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Everything posted by Kareneh

  1. California Woo Hoo!! I'm flying into LAX on th 1st and meeting LB Erin and bonnechance there. We've rented a car and plan to drive to San Diego as soon as we get the car....staying at the Marriott near the venue and have no plans other than the CH party at Joe's Crab Shack. We're meeting Nelle in San Diego, too. After the concert we're going to drive up to Pala that night and spend the next two nights at the casino hotel. Will probably play a little blackjack and I'll mention the winery tour to the others and see if they want to do that. It sounds like a great idea! The 4th is the Greek. I might have an extra ticket for that YSRN if you need one. Let me know and I'll confirm that I do right away. We're are holing up at the Renaissance at Hollywood and Highland and are looking for cheap pre-concert eats in area. I bought some sooper expensive parking thing but I still plan to get up to the Greek early, no reason not to have the best sooper expensive parking spot up there, eh? I guess the fact that I have no actual pass to park is freaking me out a little. Apparently my name will be on a clipboard, sheeesh! Scary shit. So, bonnechance and LB Erin are going back to LAX on the 5th probably via super shuttle while the rest of us mosey on down to Indio. I had a room booked at the Holiday Inn but let it go thinking it might be wiser for us to stay out near LAX that night to avoid the rush hour traffic in the morning. I think one of us is leaving before noon and this concert should be over pretty early if it really does begin at six. I figure there's lots of time to hang out after and I don't mind driving in the wee hours at all. It does mean we don't have a place to go before the show....except some slot machine stool. Okay, that works. Come looking for me if I'm not in my seat on time, ok?
  2. Well, I finally got to use those rain ponchos I bought to use in Frisco....just in case. We went to The Woodlands to see ZZ Top tonight and someone offered me a hundred bucks for mine. Rain much around here? Geez Louise, I've never seen anything like this. But it sure was fun sitting at the top of an open hill in an aluminum chair during a thunderstorm. I made it until the third major deluge then decided to bail. I think if we'd have stayed much longer we'd have to bail the car in order to get home. I have never been so happy to see nice warm jammies and a bottle of merlot in my life! Being the way far behind everything person that I am, I just finished with my Frisco pix. I linked them at the CH earlier but I thought I'd take up real estate here too. Just links....oh, and the emoticons are links, click on them, too. The wonders of technology, eh? The whole album is Here. He’s Not 16. He’s Not 16. He’s Not 16. You Guys Remember My Girlfriend, Right? One Of Us Is Baaaaaad. Singing Overexposed And Blurry But I Liked It. The Shirt Said “Black & White”. Lipbite. Groovin? My Favourite This Cracks Me Up Sexy Back Ditto That Foot Is the Picture Of Innocence God Bless The USA Holding The Hat :F_05BL17blowkiss: One With The Canon This week has flown by so fast. I find it hard to believe that I'll be off on another trip come Tuesday. This time to Rochester and Syracuse via Toronto....I'll be gone until Sunday, taking a couple of days to hang out in one of my favorite cities. I think I might try to get to the ROM since I haven't been there in years and years. Now, all I have to do is make sure I've got the batteries charged and my handy dandy sneaky taking pictures thingy perfected. I think I'll have it with a few minor changes and alterations. Anyone else going to be at Koozina's? Okay, going to run and check out the Cali thread to see what's shakin' there..... Congrats! to the Blaze muski.
  3. Every once in a while I get one I really like. I like this one. I seem to have this black and white thing going on. There's something about that shirt that screams do me in black and white. Wish I could remember where I stashed that nun's costume.
