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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. With all the YouTubes and montages and everything going around, I'm going to be brave enough to share the only montage I ever attempted, and it was at the end of 2006. The FC crap was raging, Clay had been ill during the Christmas tour, and all I wanted was to give him a great big old love hug. This is certainly primitive compared to the many professional quality montages I've seen, but it was from the heart. Song of Bernadette: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x6hitx
  2. I was surprised at a difference of opinion on "well, now" and "shadows of" as both are loud and clear to me. Reminds me of the guy who always tried to tell me that Hendrix was singing "'scuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "'scuse me while I kiss the sky." But, I think we can hear what we want and enjoy it the way we want to. I will always sing "douche" in Blinded By the Light! And merrieeee, regarding are you referring to V for Victory, or V for Vendetta! As we used to say back in the day .... "Peace on Ya" .... and as I say now ..... :237: I'm so excited that Kareneh will be back in July. YAY!! Hmmm, that made me think of something ..... :013085001176249046: I thought that RCA crap had finally died. The people who tried to influence me about it were charter member FC and minions, and I told one person she was straight up to her face. I had an advantage though, being new to the fandom and not a respecter of screennames and moderators of whatever. :italianflick: Lack of logic and common sense, and a blind acceptance of wild speculation was clear to a newbie, probably because it wasn't filtered through the coronations of certain fans and mods as The Deciders. And peer pressure was alive and well among grown-ass women. Sometimes people go off the rails like a Crazy Train ......... All Aboard! "Has anybody else but me ever felt this way before?" .... hmmmm maybe The Beatles? And anytime you feel the pain Hey Jude, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders For well you know that it's a fool Who plays it cool By making his world a little colder Yes, from the Slovenian Snippets til today I love his voice on ...down, down, down. This is a great song, IMO. I love the instrumentation, the lyrics, the beat, but most of all I love his voice from beginning to that last big "Wooooorld." This is the Clay Aiken Factor writ large -- that insanely fabulous incomparable voice!!
  3. Have you tried a margarita? When all else fail, I find tequila to be very healing. Or, what doesn't te-qil-ya makes you stronger!
  4. Man, you guys are totally grossing me out with the snot talk today. Allergies for me are one of two things: running nose and eyes, or angioedema (swelling of my face and throat).
  5. Couchie, I use Alavert, the melt in your mouth, citrus-flavored tabs, and they work much better for me than either Claritin or Benadryl. Allergies come with different symptoms, but for the sneezing, eye-dripping miserable stuff, Alavert stays in my medicine cabinet.
  6. With the advent of satellite radio, the earthly airwaves are called terrestrial -- so yes, AM and FM radio. I have no idea what the eventual outcome could be, but I do know that this will be a huge fight as things now stand -- and that passage next year could be more likely. I do believe that this legislation is a reaction to the overblown power and outrageous profits of a very few broadcast groups, and you know who they are, in comparison to the near financial collapse of the recording industry. With almost everyone ripping music for free, at least the ones profiting from it should have to pay. I have a suspicion that payola is not such a factor under these conditions. CC is a monolith and forcing it to share the wealth with the artists and labels they freely exploit is the right thing to do in my mind. The fallout? I don't know. But as far as Clay is concerned the status quo isn't working so well, so I'd look kindly on change fraught with possibilities. How it would work would undoubtedly be controlled to some extent by legislation. You could imagine a lot of scenarios ... a standardized pricetag? a tiered system? established artists costing more than new talent? broadcasters buying package deals that would further guarantee saturation play? more talk shows and less music? increased political bias? It exists now, so does anyone think that CC would ever pay to play the Dixie Chicks? Actually, I foresee terrestrial radio as having numbered days anyway, especially where music is concerned. Does Clay get played on satellite radio? Regarding SAU, I think I already posted about my CD in the car skipping from the middle of EIDN to, "Stop the Music! Play the song ..." and it became clear to me that's exactly what that meant. Stop everything .... and play the song, their song. I get in the mood for this one. Some days I do skip it altogether, and other days I hit repeat. It's not a style of music that I would ordinarily fall for, but Clay is clearly in his element here and I love the sounds he makes. He way he sings this is just sex-aay. Great pictures, Cotton! You two make a hot looking couple. And speaking of hot, HeidiHo, you are smokin' this board today. More! More! (((Couchie))) (((Everybody Group Hug))) ETA: I'm of two minds as to whether Clay would be at Ruben's wedding. Clay could be vacationing after his UNICEF visit. He pays his own way, and I wouldn't be surprised if he took the opportunity to visit the Pyramids in Egypt or maybe the Seychelles (if he liked water). Once again, I think it would be great if he sang at Ruben's wedding ... but the bride could have a say in that, too.
