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Posts posted by 00lsee

  1. Okay I thought I knew what Drop Dead Diva was about but the description I read is so confusing..... she comes back to life as someone else who died?? And how would Clay fit into this show?

    Don't have a clue..never have seen the show..but apparently there are musical interludes in the show and it is very popular..so good for Clay if he is going to be on.


    Okay, I watched and liked this show (didn't know it was coming back on!) The story is: Character One: Deb Dobkins: a perky, thin, blonde model/actress who is dating Character Two: Grayson Kent: a handsome law school graduate who is interviewing for a job at a law firm on the very day that Character Three: Jane Bingum (a plump, smart, but plain and not terribly exciting person) is shot in an incident at the law office where a gunman was coming after Jane's boss (Character Four: J. Parker, law partner and womanizer).

    At virtually the same moment, Deb dies in a ridiculous car accident. She goes to the Pearly Gates where she argues that she can't be dead...she sees a sign on her intake adviser's desk (Character Five: Fred) that says something like 'under no circumstances press this button'...so of course she presses the button.

    Deb's soul is sent to the first available female body on earth, which happens to be Jane's (who is succumbing to injuries, although as Deb, she has no lingering effects from this, something rather glossed over). They also kind of gloss over what Jane might have thought about this, although we do meet her family because, after all, 'Jane' is still alive. We also meet Deb's grieving family, who does not know she is still 'alive'.

    As 'Jane', Deb runs to her best friend's house (Character Six: Stacy Barrett ) a fellow model and actress wannabe, ditzy, but clever and good-hearted. At first she does not believe Jane is Deb, but once she accepts this, she invites her to move in and they become roommates. Fred gets banished to earth for his mistake in allowing Deb to push that button and he ends up as her guardian angel on earth, getting a job as a mail clerk at the law firm. Meanwhile, Deb's boyfriend (who we learn was about to propose!) has gotten the new job he wanted at the law firm where Jane (and now Fred) work.

    As 'Jane', Deb is still in love with her boyfriend (and why wouldn't she be) but because she is NOT Deb to anyone but Stacy and Fred, she must interact with Grayson as Jane. Deb is still Deb and livens up Jane's previously dull life in many ways. As Deb/Jane, for example, Jane dresses better and wears make-up and flirts, something she never did before) In other ways, as Jane, Deb is much smarter and has knowledge she didn't have before (because Jane did, after all, study law). Jane could also sing very well and does so from time to time on the show, during musical dreams or karaoke at her favorite bar that she frequents with her friends. Deb's soul is in Jane's body, so she gets to have Jane's smarts, but not her memories - she doesn't recognize people she knew before as Jane, for example, something people dismiss as being caused by the gunshot incident). As Jane, Deb experiences prejudices she never had to deal with when she was a glamorous thin woman. They don't dwell on that excessively, though, and Deb/Jane doesn't put up with size discrimination. Deb learning to accept her now curvy body is a part of the storyline.

    Grayson starts to move on, dating other women, although he still misses Deb. He dates Kim Kaswell, Jane's law firm rival, who is also dating the womanizing boss (who is actually quite likable at times) . Later, he is considering marrying another woman, Vanessa Hemmings. This causes a lot of pain for Deb/Jane. However, Deb also begins to date other men, (one of them, Tony Nicastro) as Jane.

    Meanwhile! When he first comes to earth, Fred falls in love with Stacy and at one point in the series, he kisses her. Unfortunately, this breaks some heavenly rule and he vanishes from the show for a while. Only Jane seems to notice. If I recall correctly, it is as if he never existed. Later, he returns, as a mortal, and Stacy doesn't remember him from before. In fact, if I remember correctly, NOBODY remembers him from before. Not sure about this. Through his cleverness, he quickly wins a job as Kim Kaswell's assistant. (Bwah! I typed Kim CALDWELL) LOL

    Rosie O'Donnell is a judge that Jane was friends with before she 'died', so they are still friends and the judge is also a mentor.

    Paula Abdul is a fantasy judge who appears in Jane's musical courtroom dreams.

    Margaret Cho is very funny as Jane's assistant, Teri.

    Fred is played by Ben Feldman and he is adorable. As to where Clay would fit in, he would most likely be a law firm client.

    Keep in mind all these complications happen over the course of two seasons, during which Deb/Jane very cleverly solves law cases and interacts with clients and friends/relatives from both her former lives. At the end of season two, Grayson is about to propose to Vanessa at a restaurant when Jane comes in. Yes, everyone knows he was rushing into this new relationship on the rebound! Something (I don't remember what) causes him to follow Jane out of the restaurant...At which point, he is hit by a car. As he is lying on the pavement, he looks up into Jane's face and says 'Deb?'. I was very annoyed at this whole sequence because they lead you to believe Grayson is actually going to die. So who knows what will happen. Likely, he WON'T die and won't remember 'seeing' Deb at all.

