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Posts posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Puddins, thanks for posting that BAF story...*sniff* What a great way to give back to the community in a totally different way than the normal BAF mission. I was raised in a town about the size of Greensburg, so I totally understand how that tornado would wipe out the town and basically make everything a nightmare for them. Good for you and the BAF.

    And now I'm crying because I'm watching "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" which always gets me emotional.

  2. What in the world is this? Is there a text behind the balloons? If there is I can't read it. It's cute, but I'm not sure what it means.


    It's Russian. The resolution is so poor I'm having a little trouble reading it. Which wouldn't help anyway because, although I can still read Cyrillic, I don't know what it means. I've blown up the image and sent it off to a Russian speaking friend. We'll see what he has to say.

    My husband is fluent in Russian, so I had him look at it (thanks for the tip artquest). He said something in Russian, and then said it translates to "Congratulations!"

    Why we have that in Russian, I have no idea. Hey cindilu2, Ms. Smilie queen -- maybe something in English?

  3. PuddinsJoy, I certainly didn't say WTF. Instead, I smiled....because I'm glad to have a new person here! I think you'll find that people have opinions here -- strong opinions, in fact. But, in the end, I find that the overriding feeling is to enjoy Clay. I hope you enjoy it here.

    I had a great time with the chat over the past few nights. The thoughts were fast and furious and opinionated and yet respectful. Love it.

    I think I'm still dealing with the haircut change...AGAIN [tm Rocky of "...and Bullwinkle"]. I really don't care about the hair in so many ways, and yet I just have to laugh at how quickly and frequently it changes!

  4. Welcome puddinsjoy! :welcome: How great to see you, and I'm in awe of your pursuing your dream of working with kids with autism. Good for you, and I look forward to getting to know you more!

  5. The "insider" information crap bugs me, and I'm sad if it will be starting again. Frankly, it's none of my business, and besides -- a third cousin of the chauffeur of the baby sitter of Clay's producer is soooooooo reliable. *snort*

    Unless it comes from Clay, I don't need to hear it.

    Perspective -- it's what's for the fandom.

    OK, the chat is officially over for the evening. I'd like to thank you all for attending and "using your voice." It's been a great time, and I've loved every minute of it. You guys rawk!

  6. However, I'll add that just because people POST what they'd like Clay to do, does not mean they are trying to control what he does. I think it's better when people can distinguish the difference between armchair quarterbacking and telling Clay what to do as if it will make some difference.

    Talking directly to Roger, or Clay, or Mary, or Nick, or Faye (god), or any number of "connections" to try to steer Clay's career = bad.

    Talking to fellow fans on message boards = normal.

    IMO of course.

    That's a good point....and something I think I do forget. But I think there are some fans that purposefully blur the line between the two. For example -- people who think that Clay reads their words on a message board. While I do think he has someone on his team who peruses the boards, Clay just doesn't have time for that. But there is a sense that I get that some really believe he's hearing them and will be taking his words to heart.

  7. The fans....ah, the fans....and their involvement in his career. Bad idea. Really bad idea, IMO.

    I liked the idea of the CD release parties, especially in the original 2003 state. It was a good way to get buzz for Clay and enjoy him with friends. But the 2006 version lost some innocence. It just felt as if it becamse more about the fans than it did Clay, and that bugged me.

    There are several in the fandom that have studied the music business, even before Clay. I like reading opinions from these people, and I've never gotten the feeling that what they say is "fact." That's the key -- several in the fandom feel that they have the facts, and I just can't believe that. I just can't.

    That is NOT in our job description as fans. It never does any good and I believe has the potential for doing harm. We DO have a very important role in Clay's career - being his fans. But that is all.

    Amen, Sister Claygasm....

  8. I think the thing that fascinates me the most about his looks is that he can change from a boy to a man and then back to a boy again. The pictures today was making me say "how adorable is he?" while other pictures say to me "what a hot man!" The chameleon aspect is so cool.

    2 more minutes on this topic.

  9. WHere did CG go heee. this is her topic.

    Clay can look like a little kid and a 30 year old guy, a nerd, a hot pop star, a computer geek, a business man and everything in between He can look really really different from one day to the next. So I really get why the hair changes get to people. For me I don't focus on it too much cuz hair and clothes are just not what I do. I don't get it. I can't tell the difference between much of the styles. It's long. It's short. It's spikey. Like the hair from yesterday..I don't think it was bad..I just don't think the photos were great. I think if say KarenEH had been there with her camera she would have found the HOT. heee.

    ETA there she is!!

    Heh, I was just getting ready to ask where CG was too, but then saw in preview that she posted.

    And her post makes sense to me, even if I don't really agree with it (except for her last paragraph). I guess I'm really like couchie in that I don't "get" hair. I just don't. It's still Clay, no matter what he looks like.

    Now his clothes -- for the most part I love his stuff. Every once in a while, though...man, there is an outfit or two that I'd love to burn. (And there would be people that would burn ME because they LOVED the outfit....)

    But, as CG says, what he looks like doesn't define my fandom. I can imagine not going to a show just because I hated his hair, or his outfits. Can we say OTT?

  10. I think one of the things that just hit me this past week is this: some people are just extremely visual. They react to the first thing they see. I'm not that much of a visual person, IMO -- more of an audio person. I also don't tend to go with my immediate gut reaction on many things -- but some do.

    Clay's hair seems to be as much of a "signature" for him as his voice. He realizes that, I believe -- and thus likes to play around with it to get reactions.