  4. A Recap.... Oh Hell, Why Not...... I accidentally opened Word instead of Photoshop, so I guess that means I should try my hand at writing a recap of the week that was as much fun as you can have without being arrested. I’ll start with Frisco and the plot. When the Nokia thing hit the skids and the soccer game thing was announced there was no way I was going to go on up to Dallas for that. Even if I wanted to go, abandoning Mr. K’eh on the 4th didn’t seem like and option since he’s so good about all the other little trips I’ve taken, am taking and will take in the future. I try to fair and reasonable when I can, right? But.....if I could convince him that going up to Dallas for a soccer game and some bang up fireworks on his day off was a good idea, then that was different…”no way” could become “yes way” faster than I can change a memory card. He bought it….based on the fireworks show….he pretended not to notice how excited I was about seeing Clay and let me rattle on and on about this fantastic fireworks show that was going to happen 4 hours drive away. For a long time I kept him in the dark regarding the logistics of our trip. I don’t think men, in general, do well with too many complications in planning……but essentially…..I had to pick up guitargirl at Bush on the afternoon of the 3rd and take her to the Magnolia. We would go out and celebrate our 25th anniversary over a nice dinner. On Wednesday at noon, I’d pick up guitargirl at her hotel while Mr. K’eh went to the airport to meet bonnechance and meeman who were arriving separately around twelve. The plan was to meet at an exit off I-45 in the Woodlands, where we would play musical cars. bonnechance and guitargirl would ride to Frisco in my car and the K’ehs and meeman would ride with Mr. K’eh. We'd leave one car at the hotel in Frisco, and drive to the venue in the other. We had to be back in Houston on the 5th by noon to collect Chardonnay and Sue at Bush, and then to pick up Nelle at Hobby at 1:30. Making the trip back from Frisco to Houston with us would be muskifest and Claygasm who we would roust of bed at an ungodly hour so we could get on the road by 8:00AM. In order to facilitate bodies and luggage getting where they needed to go, we would meet at another exit in the Woodlands to make the appropriate transfers of bodies, laptops, suitcases and various and sundry other pieces of luggage that I had been eying warily since the day before. I'd still like to know what exactly guitargirl has in the that electronics case and luckily bonnechance has won a decent sized bag since the last time we traveled together. She left her windowless, zippered RV at home this time. I was late. When I arrived outside of the Magnolia, guitagirl was no where in sight. I assumed she was taking refuge from our Houston humidity by waiting inside the lobby and reached into my purse for my phone. Reaching, led to fishing, fishing led to frantically scattering the contents of one very large purse all over the front seat! Demmit!! No phone!! I checked under the seats and on the floor and then got the sinking feeling that my phone was still on the desk where I left it. Crap! I then got the idea that maybe I could catch Mr. K’eh before he left for the airport….slim chance but maybe he was still home. I went hunting again in my purse for my phone so I could call him to tell him I’d left it on the desk……yes, I actually did that and cussed loudly because I now had to get out of the car in the rain and go looking for guitargirl in the lobby. I think I assaulted her for her phone but it was all for naught. Too late. I had to go back home for my phone….a mere 45 drive, no biggie. Nice start to the day. I wonder if that’s why we missed the soccer game? (Bummer, eh?) The rest of the drive up there was uneventful…..so that had to be it. We made it to our hotel, changed clothes and I caught Mr. K’eh sneaking a peek at his email……BAD Mr. K’eh! We found Pizza Hut Park just fine by way of my Great Paper System and spent the next 20 minutes or so circling the west parking lot waiting for someone to go home and give us their space. It was a tad busy in there. Mr. K’eh said if we were patient there would be lots of spaces when the soccer game was over…..BAD Mr. K’eh (don’t you have email or something?) I think at that point someone looked at the clock in the car and realized that the soccer game was just about over if it wasn’t already. It was past 7:30. How the heck did that happen? I start to get a little frantic over the parking situation. I have no Plan B, other than to bail on Mr. K’eh and let him find parking on his own. I took the high road this time and we dropped off meeman and guitargirl near the entrance. bonnechance saw an opportunity, hopped out of the back seat and attached herself to a family on their way home. She would if required, lay prone in the spot until we made it 'round to the right row. No Clayversions allowed when parking is an issue….sorry. Let these people go. Pizza Hut Park is a pretty nice facility as stadiums go. I didn’t see all that much of it since I was on line in a stairwell as soon as I got there. guitargirl and Mr. K’eh made themselves comfy in the stands….meeman, bonnechance and I were hitting the field. I think I was halfway dignified as I bounded across the field to find a spot, though by that time my husband was probably up getting a beer and not paying one bit of attention to me at all. My biggest regret is that I neglected to get my own beer before I got in that line. The three of us found a great spot about ten people deep in front of the stage to the left a bit. I plunked my knapsack