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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. 070723_SterlingHeights_Banter-AngelaAndVeryBadDay_huskerfalcon_large.wmv has the now famous exchange where Clay sticks Jesse's baton in his ear and Quiana and Angela talk about "Problems Men Started." Clay also kisses Angela on the top of the head, and jokes about her "giving it to him later," which leads to more funny as the audience misinterprets and Clay and Quiana snark on this and keeping their mouths shut, which just makes things worse.

  2. Speaking of the information age, I just became aware last week that I am a victim of identity theft and believe me this has been very frustrating. I want to caution everyone, but I am honestly not sure what to caution you from. So far, I've been advised of 10 credit cards that have been applied for in my name. I guess I would say guard your personal information as closely as you can. I certainly didn't think I had been careless with mine, so this can happen to anyone. End of my PSA.

    How frightening! How did you find out your identity had been stolen? I keep thinking I should get a credit report, but haven't. I do watch my own cards carefully, and shred all those invites for new cards, but I'm sure there are many things that make me, and everyone, vulnerable. At my last job, they were still using SS#s as IDs! I see lots of items on the news of stolen laptops with ID/banking databases and so forth. Please keep us updated so we can hug and learn. {{{atinal}}}

  3. I don't think it's fair to compare a rehearsed performance with a spontaneous, on-the-fly performance like the one Clay and Quiana did last night. That song is hard, and just remembering the words, working out the harmonies, who would sing when, and all that stuff is bound to take away from the kind of expression you can achieve when the other stuff is solid and you don't have to think about it.

  4. However, I do think that his own songs could have an added dimension to them. And I don't think I'm alone. At least one reviewer found the song particularly genuine and captivating.

    I totally agree with this. It's that idea (which you clearly don't have) that an artist must write to be taken seriously that I have a problem with. I do believe that Clay has a unique ability to express himself that could lend itself beautifully to songwriting. I just don't think he has to do it (and I don't hearing you saying that).

    I'm in the camp that believes that he has written, that he says he hasn't the same way he says he can't play the piano or dance--in other words, nothing he could take credit for has been good enough in his opinion to be worth mentioning til now. I do think that anything he wrote/would write that was closest to his soul would likely be Christian music, and that's not really relevant to his current career.

    (Pauses to thank the baby Jesus that he doesn't aspire to be a TV evangelist because he could be very successful, and I would almost certainly hate it a lot.)

    I saw some of the supersekrit communications back in the day about his writing. I've also read posts mentioning that he played a song he wrote at the "Y" camp, and also that he once wrote a wedding song. The whole thing is pretty confusing, but my feeling is, as in so many other things, that at the end of the day, it isn't any of my business. He's connected with David Foster who is an extraordinary songwriter, and that's more important. The present, and the possibilities for the future, far outweigh the past.

    PS. It's also true that assumptions could've been made in all of these cases. I know my sister assumed that he'd written all the Christmas songs that weren't familar to her, and was disappointed to find out that he didn't, until I pointed out that finding and interpreting them was an art as well. I've always admired his ability to choose "covers" (as on the demos) that were not well known, but really suited him and were great songs.

  5. I'm being messy - but man, if Clive could clean up Whitney and David Foster whips out a big bombastic OTT duet for them -

    We couldn't get Clay/Whitney off the freakin' radio! You just thought they played "I Will Always Love You" into the ground...

    Of course the cool kids would diss in public (and buy and download in secret), and Clay/Clive/Whitney/Foster would laugh all the way to the bank!

    You are so far into my brain with this it ain't funny.

  6. IMG_1387tg_001.jpg

    Is there such a thing called "Shadow Envy"? Cause I think I just got it!

    * Philly flips through her newbie handguide book for proper use of Lechery*

    BWAH!! You can take lessons from Muskifest, who's real good at it.

    Girls just wanna have fu-un..... :whistling-1:

    To me, the unconsciously sexiest thing Clay does is to debacle the mike and the mike stand. Those featherlight touches and gentle caresses drive me wild!!

  7. The basis of my opinion is "we don't know a lot" and I stand by that today. The other major belief of mine is that it is "none of my business" - this is based on personal space definitions.

    Perfectly said!

    Oh, man, there's that pod people thing again.

