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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. An old topic, but I was gone yesterday and didn't get a chance to participate.

    As to learning about the recording industry etc..... the problem is, I would be more interested if I could trust what I read. But, on the message boards you hear so much from people who sound as if they really know and who, it turns out, really know NOTHING! Add that to the way some of these so-called "experts" twist facts to suit their agendas, and well, I don't want to have my head spinning again with a bunch of crap. (ex: RCA sending the Tampa venue a fax demanding the get strict with cameras as a way of getting back at Clay for making a statement by taking Scarlett's camera in Ft. Myers!! :RedGuy: )

    I already quoted this post night before last. And here's more:

    Except the RCA/letter part has me going WTF?????? Like play, I'm wondering if that's an attempt at humor, or someone really thinks that happened. That's just weird.

    Well, I was told this AS FACT from someone who looks normal from the outside but obviously isn't. She really truly believes this is fact and presented it as such and talked down to me as if I were the one who was crazy for not believing her. I felt my blood start to boil as she completely personified what almost drove me from the boards.......

    See, this is what precipitated my rant. This makes no sense to me, and I do not believe it's true. It fits a familiar pattern, same as the stuff that's generated from groucho and JP. It may even have originated from one of those sources--it wouldn't be the first time that "insider" info posted on the boards turned out to have originated with one of them. (And, for anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, they lie.) IMO, most of the time, regardless of source, it's the same kind of dirty, upsetting crap spread for the same reason, to prove a person is in-the-know and to make others unhappy. I think it's a sickness. Even when it isn't based on meanness or famewhoring, it's still a sickness.

    Even if there's an occasional rumor that happens to be true, Clay's made it clear that he thinks his business is his business, his personal life the same. People who know him well have been remarkably silent about his business and his personal life, because they respect him and they know he wants these things kept private. Thus, anyone who is talking about his business or his personal life is not his friend and they have no respect for his privacy--it's that simple.

    Oh, well - like CG, I'm in it for the fun. As far as I'm concerned, the rest can slip away. I don't need the angst, I can't control much besides buying CDs and concert tickets, and frankly, I think Clay would really rather that I stay out of his business dealings. So, I'm in it for the music, the smutting, the thudding, and the fascinating man. I LURVE him.


    Or what Gibby said.

    I had a bunch more quotes and responses going in another window, and they just disappeared. GRRRRR. Oh well.

    I appreciate many of the comments made yesterday. There were many things that were well said and that I wanted to word. One thing I wanted to respond to--artquest's post. I agree with others that this isn't about liking someone or not, specifically huskerfalcon. It's about whether her insider information is reliable. IMO, hers is not.

    Artquest, you are an academic as am I, so I know you understand the importance of sources. I especially hope you would appreciate that if someone refuses to provide a source, I'm going to find that information suspect. I need to know who said something in order to evaluate the reliability of the information. I've been trained to do that, and for good reason. While I appreciate the concept of protecting the confidentiality of sources, if I have no source for controversial information, I'm not going to believe the information. Disbelief has become my default because there has been far too much incorrect insider info in this fandom. If I can't evaluate the originating source, I have to evaluate the poster who posts or PMs information. If that information consistently proves false, or is consistently unverifiable, then, for me, that poster becomes an unreliable source.

    There's a poster on another board, someone I really really like. We have RL connections. I had the opportunity to meet her in person socially once, and she just piled on the "insider" info about all kinds of things. I have to say that I was really uncomfortable and upset by that experience, and it was one major contributing factor to my decision to ignore all insider information in the future. Another was a report from several friends of things said "in confidence" by a guest at a Posse gathering. To me, it isn't a matter of what's true and what isn't. It's intrusive, and it's none of my damned business. I was entirely squicked out to find out that there are nice people so deeply into knowing stuff about Clay's life and talking about it with one another, and that's when I decided enough was enough. And was about ready to get the hell out of the fandom altogether, until I found FCA.

    Now, you may be privy to more reliable or verifiable insider info than I, by virtue of living in SCal. Lots and lots of info has flowed out of SCal sources, but IMO not all is equally reliable. Most of the back channel stuff has not been verified in any way, and "trust me" just isn't good enough. I don't know these people, I haven't met them, I haven't spent time with them, befriended them, travelled with them, or gotten to know them. I only know them as message board posters. Nothing against them whatsoever, I just don't have experience of that world. Too many of the people who do hint on the boards about things they know have been shown to me to have agendas, and their information is bound to be colored by those agendas. I hope you can understand my insistence on skepticism and my need to have information verified before I'm going to accept the truth of statements made on the boards or by PM, statements which represent only the surface summations of entire discourses that have gone on behind the scenes (e.g., Roger is out to get Clay).

    As for Clay being an inconsistent source, I think of the public Clay as a storyteller. A lot of the time he's not testifying on a witness stand, he's being entertaining. On stage, in interviews, and in meet & greets, he also necessarily speaks in sound bites. There isn't the opportunity to give long explanations and do a back-and-forth for clarification. I have a pretty good filter for interpreting his remarks, and deciding for myself whether I think they should be taken literally and as "evidence," or not. Taking all of that into account, I find him pretty consistent. I don't think he's often a good source for deciding which "insider" info is valid and which is not because, again, I don't think he thinks it's any of our business. He's quite capable of deliberately muddying certain waters, and more power to him when he does.

