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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Would you believe .... As of today, OMWH has 117 spins --and REO Speedwagon's song has 118. One silly spin off of being #26. OMWH has increased 16 spins over last week. LEADERS/SPINS are: KMGA-FM Albuquerque - 11 KUMU-FM Honolulu - 10 WRAL-FM Raleigh - 8 WCDV-FM Baton Rouge - 8 KBEZ-FM Tulsa - 7 Regarding Kipper, as previously pledged, I'll kiss whatever he wants me to kiss -- with feeling. The man did beyond an outstanding job producing OMWH. These songs are full of delightful and sometimess exotic and quixotic sounds, and I'm sure I haven't isolated half of them. Easily I could be on my knees. The Walmart bonus edition -- yeah, me too. And pay the high price at that! And at Walmart, for Heaven's sake. Oh God, I'm such a sucker for a song. I couldn't bear the thought of giving the CD to someone/anyone without FIEKY. I'll tell you something about me. I probably should have spent more time concerned with making money than with my head stuck in speakers for 40 years -- at home, in the car, at the concert hall -- but I know I'd do it all over again. Most of the avenues of my life were places where I was led by the music. I've been saved by the music on several occasions -- married for the music -- and even divorced for the music. I was a little piano-playing nerdmaniac for the music, and a hippie chick enslaved by the genius of Jimmy Page, and the heartfulness of Jackson Browne -- and sooooo many others. It's a transcendental relationship of a pure clairvoyant nature. All of my family is quite accustomed to my Life Is Music mantra -- but I don't think they ever saw Clay Aiken coming. Now where's that time machine for a few lot of shows back in August 2005 ..... and September 2004 ..... and for Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1976, the Winterland Ballroom -- and yes I'll take passengers. I love good company!
  2. Well, I'm a big lover of Dylan and I'm not limiting his songs to his voice and his interpretation only. Has anyone watched or listened to the 30th anniversary of Dylan where his songs are sung by George Harrison, Willie Nelson, The Clancy Brothers, Neil Young, Tracy Chapman, Richie Havens, Tom Petty, Lou Reed, Stevie Wonder, Eddie Vedder (with the best version of Masters of War ever), Eric Clapton, The Band, Kris Kristofferson, Roger McGuinn, Johnny Cash, Chrissie Hynde, The O'Jays, Johnny Winter, John Mellencamp -- and Bob Dylan. I have this on VHS and have been waiting impatiently for the DVD. For me it's never been about Dylan's voice, but about his Voice. He uses it, and in many ways that craggy voice has changed the world. I love his early spoken/song recordings like Talking John Birch Paranoid Blues - only his voice will do. I love Dylan's original of All Along the Watchtower -- but Hendrix has the definitive version forever.
  3. Couchie, sweetheart, you've been working too hard. Really, it's FREAKY that you haven't heard FIEKY!
  4. It's that last gasp that gets me. Clay has an emotionalism in his singing that I connect with. He has this flawless delivery and then raw emotion seems to overcome his vocal strength and I love that. It's not a forced emotion, it's one that exposes itself -- and it kills me. And I'm sure you're a better person for it! Goodness, LdyJ, Already today I've been through Dylan and the Beatles and now you're going to bring the Moodies into this? No. I'll be good. But, by the saints, isn't Question one of the best songs in the history of the world??! And would you believe I'm wearing my Justin 1970 shirt (that I bought at the concert in March) . As far as the sighting ... woo woo ... that Clay Aiken sure is an untameable beast of a heartbreaking man! Jaymes is pregnant and he's with a hot blonde in Times Square? Maybe it's not Hannah. Maybe he's got another blonde in the harem.
  5. Again about FIEKY, this is one song that I haven't spent a minute thinking about the significance of it to Clay -- because it's all about its significance to ME. Yes, I can sing this song. Also, it wasn't on the album proper so perhaps it was cast aside when Clay decided to go with songs he connected with from the past five years. Clay said that LAA wasn't included in ATDW because it didn't fit the theme. So, I think this one is for me. Of all the songs on OMWH, the ones that strike me as most profoundly and specifically Clay related are ALAWH and TRM, oh and Ashes and WIDTL, and Falling, oh never mind.