    Let me propose an expanded definition: Anyone with a closed mind, whether that person thinks everything is going great with Clay or everything is the result of a conspiracy between RCA and assorted villains, is a pod person. Of course this flies in the face of my endless post on the previous page that talks about how people of all kinds really deal with evidence, but if we want to be simpler, this definition works for me. The truth is that closed minds are almost always in the eye of the beholder.

    Perhaps I should have just quoted the last part of that old post. I came to the FCA because it was still OK to be happy, and, in fact, closed minded, if that meant to celebrate the wonder that is Clay Aiken, to enjoy his appearances and his album and forget about parsing what kind of evil might or might not have been done to him. Like couchie says in her explanation post, just because we don't lament the album all the time doesn't mean that we think everything is blissfully wonderful--but we just want to be happy and joyous and leave all the bitching and moaning behind. And yes, over time it's become more complicated than that, and there's nitpicking and claiming one comment or another is proof of one side or the other being right, and yes, there's plenty of closed-mindedness to go around, but just wanting to have fun and leave Clay's career decisions to Clay isn't always about being closed-minded.

    Or what JennaZ says:

    during the height of the discussions, I could not help but feel that taking a less hostile position was viewed as, well, almost disloyal. This may be purely my own sensitivities, but it seemed that if you weren't mad as hell, you were somehow, not on Clay's side. It's the only way I can explain the anger directed toward those who were not angry. And it's why I came here, where it was OK not to be angry all the time.

    And just in case it isn't clear, I know you joke about being our resident poddie, and so forth, and we may not always agree, but I don't see you as closed-minded at all, and -- something that's less well understood, and the reason for the long quote instead of the short version -- poddie was never intended to be a term for "people we dislike" but, in the beginning, the exact opposite. Pod People were people I loved who seemed changed, and I didn't want to change in the way that they had. As it turned out, it brought some undeserved and some deserved anger down upon FCA, and I regret that. On the other hand, I don't regret being on a board where I can relax and enjoy my fandom.

    And now I will STFU and contemplate said jeans.

  8. JMH obviously does not frequent the boards I did where ther angst was ramping up 6 months before the album dropped with green ink definitely one sided. Some fan favorites had decided that this album was going to suck and they they pushed thier ideas and how Clay was poor and helpless many months before the album dropped, months before there were many facts, ambiguous or not, not to mention the Roger hate ramping up, which did have some factual backing, and some made up (possibly misinterpreted) backing. On two specific boards I can think of, the mods edited you if you doubted that Clay was being screwed over by RCA. A decision has been made and that is that. No debate. All this when the EW article came out in the spring beforethe promotion, so that all the promotion was seen through those eyes and through eyes with built up expectations by other "insiders".

    You're right, I don't read all the boards you do, but I did read and post at the OFC for months during that time, so I know whereof you speak. What seemed different to me was the number of people, and especially the specific people, some of whom had been arguing the moderate view alongside of me at the OFC, who abruptly shifted to a different opinion (or so it seemed to me) when the album was released and didn't sell a huge number of copies. Hence the birth of the ambiguously received term Pod People.

    Just a trip down memory lane--my first and fourth posts here at FCA:

    Something else I see lately, is that fans who I've always considered knowlegeable and voices of reason, seem to be jumping on the RCA/Clive hate/ sales/promotion sucks bandwagon and that has a tendency to send some regular posters into a tail spin.

    Looks like this place is still safe from the invasion of the Pod People. :unsure: How refreshing to read sane posts!! Just wanted to say hello--I'll look around a bit and get my feet wet before I jump in.

    Don't worry, we check the Pod People Filter® once a week with a stick - you're safe. Here, drink this kool-aid - you'll feel better!

    Yes, I know I'm a bad girl - but Clay is hot!


    Feh. The world doesn't revolve around Clay...it revolves around Clay's HAIR. What's wrong with you people?!??! Didn't you drink the kool-aid?

    Clearly, the gold certification is part of RCA's dastardly plot. They've think Clay may be allergic to gold and that's why they paid for it!

    And more BWAH!!!!

    Why DO men have nipples anyway? :blink:


    Just wanted to kiss all you sane folks, goose muski, dance a little jig for the gold, and high-five playbiller. Just 'cuz.


