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Everything posted by keepingfaith

  1. I don't get the insider/outsider stuff going on here. Some of the longest, detailed, most from the heart posts I've ever done have been totally and completely ignored. I just assumed they left everyone speechless. Seriously, I don't post to see how people respond, or if they respond. I post because I have two cents. LdyJ, how can I marry you if we're twins? Figure that out and we'll talk. wandacleo ... I've got my eye on you. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. Playbiller, I could have written that paragraph about myself. Heidi Ho, are we broken up? Ansa just swooped in and swept you off your feet? Okay, I guess I can understand that, Ansa has been looking pretty hot to me lately too.
  3. Back in 2005 when Clay was in Vancouver and gave the TV interview to The Standard, when he was asked what he's looking for in a woman and mentioned strong, independent, and passionate about something ... wasn't he staying with Jaymes at her house? I remember that from somewhere. http://www.clackunlimited.com/clack/TV_App...e/The_Standard/ Raleigh is so cute in that interview.
  4. Here's more Clay and Jaymes walking to the end of the bus line in 2006:
  5. Sleuth that I am, I look for little clues and for some reason I picked up on Jaymes just about the second I got into the online fan business. I also wondered about the comment Clay made on Leno a couple of weeks ago ... and I can read sumpin' sumpin' into this: Jack Black sang a bit of a song he wrote for his first child …. “Yes you are my baby … by baby, baby, baby, baby boy ….” When Clay came out …. Clay to Jay (pointing to Jack): He stole my song. I was going to sing that song earlier. Jack to Clay: “Yes You Are My Baby? Clay: Yes Jack: You’ve got one called that too? Clay: That’s the same one. Jack: I’ve got two called that. Clay: Oh, really? I think I’m going to do the extended version later. Jack: There’s always room for another “Yes You Are My Baby” That made no sense to me the first time I watched Leno -- but on the Thursday night repeat it leapt out at me. It's not definitive, but it's interesting. For everyone who thinks Jaymes is a step-down or settling or something less than spectacular friend/babymama/whatever for Clay, I present the following photos that I clipped from clack ... You know what Clay was singing at the moment of that screencap above? "I was never gonna be the same .."
  6. To answer your question, it is pure sleaze. I watched part of it one time to get a feel for the show. It was one gossip story after the other told in the most salacious way. No comparison to LKL on CNN. I felt what I saw that day was almost criminal and I felt sorry for the celebrities. I accept that. I also think that when I see promos for LKL interviewing Denise Richards about Charlie Sheen, and being up to his neck in the Anna Nichole Smith spectacle, not to mention Paris Hilton, and the guy who owns TMZ has been trumpeted as a frequent guest for over a year, and Ryan Seacrest is a frequent guest host -- what in the tabloid is the difference? I downloaded the Clay item from E! today and heard the name of Jaymes' ex-husband for the first time. He's a big-time music mogul. Lord, with David Foster for a big brother, and having lived for many years with "Leeds" Levy (Lou Levy, Jr.) she should be amazingly plugged into the industry. http://www.ascap.com/about/board/levy-bio.html
  7. Just read this following a People link from above .... http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20203587,00.html
  8. Just curious, does anyone think TMZ is less credible than CNN? If so, have you caught LKL lately? TMZ has a TV show in my market. I don't watch it. But then I don't watch E, Insider, ET, AH or any of that stuff, and I don't watch LKL either. I download clips from such shows when Clay is featured, but celebrity gossip interests me not and every cable channel and increasingly the network news is a purveyor these days. The TMZ show is on the Fox channel here, right after the local news. I've never seen it, but they advertise a lot. I don't get the weighted scale of veracity here -- they're all greedmongers in my book. And put a tinfoil hat on me because I think the salacious, sensationalistic, exploitative stories on certain celebrities, and the saturation coverage of high-profile crimes and murders of attractive women -- all that is just to mollify a population into not thinking or learning about things that actually affect their lives and that could threaten the Big Corp gravy train. It's all about creating a diversion and cashing in. Everytime you hear someone in the so-called mainstream news attribute something to ... "some people say" -- just know you're being punked, or spinned, or lied to .. whichever term you want to use.
