where would they end up? They'd have to drag in five 18yo's for every 50yo just to keep the average below 24.

    :cryingwlaughter:KAndre, the VR fans are blaming me for Libertad because I killed their "edginess" by going to the GMA launch of ATDW wearing their T-shirt and (horrors!) getting caught on TV. ;p (ps. the t-shirt you saw was the old hot pink one from Contraband; my new one for Libertad is red and takes up 40% less material)

    ETA: ldyj, I'm not referring to your joy in finding people like KF. I ::heart:: folks like KF too. (I actually met one from Montreal last month who only discovered Clay last December). To me, KF was never a NJU -- she was always one of us and just didn't know it yet.

  3. Ok I just have to laugh to keep from...uh laughing harder. Is anybody else junk mailed/spammed <traditional definition> due to one Clay Aiken. I got a big ass package in the mail today from the Omaha Symphony. It took me a minute to remember why I keep getting mail from Duke medical center. And UNICEF well I won't call it spam, how about solicitation heh. But I have enough name labels to take me to my 20 year anniversary of "Take." And I won't get started on email...

    I got an e-mail from Telecharge today.... it said, " BEEN HIBERNATING ALL WINTER? NOW'S THE TIME TO GET OUT AND SEE A BROADWAY SHOW!"

    LOL -- do they even bother to check their records? This is their second funniest moment to me. The best was the time they called PerusingOne to ask...

    "You have 8 tickets to the same show on different dates. Are you sure you really wanted to buy these?"

    On topic.... still loving this even more tonight....

    I really wish fans would do themselves a favor and simply listen to these songs...to this CD for the music and for their own enjoyment and forget about NJU's, radio and critics. If you fall in love with the song...then others will too.

    Ansa, I have been thinking this all day. I will never understand why the NJUs are more important than the fans. Although I haven't listened to the song so I can't comment on it, my opinion will be mine and I wouldn't expect anyone else to be swayed by it.

    Ansa & Fear, I'm curious about that too. Early on it was a major concern that without the NJU's Clay wouldn't have a career and so he might have to find something else to do and we'd never see or hear him again, ever! *sob* Well that didn't happen and we did just fine for years without the NJU's. Why is it still a big deal now? Are we all really just competitive? Is it about a burning need to show up the creeps down the hall who dared mock our Clay Aiken love? Is it a Ruben/Kelly/Carrie thing about being the Idol with the biggest? Are we like Prince Herbert's father, seeking bigger, better, higher, faster for our "kids" regardless of what they want?

    I went to see Alice in Chains and Velvet Revolver recently, and while I think it would be cute to see Clay do some of the things they do (eg. the part where scott - this was before the split - removed his shirt halfway through the show) it's not a do-or-die thing. How many of those who want to see "edgy" Clay actually spend significant time and money on people who already are considered "edgy"? Does "edginess" last and if it doesn't why do we want it for him?


    play, oooh I adore bonuses almost as much as I love gadgets!!!

  4. on the eHP rooms:

    merrieeee, wasn't excluding you, just talking to the folks who were logged in.

    so far it looks like:

    72 degrees - Heidi, KF, 00lsee

    80 degrees - KAndre, merrieeee, couchie

    75 degrees - Solo, PerusingOne, Scarlett

    Are you SURE that 80 degrees is warm enough for KAndre??? <g> It was the Amazon or some other equally warm and humid place in her room last time. And I’ve heard stories about YOU Miss Scarlett about leaving the room windows open in wintertime. <g>

    *blinks innocently, who me?* ... LOL! Well I had to open the window for one important reason -- to breathe. It was either that or grow gills.

    KAndre comes skipping in...

    eHP rooms:

    It's not the heat, it's the humidity! HA HA!

    Scarlett can keep dreaming - PerusingOne's laptop alone adds 4 degrees to the ambient temperature of the bed!

    And I didn't have a fireplace going in July in Raleigh...I'm just sayin'.

    We found a great compromise last February. The room stays at 75. PerusingOne wears a sweater and jammies. Solo and I wear tank tops.

    Clay's music:

    Likes him some country, don't he?

    The only artists he listed that I generally like are Clay Aiken and Alison Krauss!

    And I am rolling over "Crooner's Christmas"!

    And did he really add the import versions of MOAM?

    Can't believe I now have 2 versions of Gabriel's Oboe on my playlist (checks post from last September). How many people have 1? I'm keeping my old version because I like oboes playing oboes. *hovers protectively over "Crooner's Christmas"* I love seeing his name in that list.

