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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. Can someone please help a poor sister who can't find that order form for the Broadway Cares DVD -- that I've saved at least twice SOMEWHERE! I promise to put it in a very safe place this time. THANK YOU!
  2. Canfly, DCAT - Doing Clay Aiken Tour - came from Clay himself on Quiana's MySpace. She had an appearance calendar on the front page and several entries about a few concerts she had scheduled in South Carolina, and one entry for Chautaugua in late July saying 'An Evening with Clay Aiken.' Clay responded that it sounded like Quiana would be "doing him" that night;, hence, the Doing Clay Aiken Tour. At least that's the way I remember it. Still love my DCAT pins and t-shirts!
  3. wandacleo, "flying his freak flag" brings back the Crosby, Still & Nash song from 1969 about hair, of all things: Almost cut my hair It happened just the other day It was getting kind of long I could have said it was in my way But I didn't and I wonder why I feel like letting my freak flag fly Cause I feel like I owe it to someone Must be because I had the flu for Christmas And I'm not feeling up to par It increases my paranoia Like looking in my mirror and seeing a police car But I'm not giving in an inch to fear Cause I missed myself this year I feel like I owe it to someone When I finally get myself together I'm going to get down in that sunny southern weather And I'll find a place inside to laugh Separate the wheat from the chaff I feel like I owe it to someone Heidi Ho, this polygamist thing just could work -- if you come to Texas. This does seem to be the place for it these days. And Scarlett, my love, you know you have a piece of my heart, but I fear Solo's famous reflexive action upside my head, what with those brothers of hers. However, if you can work that out .....
  4. Looking for information ABOUT this TMZ place, and who holds their pursestrings, I ran across the following which spares no adjective in describing Harvey Levin's suffocating sleazebagginess. Interesting to read that he is backed by AOL/Time Warner. I know there is no good reason to ever underestimate the appetite for corporate greed, but this AOL/TW connection explains why CNN/LKL have attempted to legitimize him. This won't end until people stop tuning in, stop buying the trash rags, stop clicking the websites, and maybe picket and protest on the streets of New York and LA outside some of the studios that produce the garbage. The direct action of people is the truest way to affect change -- apply pressure and dry up the cashflow. Protest to CNN. Protest to FOX-TV. We should use our voices --- and NOT in defense of Clay Aiken, but in defense of our principles and our sense of fair play. There has been celebrity gossip all my life and before, but what's being peddled and exploited now is way beyond that. I notice that the conservatives I know tend to call this "the liberal media" and what it is is unregulated unfettered capitalism that rewards making a buck no matter how vicious the method. You make a lot of money, you must be a BIG SUCCESS, no matter the means by which you "earned" it. That's today's definition. As soon as people drop the knee-jerk labels of liberal and conservative and realize that each side blames the other for all the same problems, maybe people will look around for the real culprits. They masquerade in both parties, in both ideologies. I'm getting pretty good at nosing them out. But I'm dreaming again about an awakening of the people and wholesale change, huh? http://tabloidbaby.blogspot.com/2007/12/ta...st-of-year.html
  5. I'm more than willing to jump in your pocket and go with you, liney!! Now how big is that pocket?
  6. Glad you and Ansa didn't miss it, Couchie. Ya'll are leaders of my people!
  7. Clay is not alone in media persecution and gay rumor. Go ask Tom Cruise or Richard Gere. From what I've heard Tom Cruise has for years had a PR operation that deals aggressively with accusations and rumors including threats of lawsuits and denial of interviews and invitations. Did that quelch the public perceptions? Were the adoption of his children with Nicole Kidman, or the birth of his daughter with Katie Holmes spared the sick jokes? He's considered weird and bizarre and sexually ambiguous, and has probably spent a sizeable fortune on publicists to counter these perceptions. He threw his money away. People still think what they will. And people still believe those sick stories about Richard Gere, and I know very little about him other than he was married to Cindy Crawford at one time. And when they married, people who were so invested in the gay stories about him were cracking about her sexuality as well. You can't fight it and win. You can't reach into somebody's brain and expunge gossip and innuendo. I think Clay grasped the realities of the rumor mill early on. The NE didn't start the gossip about Clay. It started when people picked up on some of his mannerisms as being feminine from the very beginning of American Idol. Clay has spoken to that. He understands it. He's unapologetic. He's got big balls.
  8. The People.com story "Clay Aiken is going to be a Dad" was their No. 1 Most Read story of the week. OMWH's Mediabase spins are up 15 for a cumulative 93 spins for the week. Ashes has almost 62,000 views at Sessions. Clay Aiken is "Most Viewed" at Sessions. He's second to Jewel in Highest Rated Session.
  9. "Fox News fact checker" that's really funny. I don't think they've ever filled that position over there. I went to TMZ and watched it. Clay clearly puts a hand in that camera. He was all up on it .. Yeah, Yeah. I'm sure this will get TV coverage.
