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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. My mom's 94 in August, lives alone, and is in amazing health for her age. As I frequently tell her, she dresses herself and feeds herself and gets around the house on her own, and really, what more could one ask? She's been diagnosed as borderline diabetic but no medication prescribed. We try to keep her away from sweets, but it's also hard to get her to eat sometimes, so we do let her have some things she shouldn't.

    She has short-term memory issues, which can make life interesting for us all, but she and we function around it pretty well.

    She's been complaining of a toothache for about a week, so my sister made her an appt. for Thurs. at the dentist. Today mom called them and demanded an appt. sooner so they got her in at 2. My sister became the designated driver on short notice. Luckily her work is very accommodating and she works just a couple of miles away. She just called--mom doesn't have an abcess as she thought--just bad TMJ. All that was recommended was ibuprofen and heat. Hopefully now that she can stop worrying about having an abcess, she will stop clenching her jaw and that plus treatment will fix it.

    Biggest challenges--getting her to eat right and to take a bath. Oh, and dealing with going to visit during these NC summers when she has the heat on in the kitchen still and the house is like a sauna. She's quite comfortable. I'm almost unbearably hot there.

    She's miserable--always has been, very depressed, on medication for that. She also used to be very fiery, very Leo, but now is much easier to get along with and kind of childlike. She's very, very grateful for all we do for her.

    What bugs me the most--her house is old and needs a lot of work, deep cleaning, plumbing, electric, etc. No one cares but me, so I just try to ignore it. I do basic cleaning, shopping, take her out to eat, play Scrabble with her, and pray she stays as healthy as she is til she dies.

    As for the future, we just take it one day at a time. In some ways it might be easier for her to be in a home but she adamantly does not want that. If it were a great place she might get better care day-to-day. An awful place and there's no telling. I think she would probably become fully senile very quickly if she were moved from her familar surroundings now. It's strong daily habits that keep her as "normal" as she is. If only she hadn't lost her eating vegetables and personal hygiene habits -- LOL.

    My sister and I each go once a week at least and do the vast majority of the caretaking. My brother was last there to do her taxes. She still loves him best. What can you do?

  2. Wow, Muski. You sound so calm about it all. I'd be ripping my hair out. Thank god for the boards when you travel a lot, eh? :F_05BL17blowkiss: Sleep well.

    I just found this at the Clayboard. American I_dull. It was in in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution today with a color picture of Clay and Ruben. The really nice one with him leaning on Ruben's shoulder. You can see the photo here: CB thread.

    Here's the part about Clay.


    Season 2: Silky-smooth teddy bear Ruben Studdard (right) ultimately edged out geek-chic Clay Aiken. But the “Claymates” got the last laugh: Aiken has sold vastly more CDs than Studdard.

    The other showdown cited as compelling was Season 5, including DAUGHTRY!!!!11 and yet they used Clay & Ruben's picture, in color, to illustrate the article. If AI were smart, they'd bring those two back to sing a duet at the finale. They need a watercooler moment, and I know a guy who's great at coming up with those. Bringing them back this season when the papers/pundits are talking about how they miss that season would be brilliant. I guess I still like to see Clay on that show. It makes the show for me to see him on it. I don't think I'm the only one, or even that Clay fans are the only ones that feel that way.

    Wonder if there will be more such mentions in the press as the finale comes closer.

    Many great posts for the last 24. If I included all my quotes it would be a page long. Love the deep conversations here. Y'all express yourselves so well.

  3. How about Clay and the Snoop Dog revitalizing the Aerosmith/Run DMC take and have Dr. Dre produce it...ROTFLMAO!

    I hope Blake gets the boot...

    Too kewl!

    Blake deserves to go. IMO. I love Melinda's voice. She's the best vocalist. Jordin would gain the most (or lose the least). Clive has Whitney and JHud already--he will have no clue what to do with Melinda.

  4. I love To Love Somebody--love!!! I'd pay some on top of what lightmyfire pays to see/hear that.

    Yup, play, I'm a dirty, rotten, cover lover. I was dared to make that my custom designation at the CH, but I'm not a troublemaker. :whistling-1:

    HAHA! You and I ...cover lovers ...HAHA ...who would have thunk it? HAHAHA ...when Clay covers Aerosmith's...Walk This Way....we won't survive...HAHAHA...!!

