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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. Isn't about time for stpteach to post again? Haven't seen that avi all day.

    Whoa, talk about pressure! Well, I don't know what to say! Oh. You mean you didn't want me to say anything? You just love me for my stolen avatar? *sigh* Well, how about the fact that bulldog is raising one heckuva smart daughter! Good wrap-up youngin'!! :clap:

    She is, isn't she? There's a thread at the CB right now of college students who are fans, and a lot of them are saying they've been fans since they were children. Just wait til all those babies who've been listening to Clay since the womb start growing up. LOL.

    Pets the purdy avi....

  2. Shoot - top of the page again. Dadgummit.

    Is that a problem? Maybe, instead of like other boards that celebrate the first page, we should celebrate being at the top of every page! Hee.

    Good idea!! I like it. I just seem to have top of the page karma, and it feels lonely up there.

    Has anyone bought some cough syrup for Clayzor? She seems to have a frog in her throat. You know...."rivet, rivet."

    *Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.*


    Isn't about time for stpteach to post again? Haven't seen that avi all day.

  3. Now that I fixed the red x's, can someone with supermodpowers, or CG if you're here, edit that post above to remove them? Thanx. :RedGuy: (Thanks, ldyj.)

    I posted bulldog's recap earlier. Here is her daughter's:

    this is bulldogs daughter i'm 14 years old and i am posting about my experiance at the Greek theater. Its hard to explain because he has a voice that could move anyone. It was amazing and unbalievable nothing and no one could even compare to him and i will never forget it. I also liked it when we stood in the line waiting for clay to touch out hands and it was worth it . i will never be the same :wub:
  4. Dontcha just lurve those knuckles. :wub:

    Here's a great recap from an LA concert/meet-and-greet that I found in the CB recap and reviews thread, from bulldog:

    So in walks Clay.. Never have I seen him so close.. so full of joy!! He went and shook each persons hand asking their names and where they were from.. all I could think of was how dang good looking he was!!! The room was surrounded with those traveling with Clay..Jaimes Foster was sitting in the corner..Clay acknowledged her..she truely is beautiful in person. then Jaime,Mary, another cousin and his friend..Clay said this was their first tour and that they were seeing what this was like.. Clay asked for questions..One lady had hers written down..very smart.. but if you asked me to remember all of them I can't..you know that Clay fog that settles over your brain.. well thats me!!! I do remember a geographical question..Clay answered it quickly.. Another question about the producer to the next album..Clay said he handed that over to Jaymes Foster.. and he seemed quite happy about her choice..even said the music this producer sent back to them was good.. After hearing this from the man himself..My heart is at peace. and I trust Clay.

    So after Clay had us busting up laughing with his funny comebacks and gorgeous smile!!! It was time to get our items signed..I handed my tee shirt to Jaime..in her southern voice she said front or back.. I said the front.. now I had something I wanted Clay to write but I swear my mouth wouldn't move..so I settled for Becky, use your voice( what I had in mind was Yeah, I'm cool!!! ) anyway picture time, and we were called one by one into the hall..You would think I could remember those long extended arms around me..but I can't. after all was said and done I headed out to find my friend and my daughter!!! The gates were opened to go get our seats..and what seats they were.. It was at this time I started to look at how full the venue was getting.. not even 1/2 full..until it got closer..then the venue began to fill up more..and more and even more..even after the show began people were still taking their seats.. The only seats I could see kind of empty was way in the keck in the upper upper balcony.. I would deffinately say the venue was 2/3rds full.. and 1,500 or more waited afterwards in the bus line..

    WHAT A SHOW!!! WHAT AN AWESOME NIGHT!!! Clay's vocals and banter was spot on!!! He had me cracking up.. He loves that word crap..used it quite often in the meet and greet and the show itself!

    What can I say ..the night was magical..the meet and greet a dream come true!! My daughter can't wait to do it again.. I'm gonna let her say a little something about her experience once I finish..she's dying to..

    anyway following our quick handshake at the bus lines we leave for our motel and to the cafe for a quick bite to eat. Later I head up to my room where two Korean ladies are staying.. and what an absolute delight they were.. One was a huge Groban fan until she found Clay 2 yrs ago,the other Marilyn Manson and Mettalica fan.. hard acid rock is what she was into..until Clay appeared on the AI season 5 finale..He won her heart that night..she said all other music now is crap.. but Clays move her on the inside! Both girls said there Korean Clay fan site now has 10,000.. we talked about radio..and how most of whats on it is crap..

    I was so pumped after hearing their stories I couldn't much sleep!!! In the morning after maybe 2 hrs sleep I said goodbye to these ladies after sending them off with my e-mail address.

