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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. From an Idol post mortem at Huffington Post this morning: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-giltz/emidolem-season-9-top-2_b_589880.html
  2. Fear, if Clay's in town to attend the dog show it will be better for his career. I was hoping all day that he'd be on the finale tonight. My instincts were so wrong. I'm very thankful Clay was no part of that. I left out Alice Cooper and Michael McDonald in my recap. They were extremely forgettable, that's why. Add two more has-beens to the group.
  3. Well, I'm happy for those of you who found something to enjoy during THE WORST SHOW EVER! Seriously, that was so not entertaining from start to finish that I can't think of one thing I liked about it. Nothing was funny to me, and the music went from intolerable to had to leave the room. Christina A. can sing, but that was a terrible song, in my opinion, and singing it in her underwear didn't work either. Hall & Oates sounded like crap. And the Bee Gees scared me. I kept trying to think who Barry Gibb reminds me of now, and I think it's a character from a horror flick. (The Island of Dr. Moreau? One of the hybrids?) Chicago, are you kidding me? The musicians sounded good enough, but the singer died a thousand deaths up there. Alanis Morrisette, was relevant 15 years ago, which was about 25 years later than Joe Cocker, who at least sounded the same as he did 40 years ago, but that's not a compliment. Janet Jackson whispered and groaned her songs; the girl has seen her best days come and go. I was frankly creeped out by her entire performance. Who did I miss? Oh, Bret Michaels. I never liked Poison, and especially not that Every Dog song, but he may have been the best of the bunch tonight, also damning with faint praise. Was there anything to like? The Season 9 contestants are best left unmentioned. What a lousy group of marginal singers who in any other year wouldn't have made it past Hollywood Week. The only one of the singers who seemed in voice at all tonight was that youngest girl, Katie (I forget her last name), but she actually did have some power in her voice. I didn't think Crystal sounded hot all night. And she was offputting acting like she was in charge of the show, "Put your hands together for ... another lousy act!" The worst thing was the Idol tribute to Simon. Paula went on too long. And the All Idols song, was so anti-climactic. Did Kelly have a nose job? She didn't look like herself, to me, and appeared older. She came out shreiking that boring song and Fantasia was hollering over her. Ruben looked good and sounded fine, what could be heard. Oh, I almost forgot Carrie Underwood singing that awful song through her nose that Kara wrote, and the whole time Kara's sitting at the table just rocking out like it's the best thing she's ever heard. How cheap and self-aggrandizing! Okay, I have to think of SOMETHING that was good about this show. Well, I like Ricky Gervais. Other than that I got nothin'. And Lee won. Big deal. It wouldn't matter who they gave it to tonight. It was forgettable and they were all inadequate. But Jeeze that guy is incapable of singing in tune. The judges think he'll be relevant with his sleepy face, weak, flat voice, lack of confidence, and drool. Good luck with that. Oh, oh, oh, I did think of something great about the show -- Clay had the excellent judgment to stay far, far, away from it! Congratulations, Clay! You won by not being associated with this crash and burn. I don't know if there will be a show to save for next year, because it cremated itself tonight. Complete self immolation. ETA: So Clay's going to be on Joy Behar on Tuesday night? He should establish a great rapport with her on Tuesday and by Wednesday morning on The View they should be best friends! I do like Joy. She's funny, a former teacher, and an outspoken supporter of equal rights. I've watched her show a few times and she rises or falls to the level of her guests, so Clay should have a good time with her. Now the question is what could Clay be doing in L.A. with Quiana? Pre-taping Kimmel for next week? Larry King? Craig Ferguson? Any other ideas?
  4. I don't know if anyone watched the red carpet shows, but Kris Allen appeared to be miffed at Idol. This season Crystal and Lee sang a duet of Falling Slowly. The judges praised it to the heavens. Oh, it was the greatest song they'd ever heard! Brilliant! Amazing song! and on and on. Funny thing is that Kris sang it last year to the derision of the judges. It's from the movie Once, was an important part of the movie, and won the Oscar for Best Song a couple of years ago. But Simon, Randy, in fact all of them didn't like the song. It was either Simon or Randy who said they couldn't understand why Kris sang a song no one had ever heard of. Everyone agreed with that and they all looked like ignoramuses, not industry pros. Anyway, Kris seems a little pissed that the judges thought it was the most wonderful song in the world when Lee and Crystal sang it, after calling it a strange, obscure choice for him.