  5. I love that Clay was able to do an album where "there will be something everyone won't like, but also something everyone WILL like." Most everything being sold today has been market-researched to death -- food, clothes, furniture, etc. You don't get shelf space unless you've been rated ok-or-better by 80% of your customer base (I'm just pulling numbers here). Case in point: yarn. Every spring and fall the yarnmakers come out with their "new" line but they're primarily the "safe" colors with a few "highlights" tossed in. You betcha there'll be tons of blue; I happen to love blue, especially his hoodie color, but if I didn't I'd be sick of it because every shipment year after year has it because blue yarn will always sell. It always sells because hardly anyone will object to it. Same story for furniture, except that instead of blue it's that standard boring tan/taupe shade that should be named "Pottery Barn Wasteland Brown".

    Because he made an album where there will be songs that maybe "everyone won't like", this tells me that he didn't go with (or wasn't made to go with) all the safe choices, the generic songs you hear on the radio today that all sound alike because no one want to risk upsetting people so we end up with a bunch of "blah" songs that we may not particularly hate but which most people won't particularly love either. It gives me hope that every song on OMWH has that "special something" which some people may "dislike" but which others will be absolutely thrilled with or better yet "love with the heat of a thousand suns".

    If he made that kind of album and he's as happy about it as he looked on the interview videos, then he got the album I always wanted him to make. *beams happily for him* :)

    on the eHP rooms:

    merrieeee, wasn't excluding you, just talking to the folks who were logged in.

    so far it looks like:

    72 degrees - Heidi, KF, 00lsee

    80 degrees - KAndre, merrieeee, couchie

    75 degrees - Solo, PerusingOne, Scarlett

  6. Chick, I walked in and it was 91 degrees! It's now down to 80 and I have turned the AC off! Dream on!

    Well, the AC here in my office has been at 72 all day... (and I'm not paying for it).

    FromClaygary, how about coming for the International Quilt Show?

    Ansa, welcome back!!! How was the weather?

    Hee, Heidi! For our trip at the end of April we'll have 3 rooms (at least) for the 9 of us: You can have the Baby Bear temperature, I'll have the Mama Bear (and I'm keeping Solo & PerusingOne) and KAndre will have the Papa Bear one... Couchie? 00lsee? Hot or cold?

  7. {{{FromClaygary}}} Come and visit us where *... winter is forbidden 'til December... and exits March the 2nd on the dot... *

    Nice recap, LDJ!!! So happy for you!!!

    KAndre how she just now walked in her apartment and turned on the AC as soon as possible because it was a tad warm inside...

    Yep, winter sucks!

    You actually switched on the AC??? To 'cool'??!!!

    *Pumps arm in a Yesssss motion!!! And PerusingOne compromised on 75 degrees in NYC last February!!! Pretty soon, we can all share one room again!!!*

    Envious of people who are at home while I'm still typing away at work...

    merrieeee, how 'bout some SHO tix?

  8. Thanks so much for the beautimous pics, Gibby!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I hope people aren't reliving their experience and everything that came with it.

    I'm reliving it all -- that tingly shiver in my spine whenever he whispered "dark" as in "You would rather die than leave us in the dark" and the surge of passion that begins with "You were the Victor and the King" until I pretty much stop breathing from "You are the strength when we have none" on to the end when I'm left gasping as he is slowly lowered from the stage. If anyone beside me had stormed off in a hissy fit during that time I wouldn't have noticed nor would have cared unless the now empty seat were closer to the center than mine, giving me an opportunity to move up.

  9. atinal, what's your laptop's model? If it's like mine, there's a sliver of a button near the center of the keyboard that's usually lit in blue. Or you could try go to Start->ControlPanel->Network Connections. There'll be a small icon for your wireless connection. Right-click on it and pick "Enable" from the pop-up-menu.

    ETA: I see that Gibby was much quicker. *waves to Gibby*

  10. Scarlett is having a sinful amount of fun and eating cheesecake.

    And I was also on the phone with KAndre trying to find a name for Clay's dance moves -- still trying to figure out what they call the one he does on 'Find Your Grail' right after he gets up from the slo-mo horse. Quiana and Jacob were doing it during the JBT and Clay wasn't even attempting it then, you know, the one Will Smith does a lot?

