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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. So, I'm probaby the opposite of Ansa...for I have multiples of almost everything! I tend to buy at least two of stuff -- one to "use" and one to "keep for archival purposes" (ie, sell on Ebay in 15 years. *g*) I'm pleased that I've got stuff from Singapore -- a poster and a couple of MOAMs. I also lucked into finding a 6 pack of the AI Season 2 Coca Cola bottles...at my LOCAL FREAKIN' WALMART! And this was after I had bought two mail order at inflated prices! I also feel like I'm a member of the "weird magazine of the month" club sometimes...what with all the different issues that I've bought copies from online. "Hits Magazine", etc. Does anyone here have an autograph? I'm pleased to say...I do now. musicmama of the CH is a total sweetheart -- for she sent me a signed MCWL from her M&G! I love her so very much....
  2. I've been doing something very similar. I've finally gotten software easy enough for me to learn how to make my own DVD's, so I'm getting around to burning Clay's AI episodes. And of course, I have to watch them again to get the chapter points in the correct spots. Anyway, I worked on the Group 2 performance episode last night, and just kept thinking that the kid I was watching had now turned into this unbelievable man. There's the physical transformation, sure...but more to it than that. The maturation just pours out of him now...in those AI episodes IMO, he seems so young, eager...and maybe a bit scared. Today, watching him...he's so confident and assured. When I sit down to think of this, I'm simply floored. I too thought nothing could top the Raleigh show. The joy in his voice (coming over the cellcert) was palpable. But...this last show came through, and Entertainer! Clay! came out to play. WADNYE was a stroke of genius. Stroke of something, anyway... Anyone up for some smut? *g* I feel that Clay could use a few weeks to recharge after this tour...and frankly, I think at least some of us fans could use this too. I know I need it -- time to get some priorities again. I love Clay with my whole heart, and love that he's given me a really fun hobby, some new computer skills (never thought I would be able to burn DVD's ever), and some great friends. But...he's not my be-all and end-all. Gotta keep remembering that...and my husband keeps reminding me of that too. *g* Having said that...I think 2006 will be huge for Clay...he will redefine his own pop-star once again. And I'll be around, back for more.
  3. I'm crossing my fingers on this too. I think one of these pictures will end up somewhere...my guess is People. They've loved him a lot lately too. I LOVE the TV Guide photoshoot! That last picture that was printed a few weeks ago made me LOL...and turned me on at the same time. What gives? I KNEW there was a reason I liked you so much! Happy birthday txflwrgrl!
  4. Well golly -- where is everybody? Are y'all still dead from the concert last Friday night? I'm so sorry I missed all the excitement live...it sounds like it would have been wonderful to spend time with you all, EEEEEE-ing over WAYDNYE. Did that not kill or what? I love that Clay left the fans, all the fans, with a special gift that evening. The love in the theater was palpable that night. Everyone on that stage was in a good mood...or a bittersweet mood. Probably both. Anyway, I watched the clack of the introductions last night when I got home, and was hooting and hollering along with the crowd. Scared my husband, who was in the basement. Ooops. bottlecap, continue on with your penguin love. I think I like giraffes now... Happy belated birthday to buzzie. You are a wonderful photographer -- thank you for sharing your talents with us. I seem to have read somewhere...like maybe the introduce yourself thread...that strummer6 has been seen. Come out, come out, wherever you are! And the same with all you other lurkers -- come party! Clay, thank you for a wonderful year last year, and I am looking forward to many more good years to come. You are a treasure to me. That, and a wonderful source of laughter and fun. Thanks.
  5. EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! strummer is in the house! Glad to see you here -- welcome! Welcome to all who may dwell here...come visit the main thread. You'll be glad you did. *g*
  6. And on that note...I must go. I miss him too. Fortunately, there is clack. Welcome clayforever -- come join us on the main board!
  7. I know...this is my last one for the year. I miss this song already. I found out the other day that my husband likes the song GN -- he doesn't like CC music much at all, so this a major development. *g* Sorry bottlecap about missing the end.