  5. Wow, it's been four years since Clay took ownership of my heart on May 24, 2006. I still remember saying, "Who is that? Who IS that? It can't be CLAY!" I realize that it wasn't a surprise for board members at the time who got a heads up, but that total surprise was an amazing experience for a lot of people. My sister was just freaking that Clay didn't have a new album available then. She told me the next week that if Clay had a new album coming out after that show he would have sold a million in one week. He had been off our radar for a couple of years then. Now, completely unrelated. I had a dream last night, a very strange one. I was living in a little cheap apartment and a new neighbor moved in. I went to visit her and it was Susan Boyle. She was a totally different Susan Boyle who drank, cussed, smoked, and was a real gossip, which totally shocked me. She was loud and wild. Told me that everything about her persona and discovery was created by Simon Cowell, and that he had her pretending to be this rather emotionally fragile, frumpy person and created an entire backstory for her. She was scared of him and was hiding out because she didn't want to play that "Susan" anymore. It was one of those long dreams that seemed to go on forever. When I woke up I remembered more of it than I do now, but thought it was strange that I dreamed about her since I didn't even buy her record. Then I also remembered that her big song was "I Dreamed a Dream" -- how weird is that? For some reason I think Couchie triggered this dream. She mentioned her fondness for John Lennon and I started thinking about how I had never dreamed about Paul McCartney, but often dreamed about John. I remember dreaming of spending the day in NY with John, and another dream when I went to the Cannes Film Festival and John and Yoko were sitting on a bench outside because they couldn't get in, and I befriended them and we spent the day hanging out. Anyway, John was often in my dreams, even after he was killed. So, I was remembering that yesterday, and last night have this crazy dream about Susan Boyle! Why I never dream about Clay Aiken and Paul McCartney, I just don't understand.
  6. For once, I have nothing but time, as evidenced by my incessant post ho'ing these days, so count me in. I'm not a daytime TV watcher, so y'all please try to tolerate me for the next few weeks. I'm uncertain that I know exactly what a listening party is, but if it's listening to Clay, no problemo!
  7. people.com Sorry, KA, but I've already had extremely impure thoughts about a shiny red head popping up. You're SO guilty -- shameless, but guilty! And our timing is off on the Stones. I didn't like them after the 70's. Specifically once Ron Wood joined the band the magic was gone. I was a Brian Jones and then Mick Taylor fan. When Wood came on board, the scuzzy factor was on overdrive and just overwhelmed me, I guess. The Stones didn't have another great song for me after Wood joined the band.
  8. The "winner's first single" for Crystal B. is another cover, Up to the Mountain. She's going to win, but I don't know how many copies of this she'll sell. Gawd, she just totally sucked up to Simon for his "last critique on the show." She can't lose this thing now, but is it too much to ask that she brush the knots out of her hair at least once? Needless to add, there was not a BOTW moment again this year. And no mention of the guests tomorrow night. Just "surprises for Simon."
  9. I'm watching Idol and I don't see how either of these two are going to have careers, must less set the world on fire. Lee D. is singing his "winner's first single" song -- and it's a cover. U2's Beautiful Day. A sad version, I must say.
  10. KA, the Macca Man was a gorgeous 26 & 27 in 1969, and yeah he wasn't a monkey man. That was Mick Jagger! Check out the record label on the cover. CONTENT!!!!I get that it was too old for an 8 year old in 1969, but I swear I'm gonna catch you up one of these days. And I promise you won't have to look at current pictures of Keith Richards, who, believe it or not, is younger than Paul McCartney. Money can't buy you love, home grown tomatoes, or good genes.
  11. A Man and His Sandwich (and he didn't have to actually MAKE the Sandwich): ************** merrieeee, I agree about Crying. That thing he does! I can't imagine skipping any of these. Each has its own special charm. It's Impossible just melts me. My mother adored Perry Como and I never would have believed I could fall so hard for that song. I may not admit it to my mother.