    OMG--you remembered! I'd almost forgotten that dream. Hee!! It was amazing. Maybe we'll see a new variation for the summer tour--Walk This Way with symphony!! EEEEEE!!!!

    Oops - this is the Idol thread isn't it.....sowwy.

  5. I love To Love Somebody--love!!! I'd pay some on top of what lightmyfire pays to see/hear that.

    Yup, play, I'm a dirty, rotten, cover lover. I was dared to make that my custom designation at the CH, but I'm not a troublemaker. :whistling-1:

  6. Oh man, all this stuff gets me so upset. I'm sooooo tired of reading all the rumor, innuendo, and unsupported accusations. Does anything think repeating it for the millionth time is going to persuade anyone? Or that all the whining is going to benefit Clay? I leave Clay to run his own career. I think he can handle it. And I don't believe this crap is helpful to Clay at all. How many new fans not as smart as keepingfaith have been run off by this stuff.


    Grabs artquest and staples her to FCA. Pod-lite, that's cute. I don't think I've ever seen you abandon critical thinking or logic. I just read a old post of yours in my researches today that was distinctly non-pod-like.

  7. No one said he was happy - but then we went into the album with a bunch of fans whirled into anger over - OH MY GOD!! - an album with covers on it - that really helped the buzz angry fans - does wonders for stocking. Don't even get me started on the fans talking to people about - well.... Clay didn't want to do this album, but you should buy it - yeah, great little sales helpers.

    WORD! If the fans condemn an album loud and long, to industry professionals, media, to friends and on the net, no one is going to want to buy it. Talk about negative buzz. Sheesh. Doesn't matter that they thought they were "helping". Pisses me off. :angry22:

  8. ETA: I just read this as part of a post over at the CH.

    Follow that with Roger apparently telling some of the fans in LA during pre-sales of ATDWs that Clay was "going down."

    I had never heard this bit of fiction information before. Has anyone else? I mean, it makes sense to me that an RCA/Clay's publicist would tell the fan on the street that one of his clients is "going down".

    Lots of sense. :wacko:

    I can imagine Roger saying almost anything in anger to somebody or another who pissed him off, given that he probably had been getting hate mail and whatever other nasty kind of communications since February. We all know that the things that get posted on the boards regarding Clay's "enemies" also get said to the "enemies" themselves, and the hate for Roger on the OFC had been huge for months and months. There's no telling what someone might have said to him in person. Who knows what the context was for whatever he said? I sure am not going to jump to believe something based on gossip and rumor about anyone--not Clay, and not Roger. Not even Clive. Sorry poddies.

    I've always wanted a reason to use this emoticon. :believe:

  9. I also saw some posts criticizing Clay for trying too hard or being flamboyant...I cannot disagree more. I thought he was just being Clay. Some people are even analyzing the reason for the vest...I thought it was typical Clay!!! I did notice that the people saying this seem to be the ones that want him to concentrate on his music. I wonder if they get worried when they see Clay getting attention for being funny.

    In my view ... this Kimmel is best enjoyed when its is not picked apart or analyzed. The kind of absurd comedy does not always work....Some people will get it others wont. I was a bit worried about it when the reports came in...but when I saw him came out I just CMSU...all throughout the bit I would just laugh because of the really absurd visual...For me...this would be one of the best Kimmel appearances. I do hope Clay gets to do more of this kind of comedy...he is just so good at it.

    Let's hear a chorus of IYDKMBN, "you will never never know me." Too many people trying to decide what Clay should do, wear, how to cut his hair, what to sing, who should run his career, whatever. So much easier to just let him be. Do people do the same thing with their significant others? I had a friend in high school whose mother dictated everything right down to which boy she dated (and she didn't like the guy romantically speaking at all). Seemed like a huge nightmare to me.

  10. If Ryan said that, then I bow to Clay's titaniums. And if he didn't, I bow to Clay's titaniums.

    jmh, that blend threw me out of the chair. And how appropriate at this time .... Clay Aiken ... So hung, horses weep with envy. Maybe that's what happened with Taco last night, a little old-fashioned competition. You know how guys are. And now to the Access Hollywood picture ... good God he could seriously hurt somebody with that thing!

