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Posts posted by jmh123

  1. I'm not sure my fandom has evolved. Still love clack, still read the boards (although different boards), still go to concerts, still listen to his CDs. All of those, lots! I'd love to say I'm more enlightened or less intense, but probably not.

  2. American Idol influence? Huge. In many ways, Clay is THE American Idol to a lot of people (see "Idol, the Musical.") I don't think he could escape it if he wanted to, so he might as well take advantage of it.

    I admit I still hate seeing "Season Two Runner-Up", but them's the breaks.

  3. OK, then -- ignore it is. But then, let's get to this question (unofficial, not on the list) -- why do fans feel they need to fight the good fight?

    Same reason they think they have to handle his PR, the distribution of his album in stores, his track list, his producers, his song choices, his wardrobe, his love life?

  4. Oddly enough, I think there are a lot of men who are threatened by Clay and what they percieve is his lack of masculinity.

    I think maybe some men are threatened because they find themselves a bit attracted, and they don't like it. It makes them doubt themselves.

  5. I've had "crushes" on singers and movie stars I knew were gay. It's not like I'm going to actually have sex with them, so why does it matter?

    I think one reason people are fascinated is because androgyny is attractive to people, whether they're conscious of it or not. When it comes in a pleasing package, it's all the more attractive.

  6. I wanted to add something to the ATDW promo question that I wrote up yesterday to maybe post on another board. I had no idea so many of us had similar ideas about this until tonight.

    I think Clive actually wanted the covers album to come out right after AI to take advantage of the buzz from the surprise appearance. I think they knew about it for months. I don't think he cared about the production and change-ups and everything Clay put so much work into because he cared more about the timing. By September it was too late.

    I also think that once the date was decided, every media outlet they contacted for pre-album promo insisted that the tabloid crap be addressed. Cause the way the media's and public's minds work these days; for too many of them, all that stuff was of Major Global Importance. There may even have been rumblings from some powerful media outlet that wanted to go deeply into the tabloid crap, and put anything Clay said or did into the context of an in-depth exploration of said crap. I think Clay told them that he wouldn't give any of that mess five seconds of his time, and he was not going to participate in any kind of sensationalistic exploitation of his life and career regardless of the ultimate "message". So I think a compromise was reached. Get the mess out of the way in the least sensational way possible, contact a few "friends" like Diane, LKL, and People, who will get a response out there with a minimum of sensationalism, add anxiety drugs as a distraction, make the best of it, and move on. Perhaps in those circumstances, low key buzz was preferable to some kind of media frenzy. Perhaps it was actually a considered effort to keep the buzz around a guy whose change in hairdo can become national news relatively low key and positive, if the alternative is major, loud, nasty buzz. Cause frankly, if my experience at a certain on-line compendium of misinformation is any indicator, the only buzz that would've been allowed to buzz around Clay in 2006 was buzz about crap.

    I also agree with y'all who said ATDW is part of a plan, not a career path, and that the next album will be mostly originals.

  7. jmh -- I think the beauty of this upcoming tour is that he'll get a LOT more men in attendance. Why? Two things: 1) the romance factor. Wooing a pretty lady by taking her to a show with some good romantic music (and Invisible thrown in for good measure *g*) will help later that night, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. 2) Many families will attend the outdoor shows -- Mom, Dad and the kids. It's a win-win situation, IMO -- he'll gain a houseful of fans, not just an individual.

    Totally agree ldyjocelyn. And they'll all laugh their heads off too.

  8. A lot (but by no means all) of his fans are women 40 and over, a lot (but not all) of those who attend his concerts are definitely women 40 or over. He could expand his fan base by attracting more men. I think the bawdy humor and the symphony shows do this. I don't see any point in targeting teens specifically. I think he has quite a few fans who are really young children. It'll be interesting to see what happens as they grow older.

  9. does anyone think the symphonies represent anything more than perhaps a cheaper way to tour? Or will this be incorporated into his future endeavors?

    I think he loves singing with symphonies, and will do it again. I also think he'll sing with a band again--I don't think this is an exclusive career direction.

  10. I'm late, I'm late.

    I think he'll sing a few songs from MOAM, more from ATDW, and there will be some surprises. I think he'll have Quiana, maybe Andy and Daniel, a drummer, and Jesse (duh). I think the arrangements will be similar to ATDW and even moreso to the Christmas tour, with instrumental solos featuring each symphony's best.

  11. jmh:

    And Clay's entertained at the Governor's mansion before too.

    Refresh my brain -- when was this? I'm an old fart and this doesn't ring a bell for me.

    I'm too old a fart to remember. I could do a search, but I'm feeling lazy. Oh, what the hell......

    May 26, 2006: a blog is found by moonhead: myspace blog

    Okay, so I must share one of the coolest things ever...

    My mom works for a limo company and she often drives really cool people around Sac. So, she calls me tonight and says, "You'll never guess who I helped get in my limo tonight.....CLAY AIKEN." Of course, I'm a HUGE Clay fan and start yelling for her to shut up there's no friggin way. Well, it turns out that he performed for the governor downtown and he hadn't come out yet. SOOOO, I scurried myself and Steph out of the house to maybe get to meet him.