    Anyway, that's probably about as clear as mud. The concept worked and was pretty fun and at times very touching. The characters have some depth to them and the story lines are interesting.

    So, if the rumor is true, I think Clay would enjoy himself on this show. As I wrote all this, I got excited about seeing these characters again, as mad as I was at the way the series ended before. I liked it.

    P.S. I had completely forgotten there was more than one season of this show (went back and corrected my post). These must have been short seasons! I think it was a summer filler show or something? Anyway, glad to hear it is coming back. :)

    Or save yourself some reading and go to the official website. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'd love for Clay to have a song featured on television. That alone has launched many a career. It would surely give his profile a boost.

  2. {{{Cognitogrrl}}} If I were you, I'd do it.

    Ya twisted my arm, OK that's enough, I think I will! Thanks for the support and hugs, Luckiest and jmh. I work part time doing transcription for 2 clinics, and have for years, and hub's always said, "My income is the household income, and what you make on your little jobs is yours." Well hey, I betcha I can come in under $500 even if I go solo and don't split a hotel room.

    I'll update as to whether I pull it off, so fingers crossed, thanks again.


    I definitely think you should go. Life is short!

  3. Thanks ldyj, I've been listening and relistening and revising the lyrics that he sings. And I just noticed your signature - BWAH!

    Hee, I when I googled I discovered it was originally sung by Andy Williams! Who knew?

    OK, now that I figured out spoiler tags, this should be safe to post. I think these are the lyrics that he sang last night:

    Love Story

    Where do i begin

    To tell the story

    Of how great a love can be

    The sweet love story

    That is older than the sea

    That sings the truth about the love you bring to me

    Where do i start

    With the first hello

    you gave the meaning

    To this empty world of mine

    There'll never be

    Another love another time

    you came into my life

    And made the living fine

    you fill my heart

    you fill my heart

    With very special things

    With angel songs

    With wild imaginings

    you fill my soul

    With soo much love

    That everywhere i go

    Im never lonely

    With you along who could be lonely

    I reach for your hand

    You're always there

    How long does it last

    Can love be measured by the hours in a day

    I have no answers now

    But this much i can say

    I know ill need you till the stars all burn away

    And you'll be there...

    How long does it last

    Can love be measured by the hours in a day

    I have no answers now

    But this much i can say

    I know ill need you till the stars all burn away

    you fill my heart

    With very splendid things

    With angel songs

    With wild imaginings

    you fill my soul

    With soo much love

    That everywhere i go

    Im never lonely

    With you along who could be lonely

    I reach for your hand

    You're always there

    Where do i begin

    To tell the story

    Of how great a love can be

    The sweet love story

    That is older than the sea

    The simple truth about the love you bring to me

    Where do i start

    With your first hello

    you gave the meaning

    To this empty world of mine

    There'll never be

    Another love another time

    you came into my life

    And made the living fine

    Where else do i start ??

    I know all the words to this song. Very romantic.

  4. Man...I am going to be pretty useless here in a few hours, after staying up to (try to) watch the eclipse. When the clouds parted, it was very cool to see. Bright white sliver, with an orange-ish shadow. Not sure why it looked that way, so I'll be reading up on that tomorrow/today...

    Whee! I imagine the weather conditions frustrated quite a few people tonight! Still, it was interesting.

    Y'all take care! :)

  5. Heh...just got back from Kroger. While there, I'm in the middle of all the normal grocery store noise, talking on the phone with my mother, when my ears detect what sounds like Clay Aiken. Okay, I put the phone away from my ear just a titch to verify and it is "This is the Night". Great to hear him, just surprised it wasn't a Christmas song! LOL

    Phew. Gotta go put my feet up for a bit. :)

  6. Finally had a chance to watch the PSA from GLSEN and I have to agree, that is a great look for Clay. :)

    So cute...but can I just slap the makeup person for ignoring Clay's natural skin tone? *SLAP!!!* There, I feel better. :whistling-1:

    ITA OOlsee! If they were going for a different colour then they should have taken it down his neck too.

    Well, and take it all the way up to his hairline, too! Don't leave that little strip of pearly pale! LOL

    Last season, on The Closer, the makeup person did something similar to Robert Gossett (Commander Taylor). There was his hairline, then a tidy strip of his actual skin tone, then the makeup person's version of his skin tone (matte, no less)...It was so obvious, I cringed. I mean, that's what the triangular sponge is for! Blend it all the way to the hair! Oh my, I seem to have stumbled upon a peeve of mine! HEE!!!

  7. In Entertainment Weekly, there is a photo of George Clooney on the set of "Morning Glory" sitting on a bench with his legs crossed...and peeking from beneath his slacks are some distinctively Clayesque striped socks. :)

    Isn't Harrison Ford the star of that movie? And I think I remember seeing that picture!

    Oh, Lord, yes, of course it was Harrison Ford. Got the grey heads mixed up. lol

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