  7. Has anybody read about, and have an opinion on, the vote in a House Judiciary Subcommittee this week that would force radio stations to pay royalties to artists and record labels? This is aimed specifically at terrestrial radio -- it's already a done deal for satellite. No doubt the National Association of Broadcasters will fight this tooth and nail when it moves to the full Judiciary Committee -- but over in the Senate, where this goes next, both the Judiciary Committee Chairman (Pat Leahy) and the opposition ranking member (Orrin Hatch) are supporting it. Maybe this is the answer to the dismal plight of the record labels. Considering everything I've heard on the Clay message boards for the last couple of years about payola, this is really through the looking glass now -- pay TO play instead of pay FOR play! From yesterday's news:
  8. Thanks, jmh. I missed it, but it repeats in 80 minutes so I set the DVR. I do love The Doors, and get on a Doors' jag from time to time. Haven't seen lightmyfire around in a while -- maybe she's lurking and will see this.
  9. OMG, I'll never forget when John and Yoko cohosted for an entire week with Mike Douglas. And Merv Griffin was the best interviewer ever. He had so much enthusiasm for whatever his guests were talking about. He didn't seem to be working as much as he seemed to be enjoying himself. Celebrities didn't go on that show because they were promoting a movie or a book, but because Merv invited interesting conversationalists and humorists, or fascinating eccentrics who in most cases were authors or playwrights, and he had a musical guest every day. Yep. Merv Griffin was an excellent talk show host.
  10. Couldn't leave the Tom Hanks discussion without throwing in. I'm not a fan of any actor so much that I'd go see a movie because they were in it. Nobody. (see correction below) I'm not sure why I select the movies I do, because I usually go to the movies on impulse and see whatever I"m in the mood for. The night I saw Forrest Gump was a bad night for me. I was pissed, totally pissed and got in my car to drive around. I ended up at the cinema and Forrest Gump was opening that night and I'd never heard of it. But I definitely didn't want to see any of those other movies, so I bought a ticket and sat in the theater alone, not having a clue what to expect. I left that theater totally charmed and aglow. I had laughed, I had cried, and it touched my heart. It was a modern day fairy tale, but to this day when I think about him standing under that tree, and the way he said, "Jenny, he's so smart," I break down like a baby. But I think it was the music that made that movie for me. Somehow, it's always the music. Hmmm, on second thought, I guess I am a fan of Johnny Depp.
  11. If Clay had a late night talk show I could totally see him doing skits such as Carson did with Art Fern and Carnac and some of those characters. Clay could feel free to recreate the Guard scene from Spamalot ANY time for me. And the next night he could go to Camelot, or ride an imaginary horse. I also can see him interested in a Donahue-type show too. Hopefully, if he gets the show he wants he'll be able to do serious and funny, and sing too. I have a feeling it would be original, a type of show that nobody but Clay could do.
  12. LNM, I have thought the same thing. That when Clay is in public/on stage he does his thing, but we'd never see his true romantic feelings on display. Somehow to me that seems how the real Clay would be. I think one giveaway about The Real Me is that the piano intro has a spiritual sound. It moves to being a beautiful pop ballad, but the intro David played seems to be a big hint. To change the subject, I've been questioning a 60's-70's type variety show in Clay's future after watching about a half hour of America's Got Talent tonight. These dancing/singing/variety reality programs are the Ed Sullivan Show / Carol Burnett Show / Saturday Night at the Palladium, etc. for the new millenium - with low-paid talent. At least for now. I take Clay at his word that he really really really really wants a talk show. And I think he'll have one eventually. I think he wants to record and tour -- but I think he also wants to talk -- on TV. He is such a natural ON talk shows, it makes sense for him to host one. I remember when Mo Rocco asked him what he'd do if he weren't singing and Clay said it would be hard for him to go back to the classroom. If ever worse came to worst for Clay, and the recording industry was lying in destruction and people couldn't afford to buy tickets to concerts, you can bet Clay Aiken would have a talk show somewhere, even if on local TV in Raleigh, and he'd love every minute of it. And knowing Clay he'd grow it to national syndication and be back on top in no time. Don't mind me, just thinking with my fingers.
  13. Clay was admittedly sick this day on the Fox Morning Show ... but damn he still looks good. And these morning show women just can't keep their hands off him!
  14. Has anybody seen VH1's I Love New Millenium 2003 today? I guess I'll have to wait until it comes up again in about an hour.
  15. I know he said that when he first heard it he thought about God. But that could be because Natalie Grant wrote it about God when she was in recovery for bulimia and from what I've read that was pretty well known and could have colored Clay's interpretation of the lyrics "when he first heard it." It could have meant something else to him by the time he recorded it -- and he's not telling.
  16. Ansa, I think also possible that the alternate lyrics came from Natalie Grant, as well. Who the heck knows? But, the important thing for me is that Clay sings it so beautifully and movingly that it's HIS song now!!! OH NO MERRIEEEE -- DON'T LOOOOOOOOOK I'm sorry, darlin', it was a weak moment .... will this help???