  11. Oh God, I used to buy each and every freakin' magazine, even if it just mentioned Clay in one paragraph. No more....although I still buy and keep a LOT of magazines. Just not in multiples.

    I'm even weening myself from clack too -- I don't need to keep all those Insider text message poll results that mention Clay, do I?

    3 more minutes....

    I don't post as often nor do I write treatises. I don't feel as if I'm trying to convince anyone of anything. I have groups of online friends with whom I interact off the public boards.

    Nelle, isn't this wonderful? There are people in my life who are my friends. THey are not just my Clay friends. I am so fortunate in this regard. Tomorrow I'll go see Muski's daughter pitch. I have another friend near me who I love dearly and her wonderful husband. I would never have met them if not for Clay.

    ALso Nelle, we are so lucky to live in CA with so much Clay happenings and people to hang out with and enjoy!!

    I'm so jellus in that regard. Which reminds me -- I need to find another time to go visit atinal....

    jmh, I understand what you mean. The overriding worry about Clay on some boards overtook the fun, didn't it? Fortunately, other boards sprang up, ones that still knew how to have a bit of fun.

  12. All these years later he still makes me smile and laugh and his voice still gives me chills. I still want to go to as many shows as possible.

    Yes, that is me too -- although I know realisitically, no more than 2 or 3 a tour is for me, just from the financial standpoint.

    What has changed? I don't feel the need to read every single word written by Clay. Yep I still get the google alerts but I can mostly tell what they have to say by what they hightlight. I simply don't have the desire or inclination to read what every body under the sun feels about Clay. I am no longer chained to my computer from 6-midnight. I had pretty much given up all tv in 2003 and 2004 keeping up with Clay. I think 24 was the only show that would make me actually get up off the computer and go sit down in the living room and watch.

    I spend less time on Clay but still a lot of time..it's just not doing fan board stuff. I feel comfortable with the silences. I love to read FCA and see the great discussion but if a day goes by with 10 posts I don't have a heart attack. Clay is living his life we should be too.

    Yes, that's it! I'd also add to that if I don't find out about something Clay did until, say, the next morning, I'm not totally upset. I don't have to know everything IMMEDIATELY. My "short attention span theater" has been tempered. I can deal with not knowing stuff right away. If nothing else, there's usually clack.

    CG, loved your entire post. And yes, I've likened my "relationship" with Clay like a marriage -- IMO we're now in the "after the honeymoon" stage, and things just aren't as passionate. Again, I feel like some people are thinking that things should be hot and heavy forever. Sorry, it just doesn't happen that way!

  13. Great point about the internet, Nelle....

    My fandom, and how it's involved? Well, shoot -- I'm an admin at a Clay board. Never thought that would happen. *g* Seriously, I think my fandom has settled down to an acceptably intense level. There's a clear boundary between me and Clay -- I don't mess in his business, he don't mess in mine. I just buy stuff with him on it, and talk about him a lot with my friends.

    I think the biggest change for me though is from this past year -- from considering one board the only place I would EVER post into a place where, while I still liked many of the people there, the attitude just dragged me down and I had to pretty much give it up. Bummed me out for a few weeks. As I said, I still like many, many people in the fandom -- but I just needed to step away for a while and find something that was less stressful. And isn't fandom supposed to be fun instead of stressful?

  14. 3 more minutes....

    I think, many of these topics boil down to some fans thinking that Clay needs protection -- big bad AI, the pesky gnats. I'll say it along with couchie -- Clay is a man, and he'll be fine, no matter what is said or done to him.

  15. I say until he gets a CD hit that will get bigger buzz than AI...it will always be a part of his story. Look at Kelly...you would think that after Breakaway, she would really be able to stand on her own...but she still had to be so involved in AI this year.

    That Kelly was still involved with AI this year just proves to me that Clay will never be able to shed the label. I think it will be on his tombstone. I'll have to work on that wording, though. *g*

    That also means it influences how the public - the not just us types - see him and what kind of music they expect him to sing. While that may infuriate some who think Clay is destined to be Rock!Star!Clay!, I have a feeling its not too far from the real Clay!

    Incredibly good point. And I think his connection with AI will also influence a lot of his future marketing. (ACK!!! I said the "m" word!!!)

  16. I believe that he will ALWAYS be connected with AI, whether he likes it or not. Does he like it? I actually think he does. I think he knows full well that if he hadn't gone on the show, he'd be a teacher at this point. Therefore, I think he'll be forever grateful to the show.

    It felt weird, to me, that Clay wasn't on the show this year. That's another thing -- he seems to genuinely like the people there.

    Now, he's said some things this past season that could be considered him eschewing the show. I don't think so. I think he just didn't have a lot of time to focus on the show, and just decided not to get sucked in this year.

  17. OK, then -- ignore it is. But then, let's get to this question (unofficial, not on the list) -- why do fans feel they need to fight the good fight?

    Same reason they think they have to handle his PR, the distribution of his album in stores, his track list, his producers, his song choices, his wardrobe, his love life?

    I think we'll be getting into that a little more later...*g*

    How much more on this topic?

  18. If the worlds wants to think Clay is gay or not gay, circle back to big whoop. It doesn't change him. It doesn't change me. So... one big bucket of meh.


    I somehow get the feeling, though, that several of Clay's fans were ingrained with the fighting aspect -- because of voting like fiends for him on AI. Therefore, some never got out of that fight mode, and this is one of those instances where they feel like they are doing him some good....when, IMO, they are doing much more harm.

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