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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. I think it's just that he's highly trained in a different kind of dance. Giving everything that's being said about him, I'm not sure why he is on the show. He's amazingly talented, but his training is not suited to most of the kinds of dances they're doing. I know others are making big leaps in growth too, but not all dance skills translate into the popular kinds of dance on this show. You have to get down with it. He does appear to stay aloof, but I'll bet in his element he does not, or the aloofness is an asset. Now, since he's on the show by his own choice, I think they are right to be getting on his case. He, like others, must learn to dance outside his element, and must show how he can grow. In his case, the growth required is more personal. He's the opposite of Cedric, in a way, to me--Cedric conveys so much feeling and personality, but his technique in most dances needs a lot of work.

    Some of the choreography on this show is really amazing. My favorite part. And I love the dancing, but the only individuals that spark for me are Hok and Cedric. Benji sparked like a firecracker last year, but I wasn't a major fan--he was a bit too much for me. I enjoy the dancing and the choreography, but don't identify much with most of the individuals, this season or last. But I love to watch the show.

  2. Rcknrllmom, I sympathize. I'm always like a fish out of water at big parties. I'm painfully shy around people I don't know well, no matter how much I like them and want to meet them. People tell me I don't appear to be shy, but I really am. I have the social skills of a lamp. That said, the only thing to do if you want to meet people is go around introducing yourself to everyone. I think people who already know each other have an advantage, but just being at one of these parties for me is a trip, and if you can hook up with a gregarious gang of folks to travel with, that helps too. So sorry that you can't afford to go to CA. Boo hoo. Unfair. I only got to go to one Christmas concert, and that was hard. I think of the folks like ansa who are so far away and can't get to many concerts at all--I've been very lucky. I'm tickled pink that she's getting to do the CA concerts this year. As we've all said so many times before, thank god for CLACK!!! :me0:
  3. Please enlighten me....what is Penn Yan? Is that somehow related to Philly? Hee, I am not really familiar with these states, I just drive through 'em until I find Clay.

    I think we are picking up cindilu2's friend Karen at the airport in Syracuse around noon, or meeting her at the hotel if she beats us into town. And then I think we are planning to try and find a restaurant that serves Mexican food somewhere. And then we'll go see Clay sing pretty. I can PM you my cell phone # or something.

    I hope we can figure something out in one of the 3 NY cities! I'd love to meet sylvie and kavanaugh too.

    PS I think they might still be able to squeeze you guys into the Koozina's party in Canandaigua if you were interested. Check the CH thread or PM neverstopaiken.

    Penn Yan is at one end of Seneca Lake, and I used to live at the other end in Geneva. Both in the Fingerlakes region of New York State, which is a gorgeous place to be in the summertime. I could've become granan's friend years earlier!! Thank goodness for Clay, who brings kindred souls together. I don't think the rest of the gang is up for koozina's. Yes, please PM me your cell and we'll try to arrange something!!!

  4. Okay, I just tried to make this my avatar, and the board won't allow it because it's too big. Yeah, yeah, we all know it is (see RI clack). How can I make it smaller so it will fit?? ROTFLOL - I can't seem to write anything about this avi without it being smutty. Anyway, any help I could get in making it the size that it needs to be to fit on the board would be much appreciated.

    And no stealing, ya'll hear?????



    Wouldn't dream of it, but I wouldn't mind if everybody on the board quoted your post.

    and reposted it....


  5. We're staying back in Penn Yan, but planning dinner in Syracuse we know not where. Possibly at someone's house in our group, possibly not. No Koozina's.

    "We" are the gang of 8--sylvie and kavanaugh from England, belcanto/Northern Kitten from western Canada, granan (whose house we're all staying in), her friend Amy, Pookle (who lives in Syracuse), Sun from Toronto, and me. We're all doing the 3fer or parts thereof together.

    :Tour3: :Tour3: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:

  6. First page!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait....

    bwah..yeah not really the same thrill :cryingwlaughter:

    Are you kidding - it's a huge thrill. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    I cant wait to see and hear what you all are fussing about then and only then I will be a part of what you hear and see July 25 thanks

    YAY!! Bluebunny posted on the main thread. Can't wait for you to share this experience. Still waiting to hear from keepingfaith about her first time (and second, and third....).

    Ha, that's the kind of humor I'm talking about.

    Evening! I'm embarrassed that you can see how long I've been a member...and as you can see by my post count, I'm a lurker here...but had to pop out and say, indeed! The humor here is priceless! I'm sorry I've missed so much of it, but the past ten days or so that I 've visited regularly have been huge hoot!

    Kudos to all for some sane and seriously funny stuff!

    Welcome claylocked!! Great screen name.