    *grabs YSRN and smooches her*

    Once upon a time there was a movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"--Donald Sutherland was in it--where people were being taken over by aliens, the Pod people. The people who were taken over looked like they always did, but suddenly you'd realize they'd been taken over, and then they'd point at you and screech because they realized you weren't one of them, and then they'd come and take you over too.

    I moved recently, and was off the boards for a couple of weeks, and when I got back the Pod People had taken over almost everyone I know. Even some of my best RL Clay friends. Screech!!!


    Paranoia strikes deep, indeed. Takes satisfying swig of koolaid. Grape/cherry - my favorite.

    The Pod people took over the mods at one big, big board a long, long time ago--I don't read there enough to know who this person with the new sn is, but whatever. I just hope folks will start coming to their senses, and in the meantime, *sighs* with relief to find a safe place not to be paranoid or full of hatred and anger.

  9. But, just like some fans latched onto the word "mandate" even though he only used it once, they see and hear what they want to see and hear.
    We all do it, not just "some fans." (Note: long-assed, scholarly, probably boring post ahead on the subject of filters. Scroll at will)

    It all comes down to how we process information. When people get ambiguous evidence, we believe that the evidence supports our theories or we simply disregard it. We have the latitude to do that because the evidence is, well, ambiguous. That's the " see and hear what we want to see and hear" part.

    There are lots of examples in the endless discussion of Clive Davis and what really went on in the creation of Clay's sophomore CD. My favorite examples come from the world of parapsychology. The true believers see floating white particles as "spheres" caused by paranormal energies. The skeptics see dust motes.

    When people get unambiguous evidence, we deal with it differently. If the evidence supports our beliefs, then we say, "Well, yes, of course." When the evidence challenges our beliefs, we don't usually disregard it, plus we can't fit it into our belief system because it's unambiguous, after all. Instead, we challenge it. We nitpick the details or the methodology (in science) or the reasoning or even the reporting skills or credibility of the source. My favorite example of this comes from a textbook in social cognition where the author, after explaining ambiguous and unambiguous evidence in Chapters 1 and 2, spends all of Chapter 10 nitpicking the evidence supporting psychic phenomena. He's a perfect example of his own thesis.

    With a little effort, one can look past one's own preconceptions and evaluate the evidence by the uses other people make of it.. If you find that both sides of an argument are using the same evidence as support, it's probably ambiguous. If one side accepts the evidence and the other nitpicks, then the evidence is likely to be unambiguous. Ultimately, this is why science works the way it does, trying to get past the logjam that can be caused by ambiguity. We don't need to do that on the message boards, we only need to cheerfully and enthusiastically continue our debates. And by the way, did you see those smokin' hot jeans from last night?

    Most people are not comfortable with ambiguity. They want a one-sided answer. I think you'll agree that in the case of human psychology, totally unambiguous feelings about things are not the norm, although people will often claim to have them because they feel more comfortable thinking that way. Truth is, much of life is ambiguous (now we're getting into my field of study). The Chinese say that all of this material world is created by the energy of forces alternating between one extreme (yin) and the other (yang).

    I think that Clay has ambiguous feelings about this album, thus at some point he may say "the album was mandated by Clive," and at another he may say, “This album is very different than my first, MEASURE OF A MAN, in that I had a lot more say in how I wanted things to be....For the first album, they just gave us the songs, and I sang them. This time, Clive Davis, Jaymes Foster [the album’s executive producer] and I came up with the songs together. I also felt more confident in the studio while we were recording. Before, it was all just a bunch of knobs and controls. Now, I’m comfortable offering my opinion on how the arrangements and mixes should sound.” (He has said similar things in recorded interviews, but it's easier to find and quote from the print. I guess claiming that he didn't say this, a PR person did, or that he said it because he was forced to would represent nit-picking?)

    Thus, when Clay said Clive mandated the album, he said just that; he wasn't presenting evidence for the fact that he hates the album or that Clive treated him cruelly, etc. etc., but some will take that statement to validate a whole set of related notions because they're more comfortable with an unambiguous perception of the situation. When some say, "fans latched onto the word 'mandate'," I think that's what they're saying--that the word 'mandate' was used to validate a much larger set of fan assumptions than the simple, unambiguous statement that the concept of a love song covers album was Clive's.