  8. That's right about djs -- can't wait to hear her take on the show! bottlecap -- you owe me. *g*
  9. Awww...thanks bottlecap. You're so sweet. {{{{{{{{{{{{FCA}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  10. How much? I think he will sing it. He's not rushing the intros like he has before. My question: do people think tomorrow night will be prank city? I'm not sure -- if they do, it will be before DSIAFCD.
  11. Very true. And Angela always sounds screetchy..when she really isn't. Most of the time. *g* It's almost over. Wah.
  12. Ansa -- thanks for asking. I want to know too what "bogarting" is...hee. Sorry that the cellcert seems to have taken a dive. Damn.
  13. ITA. It really is a tour-de-force performance. Can anyone recommend the best mp3 of this song? I'm going to be compiling a CD soon of Christmas, and will of course need this.
  14. Celebrate Me Home... It's hard not to hear this song and think of the Raleigh show. A tear inducing moment for me... I love this song. Heck, I love every song her does in this show. I guess I just love him.
  15. Great laughter on the second place stuff -- and good old Tommy. "Whatever." Hee. Love that.
  16. BWAH! I didn't get one up this either! No time. I kinda missed it though. I so love this version of Jingle Bells. So much fun! Time for some jazz! The community theater players singing? I think it's mostly a backing track, but Clay said at one show (was it Raleigh?) that they were the best singers they had, so I'm thinking there was at least some attempt at singing by the groups.
  17. My last cellcert... *sob* I didn't hang around here much during the cellcerts (mostly because of time constraints), but it has been a blast. Thank you all! And thank you Clay...this has been a great tour, even if I only got to see it once, and didn't get a M&G either. *g* Thank you for putting yourself out there with this show...I feel like I got a real sense of YOU during it.
  18. I'm back! Miss me? *g* I spent 5 days away from my computer...and I was having the shakes by the end of the trip. Fortunately, I had downloaded BSOB onto my PDA before leaving. That got me through a LOT of the weekend! I'm still running on fumes at the moment, and my husband and I are exchanging our gifts tomorrow morning. (Actually, just stocking stuff...we bought a big screen TV as a present to ourselves last summer). Then, I'm leaving again for another trip to my Mom's. Again, no computer access, and will miss the last cellcert besides. *sigh* But I'm listening to the cellcert this evening. It's fun...Clay sounds to be in wonderful voice....
  19. *dies* That would be heaven. He'd kick tail on that song, or a duet with Allison. I thought I heard a few screamers. GRRRRR. The ribbon board at the RBC (where there is scrolling messages) ran "celebrate him home" when Clay came out for the introductions. That's cool. Really cool.
  20. Oh. Mah. God. That bluegrass song was outstanding. Can't wait to hear it, and let my husband listen to it...he'll know it. He LOVES bluegrass, and from what I'm finding on the net -- the original artists, The Stanley Brothers. And then...the falsetto note on DSIAFCD! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
  21. Did someone say BEER? I'm in! Ooops, suppose I shouldn't be drinking during the church stuff. Glad Fear is having fun, and her friends are turning into fans! This second half should be awesome, if the first half is any indication.
  22. Celebrate Me Home...with a growl...for his homecoming to Raleigh. I'm tearing up now. Gah. And the crowd goes wild. This will be a must download when get back next week.
  23. Just bopping in to wish everyone here at Merry Christmas! I'm at "work" for a half day today, and then tons of things to do before my husband and I leave for Minnesota to visit his family tomorrow. I'm a weather worrier...so if you could pray for good traveling weather, it would be much appreciated. buzzie, thank you for the lovely pictures. Beautiful, beautiful stuff. The "home" discussion is fascinating for me too...my husband and I have been talking about this a lot lately. Both my husband and I are last children, in my case WAY last (my brother is 11 years older than me, and he's the NEAREST one to me in age). In many ways, we both feel like only children. We both still visit our Mom's, but it just isn't the same anymore. We love our families, and like to see them...but would rather spend time with our friends who live near us. It's our sense of place at this point. Merry Christmas Clay -- and I hope your celebration home is wonderful this evening, and throughout the weekend.
  24. SUCK passion? BWAH! Sorry, couldn't resist. Back to listening...
  25. I guess Clay didn't explain the concept of cellcert to WJ. How do I "tm" that? Keyboard helps, anyone? Thanx.
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