between my feet and dug out that Nikon that I’ve been dying to try at a concert since I got it last year. I figured Frisco would be the ideal place since I’ve been to too nervous to try and get away with using it in any of those symphony halls. I think I’m ready but I’m not. I never am…..never ever. Being down on the field in Pizza Hut Park was fun. I had a blast. It felt great to stand up the whole time. There was so much energy in that little group on the field and when I turned around and saw the stadium behind it looked really cool. I’m about halfway through the pictures I took in Frisco. The Nikon was fun to use, very different and about half the zoom magnification on my longest lens as the Canon point and shoot. I’d love to have the chance to use it again. Maybe I’ll get brave at one of the indoor concerts. Watching Clay sing 'Lover All Alone' for the first time was a thrill. My chin hit the turf when the Classics Medley started….He’s doing what? But I laughed. It was funny. I’m easy. He’s so pretty. Luckily the fireworks show lived up to its billing…the one I gave it. The entire eHP and lots more really swell people were all hanging out in Section 103 at the very end. We made arrangements with muski and Claygasm to pick them up at their hotel at 8:00 AM. They tried to convince me that hitting the road at 6:00 would be a much better idea but I stuck firm to 8:00. I have never seen two people that anxious to get up and get on the road for a trip EVER! Little Mary Sunshine got nuthin' on them two. When the very last sparkly thingy was nothing more than a puff of smoke we dragged ourselves back to the car and voted on IHOP for dinner. I ate the first of many omelets I would have last week. To be continued...... ***One part of this recap is a big fat lie. Can you tell which part?***
  5. Wow! Less than a week and on the road again. Look for us in a yellow & black mini......We're going to Koozinas before the Canandaigua concert and not doing anything in particular before Syracuse. We'll be driving in from Toronto that day, so it'll likely be go to hotel, grab a bite and go. Is this the city that has the hotel called the Genesee Grand? If it is, then that's where we're staying. I think I'm in the 4th row on Quiana's side in Syracuse and in the second row in the right center section in Canandaigua. I'd love to meet all of you......now, where have I stashed that DCAT pin?
  6. I see my name up there, hee! As she said....but there was lots of swag to be had at the Houston party, too. I know I floated much of it down I-45 that afternoon in my Ark. I think I have one picture of the "Process of Swag" taken at merrieeee's on one of our "craft" days but it's probably in the junk drawer. It WILL turn up.....eventually. I guess I could gather up my little haul from the event...maybe tomorrow. BUT I do have this right nice and handy.....The Taco necklace we punked spot with.....I hope she absolutely adores it because I had such a hard time giving it up. Of course for 4 bucks I could get my own at Party Boys. Ooooh! cindilu2.....I love those! Both gorgeous!
  7. I had sleep!!! Eight whole hours last night and I feel like a new person. Somehow I seem to have lost the first two days of this week in some kind of fog. Oh well…..I haven’t had any clack yet today and maybe that’s actually a good thing. I have laundry. What a week this has been! Back home…drive…drive….drive. Watch clack…upload pictures from memory cards…..pat the dog….dish on the phone with friends about the weekend....no regrets for the Sunday morning hangover. Okay, Sunday afternoon hangover. I had to hand the keys over to Lynda on Sunday morning….. Lovely swag from the Tulsa party, Clayzorback, I took a wander through the room to check out all the fabulous things the OK fans had on the tables for bids. It was amazing what they had put together…..so much pretty all in one room was kind of overwhelming. Love the “lost” excerpts from the Chron…. You go sexy singer man……I’ve never seen anyone faking it standing up at one of your shows…..ever. Yeah, they can keep their Pro-Tooled sex. I’ll have the real thing, thank.you.very.much. Anyone ever overhear an NJU tap their seatmate and say, “I’ll have what she’s having?” I got lots of pix from Frisco and lots from Houston. A total of 36 from Tulsa, darn it! Those are all from the end of the night. When I saw the signs and the ferocity of the “Event Staff” I decided that this would be the one where I sat and watched without worrying. Having the seat one in from the aisle helped me hold to that decision…..but it was hard. The rollicking free for all attitude and general grunge look of the Brady just didn’t fit with having such a prohibitive camera policy. I know those two things don’t go hand in hand but still…..it seemed weird. I started to go through my Frisco pix last night and I’ll get back to them in a little while…..if I can let the clack go. I have this terrible weakness, you see. This is one of them.....well, more like six So what if it's thrust, not horsepower, that enables a given payload to become airborne. Without the efficient use of horsepower, there would be no thrust. In this case does economy of motion equate with more bang from the.....I think I need some more sleep. I'm starting to babble. KAndre.....you're cracking me up. Write some more! (So requests humble minion person.) Nobody can tell a story like you. We must have lunch soon so everyone has the opportunity to defend themselves. What a great time this was. Waves to everyone!! I want to give everyone a hug. Come 'ere. I promise...it won't hurt...really. Something from Houston....
