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Posts posted by 00lsee

  1. I love this place.

    There are people out there who can apparently only love Clay if he has the face they FIRST saw him with--when he was a skinny as a stick kid. He'a s man now, and his face has changed. SO??? His profile doesn't look any different to me (not that I would care a ratsass) and his face has been fuller and more square for the last couple of years. I love it.

    I don't get this shallow bullcrap. I wonder if some of these people have taken a good long look in their own mirrors.

    Maybe they can't?

    *sinister laugh, thunderclap*

    Hey, y'all vote on the thread title, now, y'hear?

  2. merrieeee, of all the comments made recently, yours touched my heart the most. *sniff* He looked and sounded great last night, didn't he? And he got to share the experience with someone special.

    About the negative plastic surgery comments: My daughter had oral surgery a few weeks ago. I guess she's lucky, since only one tactless person rudely described her post-operative appearance as 'chipmunk'. Medical swelling is temporary; boorish is forever.

    I think any changes in Clay's profile are slight, but even if Clay did choose to 'have some work done' for whatever personal reason, I'm not sure why this should make him a target of derision or hostility among his fans.

    Regardless of the changes time will inevitably bring, his face will always be very dear to me.

    Thanks for bringing over the hug picture. That moment made my eyes water.

  3. I have nothing to say that is wise, smutty, philosophical or interesting (you all stop rolling your eyes and saying "Do you ever?"!! ), but I do have this to say....


    That is all.

    My thoughts exactly. Well, one of my thoughts. A few other thoughts strayed over to crotch territory, but that's not my fault.

    Happy weekend, yo.

    Congrats on the new baby! I think Moose is a great name! :)

  4. Please excuse me if I get this terminology wrong

    is burning it on to a CD okay?


    But burning it to a CD and selling it is quite frowned upon.

    Indeed. As is burning a purchased Clay Aiken cd for giving away to a third party. However, there are instances where burned cds of former downloads have subsequently been posted to the internet, then downloaded and burned to cd and then sold on ebay and then uploaded to a shared folder for downloading that have subsequently been burned to cd and then given away. That, I think, is permissible, though perhaps frowned upon by some. Or possibly just pursing of lips, not actual frowning. Subtle, yet important, distinction.

    *dusts fingers daintily*

  5. I think the hard core comic fanboys take the cake

    THEY took the cake? Dammit! I want it baaack!!!

    There's nothing wrong with me that a good dose of chocolate frosting couldn't fix.


    I'm willing to test that theory, anyway.



    I'm hooked .... like a fish.

    Thread title? lilredani.gif

    YESSS! Hooked like a fish! Like a cod! A perch! A salmon! Hooked like a hooker! I mean...um. Did I say that out loud?

  6. What do you mean, 'show all', liney? The emotie is infinitely stealable, if that's what you mean. Scarf away! :)

    Scarlett, sorry for your tough week. Here, have some crab legs. :)

    The whole 'who to trust' issue is manifesting itself aggressively on Facebook right now in the form of hackers and viruses. According to this article on Yahoo tech news, people have been pretty well conditioned not to open attachments in emails, but often don't hesitate to click on links sent from Facebook friends. Social networking sites are the newest way to play in traffic. LOL

  7. luckiest1

    What about TVBOCA? Or BOCA for short? Hee.

    Ooh, I like BOCA. It has the potential to be very useful in every day conversation.


    I like Clay's BOCA.

    I'd sure like to BOCA that hawt singer man.

    OMG, his BOCA is bigger than I thought!

    BOCA me, he's kilt me dead.

    See? Versatile! It's like a wild card! LOL


    Oh, and headoverheels? Please read the fine print: All injuries sustained while falling head over heels at FCA are the sole responsibility of each member. No safety gear will be provided and no insurance or liability is available or implied.

    Please wear proper padding if you are inclined to fall, people. :)

    Also, welcome to newest newbie, myheartsings.

  8. Aw, no one regularly posts to YouTube? Ok, I guess I'll just convert to flv. (And I even took extra time because I'd forgotten that Boston had 2 StumpTheBand songs -- YLTLF and OTWOL!)

    Welcome, headoverheels!!!


    Hey, Scarlett, it says:

    optimal video info for YouTube

    Best Formats for Uploading

    YouTube can accept almost any video format for upload, but for most users we have found the following settings give the best results.

    * Video Format: H.264, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 preferred

    * Aspect Ratio: Native aspect ratio without letterboxing (examples: 4:3, 16:9)

    * Resolution: 640x360 (16:9) or 480x360 (4:3) recommended

    * Audio Format: MP3 or AAC preferred

    * Frames per second: 30

    * Maximum length: 10 minutes (we recommend 2-3 minutes)

    * Maximum file size: 1 GB

    Doesn't even mention flv format, so I wouldn't bother with converting.

    Welcome, newbies!!!

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