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Everything posted by Thankful4Clay

  1. I was there for that St. Paul Invisible, so it got my vote. I had audio of the concert and the hell I went through trying to figure out how to get it off my recorder and onto the internet. I'm so savvy now. Hee.
  2. hee... I know what you mean - not about having it for a daughter's wedding but it seems like every time I go on vacation the darn thing makes an appearance... it's a drag... it can go away any time... I'm over it... it served a purpose but I'm over it... really, I am. I had some really heavy periods for a while and I needed to go on the pill. That was great. By taking the pills a few days longer or stopping them a few days early, you can control when it starts. I haven't needed them for a long time and it seems I do get my period when on vacation. It sucks!
  3. Add me to this club - I keep waiting for anything to tell me menopause is even coming... a hint, just a hint would be nice... I'm 48 and my period has not let up at all. I'm sure my eggs are all shriveled up, but my uterus is working just fine. Based on her age, I would not be surprised if they tried again next year. If she does get pregnant, I hope they can keep it quiet until she's as far along as she was this year. I hate that a confidence has been broken in Clay's circle of friends.
  4. I agree. I also hate that they talk about plans for a possible baby next year. If true, shut the fuck up!
  5. Neither one of them have had a child before. They might have had plans to cart him around the country or plans for one of them to have him for an extended period of time. That's all well and good in theory. Once that baby is born and you fell that overwhelming love, it's not so easy to let them out of your sight.
  6. I think there was probably some initial disappointment that he won't be doing a pop tour. Hopefully, they'll come around. I don't know if I can afford to do NY again, but I'm looking forward to the reports and the pictures. Jan-May of 2008 was awesome. If they do push a second single, Sep-Jan could be even better.
  7. Here's a lovely post from Cap at RHT. She apparently knows a lot about his car:
  8. If you read the rules, you are supposed to wait until Aug 15 to send the email but you wouldn't know that if you didn't read further.
  9. My son was born at 8:00 pm Friday and we went home at noon on Sunday. My daughter was born at 9:30 am on Monday and we went home at noon on Wednesday. I got one full day. Or, I should say, the baby got one full day at the hospital and they allowed me to stay with them.
  10. I love it. Have you posted that at OFC? Clay might see it there. Hee - it takes a lot for me to even sign into the OFC (message board), so, no, lolol. If you post there, feel free to share! I will. ETA: Annabear already posted them there. I hope Clay sees them.
  11. Mismatched striped booties. I love it. And a teeny tiny bucket hat. Burberry, of course. :sm227: And a snarky smile when he fills his pants. (I'm not talking about the way his daddy 'fills' his pants. )
  12. Okay, I have to post these two show-offs. Like father, like son. Parker is showing off his scalp and Clay is showing off his belly.
  13. Thank you. I didn't give them a hit but I'm glad that some did so that we could get the news. I'm surprised it took a whole day for the video and pictures to surface. I had my son on a Friday night and I went home on a Sunday afternoon. That was over 19 years ago.
  14. Why do people think this happened yesterday? Wouldn't the video have been up yesterday, if that were true?
  15. I don't know if he would have him along for an entire tour, but I think he would be there part of time. I hope he tours in the next year so that we can find out.
  16. I love this image and I'm pretty damn sure it will happen. I would let my children sleep on me for hours in this position. It's the most wonderful feeling. Claygasm, I have never gotten into your issues on this board. As a person who has been misinterpreted in a work situation, I have something to say to you. If there are several people who misinterpreted your post (and other posts), maybe it's time to change your style or tone. I recently used some capital letters in an email at work and I was told that it was interpreted as yelling. I used it for emphasis only. Let me tell you, I learned that I can't write in work emails the way I can post on message boards. The written word is interpreted by the person reading it. One person can be dismissed. Two people should make you stop and think. If the numbers get higher, you should take a really close look at your posting style. When I first read your post, I was taken aback by your use of the term 'the kid' and that probably colored how I read the rest of your post. You have since explained yourself and the use of that term and I accept your explanation.
  17. Hello. I'm still grinning from ear to ear about Clay's being a daddy. I'm beyond thrilled for him. I'm watching the Olympics and I'm actually going out this evening. My daughter is a fan of Idina Menzel. She was the original Elphaba in Wicked. She is playing in St. Paul tonight. We looked at tickets on Thursday and the only ones showing were in the balcony. I told my daughter that more seats would open up. Buying Clay tickets has taught me that. We ended up with main floor, center tickets.
  18. Okay, maybe the time was just luck. Actually, I hope it was. It makes it a better story for it to not be planned. I have no facts, just conjecture. I'm just so damned happy. :twinklewhore:
  19. This happens all the time. Brittney Spears picked when she wanted her kids born. She was afraid to go through labor, so she had a planned c-section before her due date (or so I heard). Many women and doctors plan deliveries based on their schedules. They give you a time frame in which it is safe to deliver the baby and you pick the date and schedule the OR.
  20. I've been reading the congratulations/blog thread over at OFC and it looks like he blogged about 10:45 eastern time. So, just over two hours after the birth.
  21. For me, it's mostly the time of the birth. It's not likely that the baby was born at 8:08 on 08/08/08 without being planned. Timing a vaginal delivery for that time would be difficult. I don't think we do know for sure, but based on the birth time and her age, I think it was a c-section. ETA: I'm glad some of you liked my post whoring today. I just switched from full-time to part-time, so I actually had some time to post today. It usually takes me all evening to catch up and I don't have time to post.
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