  8. I'm heading for that nice soft comfy looking bed over there in one more minute, but I uploaded a few pics tonight.
  9. :bday2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUSKI!!!! Another insommniac checking in. I went to bed at 2:00, woke up at 6:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. This is it!! I can't believe it's finally here! Off to finish packing and all that stuff (including ironing - PFFFFT!) Happy 4th of July!! Happy Clay Day! Happy Happy Joy Joy! :Tour3:
  10. That's one of the other things I love about this place. We have ironers and are accepting of them. I seem to remember being tormented on another board because I couldn't handle a little fold now and again. Anyone, have a honkin' big Rowenta? If you do I am soooo jellus...love the way they glide. That little You Tube interlude I enjoyed last night reminded me of a story that I couldn't tell one time at an eHP lunch because there were children present at the next table in the very crowded Los Cucos where were eating. T'was the night before GMA in a hotel along the highway near Charleston, West Virginia and when I pulled into the parking lot there were maybe six cars, at most. The girls at the front desk told me it was a very quiet night and that I would have the entire fourth floor to myself. Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay, that wasn't all that comforting, really, but since Jack Nicholson didn't come squealing around the corner on a trike when I got off the elevator I figured it would be alright. Well, it wasn't. The internet in my room didn't work and they had to move me across the hall. I guess they thought I was going to be lonely or scared up there all by myself, so about an hour after I checked in they sent a very loving coupleup to occupy the room nextdoor.....in the hotel with the thinnest walls ever made. When the festivities began I was talking to Nelle on AIM, we were excited about the CD release and that conversation took precedence to what the folks in the next room were doing. Trouble was, they didn't just get it over with and go to sleep......and by the time I decided they were going to be keeping me up way longer than I planned....well...I felt a little trapped. If the walls were so thin that I could hear every moan.....groan.....and word (mostly, Oh Yes!) I was going to get busted for hanging out for an hour or so listening....which I wasn't (really *g*) I was talking to Nelle about Clay! No, I wasn't about t0 call the front desk and ask for a room change again and have those people know that I had been in there listening. It just felt so weird.....I was tiptoeing around my room. I decided to play it "don't mind me".......I won't bother anybody....nope, nobody here.....Though, I have to wonder if it was manners or subconscious mind doing most of the work that night. Ahem.....anyway. It went on for hours. It went from funny to hilarious. I dozed off for a while and woke up to more. Eventually they each took a shower and I thought that was the end, and peace and quiet would descend on the valleys of West Virginia. I was wrong but by then I was just plain impressed. She was having one hell of a good time. Yep.....she sure was.....and then I heard a zipper and he was digging for something in a tote bag. He kept digging and finally said, "Do you have anymore batteries?" Well.......PFFFFT! I had been so looking forward to catching a glimpse of Mr. All Night Long at continental breakfast. He high tailed it out of there alone at 6:00 AM anyway, but still..... I was the face of abject disappointment. I skipped continental breakfast, grabbed an Egg McMuffin across the road and drove to New York. WooHoo!!! Road trip this week!!! I am supposed to be cleaning house today, and then ironing. I'll pack tomorrow. Somewhere I have some rain ponchos, so I guess I have to go look for those. I've checked my hard drives for space and I'm okay for starters. There's a new one in the box over there on the bookcase. I've made folders for everything in advance (a first for me) and the cars are ready to go.....'cept for a little beach sand in the back of the Jetta. John and I bought new wedding bands as our anniversary present to each other, I'll pick them up at the jeweler later today. We'll be starting our second 25 years seeing Clay......he's a pretty good sport so I think I'll keep him around. Congrats on the new job Claygasm...enjoy your time off and don't think about nuthin' but Clay for the next two weeks. Did anyone get a M & G email yet? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I just made my 100th post.