    People are also influenced by other's opinions; thus, it is possible, as I said yesterday, that some fans might've liked the album more if critics had like it more, or if it had sold more. The real rancor about the album only broke out on the boards after the album dropped, even though fans had heard it before then. Some people didn't care for MOAM at first, but later decided that they loved it. Some people didn't care for the new songs tested on the JBT, but later decided that they were fantastic because they hated the alternative of an album of covers. Whereas it's clear to me that if it had been an album of 50's covers, it would've sold 10 million copies and we wouldn't even be having this conversation - LOL.

    Clay himself might be less compelled to explain repeatedly that the concept wasn't his if ATDW had been better received, and might have continued to express more pride in it had it been more unambiguously successful. I think there is precious little unambiguous information about this situation. I'm not sure what one could even consider to be unambiguous evidence when it comes to ATDW, as there seems to be plenty to counter any one particular bit of one-sided information.

    So, basically, I'm agreeing with you about the nit-picking, which I would call attempts to force the evidence into an unambiguous interpretation, but pointing out that IMO there's little about the situation that's unambiguous.

  10. Anyways, at some point during the banter afterwards, not clear when, Angela disappeared off the stage. Clay started looking around for her, wondering if she'd gone to the bathroom, and made a comment to Quiana that sounded like "maybe she J dealed us".

    Thanks for solving that mystery, luckiest lickiest. Jae Deal is the bassist who walked off stage during a NAT performance (and apparently kept playing from off-stage), and although he returned after a couple of numbers, that was his last show. He claimed he was fired unfairly for reasons having nothing to do with the show. So you actually solved two mysteries.

  11. ACK - I thought I'd lost it but it was here all along in an open window. Just as well, because it deserves to stand alone. This is the perfect summary of the whole album mess, IMO, in one sentence.

    He's neither a victim or the master of the known universe who is entitled, let alone able, to have all he wants at all times.

    Anyone who's interested in some really good posts about a lot of topics that are often debated should check out the Clay Chat thread where I found this post.

  12. Still smiling about Clay loving that TV medley and theme songs. I don't know why I'm so tickled. I think because it's the Clay I love. No matter how much we try to explain him away - it's amazing how the Clive made me do it I see in comments that explain away his choices - and then he turns around and does TV theme song medley and it's one of his favorite things. That wasn't forced on him and it's chessier than anything on ATDW and that's my Clay. God I love him.

    Yup - and even though some vocal fans have vocally condemned it, he just keeps on keeping on. That's my Clay too!!!!

    couchie, I think the reason Clay loves the TV theme songs medely so much is becasue it "means something" to him. Unlike many (not all) of the covers on ATDW.

    Silly me, I think many of the covers on ATDW mean something to him too.

    But rest assured, the poddies will find something to angst about and ways to spin it. Yadda Yadda Yadda.........*g*
    Hey! As this board's token poddie, I have to say that my only angst at the moment is that I'd like the new CD sooner rather than later, but that I'm willing to wait for what Clay wants to give us. Patiently. Sort of.

    Proud to have you as our "resident poddie", artquest. You've really got to work on your angsting though--you have entirely too much fun with this fandom to be a proper poddie.

    LOL Artquest is just masquerading as a poddie..


    Anyway, Clayzor, you hit the nail on the head. Clay talking more to fans is GREAT because frankly it gets his truth out there. I dont care if it bursts any of my own bubbles although I can't think of a thing that I have been spouting FOR him anyway. He has certainly so far made me realize more than ever that I don't know squat about what he wants and I just roll my eyes at people who talk like they do and write their instructional posts as if they speak for him and you need to recognize. As for myself, I've had some notions that I've already discovered are wrong.and it cracks me up.

    But I'm glad he clarified his position on RCA because frankly that's the one area that really bothered me. Some peoples seemed surprised to find out Clay was still with RCA a few months ago although there had never been any indication to me that he was leaving. Of course nobody remembers saying he was going to leave RCA; they were just speculating. Except I know speculation when I see it and people I respected, or used to, made inferences more than once that he was with Warner..not hoped he was there, but acted like he was already there, or it was a matter of time until the announcement..In this case it didn't even matter to me whether it was true or not. If it was, then they were famehoing with their posts. And if it wasn't then they caused undue angst in the fandom. I no longer read their posts and god forgive me if I read something that wasn't there but I have pretty good reading comprehension. Yes, I can be a bitch. Sorry if that is news to anyone.

