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Everything posted by Thankful4Clay

  1. Here's an interesting comment from Popeater. I was over there scrolling through all of the OMGs and EEEEEs. I kinda like to read some of the posts that seem to be from REAL people - not big fans and not haters. This one struck me. Who knows if it's legit, I hope it is:
  2. I had a few reservations this morning.... Now, I officially love OMWH. Really. I love it. Headphones and AOL are a great combination. I want to get up and sway back and forth as I listen to it, but the cord on my headphones isn't long enough. Can't wait to hear this in concert. I'm picturing Clay as Sir Robin swaying with his torch.
  3. I posted them to get feedback, thanks. I changed my copy. I'm so behind. Off to catch up.
  4. You should get a confirmation email. If not, see if they are still available and try again.
  5. Were you able to hear that on the first listen link? I can play other music but nothing from that first listen link. Do you know how to rip songs? I might need some help hearing this song.
  6. We should be able to rip the song and make an mp3 for those who can't listen. Won't this have that annoying voice over in it? That should make it okay to post since it won't be like an actual download. Where's Muski?
  7. I'm sorry. I got mine. It was also engraved with my screen name.
  8. How old is your daughter? I got engaged on April 1st, yes April Fools Day, and we got married on Nov 15. I thought that was a tight time frame. Is your daughter making this a small wedding? ETA: I've really enjoyed reading everyone's views this morning.
  9. Thanks for the idea, Thankful4Clay! I have a long day at work on Monday and there's no way I can listen on the networked computers. But I have a laptop with an air card for another job, and an office with a door that closes. Perfect! Why didn't I think of that? I feel better now. I wish I had an air card. Those a bit too pricey for me. Glad I could help!!
  10. That just proves that there are many factors and fans spamming the stations is only part of it. I don't believe it is the main reason. Clay fans are not the only fans to spam the stations.
  11. I agree 100% with Clay's assessment. Payola is an over-rated excuse utilized by this fandom. Clay nails the reasoning behind the lack of spins due to the age demographic with advertisers and the spamming of the stations/program directors (regardless of the formatting) from the onset with TITN. Wasn't it payola that got Invisible on the charts? The fans were spamming the radio stations then, too. What happened with The Way? The support ran out.
  12. There's been a huge discussion on that over at CV. It's too simplistic. I do believe the fans did piss off some radio stations early on, but we all know payola is a huge part of it.
  13. no doubt. But where's their client list - I'm sure that's been found already!! Ahem....
  14. PMK/HBH looks like it could be a PR Firm. It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that. Now, badgering RCA insiders for information is another thing altogether. Now that the info has been spread all around the boards, I'm sure some fans will be in touch with them about Clay's PR. Scary but true. It sends shivers up my spine.
  15. The fans didn't exactly have to do a lot of digging to find this: PMK/HBH looks like it could be a PR Firm. It was posted on one of the links that had the press release. I think it proves that Clay has intelligent fans. I don't see anything wrong with that. Now, badgering RCA insiders for information is another thing altogether.
  16. I stopped to read here today before catching up at CV. I think the press release was fine and I'm thrilled that we'll get a song on Monday. I just hope it's available before I go to work. If not, it's going to be a very long day. I might have to bring my laptop with me and head to Barnes & Noble on my lunch for some free Wi-Fi.
  17. Yup, he is! And I'm so glad to see you posting more. I like you, and I'd love for you to be around here more often! I only have a few minutes before hubby will spank me if I don't get to bed on time (hmmmm, come to think of it, maybe that wouldn't be so bad . . . . ). Erm, anyway, I just need to EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE about the AI Extra clip! Clay's looking so cute, and I love to hear him talk. I CANNOT WAIT for this album. Aw, I like you, too!! I also need to go to bed. But, I don't want a spanking. Hee.
  18. Thank you, FCA, for the intelligent discussion. Most boards would get very defensive and start lashing out. You didn't do that, and I thank you.
  19. I can't read at work, either. Zero tolerance for Internet use that is not work related. I'm working a half-day today, that's the only reason I am posting. It's always hard to fit into a board that has close established friendships. I had one person tell me to post and just keep posting if no one responds. I don't have time to do that. I have to go eat lunch and go to work. I need money for future Clay trips.
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