  11. Oh. I confess. When I first saw this I thought it said "The House of Penis" muski, House of Pies is here. It's a delicious institution that has the best blueberry pancakes ever. House of Penis is up the road a piece in Austin. Clay content?? Um, I think I've covered it. <<<<<<<That's her, officer, the one that tried to kill me!! Seriously, I wanna know how this sqeezer person got into my safe deposit box. I never leave those kind of tapes lying around....never. BOING!!! BOING!!!! BOING!!!!BOING!!!!BOING!!!!! All four walls and the ceiling! Bounce much, K'eh? :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:
  12. I laid in bed this morning staring at the ceiling until a list of 15 songs magically appeared up there for me. I told myself I wasn't getting up until I had something. So here's what was written on my ceiling a little while ago: Invisible (Opener) The Way Perfect Day Here You Come Again These Open Arms Lonely No More Because You Loved Me I Want To Know What Love Is Everything I Have Without You A Thousand Days Broken Wings These Open Arms Right Here Waiting Lover All Alone WOW! There isn't much gambling there is there? I'm wondering if the special project might involve an arangement of patriotice music for the 4th....destined to become a classice and all that. Oh, maybe not......hmmmmm, on this one. There was video that magically appeared on my bedroom ceiling, too, but since the iHOP down the street is still full of churchgoers having their Sunday brunch, I'll save that description for later. Welcome, Crimsonice! cha cha, I'm glad your daughters are okay. I followed the link you posted yesterday, what an awesome adventure for them both. I'll be at the Magnolia in Houston on the 5th and the 6th but I read somewhere that people are gathering informally at the bar in the Hyatt on Thursday night. Any of youz guyz going to be there? I was thinking of trucking on down there with some folks if that was the case. For a late night hunk of something yummy, it wil be off to House of Pies! Funny how when I mentioned House of Pies to everyone, not one person said they weren't interested. I've only been to the one on Westheimer, and I know there's one on Kirby, that would be closer to downtown right? :TourExcite:
  13. Oh, yeah! So true.....it is like nothing else. Yep, just one more step to go and you're over the precipice To offer some hope to my fellow Texans, I have Comcast internet and it's working fine out here in Katy. I was out from eleven until four so maybe it went down and it's back up now. I kind of forgot about the switch over but I've been finding my internet to be a bit slower since I've been home from Halifax. I wonder if it's me or them. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! For the podcast! I love it when he doesn't bother to get dressed to talk to me. Lovin' al the moving avi's. If I get time this weekend I might try to upload one for shits and giggles, though I'll miss "Oh, Lord, there she is again." Clay. Concert chat sounds like fun.....I'll be there. Welcome MyZiggy & goldarngirl!!!!!
  14. Amen, sistah! That man has blown my water heater a thousand times over. Isn't it the coolest thing that we'll never ever totally figure him and all of it....out. Though I wouldn't mind getting a little look see at a meet and greet....as if....*sigh* How do get one of those little moving avatars, anyway? Everytime I see one, it feels like I'm looking into a little window. Yeah, that's me Peeping K'eh.
  15. Just to be clear...your husband or the single guy? I guess I need to be careful, huh? Since you're in charge of what goes on the namecards? Oh Crap!! Are you supposed to be on my list? Hee!
  16. Ahem! Calling Claygasm! Just to be clear......the blonde one? He'd be my husband. Ooops! Forgot to mention he has a very good job too.... Okay, back to the nametags.....if I'm still saying that come next Thursday, block me, okay?