  12. When I first looked at that picture I thought it was Reed. I'm still not convinced it isn't. Why would a tall, thin guy with curly hair who looks so much like Reed (who has been photographed countless times wearing his hat like that) be following right behind Clay if it were not Reed? If that was a photographer he wasn't shooting anything. And I keep thinking ... subterfuge, subterfuge what a great plan to disguise Reed. Also, when is the Broadway Bares show? And just how much rehearsing does a master dancer like Reed require to strip??? Clay has probably had him in private rehearsals for a good long time now! GAWD! Clay looks so fantastic!!! Oh, and me smut? I can dig it! ETA: Broadway Bares is June 20th.
  13. You suppose he's taking this to Reed, if that was Reed with him? He's tall enough, and Reed wears those caps. He's holding a camera, but not using it. Hmmmmmm. If it is Reed, I can understand him lagging a bit behind and masquerading as paparazzi to fool the paps! That would be a good one.
  14. If all the TV we know about is in NYC next week ... and he's in LA now with Quiana (and REED???) ... I guess he'll be singing Suspicious Minds somewhere in LA this week. And I say .... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  15. And if he doesn't look like the cat who ate the canary 5 oz. swallow. Still don't get the angst over 2 months and 13 days of silence since the OMG Concert. He did a few video and print interviews then. He went into hiding between AI5 and ATDW. One Mr. David Foster is on record as counseling a media blackout in advance of unveiling a change. Clay can't trust inside information to the OFC -- it's been proven that certain tabloid types lie in wait at OFC to broadcast his news and blogs. It's clear to me that the major promotion for T&T will be PBS and it will happen as different stations program the special during the summer and beyond. If it generates memberships they will replay as long as they can wring a nickel out of it. My PBS station replayed The Moody Blues - A Night at Red Rocks with the Colorado Symphony during every pledge drive for at least two years. Not only was it one of the biggest pledge hits for PBS, but it was a huge DVD and CD hit for the Moodies independent of PBS. I am so good with everything you wouldn't believe it. This is IT, baby!!! And it wouldn't shock me at all if Clay is on AI Wednesday night with Ruben. I wouldn't put money on it, but it could happen and the timing would be insane.
  16. Felt may be the operative word, KA. When the Beatles recorded their last sounds together in 1969, they were all still in their 20's. George at 26 was the youngest when they broke up. Funny thing is that the Monkees Saturday morning show was based on the Beatles schtick from their movies A Hard Day's Night and Help!. As to the Monkees, I did like Daydream Believer very much. That was a really good song. And Davy Jones was kind of cute (even if he was about 5'2"). But I understand of what you speak, by the time the Beatles were on your young radar, they weren't so much for kids anymore (even though I have younger relatives with fond memories of Penny Lane, Yellow Submarine, Obla Di and Your Mother Should Know, etc., from their skating rink days).
  17. YAY! Pink Armchair has her review posted this morning. Someone wrote that it was posted at CC (and I don't even know what CC is, duh!): Any recipes for sugar-free cheesecake? When I think cheesecake in NYC, I remember that wonderful sugar-free version I had a Lalo's! KA, maybe I'm reading your post wrong, but the dang Monkees are the same ages as the Beatles!! I think 1942 is the average birth year of both groups. And they were contemporaries in the late 60's, with the exception that The Beatles were a REAL group!! Who the hell is Keith Partridge? And, Michael was younger, but at least Paul and Ringo are still alive! Or go to the record store and actually listen to the new-release vinyls in a booth, or have the proprietor play them on the store speakers. Ah, for me many days spent at Evolution Records, Infinity Records, and Cactus Records. My numbers are similar, but I don't quite have 1,000 Clay songs ... I'm catching up though! Love the pug pup, and, Ringo, what a great name!
