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Aug. 12 Meadowbrook


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oops skatejoy..I will fix that up in a bit...

YAY its starting....I missed the last two cellstream...

I will report on CB...who wants to take the CH...

OH if you all didn; tknow yet. CONGRATULATIONS TO COUCHIE...for winning a meet and greet!!!!!

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From CB:

Here we go! The jukebox is skipping....connections not so great but I'll do my best....screaming! Oh my...realllllllly screaming.....twistin'!!


He's On! Twisting the Night Away. Sounds great from my windtunnel. She set me down and now I can't hear very well.


Let's go to the hop....connections reaaaalllly bad...sorry guys....go johnny go now...sound is going in and out...


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From Filomen at CH...from CV,CB:

Just heard from linlas...they're all settled in and can't wait for their first concert to start...says she can see his blue suede shoes waiting for him under the piano...she can see savon sitting back stage in a lawn chair...it's 110 degrees but the venue is gorgeous...

A man behind her is wearing a sirt that says on the front..."My wife didn't drag me here" and on the back "I love Clay Aiken"


Cellstream reports that venue is packed. Lots of men, teenage girls, and typical Clay fans.


It is starting.


ethel's there, nick is wearing an orange shirt, and here they come




screaming! Oh my...realllllllly screaming.....twistin'!!


At the hop.


Johnny B Goode!!

Go go, johnny go!!


End of Rockin' Robin

The Great Pretender. Clay sounds in great voice.

Only You.

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from Cb:

Linlas has me under the chair I can hear alittle bit better now....that'll be the day...he sounds mahvelous!


on the phone with my sister... until her phone dies

Clay is talking, with his hand in his pocket



Goodness gracious great balls of fire!! He was really on with that one! He sounds like he had a good night off! Very energetic...talking now...intro-ing UM...linlas hasn't said a word...she must be in shock

UnChained Melody. Much clearer

From CH:

Great ending falsetto note on Only You.


Mr. Sandman

That'll be the screaming day


That'll Be The Day

low note on daaaayyy - GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh

your hugs and kisses and your money too - that'll be the day when I"ll be true


Great Balls of Fire - the crowd LOVES it!!

Great falsetto notes - then the little 'ya' at the end of a line!

He sounds awesome!!!!!!!!!

Rock and roll is here to stay medley.


Talking now, introducing UM.

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From CB:

Huge screams!! I can hear Clay talking and I can actually understand most of what he is saying.

Says he has absolutely no idea what the rock & roll era means - but that song kicked it off.

Intro'ing UM.

Feels Good!!

Rock and roll is here to stay.

Goodness gracious, great balls of fire. I love the way he sings that phrase.

People still coming into the venue.

He says he doesn't know what the rock and roll era is.

Introing UM.

i hear something about his shoes


OMG...I neeeeeed your love....incredible screaming!! This crowd is really showin' him the love!!! His voice on that note was magical!

More talking now....here comes Clelvis!


Professional piano players can cover their ears now. Feel free to stand up the whole time.



Love Me Tender

HUGE screams - and now we're gonna rock!

Hound Dog

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From CB, CH, CV:

Heartbreak hotel...we just lost linlas

It appears we have a few screamers professing their love

Wise men say....only fools rush in...but I can't help...falling in love...with you...


Don't be cruel. Love deep voiced Clay.

HH and more screams!!




I'm getting a strange distortion on the phone, but I can hear everything really well. Clay sounds gorgeous.

hunger for your touch.

I neeeeeed your love screams



Absolutely gorgeous - ICHFIL - what glorious tone.

Suspicious Minds


I i need your love.

UM over. Wonderful.

ong, glorious meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, met with intense screams!!

Professional piano players can cover their ears now. Feel free to stand up the whole time.


ELVIS This is killing me through the phone. I so wish I could have seen this show.

laughter before And I always will.

Now Hound Dog

Love Me Tender

HUGE screams - and now we're gonna rock!

Hound Dog

Don't be cruel. Love deep voiced Clay.

HH and more screams!!


Jail House Rock Amazing huge screams

Blue Suede Shoes

Don't Be Cruel

Heartbreak Hotel (amid SCREAMS) --- THOSE LOW NOTES!!!

Jail House Rock (SCREAMS)

LOTS of screams!!

Can't Help Falling In Love


t appears we have a few screamers professing their love


Absolutely gorgeous - ICHFIL - what glorious tone.

Suspicious Minds

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From CB, CH, CV:

Suspicious minds...oh my...he is really into it! How can he keep getting better and better??

Behind the clothes rack now....love this set...haven't heard a word from linlas...she must be donning the oxygen mask...

Daydream believer


His voice is so beautiful on this song.

SM over. He really holds that last note.


60's voice over


Daydream beleiver


Daydream Believer - one of Clay's many voices tonight! I love them all!


Downtown. People singing along.


I love the playful interactions in this and the HUGE smiles that are elicited!!


Can't buy me love!


Sugar sugar


Hey CMP!!!Yes she did!!! Woohoo!!!

Linlas just said he lost his ??? Mic maybe?? whatever it was he lost a second one

Happy together...bah bah bah


an't Buy Me Love - I hear laughs and giggles!!

Sugar Sugar -- (I got confused earlier - this is the playful interaction I was saying I loved! Like DT's too, but this is just too cute!!)


Having trouble with the microphone.





Solitaire - started out beautifully and wonderfully!


And solitaire's the only game ...small pause... in town (gorgeous)

A little hope

goes up smoke

Solitairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreee - GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH that glory note - HUGE cheers, HUGE!




maybe too close to stage for clear phonage????


