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Everything posted by ncgurrl

  1. Anyone in the UC system who needs an H1N1 vaccine should check with your Student Health Center. My campus advertised their initial 'students only' clinic but by searching their website I found faculty and staff were included in this week's clinics for $10 a shot. I just got mine and am greatly relieved.
  2. Do you think that because of H1N1 we are starting to do things we should have been doing all along. I know some of my new habits are starting to become second nature. Just small stuff like when using public washrooms I pull the paper towel I need and then wash my hands. Then I use the towel to open the door and toss it in the trash on the way out. When I get home I wash my hands before I do more than hollar a greeting to my family. I do it that way all the time now. My house is still dusty and cluttered, but those are my messes and germs not some strangers.
  3. H1N1 and Seniors immunity. There are lots of theories about why seniors seem to have some protection against H1N1. Bottom line is that if the vaccine is available to you no matter your age it is recommended you get it. Fox News Health Page McKnights news page
  4. I am packed and ready to fly out in the morning. I will try to have twice the fun just for you. :04:
  5. Oh, God. I hadn't thought of this but....I just KNOW there are some 'fans' who will think it's just fine to do just that. But I'll keep the faith and hope that good sense and decency will prevail. I think I remember the same concerns when Vernon died, but I don't remember if any of it came to pass. Let's hope not. Today has been a wonderful day....almost perfect, I'd say. I got up and baked a lemon zucchini loaf before anyone even woke up. I took my mom and daughter with me to the farmer's market, which I love. We went out for a Vietnamese/Thai lunch. We grocery shopped and then my daughter and I baked a pumpkin cheesecake and a pumpkin pie. I walked the dogs in the sunshine. I gardened (well, I pulled out all my tomato and pepper plants before they could freeze tonight). I have green tomatoes coming out of my ears. My older son finally got up the guts to introduce his new girlfriend to the family and she is v.v. nice. My younger son kept his cool today even when I could tell he was ready to lose it. In less than one week, I will be in Raleigh with friends and I will see Clay again. Everyone here thinks I am a bit warped, but these things make me happy. Life is good and I am thankful. How about tucking a loaf in your suitcase next week.
  6. I spent about four hours today getting my nails, toes and hair done. Also in the salon was a lovely woman with her mother. Mother is 85 years old, has Alzheimers and is physically very fragile. It was her birthday. She was getting a new haircut, lunch out and a flu shot for her birthday. She was treated like a queen by the staff. Her daughter kept pulling a video camera out to record the events. Her daughter records every little thing about her mother now. She says her mother pops up with spontaneous comments that she is so happy to have on tape. Evidently her mother is living in a home but the daughter goes over every day to visit and tuck her mother in at night because she knows her mother's time is short now. She said every moment they have together is a blessing.
  7. #2 face is beautiful but it is the fingers in that photo that put it over the top for me.
  8. We'll never know unless Clay tells us, but it makes me curious about how much his Spam Fam helped him with his process of coming out publicly. I do not know the answer either but for whatever caused it, I am grateful. I love the glow that envelops Clay now.
  9. Really? You are giving permission to call you shallow? If so, then, yes, that sounds shallow to me. Clay has always been a chameleon. People change as they mature. That is normal. Clay was a beautiful young man and now he is a beautiful slightly older man only in less pain. That works for me. It is the light inside shining out through those eyes of his that influences my thoughts of his beauty.
  10. "Personnel" issues are employment related. "Personal" issues are, well, personel.
  11. Last year my boss married his partner of 39 years. They met in college and knew right away they had something real. A coworker has been with his partner at least 20 years and I know at least one other gay couple that has been together for 15 years. Sounds like the odds are as good, or as bad, as for straight couples.
  12. Just as soon as they fuck Clay over the way the last one did be it from venality or just plain incompetence. If that happens I will be a proud member of the FUDCA. I am not one to think that loving an artist means I have to love his label. A record label is a business. It needs to show me it can produce results just as any other business does. Only then will I develop some sort of brand loyalty. I am a fan of Clay Aiken, period.
  13. I think it is possible to like or even love ATDW and still recognize that it was probably the wrong album at the wrong time and inadequately promoted by RCA. I enjoy the album itself. I think it is well crafted and provided an opportunity for Clay to add input to the final product as I do believe Clay was able to assert himself to get some of that control. Broken Wings is unexpectedly beautiful. The interweaving of voices tell the story of I Want to Know What Love Is. Those are just two examples of what I liked about the album. However I think the switch up from the original Clay/Jaymes concept what should be the next album, the timing of its release along with spotty promotion that changed midstream and the inconsistant availability of stock did much to insure less than favorable results. I do not believe that was all accidental. People, not just fans, were waiting for Clay's all important sophomore outing. He still had buzz. He was expected to sell big. The album was supposed to establish his sense of musical style and voice. Everyone knew that first stuff post show was Clive's vision. This album was supposed to be Clay's. It was to a minor degree, but the one song that was uniquely Clay was only available as a bonus track and barely saw the light of day. I curse RCA for what was done to Lover All Alone. So, yes, I love ATDW and enjoy listening to it, though probably not as much as OMWH. However, I am also a true blue member of the FURCA club and thus it will always be.