  17. Me too, but if he blogs me before hand, a shower and a smoke would be nice in between. Of all the freakin' words I read on the internet everyday, how come his little communiques are as good as it gets? An album next year sounds just fine, at the rate I'm going this year, I wouldn't be able to buy even one copy of Grandson of MOAM. While you guys have been distracting yourself with iPod stuff....I seriously have to get me one of those....I've been burying myself with Christmas tour doins'. If you see turtlenecks in my suitcase up in Tulsa, you'll know I got a little confused over it all. As soon as I'm done with this, I'm going back to the kitchen table where there is an eHP nametag factory on the go. My husband has been chuckling at me for days now. But I'm a little apprehensive, he's meeting a friend/client for lunch tomorrow and he's going to ask him to come to Frisco for the Freedom Fest if he doesn't have any plans. Okaaaaaaaaaay............I wonder if he knows who Clay Aiken is. I guess this would be a good thing. It would be someone for John to hang in the stands with while I elbow my way thru the crowd on the field. That's a good thing. It would be someone who does have a good sense of humour and who would find the whole "thing" fascinating. OY! I guess it won't be a bad thing to have a nice looking-single-middle aged man in tow either. This is going to be one interesting trip.
  18. clayzedover, I don't have an iPod either, though I have purchased a few of them in the last year or so. One of them was that 30 gig video one for my son. I thought he'd like it since he's always downloading video but he told me a few weeks ago that he doesn't use the function all that much because it eats up his battery charge. I was half thinking of asking him to trade me for a 4 gig one that doesn't have video...if he's not using it. I have never been able to comfortably use my laptop on a plane. I always get the seat recliner in front of me. I wish I could be more like my husband who has no problem asking someone to put the seat back forward if he's trying to do some work. I guess I like to stew in my own juices since I never ask, just suffer it out. I've seen people on planes with those 7 " DVD players and thought that was something I could get behind. A few DVDs of clack should get me where I want to go. If I chose which clack wisely I could become a member of the Mile High Club without so much as reclining my own seat. **gets out Christmas List, Vol. 3 and makes a note.** **Also notes that certain videos are to be only viewed when sitting next to someone wearing a pair of those new fangled BOSE noise blocking headphones. Aw..heck get me a pair of those since if I can't hear me no one else can either, right?** In the meantime, I'll keep on using iTunes to get songs to make driving CDs for the car. You are the sun.....I am the moon.....play me. Clayzorback, he can't sing that until the very last song of the very last concert. I have tickets and reservations and people are depending on me. If he put me in the ground with that one any earlier than that, I'd miss all the fun and no one would be around to come to my funeral. They'd all be scrambling to see if I'd left behind any good tickets...... keepingfaith, I love your taste in music. I just snipped your post for brevity not because I'm not a fan of the ones I cut out. *g* These are some of the great musicians and artists I have loved for years. "Somewhere Down The Lazy River".....EEEEEP! FLOVE! Are you going to see ZZ Top at the Woodlands next month? I'll be up there on the grass with all the regular folk. I love the lawn at the Woodlands. Yep! It was too late. We drank it all on Saturday! If you want to make more I'll be there very early Saturday to stir in the sugar......and to wipe the fingerrints of my special something.
  19. OY! Taking a break! My Party Shuffle......leaving out the obvious.... Rich Girl....Gwen Stefani Pretty Woman....Roy Orbison Crazy Beautiful......Hanson When You Say Nothing At All.....Allison Kraus Mamma Mia....ABBA Word Play.....Jason Mraz Livin' On A Prayer....Bon Jovi Dance Me To The End OF Love....Leonard Cohen Waiting For the World To Change...John Mayer Brown Eyed Girl.....Van Morrison I'm sitting here looking at notes from days and days ago. Talk about being able to make a relevant post. BWAH! I see there was some mention in the last week that shoe tying might be gone out of fashion. I think the skeered me enough to make me write it down. Would pulling the boot zippers down with your teeth count as floor play? Sucks.....if you paid a lot of money for some Lumineers, though.
  20. I'm still not convinced that that actually was a real slipnot. I think it was some sort of slight of hand pretending to be a slipnot. If it really was a slipnot, I take comfort in knowing I will never accidentally hang myself.
