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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. I'm looking at people who just joined in the last couple of days, and their's isn't showing up for me either, only liney23's, and the change she made isn't coming through for me--still the same as before. Not sure what's going on, but there should be a way to fix this.

    ETA: Ah ha--I've figured it out. You are from Orange County (that is OC)--which isn't a board in this case. Ah ha ha ha ha. So no, liney23, your board info isn't showing up for anyone but you. Location is another blank that most fill in. Like you, mine is filled in, but one of these days I'm going to change that, because I think I've been thoroughly found by now. Sorry for the confusion. :RedGuy:

    ETAA: Just a follow-up. I decided to change my location, and I had to enter my home board and that board name to do it (which are, strangely enough, jmh123 and FCA), and now they are visible to me.

  2. Honestly compels me to say that I have from time to time thought, "What in the hell did he do to his hair??" but I've avoided posting such things because I didn't want to be part of a 20-page thread on how he should fire his stylist and doesn't care about his public image, etc. etc. etc, ad nauseum, especially since my hair usually looks like shit. I have no problem with differences of opinions, just meanness. I haven't seen any sign of that here--and believe me, I've looked.

    Thanks! That makes me schmoopie. :RedGuy:

    These two faces don't even look like the same man. I remember during AI2 he changed so much I kept comparing pictures from the start of the show with the Mack the Knife and Anomaly Night show, and convinced myself that it really wasn't the same person, that FOX has pulled a switcheroo on us. Weird, that he has so many faces.

    I used to think the same thing, after the show was over and various photos and screencaps of appearances started to surface on the boards. I just could not believe they were all the same person.

  3. I don't see your old board sn, but I do see the board. Go to "My Controls (top right corner), Then choose "edit personal information" under "Personal Profile," and just delete the board name and sn. That should take care of it.

    ETA: snap! :RedGuy:

  4. OMG, now HOW funny is that!! :lmaosmiley-1: OK, I confess...I'm after ya'!! SO good to see you here! Took me several days to get back, sorry... Hmmm....can't figure out how to color text on here...I'll get it! Folks, you've probably gathered jmh123 and I have a history...we followed one another around NY state and NC this summer *g* I was just telling her at CV how much I missed her.

    Hey! How to do color: once you hit the "color" icon, scroll up, and you'll see a little box with the colors on it over the banner. Not sure why it's there, but it is.

    We lurve book-reading over here. :RedGuy:

  5. Does it always get like this on Saturday night around here? If so, I'm marking it on my calendar pronto!

    Actually--it gets smutty pretty often here, but I've never seen FCA buzz like this on a Saturday night unless it was a concert night.



    Have there ever been this many new members at once? It was quite a surprise to log on around eleven tonight and find several pages had been added. I'm like, "What happened? Did Clay blog? Are there tickets on sale?" And it was just y'all smutting. How refreshing!

    The trip down memory lane has been a blast. One of the things I like about FCA is that people here come from a lot of different boards, long-term posters who've been around a long time. Some of you I "know" but have never gotten a chance to get to know, and I'm looking forward to posting with y'all in the future.


  6. Clay really did have me at "Take," because at the time I was soooooo homesick and he was from my hometown. Just listening to that accent was heavenly. I loved his voice, but I didn't get the hotness until later--listening to the demos actually--cause he was just a kid after all. When I did get it, I googled a sentence that expressed my concern for my sanity about that, and thus discovered my first fan site--LBFCA.

    I didn't discover the message boards until after AI was over. The first board that really felt like "my" board was TTC, and then that crashed, and then it was WMS, and although it didn't exactly crash, I had some issues with a couple of folks that lots of people would end up having issues with later on. Then I became a CH member, and I still post there, but after ATDW came out I needed a refuge from the angst and a place to love the album, and I found one here. I love FCA so much it's my home now. I'm also a member of CV and CB, and have a bunch of posts at both, oh, and yes, the OFC too. Some places I have a different board name, but I have a phobia about (me or anyone else) posting that jmh is XXXXX. Clue: I used to live in PA and I edit at Wikipedia (although currently hiding out from there).

    Right now I am unemployed, just getting serious about finding a job, slooooowwwwly writing a book, and helping take care of my mom, who is 94, and can sometimes beat me in Scrabble but can't always remember what happened yesterday, and is rebellious about personal hygiene. I've never been married and never had a child, so this is the universe's way of making sure that I have the mothering experience.

    I've been to a bunch of concerts and appearances--close to 40. That was easier to do when I lived in PA and was also close enough to NYC to catch the GMA summer concerts and the Broadway benefit. I never got into hassling over getting into TV studios, although I did make it into the Early Show once, and I had a great view through the window at GMA last fall. I only got to one Christmas concert last year, but I made it to five ATDW concerts, and loved them all.

    And that's more than enough about me. :lilredani:

  7. I feel as though I've died and gone to heaven.

    You have NO idea how long I've been looking for a place that doesn't trash Clay but just accepts him as he is.