    My heart was pumping and out walks Clay friggin Aiken. I was sooo excited. Steph, being sooo educated on her famous people skills says, "is that him, are you sure?" I'm like YES YES duh! We got to shake his hand and feed his ego for a minute. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. He is a humble guy. WOW!!!! I LOVED IT.

    and from the CH, link now dead, a news article:

    After the tour, Governor Schwarzenegger and President Fox delivered joint remarks at a reception attended by more than 300 guests.

    "Mexico and California are true partners and true friends," the Governor's prepared remarks said. "When we work together in the spirit of mutual respect and affection, we are able to make real progress on the tough issues that occasionally divide us."

    The evening ended with the Governor hosting his first state dinner, which was held for more than 100 guests at the newly-renovated Stanford Mansion. Renowned San Francisco Bay Area caterer, Paula LeDuc, prepared the evening's menu, which featured a variety of California-grown produce.

    another blogger (no link):

    Last night I went to a special dinner for an international dignitary and his local counterpart, when who should roll up next to me in a black Escalade with the original stock rims, but Clay Aiken, the runner up from American Idol, season 2.

    It would have been nice if I suppressed my urge to follow him around and stare incessantly all night, but who am I kidding? I have no self control.

    and another:

    The president of Mexico was at my work last night meeting with the governor. I couldn't go because my stupid car needed repairs that I had to get done in marin.

    Email from my favorite coworker becky updating me on the experience. Sounds like it was super drama from the staff yet again, so not bummed when I start reading it-until Ig et to the end.


    Now, I dont care what Brian says about Clay's orientation. I can at least hope he's bi and swings both ways. We were meant to be, ever since that first audition with his bushy bush eyebrows and cute little glasses.

    trying to piece myself together...

    I guess Ahnold knows how to win over our neighbors with America's goodwill ambassador.

    There was a whole thread about it at the old OFC: Clay performed for CA Gov. yesterday. Reading that thread, looks like the Gov. mansion appearance was never confirmed beyond the three blogs and the report that there was a big event that night.

  12. Tonight is my date with Linda Ronstadt in Jones Hall. Yipee! I'm going to try really hard to look at her while she's singing and not at the back of the head of the person in Row D Seat 1 all night. That, I think, is daydream #178.

    Forgot to say I'm jealous of you too!! I played her "greatest hits" album back in the day about a million times. Great sing-a-long music those folks made/make. Kind of like that Clay Aiken guy. And thanks for reminding me of "Celebrate", ldyjocelyn!!

  13. I have had Eagle songs running through my mind all day. Desperado-There's going to be a heartache tonight-Witchy Woman-Kick 'em when their up, kick 'em when their down, air your dirty laundry- Living it up at hotel California. You can check out anytime, but you can never leave-Life In The Fast Lane-I Can't Tell You Why...............It makes me want to go out and buy their greatest hits cd. I forgot how many hit songs they had. They just don't make songs like this anymore. Tonight Is Cool & The Gang (Can't remember their songs. Must google and refresh my memory) and Hall & Oates. I love John & Darryl. I can't wait to hear them sing "She's A Man Eater" look out boys she'll chew you up, ooooo she's a man eater. LOL Recapturing your youth is sooooo much fun. Hee

    I am so jealous of your concerts (well, maybe not so much Cool & the Gang)--lurve the Eagles. Enjoy!!!!


  14. That's a great idea, play. It might be hard to find someone she'd get along with and won't feel like is intruding on her privacy, but it's worth a try. Maybe I'll see if I can get referrals from her doctor and/or pastor, or local agencies. I know we once got a list somewhere, some years ago, of people looking for jobs like that. I'll see if I can figure out where it came from. My mother's not easy to get along with, but that's probably not uncommon, and i don't think she'll go for it immediately, but maybe she can be talked into it.

    JMH...for your mom that lives alone, does she get any help with any programs.
    No she doesn't. We've looked into it before, but she hasn't been willing, but as she gets more confused and more child-like, it may be she'll be less resistant.
  15. I actually dissected all the reasons why I hated AI5 hair back in the day, but for me, it boils down to (1) it was WAAAAY too dark, (2) the bangs were WAAAAY too long and (3) it was WAAAAY too rounded. The later bang cuts were a bit more tapered and that, combined with the MUCH, MUCH better reddish/brown highlighted color to me made all the difference in the world. That really dark, kind of flat color, just doesn't work with his complexion.

    But don't forget, keepingfaith fell in love with that Clay. A lot of people fell in love with that Clay that night.

    Aw geez, still talking about the hair? Where's the Cheez Doodles?

    Seriously -- well, first of all, I don't mind the discussions about the hair as long as it comes with pretty pictures. But I guess, for me, it just got to be such a fixation for some people that it just floored me, and really sensitized me. As long as people don't take it all so personally, I'm pretty OK with it. But then, as I think I've explained before, I sometimes read criticisms of Clay, even for as something as shallow as the hair, and I have a knee-jerk reaction to recoil. Yes, that's ME taking it too personally, and I know that. Just as long as everyone around here realizes that, we should be good to go.

    This happens to me too. I hope we'll include the fandom's hair fixation on the chat, cause that would make an interesting topic. I'd like to understand why it's so important to some. It's just hair for one appearance, and you know whatever it is, like it or hate it, it'll be different next time. So why is it so primary for some people? I mean, there are days I like it better than other days, but it isn't a big deal. It's like OK, he could've looked better that day, and I move on.

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