    But I think in general, with Clay around, everything is much better, happier, calmer. In the absence of information, people just make up stuff and are able to cause angst. . That's not possible anymore for the most part. And that's great. and as a result I'm enjoying the fandom these days.

    I think I might want to be couchie's minion!!

    Not just inferences, couchie... outright lies. Manipulative outright doozies. Very amusing fiction, some of it. I had a whole pile of them directed right to me until I cut them off with the truth... and suddenly I was no longer seen as a viable conduit. But I did earn a featured spot in a very special blog story. :rolleyes: LOL! Like I give shit one what any liar thinks of me. Send me a straight up bitch anyday. Face value, I can deal with. Manipulation, lies, and disrespect for an entire community... zero tolerance.

    WORD!! Can you be two different people's minion at once?

    Lover All Alone in the rain at Canandaigua is the single best moment thus far in my fandom. I doubt it will ever be recreated, and it was a privilege to be there.

    It was unbelieveable. The rain was just pouring down in sheets, and the venue was so quiet you could hear it pouring, and there's this deeply moving, haunting melody. Sigh.

    As a teacher, its my natural tendency to correct mistakes, and to help people understand information. It seems to me that Clay's been trying to do the same thing.

    Yup, and it seems that people aren't really listening, unless he says what they want to hear. As a teacher myself, I've always taught my students to use their critical thinking skills to judge what they read and make up their own minds what to think. Using those skills myself, I find it easy to be skeptical about sources that have said:

    1) Clay's changing record labels, and RCA is trying to devalue him so he won't do well once he does.

    2) Clay won't sing songs from ATDW on tour because he hates the album that much (it'll be like "Touch"), but he will sing songs from the new album to be released this past spring.

    3) OK he has to sing songs from ATDW, because RCA is making him do it, but he won't SAY the name of the album and he certainly won't promote it

    and so on....

    I guess too, and I'll just speak for myself, what is gained if we only look back and point fingers, whether those fingers are pointed at Clive Davis or other Clay fans? I love the CD and I won't apologize for it. I think Clay was actually proud of his product, but once he'd read a lot of the "fan" reaction and complaining, I'm not surprised he refered to it as a coaster.

    Yes, it was his sophomore CD, and covers aren't usually what one would expect. Maybe Clive's idea backfired, but was it really such a stupid idea? After all, Rod did it, it sold well, Barry did it, it sold well and these guys can't even sing anymore. Michael Buble is doing it. What would happen if someone with a voice like Clay Aiken did it, after all, his fans fell in love with him singing covers?......I can see that thought process and I don't have to see malice in it. I actually have seen a lot more malice coming from fans. That's my point of view, I think some others share it, some don't.

    Yep, we all process information differently, What I saw happening during the release of ATDW made me want to spend a lot less time on the boards. I wanted to be celebrating just having a new CD and that became very hard to do while reading some of the larger boards. I came here, I don't think we have our heads in the sand, we just know how to enjoy our fandom.

    Furthermore, I blame part of the less than stellar sales of ADTW squarely on the fans--I've heard non fans say, "Well, I heard his fans didn't even like it, so it must not be very good." That whole album thread campaign to "protect" and "support" Clay was the stupidest, most misguided piece of shit crap fan PR effort I've ever seen.

    I find this part interesting. It actually could fit with a theory I have long held, one that disputes the gun-to-his-head "mandate" theory. Essentially my theory is this: He and Jaymes presented all they had recorded - including some covers - to Clive. He wasn't thrilled with any of it. Frankly I never thought Clay sounded like it was thrilled with much of it. Per one of Clay's blogs a discussion ensued about the kind of songs Clay likes to sing and he said singer's songs and the ones he enjoyed the most from what they had recorded tended to be the covers. So Clive - noting the success of Rod Stewart and *gag* Barry Manilow came up with the idea of doing a covers album. Clay naturally objected for obvious reasons but Clive pointed out that the alternative was he and Jaymes starting from scratch on an album of originals which could take a really long time and it had already been a really long time. So Clay decided to go with the covers idea rather than wait. This time, though, he would rather wait.