    Yeah, the horse thing was what made me link to that one. :hubbahubba: And bwah about the competition.

    Hee, hee, you keep causing me to dig into that Waldo folder of mine. Don't know who made this one either. Waldowatching-eyepokedout.gif

    Be sure to note that the second Access Hollywood link is to a video. The picture is a screen cap....

  11. Go to this link, and look for this file name: RI_YGAF_jojoct

    Angela is playing around with Clay's arm to get a reaction, and the results are hilarious. Brings new meaning to the term woody. He can barely stand up.

    Thank you, jmh :F_05BL17blowkiss: -- I've probably watched it 25 times already this afternoon. Not that I'm a junkie for this stuff or anything, and just because I'm going back to watch it again tonight does not constitute addiction. :eusa_whistle:

    How is it that I've been around this fandom for a few weeks shy of a year now and this is the first I've heard of or seen this special piece of Clack (package of Clack?). Not that this is a formal reprimand or anything, but I've heard some of your talk and if you really consider yourselves first class smutters, then you have to spread this stuff around. So if you beautiful Clack fiends can think of any other blasts from the past I may be missing out on, just drop me a link any old time as it will always be most warmly appreciated. :hubbahubba: I don't know, but I'm beginning to think that addiction becomes me somehow.


    And the Climmel hi res pics are superb. What a looker. I've reached the conclusion that Clay's new teeth give him a more masculine look. And those shoulders. I think I missed a lot of the JKL show until watching the second or third time because those broad shoulders captured my attention. The man has so many sexy body parts that multiple viewing to isolate and focus are necessary. And the complete sensual organism that is Clay Aiken is so much more than the sum of all those sexy parts. He loves to touch things, and I love to watch him touch things. OMG I'm even sounding pervy to myself. But I think my intentions are pure. Pure what, I'm not saying. I think I need more Clack now. 'Bye.

    Ah yes, watching him touch things--the fabric of his clothing, the microphone, other people. GAH.

    So sorry to have been remiss in introducing you to this. It's the creme de la creme of the Waldo clack, IMO. Not that there isn't more, but "You've Got a Friend" is my favorite. Heh. I do have 250 photos in a special album. Man loves to entertain....

    I don't know, but I'm beginning to think that addiction becomes me somehow.

    Heh heh heh heh heh......

    I'm sure if we'd known sooner that you'd hadn't been introduced to the finer things, we'd have filled you in. Who can find the Access Hollywood interview with Ruben?? Is this it? Access Hollywood

    Who made this siggy? I found this in my files: I came for the voice and stayed for the....

  12. then please please show me some Rhode Island!

    Can someone direct keepingfaith to the lovely Rhode Island Solo Tour "You've Got a Friend" clip to which I refer? I'm at work and cannot do so. I thank you...as I'm sure she will. :hubbahubba:

    Go to this link, and look for this file name: RI_YGAF_jojoct

    Angela is playing around with Clay's arm to get a reaction, and the results are hilarious. Brings new meaning to the term woody. He can barely stand up.

    Great post couchie!!

  13. Bitching and rumor-mongering-R-Us. Bleah.

    I'm remiss in congratulating ldyjocelyn's husband for his promotion, merrieeee for her eyesight (how amazing is that -- just wait til your next concert!!), and Clayzorback's husband's successful surgery (How scary! Once he gets past the milkshakes, I recommend scrambled eggs, cheese & grits all mixed up together, and lots of mashed potatoes and gravy. Applesauce is good too). And welcome Gibby!

    I lurves me some BYLM. Lurve.

    About Clay being outspoken--I love that. I'm not offended in the slightest. It doesn't hurt that I agree with him, but still. I thought the IGB Africa footage was terrible, with just a few exceptions (Carrie's video, the playful scenes with Ryan). You'd never get a dime out of me that way. I'm someone who wants to know stuff, wants to be educated. I don't think learning is dull at all, and it's perfectly possible to present footage that educates and moves at the same time--Clay & UNICEF do it well.