  21. Why, no......it wasn't. I was so proud of myself yesterday when I made my concert folder for Trip #1.....all the Mapquests printed and collated in order, all the tickets sorted and accounted for, hotel confirmations in hand......all that good stuff. Then I go and spend all last night trying to figure out what the heck I'll be doing at Christmas. It's killing me that I can't go to Merrillville this year. That is the greatest place to go to a concert. I've been there for both of Clay's other shows but this time the date isn't going to cut it. No Minneapolis for me, either. Oh well...I am tres pumped for the threefer at the end of November. If I have an exam or something scheduled then I'm going to have to withdraw from school or something. I could be so boring this time round on the Christmas circuit.....finishing a paper....ick. I'm secretly hoping that the transcript evaluation center decides that my degree comes from a Cracker Jack box and I am thereby unworthy of pursuing college level courses. I told myself when I applied that school would not be an incomvenience, lots of people make this all work, right? I wonder if it would help my case if I sent them a link to a certain education professor's photo on the cover of an old alumni news.....the one where she's being lauded for her new book and sociological study into this funky little fan group. Of course I wasn't in the eduaction department and she came long after I left...but still.....I'd say that would be good grounds to reject me. I wonder if she played volleybal once and that's how she got that unusual name. I have been watching my mailbox for that Span Tran report and those Greek tickets like my dog watches me when I put on my shoes. KAndre, I second your kiss for Mr. K'eh we are officially going to Vegas from November 3rd to the 8th!! I officially volunteered the trip in lieu of bling and he was more than happy to oblige. Neither of us have ever been to Vegas and so far checking into the hotels and such out there has been fun. Please, don't anyone let me forget that those skating tickets go on sale in July! Speaking of Mr. K'eh, and inlight of my most recent visit to CV......ahem.....thank you very much for the link to the Piano Man, muski. I'm reminded that that man owes you, at the very least, a dinner. I am so amazingly pumped for this first trip. I'm going to be meeting a bunch of people I have "known" just on the boards for a long time and getting to see some I have only had the pleasure to meet once or twice and just briefly. atinal, I am so glad that you'll be in Tulsa. I would love to get there in time for the preparty but I'm just not sure. I hovered over the RSVP email address for a while today debating on whether or not to send in some money just in case, but I didn't in the end. The party ends at 6:30 and the earliest I think we'll get there is 4:30 or 5:00 and by the time I got ready it would be almost over. I guess I'll hang out in the lobby at the Crowne Plaza and wave at y'all as you come out. I did that in Waukegan and it worked out. Met lots of nice people by the elevator. I've attempted several methods in the pursuit of aural satisfaction, even paid for something called Rhapsody from Real Player for a while. Not quite sure why I was doing that or what I was getting out of it so I cut it loose. Mostly I fall back on iTunes because it's simple enough if I don't try to do anything fancy and it's convenient to just get what I want when I want it. I still buy CDs though. But never if it's a new one that I haven't listened to first. It seems to me that most of my CD purchases have been albums that have had multile singles released that I was familiar with and that I liked. Breakaway and Rob Thomas' last one comes to mind. If "Moonlighting" is out on DVD I have to get that for my daughter. She is a big Bruce Willis fan and I think she would more than appreciate Cybil Shepherd in this. I loved that show but I'm really scared to try and think back to how long ago that was. Okay, that's enough babble from me. I have this little craft project I'm supposed to be completing by the end of the week, I'd better get started. :TourExcite:
  22. eHP Adjunct Society Does Dallas, Houston and Tulsa. July 3: Karen Eh? and Mr. Karen Eh? celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with a couple of good steaks at Smith & Wollensky. Might have to rethink plan to finish meal off at House of Pies.....wait, there are two! Which one are you going to? guitargirl is flying in mid afternoon to Bush, Karen Eh? will pick her up and dump her unceremoniously but with humble apologies at her hotel due to momentous occasion happening that evening. July 4: Karen Eh? and the lucky Mr. K'eh pick up guitargirl at her hotel and proceed to Bush where we await the arrival of bonnechance and m.e.e. who are coming from Canada on separate airlines but mercifully into the same terminal. bonnechance has volunteered to sit on the hump in the backseat. We aren't sure what we are doing with all the luggage. May have to take both of our cars up there. Get to Dallas or Frisco or whatever it is and