  6. You know, cha cha, if it's Dylan, I've pretty much done it or heard it or seen it -- but haven't seen I'm Not Here--yet. My two older kids have always been music fiends, but had no interest in Dylan whatsoever. Period. Underline that. My baby, the guitar man, never cared about listening to music of any kind when he was growing up. He started liking music when he learned to play the guitar at age 13. And even then, he just liked playing the guitar and still didn't listen to much other music. And then one day he heard a song and was all "Who is THAT?" and I said, "That's Dylan" and he's all "Dylan Who" and then the two of us spent over a year immersed in All Things Dylan. The song, btw, was It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding).
  7. Desertrose, I don't know why I'm admitting this but it seems that for the last month or so every single time I go into Randall's they play that song, I Am A Woman In Love ..... and I sing it, oh yes I do. Especially the "it's a right I defend, over and over again." Yes, and if no one is around I emote with gestures and everything. Now if someone's been watching that hidden camera, maybe I shouldn't go back in there ..... maybe I'll start coming over to your Randall's now. Forget I Ever Knew You ... well, this damned song made me have to go out and buy several more copies of OMWH, and from sticking Walmart, no less. I had copies already earmarked for giveaway and then after I heard FIEKY these friends just had to have this song, you know. Yes, it's a necessity for me. OMWH does not exist without it. I LOVE this song seriously. And what's so bad about a "song in a song," or two songs in one? Hasn't anybody ever heard A Day in the Life? Or Admiral Halsey/Uncle Albert? This song probably gets a more consistent push of the RPT button in my car than any other -- maybe because it is last, but maybe because it is FABUUUUU, and that last breathless catch in his voice is sinful, I tell ya, SINFUL. And since I have nothing against certain types of sin ....
  8. I thought the "since you don't care for the Beatles" mention was a dead giveaway! Anyway, the one you like is Subterranean Homesick Blues -- which is considered to be the First Music Video Ever. I think I need to move my office. Everytime I look out the window I get distracted for some strange reason ..... Speaking of CITH .... in a sing-song mocking voice she said ... I did my CITH song I did my CITH song I have it posted Not gonna get sporked ha ha ha ha ha
  9. KAndre, since you're not a fan of the Beatles .... and the only Dylan song you like is the one with the cue cards ... perhaps this will have some tiny influence ...
  10. Hey chach, it's You Never Give Me Your Money from AR. Also, aren't you on a Dylan kick these days. If so, here's a clip of one of my top 5 Dylan songs -- Love Minus Zero/No Limit -- it's the one in London where they're passing the guitar around and Donovan first realizes his career is date-stamped .... and I love Donovan but this is so evident. Like, this is the competition, oh shit. Valentines can't buy her -- that's a money line for me. Of course, it helps me understand why KAndre doesn't care for Dylan. ** hee** Another favorite line -- there's no success like failure and failure's no success at all. Another favorite line -- the whole damn song. http://youtube.com/watch?v=mKoV1yJnqAI&feature=related God, everybody smoked back then. I've forgotten how omnipresent the smoke was ... of every flavor. And because last week marked 45 years since the murder of Medger Evers ... here's Bob just a few weeks later in 1963 at his first Newport Festival ... http://youtube.com/watch?v=XUvQzgxTxmE&feature=related and then on August 28th of that year ... http://youtube.com/watch?v=fffHzrtHhZM
  11. I had to cut it off somewhere, but implied is Yes it did, na-ha-ha-ha-how 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 All good children go to Heaven and that guitar lick and the rest of that guitar riff going into Sun King ... Yes, that's ALL implied in my siggie.