  14. What hurt Trenyce for me was her incessant tapping on the microphone. Drove. Me. Crazy. Well that and the fact that no matter what she did with her voice, her eyes were dead. It made everything she performed lack life/spark no matter how much effort and energy she put into it. Has that changed with new life experiences? I hope so.
  15. The 2006 scandal/JP crap. I can't even acknowledge that there was a scandal. The rumors of Clay's career being upended by the "mess" was always a non-issue to me. Only when I joined the online fandom in early June 2006 (after AI5 finale) did I hear about this "mess," which I truly believe was only an issue between the online fans and the internet haters (and I do believe there are online haters working against every celebrity, every cause, every sports team -- you name it.) Anyway, I too had to ask what was the "mess" after I joined the fan club. It just wasn't out there in the big world like so many assume it was. Nobody I knew in my whole life ever mentioned anything to do with it. I don't live in a cave, I read newspapers and magazines and watch TV and have been on the internet since 1995, but the "mess"age never got through to me, or anyone I knew at the time. To me, the true mess was that some fans allowed themselves to become reactionary and turned inside out by a disgusting creepy crawler and some flying monkeys whose reason to exist can probably be summed up as follows: Promulgate fear, doubt and loathing for anything positive and good, and by any means necessary stamp out joy before it spreads. I think that's their mission statement. Personally, I don't think it was necessary or advantageous to ever acknowledge such pathetic low-lifes. In fact, I try to make it a point to never be stirred by shit-stirrers. I can't stop what they do and what they say. They get away with nothing because living within themselves has to be a most negative experience, and punishment plenty. However, that being said .... Fuck 'em and the frog they rode in on. Yahoo!!!!!!!!! Ride em Cowboy!!!!!!
  16. It is derogatory to both groups of people. The first use usually included other negatively descriptive words. It was racially charged and interchangeable with the previously discussed acronym. Growing up during WWII meant I heard both words used. The fact that it was derogatory to one ethnic group made it "more fun", if you think that sort of thing is fun, to use it to make fun of another group.
  17. You can only be an 'angelwinger' if you believe that Clay does not have a 'wanger' or if he does, has only used it to pee in an acceptable vessel. No sex and no pissing his name in the snow for him.
  18. I think that especially in these early days of the change, that the entire name be used. I would rather the name National Inclusion Project be the one found by those nosing about on Clay fan boards.
  19. Tyr na nOg Irish Pub and Restaurant I will still be attending. The four block walk is an issue for me but I will figure it out. ncgurrl
  20. Yep. The packaging is the same. I agree that scanning the covers is not a good idea. Watermarks are easy to remove for some people.
  21. Well, the label on my fake was printed on a printer/copier obviously, lol. I've never seen a real one "opened". During what show? AI2? I didn't have interent back then, so I didn't find out about the CD until late 2003 when I bought burned mp3s from those people who were making 25 to 35 bucks or so but at the time, I knew of no other way. That reminds me...I'm supposed to be making copies for GDG of my 22 DVD set of AI2 that I bought on ebay that some guy made. Much better quality than downloads. Not saying what I paid for it...or all of the 2003 and 2004 TV appearances on DVD either. I didn't learn about clack sites until after I bought some magazine from Spooky on ebay and she enlightened me. At the time it was ATCA. Gotta clean house and find the DVDs. Not right now, lol. Yes, during AI2. I was in love. I bought them and gave them to family and friends. Then I burned more and gave them away also.
  22. Yours looks ok to me. The lettering on the disc should be raised to the touch. I bought nine of those things during the show. I gave them all away except for my personal one.
  23. Huh? I thought he hated Hair! Reed must have wanted to see it, or there's someone they know in it? I hang my head in shame, but I am glad he's in Tweetsville once again. I do love to know where he is. And what he is doing and who he is doing it with..... Shannon...his dresser on Spamalot works at the Hair production. Kim Maybe it is just a break from a lot of physical activity. After all he had to: Fly to New York. Meet at least one friend. Run laps around a hotel room. Bounce on the bed. Get sweaty. Take a shower. Eat a meal. It must have been an exhausting day. The man needed some down time.
  24. On what LA freeway do you drive that cruise control is feasible?
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