use paper GPS system to locate hotel. Do quick turn around, drop of luggage and go to PHP to see soccer game. Is that the one with the black and white ball? Do the youg fellas wear short pants? I think I'll watch it until I get bored or too hot. Give ample warning to Mr.K'eh that his women friends and his wife will be vaulting over the railings to the field upon the final whistle and he's not to be alarmed by this. It will be okay. SEE CLAY!! Take pix, ooh and ahhh at the fireworks...probably go eat, go back to hotel. Hope Mr. K'eh is really tired and falls asleep, so we can party. July 5: Get up way too early. Drive back to Houston before the party at sugrbugr's. We have to pick up Chardonnay and Broad Sue at the Bush at noon and Nelle at Hobby an hour later. Get everyone registered and move into the Magnolia for 2 days. Take the Canadians to DSW for shoes. Wait for alliesmom to get to Houston from Little Rock in her little red convertible. Do whatever but House of Pies is on the list for later that night. July 6: Go to merrieeee's and make sure my "thing" is still where it's supposed to be and not gone off with Scarlett to pretend work. Maybe she should pretend to steal it....that works for me. Pick up stuff at merrieeee's and drive it to Birraporetti's where we are setting up the trap...er....party. Bugger off once I see everyone has everything under control and go hang out with my friends. SEE CLAY!! Wave goodbye to the crazy people who are hitting the road for the all night road trip. Of course, I am crazy enough to think that I can get 7 people up and in the car by 8:00 AM. July 7: Two car loads of us head for Tulsa. Nelle is flying out of Hobby. Nelle is going to sign up for the preparty, I'm not sure if we're going to make it....will think on it somemore. I might pay the $28 bucks just in case I do get there in time. I mean there isn't much point of just sitting on the end of the bed while the others do their hair is there? WE SEE CLAY AGAIN! Sure wish there was really something to the expression 3rd time get lucky but alas there isn't..... July 8: alliesmom goes back to Little Rock on her own. I take Chardonnay and Broad Sue to DFW to catch their flight home. bonnechance, m.e.e., and I return to Houston. keepingfaith drives guitargirl to DFW to catch her plane. :Tour3:
  23. Oh, ansa, you reminded me of one of my most surreal concert experiences ever. It just happened to be BEFORE the concert, though...also Toronto JBT. When we parked the car we could see across the bit of water behind the Molson Amphitheatre to where Clay was being interviewed for Canadian TV. We stopped and watched for a few minutes and then headed onto the grounds (Ontario Place, I think?) and to the big preparty. To get to the restaurant we had to pass down a hill along a path that ran along one side of the amphitheatre. SO here we are just moseying along, chattering away when from out of the sky comes this voice....well....THAT voice! I remember stopping in my tracks, we all did, to listen. Is that Clay? What's he singing? Had never heard that song before and it took a few seconds for it to register that really was Clay and a new song we'd never heard. He must have finished his interview and went to sound check. It was the most amazing thing to hear his voice like that...concentrating to decide if it really was him.....coming from somewhere...beautiful, crystal clear on a gorgeous sunny afternoon. Sometimes, the most unexpected things are the best.
  24. **passes treenuts a Marlboro** This thought and several incarnations of Clay's concert attire kept me from going insane as I sat for 6 hours in the middle seat of a 737 sans upgrade. Every which way I imagined him coming was fantastic and he started it all off in a pair of well fitted black pants and a white shirt sans tee....don't know why but my brain kept coming back to that one outfit every single time. He had replaced the stainless necklaces. *Sigh* In 6 hours I think I had enough time to visualize at least one entrance per tour date. When John got bored and wanted to talk, I flipped through Continental Magazine and found a Sudoku and showed him how to do it. Then I went back to my special place where squeezed in tight isn't such a bad thing at all. Oh, I'd say that was quite generous by my estimation......definitely more than a handful. Shoot! Did I just type that? Ooops! My backspace key is broken...fancy that. I must say in all seriosity.....that piece of video was a most divine way to spend ten minutes (okay....thirty) minutes of my day. It's got everything a girl could want in a piece of clack and sums up my fandom quite nicely right there in a custom made suit. He's so quick with the wit and the humour, easy on the eyes, gives great aural sex, and seems so confident and happy. No matter what he wears or sings or how he enters in two weeks time, I'm open to all of him it. :Tour3: {{{{muski}}}} Water disasters are never anything but total suckage. I'd like to contribute a little something to the muski cold shower fund, too. How 'bout this one....
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