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Everything posted by merryclay

  1. Hi guys- Just checking in. You're a bunch of good girls. Anyway, I'm here for the long haul. Huggers to those that are having a hard time. He's a good man that has had a Hell of a hard time. Was there a promo for the interview in the morning? I haven't seen it. The People article just about did me in. I thought it was very well done, I thought it was painfully honest, and I think Parker looks like a tiny little doll. I do think he appears to look like Clay and Faye. Love to all.
  2. annabear- that's great news for your Mother. That power off thingy is terrible.
  3. Look at this---very nice. http://www.broadway.tv/blog/broadway-magaz...iken-top-prize/ Regarding Jemock's post. I think it's fine, but I think Clay should enjoy his baby the way he sees fit. Knowing Clay, he'll want to share his joy.
  4. Another nice write-up for Clay http://www.broadway.com/Gen/Buzz_Photo_op.aspx?ci=571490
  5. Hi guys. i didn't see this when I read, so here is news. Clay was #1 on Lycos. I'm excited about the interview. I can't wait.
  6. Happy Birthday to the lovely birthday girls. I was thinking about this hand holding deal and personally I would imagine that Clay was holding Jaymes' hand when she brought his son Parker into the world. Let's see raising their son together, dear friends and holding hands. It seems to me that's all pretty regular stuff.
  7. Yeah that-- I'm so excited about Spam. Report if you go. Please and thank you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  8. Some guys scrunch the front of their hair, now. It's kinda cool. Girls do it, too, down at the bottom. I think he is just going to keep shorter hair. I think it's more in style, now. I don't care. I just want to see stagedoor videos. I'm easy.
  9. Have we seen this? This is the golfing registration thingy. http://www.bubelaiken.org/tabid/210/Defaul...17/Default.aspx
  10. I think Clay, Jaymes and Parker. will be together in NYC. That's my opinion, everybody has one. LOL!!!There was some discussion last time aroudn, that Spam might provide housing. Maybe, maybe not. Everything can be bargained for, I imagine. Spamalot Clay was #4 on Lycos for last week with only Palin, Hilton and YouTube ahead of him. I think that's darn good. 457 weeks. I'm going to try to be more supportive of LaLate. They really have been good to Clay and I don't understand why some don't support them. Maybe, because they've been so good, some don't think they're worthy. All that confuses me. I can't wait for Fri. night. Yay us!!!!! I hope there is a wonderful crowd. Can you guys help some more at Hey Neilson? Clay's way down this morning. Just a comment helps.
  11. annabear- What a story! Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring. My mother had cancer, also.
  12. Couch Tomato said: Not to mention trying to throw water on simple happiness at the birth of a baby. Or declaring a speculated-upon relationship nauseating. Thank you, Couchie. I agree with this. ---------------------------------------------- I love all you guys. I love America. Hugs to anyone that lost someone on Sept.11.
  13. From ChP LaLate has blogged about Clay's Spamalot biography contest. http://news.lalate.com/2008/09/10/clay-aik...alot-biography/
  14. I think people can write whatever they want. Clay will be choosing the one he prefers, so he can decide what he thinks is appropriate. As for assumptions about Jaymes, again, I think that's up to him. If the bio has something he doesn't like, he won't choose it. Simple as that. It isn't that I don't agree with you about what the bio should be like, but I'm not sure what the point is in making sure that no one has any fun with the contest. Clay would probably enjoy some laughs while he's reading entries, even if they go into the reject pile afterwards. Goodness- ITA!!!
  15. I love the Unicef clip. He's never looked or sounded any better than that. I'm going to sell my house and give him all the money. He talked me into it. I doubt when Clay says our little guy, he means me or anyone like me. Maybe mommie and daddy--I bet he wouldn't let us anywhere near that baby. LOL!!!! Although, I might try if I got close enough. Yeah, Clay, Let me hold Parker. I promise I won't kidnap him or squeeze him too tightly while the rest of the fandom tramples me at the stagedoor. Heeee!!!!
  16. nice banner-- I love it when everyone is happy, also. It's all good. 10 more days/
  17. Well members can see it in his page at FC. Wow we'll problably be able to be see pics of baby Parker soon. I'm so excited to hear that and so looking forward to Spamalot with my Ontario friends Jan 1st. How will I be able to hold out till then, beats me. We'll if he does stagedoor again I'll see him there. I love your excitement, I'm excited, too. Pictures, please and thank you. What pictures are you asking for? The baby? Aunt merryclay wants to see baby and co., like now!!! LOL!!!!! playbiller- I want the magazine spread, too. I think I would cut out the pictures and frame them. LOL!!!!
  18. Well members can see it in his page at FC. Wow we'll problably be able to be see pics of baby Parker soon. I'm so excited to hear that and so looking forward to Spamalot with my Ontario friends Jan 1st. How will I be able to hold out till then, beats me. We'll if he does stagedoor again I'll see him there. I love your excitement, I'm excited, too. Pictures, please and thank you.
  19. Clay was #4 on Lycos last week. Palen, Hilton, Youtube, Aiken in that order. That's still pretty darn good. He dropped from #2.
  20. Can't you just see Clay duckwalking through his house getting his legs and butt ready for the bottledance? I remember when I was in school, they used to make us duckwalk in gym. Do they even have gym anymore? LOL!! Thanks- girls -Seriously, it is all mystifying. Is there anyone in the entire fandom that can explain what happened to us all?
  21. I can't believe it's just 11 days. I sure have missed him. It's strange how when I know he's performing and we'll have news , everything seems brighter. Lordy, I've never been a fan of anything in my life. Clay has some serious mojo!!!
  22. I loved the Hannah/Clay picture but when I looked at it more closely, I saw sadness. I see a tear in Hannah's eye and Clay looked like he might have been, too. Maybe, it was Clay going to Somalia and Hannah going back to England. I'm sure they were great buddies and I bet they wondered if they's ever see each other again. Who knows? Luckiest said and I quote-- I am not privy to the details of his relationship with Jaymes, but I am sure that whatever it is, it works for them and doesn't affect his relationship with Hannah in any way. --------------------------------------- merry says we better ask Jaymes and Clay about that to be sure. Dear friend might just trump good buddy. LOL!!!! Who knows? Can't wait for Spamalot. I'm pumped. Parker is probably going to see the bright lights for the first time. I hope they have a smooth move.
  23. Happy birthday merrieeee- I have a present. Clay Aiken is #2 again on Lycos. Returns to Spamalot.
  24. I wonder if Parker went to his first holiday picnic with his new mommie and daddy. I bet he was a rockstar. I want to see his little face. God bless them all.
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