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Carolina Clay

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Posts posted by Carolina Clay

  1. Sally1.jpg
    Graphic by Sally

    Happy Valentine's Day, FCA!

    The Examiner now has a story about Clay's March concert in Raleigh. :)

    With all the many ways you can purchase a Clay Aiken Raleigh ticket for his upcoming concert, you should not come up empty handed by March 12, 2010. However, Clay Aiken is a hot ticket, purchase them fast!

    How is Scarlett's FB intervention coming along? :lol:

    Er um, cindilu2, I have received a question about February's "calendarlessness." :whistling-1:

    Finally, the Carolina On My Mind blog is on topic with a celebration of the Clay Aiken-Jimmy Kimmel Feb. 14 shows, as well as the March 12 updates.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day. 2hearts2.gif

    Caro :listen:
  2. :GA_FCA:

    Way to go, Canada! Loved the opening ceremony! Y'all have a blast in Vancouver!!! :clap::clap:

    I'm running but thought I'd pass along this info ...

    I usually program my DIRECTV for noon to noon of the next day. Guess what I discovered -- a Bill Maher Special ("But I'm Not Wrong") was taped in the very same Memorial Hall of the Progress Energy Center Friday night and will be shown on HBO several times Feb. 13-16. If you'd like to see the locale of Clay's show, check out your HBO schedule for the next four days!

    I added the info to the Carolina blog. Even if Bill Maher is not your cup of tea, you can watch the surroundings. :)

    Here's a Broadway World link I'll add to the blog when I finish this post: Clay Aiken To Perform One-Night Only Concert at Memorial Auditorium, 3/12

    Hope you feel better, georgiesmybaby and clazy. :hug:

    Have a great day, all! :rainbowsmile:

    Caro :listen:

  3. Just to pass the time, here's a cool story. One Christmas Eve (1970) James Taylor and Joni Mitchell stopped by to shop in a record store: Chapel Hill memories. They also went carolling with the Taylor family. (Read the comments for the memories of a few of the neighbors.) Be sure and also play the James/Joni duet of "You Can Close Your Eyes" on the player above the title. I know I've heard that before; I assume it was on an old album? There's also a photo there of a painting Joni did of James that Christmas season.

    jmh123, thank you for the "Chapel Hill memories." Awesome story! :wub:

    It's official! I'm employed!! And I had my choice of two jobs. Gotta love a company that lets you walk around with your ipod. The deciding factor was the health care plan. I'll get to go back to my old doctor who I haven't seen since I had to let my Cobra go.

    Can't wait for the news... all the news like album drop date, tour, promotion and of course the special. whoo hooo

    WOOHOO for you, Couchie! :yahoo:

    Have a great evening, all! :snoopy:

    Caro :listen:

  4. :GA_FCA:

    I updated Carolina On My Mind with a summary of Clay's blogs, directing members to read them at the OFC. As always, I appreciate your visits and comments. The "Moon River" segment and the photo essay of this little guy's day in the park are still there:


    Clickable Kai

    At Facebook, I couldn't figure out why my nieces were not befriending me. The husband of one did right away. The nieces asked my sister, who doesn't even know how to turn on a computer, what in the world their aunt was thinking with a "Bite Me" avatar. :lol:

    Sooooooooo yesterday Carolina Clay went the conventional route at FB and switched to a daisy siggie Sally created a while back. Time will tell if I'm back in the family. I told my daughter about the situation, and she thought it was hilarious. One of her cousins was quite a swinger in her heyday. :whistling-1:

    I have since learned that a CA fan on FB was staying away for the same reason. So far, I still have the "Bite Me" avatar at Twitter. :imgtongue:


    All the best to everyone about to be engaged in the motel/travel/ticket cycle. Have a great day, FCA! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  5. :GE_FCA:

    Congratulations to New Orleans and all the Saints fans! I thoroughly enjoyed the game (one of the best Super Bowls, IMO!) and am very happy for the city! :04:

    I just posted a new Carolina On My Mind blog that speaks to our Clay news countdown, includes some history of "Moon River" along with Goldarngirl's GFI video, and a pictorial depiction of grandson Kai's afternoon in the park. AmazingCA sent me the graphic that inspired the blog last night:


    Clickable by ACA

    It's been a long time since I featured Kai, and many of his "aunties" have been hinting for months. There are nine photos from a day in the park playing on a slide and swings. My daughter has become a pretty good photographer. :)

    Thank you for your hits, comments, and support. I will add an update after Monday's news is announced if I am here. I finally get to teach my Monday students! :snoopy:

    Have a wonderful week, FCA! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  6. :GA_FCA:

    Oops -- had to change that from MORNING to AFTERNOON! :lol:

    I love the energy that Larry the Golfer has inspired among Clay Aiken fans. He even came up with his own Clayism -- Clay-riffic. After he posted the third blog, I added the link and summary to the current Carolina On My Mind entry. According the "live feed," some of his readers have linked to the Carolina corner. Many thnx to all here who drop by on a regular basis, too. :snoopy:

    OK. I am impressed with Larry the golf blogger. I am even more impressed that his blog hasn't been overrun by haters or by fans who have an agenda. :clap:

    I could have sworn he deleted JP's comment in the first blog, but it's back up this morning, sticking out like a sore thumb/loser! :cryingwlaughter:

    Hear, hear for your post about the Ray Price concert, cindilu2! Awesome that he is still singing robustly. :)

    WOOHOO for the job(s) coming through, Couchie! You have time to build up some reserves before Clay tours. :whistling-1:

    Many thnx for all the photo, video, audio clack from GFI! :04:

    Have a wonderful weekend, all! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  7. :GE_FCA:

    Love "Larry the Golfer" and featured his blog sequence in the new Carolina On My Mind blog. In addition, I recalled other times that men have been surprised by Clay, somehow ending with the Goldarngirl-Luckiest1 "Listen" montage. Hope you enjoy. Thnx for your visits and comments! :snoopy:

    LOL, maybe Larry and some of his golfing readers will be looking up "Listen." I notice via the "live feed" that there have been many visits from "No Three Putts". :lol:

    There is more video available now. I am downloading but haven't had a chance to watch it. I was hoping we'd get more angles. There was a lot I couldn't see from my table.

    He did seem to look at our table a lot. I love my videos and I'm so glad I was able to be there. I had to go back to work today and I spent most of the day smiling, remembering my time at GFI.

    Awesome ... and many thnx, Thankful! :clap: :clap:

    Have a great evening, all! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  8. :GM_FCA:

    I am so enjoying the GFI clack along with everyone in the Clay Nation! Leslie Streeter's interview of Clay inspired me to get off my duff and put together a Carolina On My Mind blog Monday. (Snowed in with no students, so eh?!?) Last night I added Sendspace downloads of the mp3's, which are being used by fans all around the globe. :)

    Great info about the songs, luckiest1! :04:

    Caro... wanted to tell you I spent a verra verra niiiiice hour playing on your blog last night. The SueRue montages of Clay's career were awesome. Thanks for doing this. I'll try to leave a comment next time I get back there so my visit counts more for your blog and for Clay!

    Thnx, liney23. Glad you enjoyed your time there! SueReu's Retro montages are amazing. :)

    My friend Sally applied a "quick fix" to the photo of Clay and Reed that you may enjoy. Here are two versions:



    Have a great day, all! :snoopy:

    Caro :listen:

  9. :GE_FCA:

    A celebration of Jan. 28, 2003, is underway in the new Carolina On My Mind blog entry: Clay Aiken Fans Remember 'Take'. Included are graphics (by Fountaindawg and Cotton), an adaptation of Fountaindawg's summary of years 2003-2009, montages by Aspiegirl, links to SueReu's Retro montages and the Year-at-a-Glance timelines on the Clay Aiken Kids site.

    Come join the party! The blog is on Google and was linked at Facebook and Twitter before I started teaching. Hope you enjoy! :04:

    Congratulations on your news, aikim! :snoopy:

    tree, many thnx for stopping by the previous entry. :wub:

    Off to check the Weather Channel ... it's not looking good for lessons on Friday. :whistling-1:

    Have an awesome anniversary, FCA! :yahoo:

    Caro :listen:

  10. :GE_FCA:

    It's great to see aikim's calendar filling up. Merrieeee, I saved your NJU story and one day may ask if I can run it. Thnx for your interesting post, goldarngirl. :snoopy:

    Happy Australia Day, ausdon! :04:

    The new Carolina On My Mind blog -- Clay Aiken Makes Global Difference -- was written as a rebuttal to the crap JP and the swamp gang are putting out about Clay. I hope you will stop by, leave a comment, and provide the positive a boost at Google. We appreciate your assistance. :wub:

    After the Hollywood audition video, the blog provides an overview of the Inclusion Project, UNICEF, and the latest Facebook post RE the upcoming PBS Special. The 2009 GFI graphic by cindilu2 is featured:


    Clickable by cindilu2

    Thank you for your visits and comments. Have a wonderful week! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  11. :GM_FCA:

    Late last night I uploaded a new Carolina On My Mind blog that (knock on wood) hit Google within six minutes. Who can figure out that place?!?!?! This is the Facebook plug:

    The excited buzz and anticipation levels circulating through Clay Cyberspace are at record levels, matching the singer's enthusiasm for his upcoming CD and PBS Special. Three Not.Just.Us stories and the Inclusion Project's new YouTube channel are featured.

    A new graphic by AmazingCA is also in the mix. TNIP urges supporters to register at the organization's new YT channel. Thank you for your support of the Clay blogs.

    Clay handled it, which he is perfectly capable of doing, and he was gracious.

    That's his southern upbringing. :)

    Happy Friday, all! :rainbowsmile:

    Caro :listen:

  12. I think we're looking at least until tomorrow or Saturday for the BIG NEWS from Clay. He did say, "in the next several days, or so" and several is at least three, which from Tuesday's blog would be Friday, and "or so" means it could be another day or two give or take. I think weekend is a comfortable prediction -- not that I'm closing my browser window to the OFC in case it's today. No way.