    Honestly, I feel like dancing.

    I might!

    You will read criticisms of Clay's hair or a performance, etc., here if you stick around--just so's you know. We just don't make it into a blood sport. :RedGuy:

    Oh, well, I don't take that personally--it's only when it's taken as some kind of moral failure on his part that it bothers me.

    Ah, then I think you'll be fine. It's just if you're a little protective of the nose hairs, you might take a hit now and then. :cryingwlaughter:

    BTW, your recaps preceded you here. Thanks so much for all the detail--much enjoyed and appreciated, and I'm glad you weren't shot in FL.

  8. Is there a link to the factors involved in picking the best clips? Is this strictly best audio? It's frustrating to listen to clack where Clay, Quiana and Angela are burning it down and the orchestra is just not cutting it.

    Also are we looking for a "pure" extract, or including things like boisterous crowd reaction, Clay giggles, etc. Because for pure sound, it's pretty clear that there are a half dozen shows that will corner the market here, the ones with great orchestras and acoustics.

    Pure sound, I think, and the orchestra is definitely important, IMO.

  9. Good luck! Knowing that you care and are there for her is the most important thing. Even if she denies there's a problem, she may contact you later when she's ready to finally talk. She's in a tough position, no doubt about it--not easy to leave after all those years, and hopefully she won't have to, but he shouldn't be controlling her like that. If he's in a declining mental state, she's probably very confused about the whole situation, and what she should do. If he's become violent, she needs to protect herself before something terrible happens.

    After reading back over the thread, this:

    I was on the phone with her for months listening for hours when she left him before

    tells me that sympathetic listening may not be helpful, in and of itself.

    I had a friend who had all kinds of problems with her boyfriend at the time and would call and complain for hours about how his family (sister, parents) always came first, he never showed up on time, and so forth. Once I got more than a little tired of it and actually told her that I thought he was in the right in a particular situation (didn't show up because his sister was in labor). She got really mad at me, but ended up marrying him and having a very happy marriage that's still good 10 years later. She was in a vicious circle with all the complaining but not doing anything about it, and complaining to me instead of really talking to him.

    Which isn't to say your friend's husband is in the right or that the situations are in any way comparable, except that my friend needed a kick in the ass more than she needed a sympathetic ear and it's possible that yours does too.

    ETA: My friend lived far away from me at the time too.

    My sister disappeared for years once. Hard to deal with when folks do that, isn't it? When she came back and I heard the whole story, I understood.

  10. Clay and the glory note - puts her hand over Ansa's ears now I'm a glory note fool especially the way Clay does it, simply because he does usually take it past just a held note. He does make something that is very hard (combining volume, clarity, purity of tone, appropriate modulation, and projection) and makes it look freakishly easy - and that just works my girly parts. Whether the song calls for it or whether he is just showing off (I love show-offy Clay - I just do. I'm one of those who pissed Shack off because I FLOVE the "hit me again with your frying pan of talent, Clay!" I love Clay's triumphal dances when he wins. I love his fist pumps. I even love when someone occasionally snatches the winner's mantle from him!) or he's just feeling it. If he does it to get a reaction (which he does) - he's got at least one guaranteed reaction from me.

    Prepare yourselves, I'm doing another analogy thingy! Looking at the comments, I put in Scarlett's DSIAFCD and AIW from West Point and watched them. Let my eyes tear up. I can't see that man giving up glory notes, not for us and not for him. And watching himself work his way through that, I don't worry about the voice. I just don't. If I compare Clay's singing to painting (don't ask me why), Clay can do watercolors that you can immerse yourself (wallow) in but he and I love those big ol' room size oil paintings with screamin' primary colors that whip those emotions that come from the hind brain....I just tend to prefer blatant to subtle. I know that will surprise a number of you. Mainly those who don't know me.

    Nice analogy, KAndre.

    I'm with you on Clay--not for every blatant thing--but on Clay, I love that frying pan. (Lurve urs too.) There are days he reminds me of Jerry Lewis, and when I was younger I didn't care for Jerry Lewis--too silly/obvious/overdone--still don't really--but the French love them some Jerry Lewis, perhaps because they can appreciate how difficult it is to do what he does, that appears so simple and so stupid. Oh crap, I dunno what I'm saying, just that I love it when Clay turns up the volume, literally, or metaphorically. (I love me some subtle Clay too--GMA MGUGL, e.g.)

    Alvin Lee....OMG I almost forgot about seeing Ten Years After multi times -- that was my "old man's" obsession and just fine by me! The Doors! Hendrix! Cream! (love for Jack Bruce) ... ooooo, the flashbacks are dazzling!

    YAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Alvin Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ginger Baker for me.

    Flashbacks indeed.