  9. I love you, Scarlett!!! To me, what's weird is how so many fans take this news/rumor personally -- like Clay's decision to father a child has disrupted their lives. That's what's weird. Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are just the latest .... Poor Yoko, what she went through -- not in the tabloids, but in the MAIN ASS MEDIA ALL OVER THE WORLD FOR YEARS AND YEARS! Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn -- I think Goldie had a baby in her mid-late-40's. Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon -- I think when they hooked up he was about 29 and she was 42 or 43. They're still together after twenty years and a couple of kids. I'm sure somebody thought it was weird. Happily for them and their children, they didn't give a fuck. Some think it's weird, and some like me think that thinking it's weird is weird. Of course, I lived for over 14 years with a much younger man, so it's not some crazy alien concept for me. The younger men today are nothing like the men my age. NOTHING. Not everybody wants, or could even live with a white-picket-fence existence. What is a dream for some would be a horror for others. If you didn't have a conventional dream life growing up, I can understand why it would be something sought after. But, if you grew up with the white picket fence, there's a good chance you could be interested in pursuing a less conventional and structured life. Regarding discussion of the "downhome" picture -- what jumped out immediately upon seeing that almost two years ago is not that Clay and Jaymes are lusting after each other, but that he brought her into his family. What I heard back then, and I don't remember where and I can't vouch for it, is that this picture was taken at Clay's step-sister's house in that little NC town where Ray's family came from and where Jamie lives. Jaymes wasn't there as his executive producer since it looks like they've been berry-picking along the railroad tracks, or working on the tractor. What I see in that picture is that Jaymes Foster is FAMILY. I can't abide reading ONE MORE TIME about Clay being so nice to donate some sperm to her in her time of need. Whatever is going on here, this is NOT about the benevolent Clay tossing a wiggler her way. Whatever they have, it's good enough to have a child together -- because apparently they made that decision. And the last thing I'll say about that relationship is this personal anecdote that I never discuss with anyone. The one man in my life that I loved beyond the ability to understand it and for which words have always failed -- we never had sex. When we accidentally touched I thought I would disintegrate. And when we happen to see each other (a few times through the years) our eyes dance, our faces light up, our words drip with significance, and we both understand that the love with never die. It's other-worldly somehow. I've felt blessed and privileged to have known such love that seems to be on another plane of existence. Crazy, huh? I'm sure a lot of people probably think that's weird. Like I care.
  10. Clayzor, that has NOT been my fantasy. My fantasies do not involve Clay with other women! I think what put me over the line is that picture with Jaymes at Clay's half-sister's place (or wherever) with her kids/husband, and Jamie's there, and Jaymes Foster is holding one of the dogs which looks like it just peed, or needs to, and Clay has his pantlegs rolled up to his knees-- and my first thought was ... this woman must be IN LOVE with him. Seriously, in love. I just call 'em like I see 'em.
  11. You guys that are waiting for a reputable news source ... could you point me in the direction of one? Personally I can't tell the difference between TMZ and FOX or CNN or MTV or MSNBC or E or CBS or ABC or VH1. They've all passed off huge lies about life and death, war and peace -- bald-faced lies, or slight of hand, misdirection lies, or the preponderance of one false opinion lies ... so when someone really discovers that reputable, trustworthy source of information, please share. And as for waiting for Clay to disclose his innermost feelings about a situation wherein he may be the father and/or father figure to a baby coming into this world in a matter of weeks, don't hold your breath. He's withheld much less meaningful stuff. I'll just say this ... Jaymes is the only person I ever shipped Clay with -- because of the little clips I'd see when I came into the fandom, like he said she's probably the #1 Claymate/Claynadian, and he had her do the Carwash dance, and all the hot looks he gave her in various JBT videos and pictures -- then she shows up on the OFC posting as Clayandr and doing her own blog. It hit critical mass for me over reports from the September 2006 Foster Gala, when several fans on the ground were trying to ship Clay and Kristy and were looking for citings in Vancouver. But the late night reports were that Clay had gotten on the elevator to his room about 1 in the morning with an older woman, a petite brunette. Then the next day Jaymes Foster was identified as the woman walking Durham. Then she made the rounds with Faye. Then the goo-goo eyes and body contact during the videos from the Starsearch night. Then he's hanging at her house in California. Then she's on the JnaT tour with him and in Raleigh on Christmas Eve -- then she has special permission to call him "Clayton" and Faye says she's a member of the family. And they are always touchy, feely. She's the only one I ever shipped at all.