    I was watching Jane Fonda on Larry King last night--she handled Larry's stupid questions with such class, and she didn't hold anything back. She answered some really personal questions--wow--I think age, experience, and self-confidence allows a person to do that, to be intimate without being confessional, but rather, an educator. And instinct, which Clay has. Talk about being over-the-top with that energy as a young person--Jane took the cake. But as for being outspoken, which she is--I like people who speak their minds and embrace causes. I love that Clay not only embraces causes, but acts, and thinks in practical terms. What has always impressed me about the BAF is that their programs are simple and not too difficult to implement, but they really make a difference. The Able-to-Serve Awards--how great an idea! How effective! I love to hear the man talk about things that matter to him. I'll take one Clay Aiken over a couple of dozen useless celebrities any old day. Ruffling feathers? Piffle!!


  14. And ... for my sentimental favorite, my most treasured wish would be for Clay to sing every single word of Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me in concert with the symphony orchestras. If he's ever going to do it, this would be the time. I could be persuaded to settle for an Elton medley with SSTBTHW, CYFTLT, and DLTSGDOM. Heavens, I'm starting to swoon just thinking about it. :Tour3:

    Heee remember CYFTLT from AI tour...that was so fun...he realized his power over us during that song.

    Rawr. I do remember. We realized his power over us too--with that and Invisible. I lurved TLS, and that point in the medley when Clay's voice came in after Ricky and Charles' solos, "and you come to me..." and everyone screamed. It's like EOTR--you think the others sing so well and then Clay's voice is heard and you realize, WOW, man can SANG. Keepingfaith, I love your idea. Elton medley, rah rah rah rah.

    :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite:

  15. Y'all are mistaken. Don't you know that despite the newspaper articles, the website articles, and the TV and radio spots that have come up prior to this, all mentioning ATDW, we have NO idea what Clay's going to sing on this tour. NONE. Do not delude yourselves. These people are just extrapolating, they have no real information. The tour will be made up of nothing but songs from the new album, the one that Clay's going to announce on Kimmel next week. The orchestras are just going to be there on tour as set decoration. They aren't actually going to play. Clay will be performing rock songs with his rocking band. There will be No Covers. I know The Truth. I have Insider Connections. (I read all the hater blogs.) It's Spring. Clay said so. Trust me. onFire.gif

    Veeeeery in-ter-est-ing .... and are these the same sources that believe the new album will consist of songs from the original album that Clay wasn't allowed to release because it was too good ... with a tracklist full of sure-fire big time radio hits that weren't allowed to see the light of day, or be heard on radio, because all the songs would have been mega-hit successful? The resurrected phantom album that Clay needs to get released before RCA gives the songs away to other artists they like better? What must these "insiders" think now that RCA is promoting ATDW on radio, both the album and tour? That RCA now wants Clay to keep on doing love song covers because they are scared he may threaten the popularity of Foo Fighters with a new edgy, rocking sound? I just can't keep all the theories straight anymore -- they have morphed, revised, and disappeared and reappeared too many times. But mostly these theories seem to be conveniently forgotten just as soon as disproven. I still don't get the point. And I can't believe they're still at it.

    Yup--those are the ones. Don't forget the one about how DAUGHTRY!!11 didn't really sell all those albums. RCA actually bought them all themselves so that he could take Clay's place, that AIW was solely for the purpose of luring Clay's fans to the stores to buy DAUGHTRY's album, that Clay was forced to do covers so that he couldn't compete with DAUGHTRY!!11. I just read a post today that said we have No Idea what Clay will be singing on tour.

    "Conveniently forgotten just as soon as disproven" is right--well said.

  16. I bring you news !!! First here!!!!

    Actually, I was reading a Ruben site - yes, I like to follow him and wish him well - so there is good news about Ruben, but then they interview Kim Loke and she goes on about the 3 buddies.


    eta - I forgot = you have to click on the video or you would not know Clay was in it. heh.

    Thank you playbiller!!! This is so cute. Kim loves Clay. Kelly loves Clay. I love Clay. :allgood:

    ETA: Oh, couchie, I so rooted for the Clocke--I really did. Sigh.

    The Clocke, the Clangela, the Clyra--I'm not really into shipping, but when it enters my psyche there's a definite theme.

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