  7. I just listened to the CV line cert -- hee!! I've never stood in the line, so it was extra fun. You could actually hear him saying, "Thank you for coming," and the muted reactions for the sake of keeping cool are so powerful, and then he's gone and the squealing starts. They sound so thrilled. Lots of repetitions of "He's so beautiful." I remember having that reaction from being up close at GMA.

    ETA: They said the line was 4 blocks long, kind of a rectangle. You could hear him come by one side, and then the murmuring louder and louder as he came back by on the other side.

  8. Heh, while the bitching never really gets to me, sometimes the bitching about the bitching does.

    Well again the fact that Clay had to do the covers album is not the issue or a big secret. It's how people chose to deal with that that I had to escape. When I hear Clay talk about everything, god he sounds so mature and sane. I'm happy I didn't bury myself in anger, depression, bitterness and worry about how everybody was out to get him. <snip> he's MOVING FORWARD, not stuck in some bitter muck. It's about making the best of it and not living for revenge or stewing in anger. And I don't want to stew either. I might not like this or that, but I can say so and then get over it. And once I speak it and let it go, maybe even enjoy it. (like LAV... heh!).

    I think lots of people have run from all the moaning and groaning. I trust Clay's judgment totally; and, besides, it's his life and his career. I figure I'm along for the ride and glad for that. I don't have much to add except WORD! :clap::clap:

    That's how I feel too. The extreme ideas are what bugged me--the out to getcha stuff. People seem to be enjoying these songs on tour, and it's almost entirely ATDW music. I haven't forgotten the predictions that he wouldn't sing any ATDW songs and this wouldn't be an ATDW tour, but a tour for the new album, and so on. I don't know why it was so hard to see the potential of that show last night. I want everyone to love the shit out of this show (like all his shows). I don't want to hear more moaning and groaning and unhappiness.

    BUT, I take your point YSRN, on the bitching about the bitching. Sometimes people (including me) need to vent about it, and here's a safe place to do it, but I can see how it would be unpleasant.

    I love his interviews, always have. I love his honesty, integrity, humor. It's really what hooked me in the first place. Those radio interviews after AI and then concert Clay. I didn't know he was this funny when he was on AI. It was all about the voice.

    ETA: what do you think he meant the other day when he said the producer will let him be himself...be more hip but on his terms..I can't remember the exact quote..memory is faulty. An dis there a place for Clay cool out there today... if anybody feels like doing anything other than eeeeeing.

    That's a really good question, but I don't feel like doing anything but eeeeeing. Please remember to ask again when folks come back out of the clouds. :Tour3:


    KeepingFaithhhhhh... where are you?

    She and ldyjocelyn :TourExcite: are on their way to Tulsa, bay-bee!

    Goodnight, FCA! CG and I LURVE you! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Phooey - everyone is going to sleep and there'll be no more clack tonight. That was amazing sound quality on the cellcert, and an amazing show to hear.



    I thought it was a pink bra, but it's handcuffs. Funnee.

    My personal favorite of the ATDW songs performed is "These Open Arms" because his voice is so ffffing strong on this given the venue/sound or lack there of. This is awesome!

    Give it a listen.....I dare you :)



    I'm going to do that tomorrow. This has been my least favorite song on the album but I have noticed how strong his voice is over the cellcerts, so thanks for the recommendation.

  9. Something else to try when you go to bed--put a rolled up towel or a long skinny pillow behind your knees so they are slightly bent. Don't know why, but it helps relax the muscles. One of my other favorites (long hot bath being #1) is what I call the dead bug position. Lie down on the floor, arms at your sides, legs bent at the knee (or propped up with a pillow behind the knees--and just lie there like a dead bug. Keeps the back aligned and allows the muscles to relax. I had major back problems for years after an injury--not fun. Hope it's better soon. My friend who is a locksmith worked on a safe under a desk all day once and then couldn't move to get out. They had to call an ambulance--LOL. Backs are tricky.

  10. Hey couchie,

    Yeah, I'd love to hear the three missing tracks that you mention, too, and what about RHW? The poor little song that everyone forgot. Hee, except me! I swear, if he suddenly sings it tomorrow, I'm gonna be dancing around my kitchen in joy during the cellstream. Ah well, it's all good, because more ATDW in any way, shape or form is good in my books. I'd also be surprised if he doesn't do Invisible....

    I think BYLM is the final anthem this tour--it's supposed to be dedicated to the fans. It was, but I think that'll be much more moving as the tour goes on. I think there will be more banter--he was under really strict time contraints, and I think he really wanted to try those medleys and get feedback. Those were a really creative choice on his part for that venue--both the medleys were. Maybe everyone won't love them, but some will. I can't wait to see them gell. I not only love covers, I love medleys. Man, am I a rube or what? And I can't wait for the more extended banter--to see what he will say and do.

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