    And that's enough seriousness. Carry on with the stupid lyrics. Much more fun.


  2. Freakin' 'boy the way Glenn Miller played'...

    god I hate to admit this ..but what the hell, everybody knows I'm a spazz. I never knew what that line was...and I watched that damn show faithfully every week. heh.

    I thought it was something like on the wakely miller plains

    got a problem with that? :cryingwlaughter:

    I was so impressed with Clay's ability to sing a nonsense phrase so fluidly when he was teasing Quiana and making her do her line over and over. Had no idea those were actually words he's saying.

    You know I love *excitedwhispersneedssekritdecoder*'s stuff and in general her/his/it's stuff always wins hands down in audio quality...but occasionally she/he/it has the nerve to skip concerts! And Clay occasionally does interesting stuff at the concerts she/he/it doesn't go to....
    I adore *excitedwhispersneedssekritdecoder*'s stuff and Clay was verrrry interesting at his/her/its last show!

    How about Razzie categories?

    Like "Best example of a cellcerter drowning out a song" or "The most inappropriate time to scream IloveyouClaaaay!!!'" or "Listen to my dandy digital camera's techie sounds -- I so feel like a pro". Could we? Pleeeease? These'll be anonymous since clackfolks don't post the names of people around them.


    WPB? Anything but LAA because that would be a prime candidate for one of the Razzie awards *cries*

    RAZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!! You can see for my JNT06 selections that my favorites were spoiled by chatterers. I say again, whoever you are, if you're getting bored but you still feel the need to go to 20 concerts, at least, for the sake of the clack, STFU!!! I'll take 20 Ethels over one chatty cathy running her mouth to or near a clack gatherer.

    Cracks me up how many lyrics I had no idea what they were and as a *cough* older adult I'm suddenly finding out... what the hell was I singing all these years?!?

    I'm still trying to figure out how a douche fits into that Blinded by the Light song? :cryingwlaughter:

    You mean it isn't douche?

  3. Sorry, I was too late to sign up for FCA's Rate The Music for the SRHPT or DCAT as it's known around here, I enjoyed doing that for JNT06. I'm willing to help. If someone wants second opinions on some of the songs, I could act as an optomotrist & patient of sorts. "Which one's better A or B?" " B, No, I think A is better, let me go listen again"

    Folks would possibly be willing to share, if you have a favorite that you would've picked if you could. There's a loooooooot of clack out there, and more to come, no doubt.

  4. Party on, dudes. :lilredani:

    So it's fun to come home and see FCA so lively today. I have comments I'm sure about the discussion. I had to run off to do mom stuff, but I'm glad I managed to save myself from an ill-advised offer I'd made (whew) before I left. I love the song HYCA, it's one of my favorites, but evaluating Christmas Waltz last year was tedious because of the applause issue. It's an "entrance" song, and therefore, not as interesting as later songs where the vocal would be featured in a different way.

    Hey lurkers! We need some volunteers still, here: tour audio evaluation thread. Looks like mostly the two medleys plus HYCA. We're going to divide stuff up, though--by song/# of venues/whatever--so join in! I don't mind sharing my songs with more folks either.

    About evaluating the orchestras, I'm looking forward to trying. When I take the time to pay attention, some of the orchestral arrangements Jesse does are really quite original and interesting, but not always well-executed. I think the Christmas orchestras were better, or maybe this is more of a musical challenge than those concerts were.

    I'd kind

    ....so I was writing something and then I hit preview. I have no idea what I was talking about, but Tampa classics is hot. And there's some screencapping needs to be done yet on Yeah, just sayin.

  5. If we plan to put the recommended mp3s up on the site somewhere, I can help to rip the required audio from the video files, if we agree beforehand on a bit rate.

    I'm all about the 320 bit rate, but it's up to couchie if there's a bandwidth issue. I know most people don't care that much. I can easily make my own.

    I still have a bunch of files from lickiest that I was going to cull the banter/applause/extraneous beginnings and ends from, and haven't done so. So I haven't finished my job from last Christmas - LOL. I think after I did that we were going to have a poll and put up the winners at FCA media as a best-of collection. Sorry. Maybe one of these days I'll get that done. And the speeches and snippets and whatever else I was supposed to have done ages ago. (Story of my life these days.)

  6. Hello FromClaygary, so who's stalking whom? I was expecting you for lunch today at my mom's house (which is by way of a clue). FromClaygary and I went to all the same concerts and ended up sitting near one another often. Welcome gagran and pushinachen too. Glad to have you here.

    Come on in lurkers--we don't bite (much). :RedGuy:

  7. Waves madly at Karen Eh? whose name I can now accurately pronounce after prolonged exposure to Canadians this summer.

    How did you used to pronounce it?

    Like eh as in web rather than eh as in yay. I was hanging out in the busline with some folks, including a lovely woman named KarenA, and just before we all said good-bye, it hit me, eeeee, that's Karen Eh?