  10. So he was having trouble getting on the chat shows with short notice in May ... well that's over. How many shows do you "reckon" are interested in booking Clay Aiken to talk about the baby? Maybe, ALL of them? Larry King would pee his pants to get Clay Aiken on right now. I think Clay is large and in charge.
  11. OMG, was that Frank Sinatra? Was it Russell Crowe? Will Clay be sued for assault? You can bet you'll see that again, and often. And .... it does make me go Yeah!
  12. My goodness we are certainly claiming a lot of rights for ourselves, aren't we? Up to and including the infringement of Clay's right to privacy concerning a child that may or may not be his. Haven't we all been here at least for the last couple of years as Clay made it plain that people can believe what they want to believe about him, and he doesn't care because the people that MATTER in this life, his family and friends, know the truth and that's all that matters to him. I'm sure he loves his fans, and he appreciates the fact that we support his singing career, but he does give something in return, entertainment and gratitude. But do we inform his personal, private decisions based on gay ridicule? Not no, but hell no. I can't imagine being disappointed in Clay because a homophobe thought less of me for liking him. That would just be one less tittilated homophobe that I have to deal with. I can live with that. I'm really sorry that rude people in the media make life difficult for a sensitive Clay fan. Am I upset that Clay doesn't dance to their tune? Nooooo. Personally, I recommend staying away from the low energy centers of the universe. I have no expectations or assumptions about his personal life at all. I don't argue that he is or isn't anything, other than a really outstanding human being. I didn't start liking him because of his moral fiber or his charitable works or his hard-headed personal integrity, or his personal magnetism, but I did come to appreciate and respond to all these things upon eventual discovery. I love him dearly because he is so open and generous to his fans. Seems he only draws the line around his heart. Maybe one day we'll know everything, maybe there's a revelatory moment at hand. Maybe we'll wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Whatever, it's none of my business. I'm JUST a fan.
  13. The most vocal, proselytizing, self-proclaimed saved sinners that I'm acquainted with, just happen to be the people most likely to make sexist, racist comments, including ugly jokes to put other people down. One of them actually tried to argue that poor people are poor because they are lazy. On more than one occasion I've had to tell someone that I can't go to their church because I would have to lower my moral standards to attend. Yeah, when I meet somebody who tries to feed me a big dose of bigotry while telling me how much they love Jesus, I can usually ask them what church they go to and not be surprised at the answer. We should all memorize this. Scarlett, how can you be so cute with such an innocent face, and yet be so wise? Thanks for sharing your wit and wisdom. I don't always respond to posts that turn my head, either this way or that, but it's my negligence and I'm sorry I've lacked the consideration to thank people for saying/writing things that have had a profound impact on me. I've had plenty of friends and many wonderful experiences in my life, yet somewhere in the back of my head was a little voice saying where are my people, where are my people. I'm sure that sounds completely batshit crazy, but I've never felt that I've been around people who think like me and I've compromised and understood and been patient with the people in my life, like forever. Anyway, I found my people -- and what do you know, turns out they are Clay Aiken fans. This is something I realized before I ever met even one of you in person. It has nothing to do with traveling or going to concerts or any social thing ... I just found a group of supportive and giving and open-minded people and the glue is Clay Aiken. I needed this moment of self-disclosure. You are my people. FINally!
  14. I have to disagree with this. Clay's life is entirely and completely his own. Celebrities and regular people and religious figures and world leaders and everyone else in the world owns their own lives. Am I picking up a pattern that some who are having big issues with this story also mention that they face ridicule themselves for being an identified supporter of Clay? I feel bad for that, but I can't even imagine it. I just don't know anyone that would attempt to go there with me. Ever. Not seriously. But my condolences to those who face this sort of thing and are hurt by it. It's hard out there for a Clay Aiken fan, huh? God, I love a challenge.
  15. From your post: Same event, I'm pretty sure. I hear you, jmh. It was a Fourth of July presentation in 2006, but it wasn't last year. Last year they showed the Gala in December and taped it as a Christmas program in June. I'm hoping that "The Civil War" theme means Fourth of July this year, because the Civil War just doesn't scream Holiday to me. Since it was moved last year in an attempt to attract a bigger audience, who knows when they'll televise it this year. I genuinely, deeply hope that it's back to the Fourth this year. The date on this story is June 24, 2007:
  16. This is my favorite duet ever and the one that showed me he truly is a Broadway star.... I want to see it too!!!! I'm taking your recommendations and faxing an order tomorrow. I burned the HI RES version of the song to a CD and I have to listen to it both going to and coming from work every day - it comes on CD 2 just after FIEKY finishes -- yes I have a long commute lasting more than one CD. I don't want to talk about gas prices, okay? Jesus, when Clay comes in with that deep voice, well it's so good I can't stand it!! I just can't stand it! As my grandmother used to say, "It gets all over me." And what is more ... I've never liked that song before. Not Celine or Groban or Bocelli or anybody -- even when Clay sang it with Quiana. But this one's different. And, while I'm thinking about it. This afternoon I was out and about in the 95 degree heat under the bright sun and when I got in the car WOTW was playing and it is such a totally great song for driving around in the summer that it was a real kick. Then this evening on my way to the neighborhood store, I listened to On My Way Here, Track One, The Single, you know the one ... and it just newly blew me away. His voice is peerless and the bridge of that song is so CLAY. It is the most CLAY sounding Clay singing I could ever imagine. It's completely his song and it's getting better by the week for me, in big ways. I don't know why but the heat seems to be making this CD sound even better and better. This is one first class, substantive collection of songs that Clay has given us. I know that he begs off about the songs meaning something universal yada yada, but I think every one of these songs is personal for him. Maybe that's why Something About Us is becoming a modern day classic in my head. Reviewers have compared it to Johnny Mathis, like Johnny Mathis was ever that good. Unh-unh, nobody could make that song sound like Clay does it -- nobody no time. But, I'm still WIDTL's bitch. That song would be a favorite of mine if I'd never heard of Clay Aiken and somebody just played me the CD. I'd have to run and search for it without delay just for that song alone. Yep, some songs get ahold of me and never leave me alone and WIDTL is one of those songs.