  12. Okay, you pushed me ... you wanna hear jingoistic ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZZgdzBm2R8
  13. Back in the "I think I can" car .... From All Access: #27 CLAY AIKEN On My Way Here Spins this week 112 Spins last week 98 Spincrease +14 Audience in millions: 0.243 He's just four spins behind REO Speedwagon -- which is declining daily. #26 is at hand. OMWH is #18 overall in spincreases. There are 24 monitored stations playing OMWH. The leaders are: KMGA Albuquerque with 11 spins KUMU Honolulu with 10 spins WRAL Raleigh with 8 spins KBEZ Tulsa with 7 spins This week's starters are: KMGA Albuquerque with 11 spins (when they got started they got with it!) and WCDV Baton Rouge with 6 spins
  14. Another difference is that relative pitch can be acquired with ear training. Absolute pitch is something you either have it or you don't. Looks like you definitely have it -- what a beautiful, clear G, KAndre. I'm enjoying that one.
  15. OMG, you guys are dusting off the cobwebs from my ear training of yesteryear! Absolute pitch, or perfect pitch, is like LdyJ said, you hear a G and you know it's a G. Or someone says, "hit a G" and you do. Relative pitch is hearing a G and being able to identify an E, or hitting any other notes of the scale in relation to the G.
  16. I've heard of Everyman .... but Every.music.icon? Clay as a red-headed Buddy Holly: Clay as Paul McCartney (I see Yesterday): I know I've seen Clay as Elvis before .... and George Harrison lookalike pictures a few times. How many other titans of music is Clay Aiken physically channeling while singing in his unmistakable and unique voice. Just a note: It is because Clay is so unique that many don't like him. There's nothing wrong with that. All originals have detractors. It's historical. It's unavoidable. But it's a sign of greatness. Lots of people I've come across in my life didn't like Streisand, Celine, Dean Martin, Elvis, Dylan or the Beatles. It's personal taste, but a singular, unique talent will rise. FWIW: I remember the early 60's when any mention of Barbra Streisand in the media involved her nose. I remember a big buzz about Barbra stating she was happy with her appearance and would not have a nose job. People were .. What? She's not going to fix that nose? She'll NEVER be a star! Even when she was on top with records, movies and Broadway -- there were those who didn't like her because they said she was ugly. So what's changed in human nature and the lowest common denominator?
  17. I have to ask. Does jingoistic have another definition I don't know about? Because I don't think Clay's phrasing is overly patriotic, excessively nationalistic, chauvinistic, saber-rattling or pro-war. Hate to pick, but jingoism is one of my least favorite things in the world. Anybody ever see the bumber sticker: I Support Meaningless Jingoistic Cliches
  18. I flove Falling! As much as everything else that CD. I seldom hit repeat at any time anymore because as soon as one song ends, I'm thinking Oh Goody now .... THIS ONE! YAY! I do readily admit, however, to repeating TRM twenty or forty times one night. I can get completely obsessive about a song. Used to drive my kids crazy. And ... Clay's natural hair color? I'm not even curious. I've colored my own from the age of 14. There was no knowing anything about natural color after that --- just the roots that were either lighter or darker. And as far as guys are concerned, the ones in my high school were bleaching out their hair forty years ago -- remember the Beach Boys? Surfing? I know so many guys in hippy dippy days who permed their long locks. I can attest from personal experience that the men in my life have been much pickier and obsessed about their hair than me. To me, it's always been a "guy thing."
  19. I had a truly fine day today with my father and family -- there were nine of us out for crabcakes, stuffed shrimp and zydeco at Pappadeaux's in Seabrook. Wish ya'll could have been there! OOHHHHH, I am so waiting to see Clay with darker hair. I could possibly wait all night ....
  20. I checked the thread at OFC and the words being used are "dark brown."
  21. Awwwwww. That was GREAT to see Rick and David. David Hibbard is so precious!
  22. Is Broadway dark during the Tony Awards? I was just thinking with all the nominees present at the show, and the presenters and entertainers, etc. -- might Broadway do matinees today and shut down tonight?
  23. It was in Charlotte -- and I think the word was "tie-a-sit" (ha) -- the next night, Christmas Eve-Eve, in Greenville, she walked the busline with him. That's when I first realized there must be sumpin'sumpin' going on because she had obviously flown in for the last two nights of the tour in NC and was spending Christmas with Clay. Not just your regular, everyday ordinary Executive Producer/Artist relationship.
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