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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Aww, don't be hating on the demos. God, I love them, including UM. But my absolute FAVOURITE version is the David Foster gala version. Seriously, if you haven't listened to it (no video, just use your ears) go back and do it now. It is fabulous.

    Let me second that. I love the demos, but the Gala version is absolute favorite version too. I have it on my iPod. My mother loves it too. I also love JBT live with all the vocal drama, my favorite being Toledo.

    I can certainly understand why someone didn't like Wolftrap for example, and if I had been there maybe I wouldn't have either - oh but the clack of it cracks me the hell up.

    Loved Wolftrap, loved!!

    We did get MOAM, EIH, LAA, WY, as Cindi said . That's 4 songs he seriously sang out of the whole concert and I'm glad for that.

    What about HYCA? I don't recall him ever joking on that one, but the fans did scream a lot. He didn't do ETYGA at your venue? I know he played around with that one, but usually only after the song was over, and only at later venues. IWTKWLI--he did put a little joke in at the beginning, and sometimes fooled around at the end, but he did sing a lot of that seriously. BYLM--he never fooled around on that song, did he?

    Did he ever fool around at your venue on ATD? Did he fool around on WISYS too? I don't think he ever fooled around on Sorry, did he? But maybe that hadn't been added in yet. TOA was always done seriously, wasn't it, or was your concert just non-stop yucks?

    At minimum I'm counting HYCA, EIH, IWYTKWLI, ETYGA, WISYS, TOA, WY, MOAM, ATD, LAA, and BYLM, if you were at Tulsa, because he hadn't started the goofing off on IWTKWLI or ETYGA had he? I'll skip the duet and give you 10.

    Towards the end of the tour, he was doing HYCA and EIH straight, RHW, WISYS with only rare goofing off, ATD, Sorry, MOAM and WY in a very serious little grouping from the stool of seriousness, then back there for LAA and a serious standing BYLM at the end. That's 10 songs.

    So please tell me what in the world he did to mess up six other songs at your venue such that only MOAM, EIH, LAA, WY were "serious"??? I don't remember accounts of any concert being that funny or crazy.

    I appreciate you don't like the funny or the medleys and I do, so we're different, so I liked my concerts better than you did your one--but 4 songs?? I just don't get that. Even at the goofiest concerts I went to we got at least 10 songs done straight with no laughs at all.

  2. Some of these I saw posted here at FCA by others, so I ain't taking credit for them, I just love them. I'm not 100% we don't have them, but I didn't see them:










    I notice and appreciate the fact that our favorites seem to appear at the topic of the list that shows up right next to this window.

  3. I noticed right away!!!


    Oh, me too. I was thankful for the larger version. I've been mesmerized by it all night. Do we know yet which video it's from?

    I'm pretty certain it's from Hartford, but don't know which performance.

    Wish I had a bigger hard drive and could have kept all my JNT06 video - but alas, SRHPT has completely taken over :)

    The file name is DSIAFCD so maybe??

    ETA: Hartford DSIAFCD jojoct 2:45 to 2:60.


    Just can't keep a good man down.

    This is the night before he got sick, isn't it? I love that he's wearing glasses and looking very like Clayton Grissom and still charming the pants off every woman in the house and wielding that weapon of his in those gorgeous pants. And I love that shirt. Love. I'd just like to touch it, you know, with him in it.

  4. Oh my - just began looking through the Chicken Soup book and the very first entry is "Welcome To Holland." A lot of parent's with special need's children will know this - it meant a lot to me when our son was diagnosed. It was my "someone understands" required reading. Our son opened our eyes to how very special these children are, when he was born 13+ year ago. Then Clay came along and sealed the deal for me. I work with special needs kids myself now - they're precious souls, each and every one. I think I'm going to love this book. :)

    Mods - I hope it's ok to post this here - if not, please feel free to move :)

    Welcome to Holland

    by Emily Perl Kingsley, 1987

    "I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......


    The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.

    So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.


    It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.


    But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

    Gosh, it's hard not to quote the whole thing. I read this on Amazon when I was looking "inside this book" on their site the other day. I was really struck by it, so I'm glad you posted it again.

  5. BWAH couchie--you're going to have so much fun!!!

    True Bottlecap . A matter of public record but how many people normally go looking through public records for info that doesn't relate to them?

    Clay related? Frighteningly, quite a few, I think. It's sad. So sad...

    How refreshing to see those words when not attached to a poddie conspiracy theory! :RedGuy:

    He is a story teller when it comes to being on stage and entertaining people. When it comes to his stage act, he will exaggerate for effect. Isn't that what comics/story tellers do?

    Exactly, which is the whole point. Too many people take his banter as a presentation of facts, to believed just as they are stated. He also does it when on talk shows, where a good story is also really important to carry off. Again, some fans take these things so literally. Sigh.

    But yeah, he's a natural storyteller, isn't he? So funny. So entertaining.

    Yee haw, first post all day and where am I? Where else?

  6. who cries during Invisible for Pete's sake?
    uh.... :unsure:

    Well....I mean....he does love that song, you know....and it DOES have a special significance and whatnot....and sometimes Clay's face gets all schmoopy during it when the crowd sings along....and...

    oh, hell....I'm raising my hand here, people! :imgtongue:

    ETA: I share the doubts about Jay Leno's 'sincerity'. I've also felt a patronizing air from him re: Clay...not sure exactly why, but....

    BWAH!! Shadylil, you're not alone!

    Could be just me rationalizing, but I've always thought he gets so much crap from comedians because he's so funny. He's competition, big time, and for him it's just a sideline to that amazing voice. That must suck for them.

  7. I was there when Shadylil was crying like an effing baby--who cries during Invisible for Pete's sake?

    Shady knows I hatesssss photoshops like that, but she still sends them to me in e-mails. GRRR. I delete 'em so fast it'll make your head spin. Here at least I can scroll. And on top of that, she says TITN is not a good song??? WTF??? Don't let lightmyfire hear you say that!! But all is forgiven, due to the Star Trek reminiscences. just don't do it again :)

  8. "Heyhowareya" to Manderly!!!!

    jmh, am I now an unofficial North Carolinian? (BTW, I love the way Clay says "heyhowareya!")

    You are indeed!! You have no idea how many foreign countries, like Japan and New York, where I've greeted people with "heyhowareya" and gotten a blank stare or a "excuse me?"

    ETA: eep - forgot to say "heyhowareya" to Manderly!!

  9. Welcome lyndophin! We sat together in Cary this year and I fetched you one of those frozen strawberry-lemonade thingies. :RedGuy:

    ETA: eeeeeeee, ldyjocelyn speaks my native tongue. YAY!

    Where were you when I was so sweaty I couldn't pull my unders back up...I could have used a frozen strawberry-lemonade thingy about then!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    BWAH!! Don't tell KAndre we had them either--Scarlett took hers and made her take clack instead and she still hasn't forgiven her. :cryingwlaughter:

  10. Anna was my favorite female soap character ever. I enjoyed her brief return although she has had a teeeny personality transplant. heh.

    Aww, Anna and Robbet... hee. Cracks me up everytime I see Anna in the audience on AI too! LOL!!

    I loved Anna too--I even wrote her a fan letter once, and got a picture back. I've never done that for anyone on TV but her. I don't think I can get sucked back into soaps anymore, but the (old) days of Anna & Robert were the best evah for me. Also used to love Days when Patch was there, which is why I don't think I can get sucked back in. If the return of Patch didn't do it for me, I don't know what could.

    ACK--unless it were this thread. Backs slowly out of thread....you never saw me here....

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