  17. Ruby Dee is an Obama supporter, so I guess everybody was represented tonight! About this being broadcast on the Fourth of July ... I sincerely hope and pray that this gets broadcast as part of the annual "An American Celebration at Ford's Theater" shown on the Fourth of July. Just googling, I see that the Fourth program in 2006 had nothing to do with the Ford's Theater Lincoln Medal program, which is an annual event. Here's hoping because this is June 1 already, that the timing indicates they will be one and the same event this year. Otherwise, we could see it on PBS, A&E, BET or somewhere out there on cable. From the Ford Theater website:
  18. Just for the record, Clay wasn't being honored. Maya Angelou and Ruby Dee were being honored. Clay and the other cast members were performing for the honorees receiving the Lincoln Medal, presented by the President. Unless, of course, you mean that you think it's an honor he was asked to perform. But then, I think the honor was all theirs in that they were privileged to hear Clay Aiken sing. And they got to look at him all gorgeous in his tuxedo.
  19. I can't remember a time in the past many mumbledly years when I've seen anything broadcast live from Ford's Theater, and especially if the President is there. I believe these events are private affairs, and are unannounced for security reasons. Ford's Theater is so small. I think we can look forward to this being shown on PBS one of these days.
  20. Oh yes, White Tie Clay is looking mighty nice tonight.
  21. Is that Phylicia Rashad in the picture with Clay?
  22. That's all I've heard yet--first that a rep said it, then that the Foster camp retracted it, etc. I still haven't seen anything directly from David or Jaymes Foster... AOL says this on my computer -- and I think it's just a retread of TMZ, but they do say "raise the baby together." As for People, it quotes a rep for David Foster, true. This has been worded to death in just a few days but my point is that People.com has this on the front page with the tagline: My point is that they haven't backed off the story. Personally, I think the controversy over what the tabloids will say and how it will be spinning around the internet with all kinds of connotations is so beside the point. I think his relative oblivion to tabloid gossip is one of the things that makes him so fascinating. Jaymes sure doesn't seem to be a publicity hound. Why do they need to tell me anything? If there's something to tell and I need to know, I'll probably hear about it. In the meantime, I just don't like reading stuff about how disgusting and awful this is. Maybe it's true and not disgusting or awful at all. Maybe it's not true. Maybe it's partly true. Maybe there's a full-blown story waiting to come out on a Diane Sawyer Special. Who the fuck knows?
  23. I apologize in advance, but this floors me because if this story is true, this will be one very much loved child. I doubt he'll care much about the tabloids. As for Clay living in NC and Jaymes in LA and Vancouver. Just how much information do we have about where Clay spends most of his time? How do we know that he didn't sell his house in California because he was staying with Jaymes in LA, and he built a mansion/retreat back home in NC for his time there, and that he and Jaymes spend time in Canada in the summer too. We just don't know anything really. Brad and Angelina seem to live in California, New Orleans, France, and they spend a lot of time in Asia and Africa, all with a lot of kids. I don't think this will be a problem for them. When I went on AOL for Sessions today, I read the story they have up about Clay being a daddy, and it states that Clay and Jaymes will raise the child together. I think that if this story wasn't true, all it would take is for David Foster to issue a statement on behalf of his sister saying (1) she's expecting a baby, (2) Clay Aiken is not the father, and (3) Clay and Jaymes remain very close friends. That story would fly away and you wouldn't see it on People or AOL or Comcast or any of the places it's been showing up. People.com has Clay's picture on the front page and the same story that went up yesterday afternoon about fans showing support for Clay. The article states in the first paragraph that David Foster confirmed to People that Clay is the father. No more no less. It hasn't been pulled or retracted and it's on the front page. I think we'll know more when Jaymes and Clay want us to know more. But if this is as true as it seems to be, that child will be so well loved and protected that my only concern would be that the baby be healthy. Hmmm. In vitro? Twins? Maybe that's what Clay meant by singing "the extended version?"
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