    Lovely rants all around this morning! I love FCA. :RedGuy:

  8. I'm still waiting for that hot video Clay filmed that was promised by a respected insider (who had none of her predictions come to pass). Did Clive burn all the copies after they filmed to keep sales down?

    Hey, I am really waiting for that hot video - why not?

    Well of course he did, hadn't you heard? Trust me.

    But fear not, it's going to be released as his wedding gift to us his loyal fans, right after the Branson wedding in his new Clay Aiken Theatre, to take our mind off the pain.


  9. Wha!??? Are you trying to tell me that Clay doesn't read all those posts I make that start with "Clay, dude, you something or other"? Why, it's like I've just been wasting my bandwidth for nothing but my own amusement.... :imgtongue:

    Maybe I need to start availing myself of Quiana's Message Delivery Service. :whistling-1:

    Leave it to bottlecap to finally insert some humor into some other boards' topic du jour. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    As to learning about the recording industry etc..... the problem is, I would be more interested if I could trust what I read. But, on the message boards you hear so much from people who sound as if they really know and who, it turns out, really know NOTHING! Add that to the way some of these so-called "experts" twist facts to suit their agendas, and well, I don't want to have my head spinning again with a bunch of crap. (ex: RCA sending the Tampa venue a fax demanding the get strict with cameras as a way of getting back at Clay for making a statement by taking Scarlett's camera in Ft. Myers!! :RedGuy: )

    If I really knew what I was reading was fact, it would find it interesting, but unnecessary to know. I doubt hearing the name of his producer would mean anything to me and chances are his/her resume is varied enough to not really tell us anything definitive about the direction of Clay's next CD.

    In the end, I will read things, but not seek out anything. I will take everything with a HUGE grain of salt unless it comes from Clay's luscious mouth (except when it comes to his sense of time and geography which we all know is suspect!).

    And when his CD comes out I will buy it. I will probably not like every song on it, but in the end I will be happy because a new CD will mean a new chapter in Clay's life and my life as his fan - and new TV appearances, new pretty pictures to look at and a new tour to enjoy!

    That's enough for me. This fandom is supposed to be FUN and that is what I choose to make it for me.

    Warning, warning, rant ahead. That means I am using exaggerated and colorful language because I'm talking about something that pisses me off.

    This is how I feel too. Technical conversations can be interesting, but when people are pretending that they are experts or insiders or even spokespersons for Clay, and others are treating them like they are infallible, all-knowing, and above criticism, when people act as if they know every. fucking. thing. about a profession and will brook no argument, and others are treating them like they are infallible, all-knowing, and above criticism....well, you get the idea. (Cause look, I'm an expert in my field, and there are at least three viable theories about each and every thing, and folks are always debating them, so the idea that there's only one right way to do or think about anything is ridiculous.) And then some people actually take it upon themselves to do jobs for Clay, and supposedly represent the fandom, when we're given no say in who these representatives will be or what they do. GRR.

    I also hates, as ldyjocelyn said, when rumor becomes fact within about four minutes and speeds from board to board, and then no one will believe you when you say it was just a rumor. And then fans take it upon themselves to present these rumors as fact to everyone they meet, from regular Joes to the media to industry people. GRRRRR.

    And, most of all, as CG also posted, I hatessssss it when people demand that I believe some back channel story and get all up in my face about it when I don't, even if I never heard the actual fucking back channel story. I still haven't gotten over that first album thread on the OFC when dozens of people were suddenly saying, "Don't you dare say you like covers or you don't mind if there are covers on the album--you will ruin Clay's life if you do," and intimating that this was a direct message from Clay, and even mods on some big boards were totally freaking out because they believed a bunch of back channel shit, and no one would actually ever SAY anything about what they'd heard--just "trust me--" or if I ever did hear anything it was filtered through five or six other people first, and I wonder how many ever actually heard anything first hand, if anyone, and everything I did hear could be traced back to one or two people with a history of spreading falsities in the past. But these "insiders" were treated as if they were infallible, all-knowing, and above criticism (there I go again). And from then on there were some people who were just nasty about anyone who didn't follow the "received" version of the album story, and who treated some of us as if we were disloyal or stupid if we didn't believe utterly wild ideas that, later, people have denied ever were suggested (and apparently they're still at it with this Tampa story). Talk about fucking with people's heads. So if you don't kiss up to insiders or aren't part of some little know-it-all clique, you're stupid and out-of-the-loop, and if you only knew you'd understand, so just "trust," and above all, you are required to be spiteful, vicious, nasty, and mean towards Clay's "enemies" ad nauseum to prove you love Clay. Pisses me off just to think about it. Frankly, there's no poster who has professed or even demonstrated any knowledge about the music biz, who IMO is infallible, all-knowing, or has the inside scoop on what Clay wants, thinks, is doing, needs to do, ought to be doing, or whatever. So, sure it's fun to speculate, but the fun was pretty much killed for me in 2006. I'll take my share of the responsibility for getting too engaged and spending too much time arguing about these issues--and I won't be doing that again. I'm not interested in getting anywhere near games like that again.

    So yeah, just bring on the album and the TV appearances and the press and media coverage and lots of pretty pictures, and let me drool.

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