    Makes sense to me! Probably not accurate, but if others can extrapolate why not me! :cryingwlaughter:

    Pretty much the way I see it, FWIW.

    This is what I don't understand. If Clive wanted to ruin Clay, make him become the next Rod Stewart or Barry Manilow, box him into a Michael Buble corner, then why did he allow Clay to go find his own EP (Jaymes Foster) and spend, or waste a year of the label's time and money, looking for and recording new songs? Why wouldn't he just tell Clay right from the get go he was going to do a cd of cover songs, like it or not? Why allow him to waste all that time and go through the motions? Why not just give Clay the list of cover songs he wanted him to sing on ATDW, and tell him to get your ass in the recording studio and "Get 'er done?"

    Not to mention that he allowed Clay to go back and (re?) record those covers using his own choices of producers, arrangements, and so forth, even though it delayed the album by months and they lost the window of AI5 buzz.

    Is this anntherese54's recap? 'Cause it is being posted over at the OFC that she gave details of a "horrible ultimatum" that RCA/Clive gave Clay (no longer a mandate) of "three years"...??? I am confused....

    I read that too lightmyfire. I didn't see anything in that M&G recap that supports her claims. Some people just have to be right at all cost. Even if they have to spin everything to make it fit their theories. :cryingwlaughter:

    Speaking of which....

    The main point in all of this is that Clay didn't WANT to do a cover album!!! How is it you don't get that? With everything he's said here and there, how is it possible that he's still being deliberately misunderstood? When he calls ATDW a 'coaster', isn't it obvious that he doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about it?

    Funny, but I didn't read a single post here that said he did want to do covers. He even said he didn't. So duh! However, I disagree completely that he doesn't have warm, fuzzy feelings about the album. I do think a lot of his positive feelings for the album were severely dampened by the fans' reactions, supposedly in the name of supporting him.

    Furthermore, I think if ADTW had sold as much as MOAM had, a lot of fans (not all) who claim not to like it would be loving it. I haven't forgotten the initial reactions to MOAM--lousy production, voice sounds weird and not like Clay, canned instrumentation and so on. I didn't care for MOAM much at first, until Clay sold it to me with his live performances and the arrangements he worked out with his band. Great songs though. And, IIRC, those songs from the hallowed, now perfect and almighty greatest album EVAH were chosen by a guy named Clive Davis.

    (where's that banging on the coke machine emoticon when you need it?)

    Heh, my belief - which pod people seem to not recognize - is that we don't know sooooo much more than we know. I want to be a FAN - so I come to the board where FANS come to PLAY! (little joke there). I have to admit I had a wonderful time at the concerts because I went with other FANS - Like the EHP and my sister. Where we oohed over Clay, talked about how great Clay was and how great the seats were and how great the venue was , etc. ....

    I am not and nor do I want to be Clay's mother, manager, promotor, public relations. I just want to be a FAN - what is so hard to understand about that?

    I resent people who want me to worry about Clay. to run Clay's life or career. I hate that, it interferes with my FANdom. You see, my job is to be a fan, to buy fan stuff, listen to music and to attend concerts and watch TV shows.

    Preach it sistah!!

    And I wouldn't be surprised to learn the demo material coming in geared itself to the CCM market. And that was not going to fly. JMO.

    Exactly. I've been saying this for a long time. And a lot of the same fans whining about the covers album (and who seem to have forgotten how badly they ripped apart most of the "new songs" from the JBT, and Jaymes Foster) would've been hating on the album of originals just as loudly.

  13. CNN HN Showbiz Tonight just did a feature on celebrity fandom. I was kind of glad our fandom wasn't mentioned. We may be known as fanatic, but at least we're not top-tier fanatics, if that makes any sense. They focussed on fandom itself, while they showed pictures of the celebrities who are in the magazines all the time. It was interesting, actually. They mentioned that while Angelina Jolie was of huge interest to people, her latest movie tanked. People don't always buy the product of someone they worship primarily as a celebrity.

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