  18. You are not the only one! I am so excited I can't stand it. Next week...next week he will magically appear on my tv. I really don't get the angst about everything Clay. If these folks don't like what is being done, the promo, the songs then just go away and don't rain on my parade. There are a million other singers out there after all. They'll never go away. They will be the last people posting after driving away every single fan who is sick to death of moaning, groaning, fear, loathing and finger-pointing whenever Clay releases an album, announces a tour, or gives an interview. Fortunately, people have found out in increasing numbers that they can be dedicated fans of Clay without dealing with the Doomers. The Doomers don't see that a lot of people abandon the boards but don't abandon Clay.
  19. Word up Beatle Ho's ... this just announced TODAY! And, not only is Ringo on tour, treenuts, but Paul will be in San Francisco on Saturday, July 10th at AT&T Stadium. cagney, I collected those Beatles cards in 1964. I'd spend my whole allowance on every pack I could find and had a big collection, until one day when I was at school my little sister got crayons and scribbled over almost every one of them. I mourned. That girl was a pistol, and pulled the heads off my dolls, too!! KAndre, I promise one day we're going to have a Beatles listening party, just you and me, and I'm going to bring you to the light, I swear I will! Pooh, just got a call from the doctor I have to see next week in the Med Center, changing my appointment to 10:00 on June 2nd. Right, exactly the time Clay will be on The View. At least I have no appointments during GMA on Tuesday, but still it's going to be frustrating to wait until later in the day on Wednesday to watch The View on the DVR. I checked my Amazon order today just to make sure it was there and, man, I'm so glad I did. My order was scheduled to ship priority to my office -- and I won't be there for a while. Whew! I'm glad I looked so I could change the shipping address to home. I plan to download from iTunes at 11pm on Monday night, but as far as getting the Deluxe edition with the DVD, I can't count on Walmart. For the past two releases I've been at Walmart early in the morning only to be told that their distributor wouldn't arrive until later. For OMWH, when I came back at noon, they told me it would be still later before they unpacked the boxes. It was 3pm before they got to it. The only reason I bought any CDs at all from Walmart is because they had FIEKY with the alternate cover, which did make it worth the wait. Hot reviews make me so so happy. (The Examiner certainly trashed Jack Johnson's new LP, didn't they! He's not my style either.)
  20. Hey, KA, why is it being good to deny Clay some additional money from LiveNation that he wouldn't otherwise get so I can do some obsessing? Parker may need a new pair of shoes! And, if Clay didn't want me to buy it, it wouldn't be available for download now, would it? To listen exclusively to one track for two weeks is a bargain for $8.99. You see, now that I'm on medical leave I'm saving all that gas money not commuting 60 miles every day! Yes, I'm a rationalizing fool. Or maybe just a plain fool, but I'm cool with it. Back to the day, when I was 14 and BJ Thomas was 22, he WAS old and my friends and I laughed at how he acted like he was God's Gift. Then when I was 15 and Paul McCartney was 22, things changed dramatically because he actually was God's Gift and my SOULMATE! (Speaking to Beatles fans here, Martin Scorsese announced at the Cannes Film Festival last week that he has completed the first 2/3 of a comprehensive George Harrison documentary that will be released in 2011. Olivia is the producer. http://www.georgeharrison.com/ ) Back to Taylor Hall in the 60's, not only were BJ Thomas & The Triumphs a staple there, but so were Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs. Wooly Bully was a big song, and also ... "Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are lookin' good, you're everything a big bad wolf could want ...." Now "Sam" looked old enough to be my daddy at the time, but I loved that song! The 13th Floor Elevators played there (adored Roki) and The Moving Sidewalks (ZZ Top). This was at the same time that Janis Joplin was waiting tables and singing for tips at Sand Mountain in The Montrose. We went to La Carafe in Market Square, and it is still there and will probably be there in another 100 years. We had no idea how good we had it back then. Yet we thought most everything was so lame, and maybe it was, until the black light clubs hit and we all got s-m-a-a-a-l-l-l-l. ETA: One more historical note about Sand Mountain Coffeehouse ... Jerry Jeff Walker wrote Mr. Bojangles about a guy he met in the New Orleans jail, and first sang it at Sand Mountain. Jerry Jeff was born in New York as Ron Crosby, but grew into his new name when he came to Texas. Clay content: Jerry Jeff Walker now owns "Tried & True Records" in Austin - how's that for bringing it all back home!
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