    Hi {{{ldj}}} Get well soon! Ms Marmalade posted that quote. I was intending to copy and paste it everywhere as an original post but everyone is so quick about bringing things that it propagated faster than I could go around.

    I really have to say that the bottle dance from the dead center seat is a killer. I was with xxx4clay tonight and he was headed straight at her!!!

    The entire tower scene last night was just perfect -- all his facial exressions, the gestures with the strap, the perfect dsomewhat bored, irreverent tone towards King Arthur

    KAndre wouldn't have liked our rooms last night -- I left every single window ajar until morning!

    00lsee, if you're at the right side (eg. the seat that Cotton posted about a few days ago) you can see him at the back when Tom makes his entrance.

  11. ::::gives Scarlett a big squishie hug::::

    I missed you!! Have you been sneakin' off and doing bad things with our boyfriend in NYC??

    Hugs merrieeee right back! Well, there was something about some coconuts and confetti but that's so two weeks ago. I have your Extra Large Clay Aiken... Spamalot T-shirt (what'd you think I was going to say?) Solo is our designated recapper for the Feb. 15-16 weekend -- just don't believe anything she says about me in the ladies room in Morimoto's. The stall door was closed so how could she tell how many buttons I was pushing?

    I've been setting up a new home next door to the, uh, Shell Houston Open. It's not quite ready yet and any clack and yarn I owe people is in a huge pile of stuff in the middle of the living room. I made the mistake of asserting my independence by planning this move for the exact 2 weekends that the friendly neighbor would be in Canada because I wanted to do it "all by myself" -- huge mistake! My quads (those are the opposites of hamstrings, right?) are killing me because it's a 2nd floor unit and I've been on this "stairmaster" for 2 weeks. It's not as bad this weekend as the first one, though. Lesson learned for Miss Independence: don't be too proud to accept help and to delegate, especially if it involves lifting and/or gravity. On the bright side, I've tested the Internet connection and it works fine; don't know yet about the stove or dishwasher.

    Welcome, gloch! Did you remember to bring some shrubbery?

    Scarlett, yes I did and it has a very delicious "Cat smell." I just have to tell you that you are my hero and have given me hours and hours of smiles.

    *waves hand to waft the scent* Ooooh, I love the cat smell. You're very welcome! Unfortunately, if you're waiting on anything from summer or winter 2007 (including another Syracuse LAA from the front row), all I can say is that it's somewhere in the building and will eventually see the light of day. :)

    *squishes Gibby right back v. tightly* :thbighug-1:

    Cotton, I leave in 4 sleeps (well, knowing me I'll probably turn it into 3 sleeps). See you there!!! Nite-nite!

  12. Like merrieeee and keepingfaith said, it has been GORGEOUS here this weekend - and to top it all off, my bestest friend's in the world that I've known since high school baby brother got married Saturday (he's a forty year old baby) - the wedding was outdoors and gorgeous and sunny and I thought I was FREEZING my ass off because it was in the 60's until I see you people's picture and I went and hugged my thermometer.

    What a beautiful day we had:

    There's a legal limit to the snow here

    The winter is forbidden till December

    And exits March the second on the dot

    Summer lingers through September

    By nine p.m. the moonlight must appear

    (ok, maybe not that last one...)

    Cotton, I uploaded XviDs a few days later "soon" after the event. If you only got the mpgs that Sunday, there was more stuff & better versions of the songs. (or like KAndre said above)

    There's much to be said about a video card with HD output... and a monitor with HD input.

    Welcome, gloch! Did you remember to bring some shrubbery?

    merrieeee, I think I already shook her right (ie. wrong) hand and we were wearing gloves at the time. (nope, not boxing ones)

  13. Oh, one more tidbit from this afternoon -- King Arthur almost missed the shrub/cave while lobbing the hand grenade. Yes, that huge thing. The grenade ended up right near the edge, a couple more inches and it would have hit the floor and perhaps bounced off. (maybe he's been taking lessons from Clay? /jk) LOL! :cryingwlaughter:

    ETA: jamar, however I think Clay can beat Santana in the "cutest little butt wiggle" category.

  14. Play, we come to the clay aiken boards to exchange information and share fan moments. Who's going to give those reports if those who do go will stop writing about their adventures, Clique? Life has ups and downs and different people can go at different times. 10 years ago I ran and devoted a lot of time to a Broadway board even though I never could see the shows I loved because of my circumstances then.
  15. From RVz Lady at the CH:

    During today's matinee, I thought Clay looked better than last night - but there was a part during his solo were he "missed" a line and a half. That is to say, he opened his mouth and sang the words - but nothing came out. He is a trooper how he keeps going like nothing happened, but I felt bad for him anyway. Everything else, as usual, was perfect.

