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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Considering the issues that many had when pre-ordering stuff from EMT Marketing Group, I suppose this should be a "buyer beware." But this is a 10% off code and you can pick merch up at your show! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxGZ1_gLQvA/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  2. New long interview with Clay and Ruben. I’m out and about today so can’t watch at the moment.
  3. More information on the Alaska show. (Facebook link)
  4. Another Facebook promo: https://www.facebook.com/thecelebrityphx/posts/pfbid033Tx7oFGG2ZtfuNSvZe2dNGcT8sMqwYSRqeCwGDgANqiryCUVyrWznWGAFkc1gkgil "Not even remotely." And "I'll be there because I'm contractually obligated."
  5. Imaginary drinking is fine... Glad you made it through your birthday, and if you need anything, let us know. Have fun with your cousin!
  6. Happy birthday to my good friend merrieeee! My hope is that you find joy in your life this year, including with Clay!
  7. Well now, this is interesting. Christmas with Clay, in Naples, Florida. FIVE shows! https://artisnaples.org/events/holiday-pops
  8. Cute new promo via FB for one of the upcoming shows. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1272873313367744
  9. beanerknits, I tried to do some research on that, but with no luck. I'll see if anyone at CV can find out.
  10. Ruben and Clay posted an Instagram story promoting the 2023 dates of the tour. The Allen TX date has been removed, but there's a new date for Anchorage, Alaska October 4!
  11. gbmifan, I hope you have a GREAT bike tour. And the weather sounds perfect! We had a heat wave last week, but it broke over the weekend, and this week is almost perfect weather. My concert is in October. I'm going to be patiently waiting...
  12. Less than a month before the tour starts up again!
  13. From Clay's Instagram stories. Don't buy these tickets!
  14. You are entirely welcome, merrieeee. You are a special part of our board, and we know how much your daughter meant to you. Please let us know if you need ANYTHING.
  15. 1) What a great tribute to her, and her memory. 2) She looked like you. 3) {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} It's nice to know more about her in this way.
  16. New promo video on Instagram for the tour! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cvs14V9g_n2/
  17. He lives! At the Raleigh Airport. https://www.facebook.com/bbwlover98370/posts/pfbid0XmFkwR2XcgwxDPzLnbbYXXpg9zyEhc7mVabPfwBhR89TKAP5u5KK5iALdiqCgxDRl
  18. Found out earlier in the week that I've been exposed to COVID again. AARGH. So far no symptoms, and two negative tests within 36 hours. The last exposure I had with this person was last Thursday, almost a week ago. I'm hoping that by this Friday everything will be good, as I have two different boob squishes plus a bone density scan that day.
  19. merrieeee, I am so glad you checked it. Just know that...
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