  12. For the life of me I don't understand why we need to know. We want to know, sure, but we don't need to know. All we do know came from gossip sites, with varying degrees of credibility, and if you want to and are inclined to believe the stories, and it makes you happy, that's good. If not, ... just don't believe it. But Clay doesn't owe us one damn word regarding Jaymes Foster's pregnancy. As fans we expect to hear about the music, tours, personal appearances, TV shows, and his UNICEF work, and of course what his hair looks like today, but I consider the story at hand to be of a intimate nature and I wouldn't be surprised if we hear absolutely nothing. Jaymes may be very reticent to discuss this pregnancy before the baby is born. Anything could happen. We could get anything from no news at all to a full blown wedding. No one knows the dynamics that go on between two people, and especially a couple with a wide age difference. Who knows, maybe Clay has wanted to marry Jaymes for a couple of years and she held back because she wanted him to have a family and felt she couldn't give him children. I can think of a dozen different scenarios right off hand. So maybe there will be a baby and a wedding. Maybe not. I just know that a person can't always make his or her heart do or feel the socially acceptable thing, and that's as it should be. Life is not about conforming to preset rules and regulations -- it's about living every new day. Jumping to conclusions is fun for some and agony for others. But I never expect TO KNOW. It's just none of your or my business whatsoever. period. And right now, I'm VERY happy for Jaymes Foster.
  13. I made a biiiiiig mistake and looked over at OFC tonight. There were very many sweet congratulatory messages, and quite a few from dazed and shell-shocked posters, but the ones with the ultimatums scare even me. The "if this is true, then you aren't who I thought you were" stuff. This just freaks me out. So it is that either Clay stays true to their image of him, or ....... they're leaving. I prefer the latter.
  14. Jack Black to Clay Aiken: There's always room for another version of "Yes You Are My Baby" ... Tonight my son overheard me telling someone that Clay would be on Leno tonight. He asked me if this was a new show, or the one a couple of weeks ago. I told him it's repeat week for the late-nights and he said that Clay's show got big ratings to be on repeat week. Then I mentioned that Clay will be repeated on Kimmel tomorrow night. DS said, "if Clay is spiking TV ratings, he's getting movie offers." After Leno, I got a call from my x-DIL who gushed that she loves him. Actually, it was during the commercial before he sang. She thinks he's the most adorably funny person in the whole world.
  15. Since I can say what I want here, just like everybody seems to do, I'm shocked that anybody has the audacity to be shocked, shunned, or whatever they're doing because if this is true, and it appears to be, then this was PLANNED. PLANNED, people. Clay had to make this happen. Jaymes had to make this happen. I doubt either of them give a rats ass about anybody else's crappy opinions, or what the tabloids will say, or what the church ladies will say, or what the late night comics will say, or what the haters will say, or what the fans will say ... and maybe that's why Clay and Jaymes haven't mentioned it. I'm sure they are blissfully happy about this ... and if you aren't, whoever you are ... well, you can allow the tabloids to jerk your chain, but I won't. Sometimes I think people never let anything he says soak in. He doesn't care what they say. Why do you? I've always thought this relationship was much deeper than just best friends or close buddies since I read what Clay wrote in the liner notes of ATDW. He loves her. And I remember thinking back in 2006 when he closed out JnaT in North Carolina the day before Christmas Eve when Jaymes joined him -- even walked the bus line -- that she must be spending Christmas with Clay at his home that weekend. Then this album he says ALAWH is his and Jaymes' song because it brought them together. And she's the one who got him to write the LAA lyrics. My understanding from what he's said before, they met in early 2005. No way in the world she's a "co-worker." She's his partner. Maybe now we know who "we" is, huh?
  16. I can't imagine anything he could have done -- including Idol -- that would have garnered more buzz than this! Next to consider -- if it's true -- where will the baby be born? LA? Raleigh? Vancouver? Could he be expecting his very own little Claynadian Princess? Of course he'll name her Carolina.
  17. If this story is true, then I think Jaymes is the one to speak of it whenever she's ready --- preferably with Clay standing next to her and looking proud as a peacock. But I don't think Clay should preempt her news -- if it's true. Why would she need protection?
  18. Someone just stuck their head in my door to ask me if I knew that Clay Aiken is going to be a daddy. I asked, 'Where did you hear that?" and was told that "it's all over the internet and everybody's talking about it." Everybody's talking about it? Could this be Phase II promotion?
  19. Oh man, this is everywhere - AOL, ET, Yahoo, Huffington Post. Huffington says: Clay Aiken Having Baby with Best Friend/Producer and quotes TMZ -- except for any mention of artificial insemination.
  20. Or tour ... since this baby's coming in August! Goodness, I hope Jamie and Tyra and Hannah and Angela don't turn up pregnant too. Who knows, he could have a whole drawer full of turkey basters.
  21. So, nobody's excited about Clay and Jaymes having a baby? WHOA!!!!! http://www.tmz.com
  22. Thanks for the validation! Now I'm unapologetically crappy. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
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