    A word about the green board. It's a beeeeg board, very busy. I totally understand the concept of FCA as a refuge--that's what it was for me at first--but I just wanted to put in a good word for CV. It's like a big family, and squabbles and resentments are part of the package with a big family, but you can always feel the love there. IMO, it's one of the bestest boards in Clayland.

  11. Green Eyed Soul Clay -- I'll Be There.... If You Don't Know Me By Now SWOOOOOOOOOON!

    Mind if I swoon with you, Couchie? I'll Be There. After watching Motown clack from JBT the first time, I couldn't rest until I'd downloaded every piece of Motown clack available. If anybody is holding back on Motown clack I'd die to see it. His Pip routine on Midnight Train To Georgia, My Girl, Tears of a Clown, oh so revealing, but then there's I'll Be There, which had me searching the clack specifically for when he sang it with the cry in his voice before the booming "I'll be there" with outstretched arms, and when there was full frontal video of that thing he did with his left leg at the the beginning. Why didn't he sing more of that song? The force was strong. And following that up with his Blue Brothers routine backing up Angela led me to another search for the perfect Cool Cat Clay during Think. Trying to nail down the a perfect Motown performance according to my criteria has been one of the best obsessions I've ever had.

    So if there's a clack gathering goddess holding back any hot .avi Motown files :whistling-1: just saying .... I'm willing to pay.

    Another Motown lover here. Clay as a Pip :wub: I put this medley on a lot of my 'Clay favorites' compilation CDs, along with the duets, ANMHE, COF, SSD, and IKYWW. So share your favorite performances, please! Which one has the cry, and the full frontal video of the thing he did with his left leg?

  12. ...how MB and Clay both have no filter, both discount their music a bit... etc.

    Compared to him, Clay's kind of calm. LOL.

    The whole MB wants to be artistic and David's thought that the market doesn't want experimentation, so they settled on "growth without alienation." Interesting, and I think that's what Clay is saying too with the "stay in my own lane, be different, but not too far off of himself" kind of thing.

    Yeah, definitely interesting. Reminds me of the meet & greet comment about "people expect to hear certain things from me." I guess I never considered that such an attitude exists about experimentation, and is so strong, when this fandom, at least a vocal element of it, is always clamoring for different/new/change.

    Plus I liked the part where MB makes mucho cash off private performances. I hope Clay is doing that also -- more than we know about.


    Betcha he does. Hee! Go Clay!

    Yeah, jmh, he's singing Angela. :)

    Sigh. Lucky beyotch.

  13. I've always said that David Foster is the King of Cheese, but so many prayed for Clay to leave RCA (which actually is the rock star label) and go with Foster. Did I miss a meeting?

    I have always been confused by the Foster love from people who believe Clive is stifling Clay's inner rock star and somehow think that Foster is going to fix that. I'm glad Clay has a mentor in the business, but I don't look to Foster to bring out the animal in Clay.

    I wonder if Angela feels any pull of attraction towards him at all? If not, she's a great actress.

    I think she feels something sometimes, more of a push than a pull, and it prolly still feels mighty good, dontcha think? I'd kill to be her.

    Either Clay has the hots for Angela real bad, or he's a great actor. I don't care for shipping, but if I was gonna ship, it would be the Clangela or the Clyra, because of the way he responds to them.

    For couchie...



    What is he saying right after "You know me off of my feet"? Is it "Angela"?

    Just got home after the second mom day in three days. I'm pooped and hot. I love FCA. Interesting discussion all day. Not sure I have anything to add, but it was really stimulating reading.

    Two top-of-the pages in a row, YSRN--that's harsh. So sorry. What luck!

  14. Ooops, I got distracted by that pic I just posted, and forgot to ask a question. You know, the pic with the zipper part of the way down?

    Anyway, which concert & song is that pic from? I want to go watch the video and do some research about when the zipper might have started on it's way down. And maybe do some screencaps, all for research. I might even post some of them, unless ya'll would find that too boring.


    OoOOOO I was asking for some screencaps from that vid last night. (jojoct - Tampa classics) I think if you start with Yeah, you'll find what you need, and Yeah, there's a moment that gives that pic a run for its money--or several moments, in SexyBack. Just try to keep your attention on the job, because you'll find yourself all up on him screaming.

  15. So is anyone twitching, pacing the floor, or suffering any other symptoms of tour withdrawal? Just me? :scream:

    I might have to take up some bad habits to distract myself.

    :all_coholic: :smokelots:

    Um, yeah. I've got one of those bad habits, and it isn't helping. I might even have to start doing something productive with my life. EW!

    Evening everybody,

    Just hanging around and reading. Everybody is so eloquent and the pictures were out of this world. Hey Bottle, how are you doing. Watching the little league world series. Why do you ask??? Because my home town is playing in it. We are so proud, LOL. Will just keep reading. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap::allgood::scream:

    Hey, georgiaclay!! Good luck to your team!!!

    Waves to all the newbies and lurkers. Welcome!!


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