Or perhaps she thudded and fell on the phone

Solitaire.....lol...ok...linlas said she's thinking he's gonna be banging on the coke machine again tonight...he just lost his ear piece and his mic again...can't tell if this means he's actually dropping it or if the sound is actually going out

what I can hear sounds incredible

Glory note........solitaaaaaaaaiiirrreeeeee....soaring.....amazing....perfection


Oh my, the tone on that final Solitairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreee!!!

The girls are back - Baby Baby (is that what this is called? - Diana Ross, I think)


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From CB, CH, CV:

Introing Motown. Midnight Train to Georgia


Motown! It's PIP time...love the "train" move...'woo woo!'

I guess you say....what can make me feel this waaaay...my girl....


Talking about Barry Gordy and the $800 loan. The Four Tops and other groups mentioned.

Hearing intermittent cheers - no doubt for Clay's pip moves!!

Midnight Train to Georgia


Motown! It's PIP time...love the "train" move...'woo woo!'

I guess you say....what can make me feel this waaaay...my girl....


Tears of a Clown.

Rescue me


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from cb, ch, cv:

I'll be there....to love and comfort youuuuu...

The energy is palpable tonight....they sound so great together in this set....Angie's singing freedom now...she sounds great...I can't believe it's almost intermission....this concert sure flies! Am I the only one posting in red?? No pressure


Talking...can't hear him at all...sorry...but I assume he's looking for that poor hubby...crowd is hysterical...


The energy is palpable tonight....they sound so great together in this set....Angie's singing freedom now...she sounds great...I can't believe it's almost intermission....this concert sure flies!


Clay just said he was all hot! Tell me about it, boyfriend. Hee

screams and mentioning how many singing groups we had back in 50's , 60's. How many dancing singing groups in the 70's. Stealing my show? Can't really tell. going into the audience lookimg for Ethel


Talking about don't have the singing groups now like we had in the 60s, 70's. Mentioning 70s groups, dancing and singing, - longer banter tonight than many other nights. The audience is cracking up. I think it is dance banter!

Said something about not having any more rhythm than the Brady Bunch. Haven't heard the word 'funk' yet, I don't think.


Skinny white boy - lots of screams. Needs some help.

Noticed lots of ladies at their shows, lots of enthusiasm, spirit -I think I called Ethel's name (don't hold me to that!)


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YAY...talkign to ETHEL...he just loves her...and I love her...GOD I hope there is lots of Clak because this exchange sounds so funny as well as the one with JAcob...

That sounded liek a great audinece participation bit...people were laughu=ing non stop and very long...

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From Ch, CV, CB:

Looking for the men who don't want to be there! POint them out, ladies!

He said, you stood right up - you're a Claymate!!


HUGE laughter - can't tell what was said.


Ain't no mountain high enough


Ok...I have no idea what he's saying but whatever it is he's extremely animated and the crowd is hysterical....something about what the wife had to do to get the hubby to come to the concert???Talking to a brother and sister now??

Ain't no mountain high enough...


Reluctant guy's sister withheld his tape deck so he would come.


Intermission report...mic did go out twice on solitaire...

people are sitting...making everyone else sit....

venue is packed...


Our caller saying Clay's mic keeps cutting out, it cut out on the big note in Solitaire.

Was it Kwhite who was hoping CAP woud have a good time? Whoever it was she is!!!! She just got on and told she is having the best time. She said he is amazing adorable fricking awesome. And a bunch of stuff I can't remember. She said the lawn is full some empty seats though. She said he has been so funny tonight. She also said there are people that are getting Clack. One from the second row who she knows is good. I think that's about it she is going to call me back. I can't tell you how thankful I am to her for doing this for me!

Ethel has a flourescent green t shirt. guy Clay picked came to show because his sister withheld his paycheck until he came. He is a student at Stanford and Clay said and you still couldn't figure out how to get the money w/o going to the show?

There are a bunch of empty seats around where seashell is sitting, but they aren't allowing people to move forward. Also, no one is standing up where she is sitting.

The CH gals are saying it is a subdued crowd tonight for the most part. He and Ethel had a cute conversation. The guy he picked was young and a hoot.

Not much jumping around or screaming yet from the crowd.

Clay looks gorgeous. Lighting might be off because Clay looks somewhat pale tonight.


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From Cb;Ch;CV:

Reports that Clay was sweating real pretty. Hee.

Starting again


Car Wash -

Nights on Broadway - love that guy!

People are reporting their phones are getting cut off

IndyforClay called me a little while ago and I was able to hear Unchained Melody through the Elvis medleys.

The connection was not good, but I could still tell it was our Clay. Lots of screaming!!! She will call be back later on.






Ugh...don't husbands know not to bother their wives during cellcerts??

Too much heaven...linlas said Clay reclined a bit too much in the bean bag and almost fell...

getting ready for mandy...*sigh* I'll need a moment...


just talked to touwiseass and Clay'sRainbow! during intermission .... sound was strange on the phone too ... cutting in and out ...

touwiseass say's she's near the back of the covered section, looks like it may rain some again ... she's getting pelted with ice so she'll sit down [and she's so petite!] .... she says it looks like only the first few rows are standing.

Confirms the mic problems onstage ... it seems to be totally cutting out sometimes.

Clay looks great!!! They're having a good time!!!


We couldn't understand any of Carwash. Finally in NOB Clay's voice came through.

I Feel THe Earth Move (connection is not good at all so far this half, unfortunately)

(Missed the in-between songs)


MANDY......from what I can hear his voice is SPECTACULAR tonight.......beautiful vibtato (even on an in and out connection..)


Mandy I really love how he does this song!


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