    Before checking out we went to the cafe for breakfast and back to our rooms for our luggage.. time now was a factor my friend had to catch a flight for Raleigh and we needed to get to the union station in downtown LA..ick the traffic.. so we ended up lost and by the metro..not where I was suppose to be.. so she stopped by a curb where a man and woman was and asked if they could help us get where we needed to go..They not only told us where it was they walked us over there..but you guys will never believe our conversation on the way there!!! She saw my daughter and my tee shirt from this tour..and asked if we had seen Clay and where he was playing.. We told her last night and at the Greek..She said he was great and that she was best friends with Micheal Orland..the pianist from AI.. She said Clay gets alot of ideas from him.. they are good friends. What an awesome moment.. I believe it was fate.. anyway we got on the subway..to the union station and headed home..

    Many say with the good comes the bad.. and I have to say the good far out weighed the bad.

  5. Besides, there's a poor lonely avi around that has no home because you had a little fling with it and then tossed it aside without another thought. Sniff.

    You're right; if I'm gonna steal somethin' the least I can do is covet it like it deserves. Consider it done.

    YAY!!!!! Jumps all over Teach and smothers her with sloppy kisses. Now please postwhore like crazy so I can see the purdy a lot!!!!

    Babes, you are batting a thousand any old way, purdy avi, or no avi. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  6. Yes, I'm postwhoring. Mea Culpa. But I didn't want to mix business with pleasure...so to speak. I have a question, favor, plea? Take your pick. Someone (and I do believe it was the birthday girl herself!) posted this wonderful photo from the Houston concert by zippy and I made it my desktop background faster than you can say "YUM!" Now I've tried to make it my avatar, but as you can see, it doesn't translate too well. Is there someone who can either explain to me (beware! I am technologically-challenged) or recreate for me by editing it a bit so one sees more face (though look at that body! oy) and make a new avatar for me? I would be forever and eternally grateful. And I promise to never steal another avatar ever again. <crosses heart>


    Teach, I'm pretty sure the text running across the bottom of that pic includes the words, "Do not crop." That means don't do what you are asking someone to do. I think it's a good idea to respect the photographer's request, and I'm sure you do too.

    Besides, there's a poor lonely avi around that has no home because you had a little fling with it and then tossed it aside without another thought. Sniff.

  7. A prezzie for YSRN...


    Okay, before anyone hunts me down for being a diiiirty, no-good rotten thief, I'm here to say - yup, I am. I love that avatar, Idyjocelyn, and I admit it. I think I done stole it right from under you and my beauty-ous YSRN. Assuming that it actually posts (don't know if I ever do these things right!) I promise I'll keep it only for a little while (just need a few minutes to swoon) and then I'll give it back and find something just for meeeee! But damn! I love that look on him. :DoClay: in that 'do'!

    Alright people, I've got issues with this all of this squabbling. Here's the problem--now no one is using this wonderful avatar and I want someone to cause it's purdy and I want to look at it! I'd steal it myself, but I just changed mine for the first time evah, and I'm just getting used to it. Someone, please, steal resteal/beg/borrow/co-opt this purty avatar!

  8. I think jojoct got some of Aubrey - at least the end where Clay holds up his arm and tries to high-five him in her TWYMMF vid. Pretty damn cute. I've watched that one multiples. All the smiley, happy people get to me.

    But we don't see Aubrey dance--wah! You're right about the smiley, happy people--there are even some young good looking guys dancing around and having a good time before Clay'd turned cool.

  9. Question: when in the LA/Greek show was the banter with Clay snugging up to Angela and then saying to her family "surprise!"? Has a clip of that shown up yet? NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to see this.

    I don't think it's been posted yet. It would be post TOA or pre-WTLGD. Also, I haven't seen any videographers who took Aubrey dancing during TWYMMF. That's a toughie, Clay in the audience, people all standing, but I really hope somebody videotaped that kid dancing.

    KAndre, I can't believe I was listening to you on the cellcert last night and you're at home and at work this morning!!

  10. You guys are amazing--we're such happy nerdy people. Least I am. Sound is great now. The crowd was going ape before this song even started.

    I think he's making this more and more a guy's show, and it bothers some people, but he wants to appeal to guys. The fans should accept that.meh, who cares, but Kimmel to me, is really funny sometimes, and sometimes not, but always funny to Clay, seems like. And that's OK with me. I like it when guys "get" Clay, and I think a lot of them do. But they won't admit it because he's not "cool". He's got great instincts, great instincts.

  11. CV is muddy, lot of interference, but not awful. It sounds like it could catch on, maybe.

    Sometimes I stop and then about this and am amazed. A lot of people enjoying this experience together from all over. It's wild.

    I've enjoyed these certs with you guys. Don't know if I'll make it through this one, if the sound doesn't improve. Is CH still out?

    ETA: CH is back and clear. MOAM.

  12. I love your siggy, pax. It always feels happy to me, kind of peaceful.

    I think I'm doing this in my sleep tonight, but I'm still enjoying it. It's down to a routine now. You know I've gone non-verbal when I start posting a lot of pictures.

    Both boards have been disconnected. Ah, CV is back. Reception not good.

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