  17. I missed the earlier convo about using SAU for the Barack and Michelle Obama video on YouTube, and my thoughts are this.... I have watched many video montages of Clay featuring non-Clay songs, many of them I know well, and some I've never heard before. Several songs I fell in love with and ended up downloading because I heard them in a Clay video on YouTube. If this Obama video turns people on to a Clay Aiken song they would otherwise have never heard and leads them to download, then I'm perfectly thrilled. ETA: I hear "shadows of shattered dreams," Cindilu. I tend to think they weren't changed because they were already changed from the Natalie Grant version. She sang: Foolish heart looks like we're here again Same old game of plastic smile Don't let anybody in Hiding my heartache, will this glass house break How much will they take before I'm empty Do I let it show, does anybody know? [Chorus:] But you see the real me Hiding in my skin, broken from within Unveil me completely I'm loosening my grasp There's no need to mask my frailty Cause you see the real me Painted on, life is behind a mask Self-inflicted circus clown I'm tired of the song and dance Living a charade, always on parade What a mess I've made of my existence But you love me even now And still I see somehow But you see the real me Hiding in my skin, broken from within Unveil me completely I'm loosening my grasp There's no need to mask my frailty Cause you see the real me Wonderful, beautiful is what you see When you look at me You're turning the tattered fabric of my life into A perfect tapestry I just wanna be me But you see the real me Hiding in my skin, broken from within Unveil me completely I'm loosening my grasp There's no need to mask my frailty Cause you see the real me And you love me just as I am Wonderful, beautiful is what you see When you look at me The only differences I noticed were changing "unveil" into "reveal" and then the whole bridge.
  18. Regarding The Real Me ... things haven't changed and I'm still the bitch of the bridge. The violins are killer. And those words ... JE-SUS! Shadows of shattered dreams They've followed me they've haunted me But you've taken the broken pieces of my life And helped me to believe Maybe because his voice in that part is so rich and textured and GORGEOUS, and then those intense violins -- or maybe because this is the part of the song that has been rewritten from Natalie Grant's version. So, of course, I wonder ... did Clay write these words? There's an interview out there where Clay said that when he first heard TRM he thought it was about God, Jaymes thought it was about a romantic relationship, and someone else thought it was about their mother. I just love the song, period, because Clay sings it with such heart and soul. I remember Clay saying a few months ago that he thought he could have two or three signature songs from this album. I can't get the number below four, myself.
  19. I know I'm beating it into the ground about WPB, but I loved that show SO MUCH! I downloaded the Best Of WPB from Scruffy and Part B is something I regularly go to. http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/Montag..._of_SRHPT_2007/ 23b_BestOf_SRHPT_2007_Banter_WPB_scruffy13_large.wmv This cuts out most of TWYMMF, when Clay fell on his rear end jumping off the stage, but there is great clack available of Clay singing in the audience and getting back on stage and visibly mouthing to Quiana "I fell on my butt!" Scruffy's montage highlights banter and is so wonderful. This is Cute Clay to the Max for me! There is no YouTube of Clay in the audience because Jerome made a point of letting people know later that Clay didn't want to see videos of him "showing my be-hind" on YouTube. And ... there is none. Fans are good people. But AAIT and Makinaiken have some really good TWYMMF clips from the audience ... and Clay singing ... "I've never been so ..... embarrassed before." He's such a doll! And Jerome trying to control his laughter is another good one. Also in this montage is where Clay tells Jesse that one day they may be friends! He so CUTE!!!!
  20. Is this Snowflake picture acceptable, merrieeee? Does Diane love her some Clay, or WHAT??
  21. Here's a montage of funnies from JBT. After watching the one above, I had to bring all three. Too good not to revisit. JBT Funnies Part 1 JBT Funnies Part 2 JBT Funnies Part 3
  22. Everytime somebody new comes to this board it seems that a lot of people know them from other boards, and that means I probably know fewer people than anyone here. So, I love expanding my Clay friendships and look forward to getting to know each and every one of you. We already have so much in common! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  23. I came into the fandom during the Summer of 2006 when all that was out there were a few pictures of Clay and Kristy at a hockey game, pictures at the Kelly Clarkson concert of Clay and Ruben, a picture of Clay at Y Camp in the turquoise shirt, and walking out of LAX with his assistant -- and that was it between AI5 in May and the Foster Gala in September. And no one had heard his voice since the JNT2. This isn't so tough. We've had him nearly full-time since last July. And, at the minimum, we'll see him after his UNICEF trip this summer. I hope he has all the space and time he needs to recharge. But, God yes I do miss him.
  24. It's time to get the CD cleaner out for the car stereo because I got a track skip in OMWH yesterday, and while abrupt, it was cool at the same time. I'm bopping along on the way home listening to EIDN and I am really bopping ... right in the middle of the rockingest part of the song I suddenly hear .... Stop the music, play the song ... Okay, says I. Just can't argue with the man. ooooo Cindilu, I see my avi in the banner. Isn't he just the cutest!
  25. {{{LdyJ}}}} Poor baby. Knee pain is a bastard. I hope you get it fixed up and quick! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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