    Scarlett did you notice this?

    Merrieeee, it wasn't that nothing came out -- chopped up and/or "different" syllables came up. I thought it was because of a mike issue. Solo and PerusingOne didn't even notice -- probably because it was that short (or long, hee!) and between us it was PerusingOne who was closest to Clay.

  16. I have been told not to talk about going too many times because it makes others feel bad, but I do believe there is someone else at this board who has and will continue to surpass my show attendance.
    play, hee, I resemble that remark and I'm proud of it... so sorry we didn't see you today. we were holding B1 for you. hoping for a next time...

    About this weekend's shows and Jerome's announcement...


    as far as Clay being sick -- I have worked stage shows where the leads have literally been throwing up and coughing their brains out backstage, but as soon as they're "on" they seem fine and the audience has no clue whatsoever -- adrenaline and "the show must go on" kicks in and you just do it ... I just hope Clay goes to bed and rests all day tomorrow thru' Tuesday and lets his body heal ...

    While it's my opinion that the shows from this weekend were just as fun and energetic as they were last week, I'm not disputing anything announced by Jerome. We all know how beautifully Clay can still sing even with a terrible case of vertigo ( Long Island JNT05). I think it's a combination of adrenaline, professionalism, willpower and teamwork that made this weekend's shows as special as they were. It seemed to me that the rest of the cast seemed to be performing at a higher energy level. This afternoon, I noticed this in particular with King Arthur and Patsy and last night with Lancelot, Belvedere and Galahad. As for Clay, I don't know where he pulls the strength from but he's been kicking as high as ever and I'm absolutely positive I saw his eyes twinkling at some point on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. He actually broke & laughed for a teeny bit this afternoon during the slo-mo horse because PerusingOne beside me was giggling so loudly at how much he had extended his tongue this time 'round.

  17. I am a true believer that things happen for a reason. With his lack of oxygen for so long, if he would of survived, he would of been severely developmentally disabled. We would of coped and loved him, but God saw to take him. You know when your children hurt you hurt for them. I will always remember, after I held him this afternoon, that he was a beautiful baby, with the most perfect features. My DIL wanted some pictures taken so she could remember him. She had some done of his perfect hands and feet.

    {{{{{gbmifan and family}}}}} So sad to hear about your grandson. You're right that in that things happen for a reason.

    My youngest was a precious gift even though I could only hold him for 12 glorious weeks. Maybe we needed more angels.

    I wish you strength and hope to guide your loved ones through these sad times.

    "God grows weary of great kingdoms but never of little flowers" - Tagore

  18. Awhile ago, I downloaded some converters and found a couple to be hard to use and slow. I don't think the ones I tried were ones mentioned here recently. One of them ran forever, then gave me a message that because it was the free version it only produced 30 seconds. Ugh.

    I ended up with goldwave and so far converted several songs from the Christmas tour. It was easy to use and fast. The free version supposedly tracks the number of files you convert with a limit on the total, at which point you need to decide to purchase or to lose it.

    Question. Are there any converters that separate the voices so you can remove individual sounds from the audio? I have a good version of the introductory song from the Christmas tour but there is a woman's voice yelling out that she love's Clay and a man's voice yelling out something that I can't figure out. I would love to take out those two voices from the audio. Does anyone know about any free or inexpensive software that has this capability?

    I have another audio that I like for Celebrate Me Home but I want the voice part from the play towards the end removed. That may be easy. It seems like it would be a matter of cutting out a section of the audio. So I think this problem is covered.

    DH loved the CD except for DSIAFCD. He laughed at all the screaming on that song. Clay's voice is sublime on the opening phrases of that song but I never cared for it much overall.

    Since you already have Goldwave, you can add filters to remove certain things. For example, if the woman's voice is strident, you can remove that part. However, if the man's voice is relatively similar (in pitch not quality) to Clay's that'll be difficult. Separating human voices from instruments is relatively easy & I think some auto minus-one devices are available for this though goldwave already has the functions you need.


    I had the most fun sitting with Ethel and other nice people at the middle of the front row on Saturday night. Meeting Ethel at the Florida VFC (where she stood by and waited to talk to me while I finished my business with the Gala) has been one of my best gifts from this fandom.

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