    Now as libertine as I can be, I really was uncomfortable reading about the person approaching Clay at the theater. I wouldn't have a problem speaking to him if he were alone in an airport, on the street, in an elevator, etc. But in a restaurant or a theater where he's with friends or family, I couldn't imagine being so bold to think Clay would want to deal with a fan, even a fan he recognizes. A wave from a distance is the MOST I'd give it if he made eye contact. After that, it would be up to him to make a move. I've seen a number of celebrities in my time and most of them are really nice, but the ones I've spoken to have said something to me first. Maybe it's just a Southern thing, but I think it's common manners to respect others' privacy. Just my 2 cents.

    ETA - I absolutely agree on the Clay encounter though. Boundaries, people. Boundaries. Who knows though - maybe OFC mods have special dispensation. :rolleyes:

    She's not an OFC mod anymore. She resigned a few weeks ago. I totally agree with the boundaries. :)

    Caro :listen:

  13. Congratulations on your 400th blog!! I meant to post that earlier but suddenly there were a couple of wee distractions. :snoopy:

    Thank you, jmh123. I could have predicted that something HUGE would happen the minute I posted about the blog. Used to happen to me all the time at CV and did today, too! :cryingwlaughter:

    Caro :listen:

  14. Cind_Keh1.gif
    Graphic by cindilu2, photos by Kareneh

    Today's 400th Carolina On My Mind entry salutes Clay's 1/18/08 Broadway debut as Spamalot's Sir Robin with a reprint of the blog appearing the morning after his celebrated opening.

    Thank you for your support, visits, comments, retweets, graphics, etc., throughout the 400 entries. Come remember the ovations via photos, graphics, and recaps following opening night. Parts of several fan recaps were quoted in that blog two years ago, and there's a paragraph (with art) about the FCA "Spamalot" pins. :wub:

    I love all the info and art that comes through FCA. The skating weekend sounded like fun. :)

    Have an awesome new week, FCA! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:
  15. :GA_FCA:

    I am teaching three lessons tomorrow morning, so I started MLK Day a bit early. The new Carolina On My Mind blog honors the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with history, service projects, SueReu's "Grace of God" montage and UNICEF link for Haiti, personal anecdotes from the 60s, and more.

    In previous years, I shared some of our family's 1960s experiences in the South. In the final paragraph, a first grader proves the King legacy is being taught in school. Hope you enjoy. Thank you for your hits, comments, support! :wub:

    I only know ONE thing for sure--

    Freckles: priceless.

    Thnx for the fun posts, pop music dissertations, etc. Can't wait! :04:

    I imagine there are some unhappy Texans in my family. :lol:

    Have a wonderful week, all! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  16. :GE_FCA:

    luckiest1 and cindilu2, hope you are enjoying the skating! :wub:

    I have enjoyed the sharing of favorite/non-favorite music from the 50s and 60s. Some did have unbelievable lyrics! :cryingwlaughter:

    Practically posted while running out the door to teach on Friday, the current Carolina On My Mind blog is all about Clay's upcoming CD and PBS special. I featured four Jukebox videos blended by Scruffy13. After SueReu posted her outstanding montage about Haiti, I added that link, too. Hope you enjoy! :)

    It's been great seeing many of you at Facebook. I missed most of the afternoon, and I'm way behind. :whistling-1:

    Have a kewl rest of the weekend, FCA! :snoopy:

    Caro :listen:

  17. Arguing with someone is just not worth it. I found that out by reading a few pages of the thread at the OFC when Clay came out. And by the comments after the Gala that Clay's career was over. I don't have high blood pressure and don't plan on getting it by reading some negative posts. We all lead our lives as we see fit. I think if no one on this earth ever wanted to hear Clay sing again that he would find something else to do which would make his life worthwhile. That thought alone makes me happy. :flirtysmile3:

    Fear, I think some fans argue for the thrill of stirring the pot. That's how they get their kicks. I find that no response is the best punishment for this kind of so-called "fan."

    RE the PBS Special, I received this alert from Facebook a few minutes ago:

    International Media

    Stay tuned for more developments!

    4 minutes ago

    Apparently, they have noticed our interest! :lol:

    Have a great day, FCA! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  18. Well I share your excitement Kim, but I'm waiting for the posts from people who already will have determined that they hate it because it says classic or romantic songs. They are probably the same ones who had a cow when he sang MR and MEAY at the gala.

    I just can't wait to hear more information and a sample of new music. Gotta tell ya, Decca is doing a damn fine job of building up my interest. Did we ever hear anything from RCA beforehand, or for that matter, afterwards, about anything Clay was doing? I think I already love Decca, and I know I love that Clay Aiken fella.

    Why wait for them? Why not just ignore them.

    It absolutely does not matter what genre Clay sings, or what medium he uses to deliver it - those same people you speak of will find a way to slam it/him. I realized a long time ago it isn't about Clay, it's about them. Big, fat whatever. *yawn* Legends in their own minds.

    I just hope I get whatever station airs it in this part of the world.

    To me it really feels like Clay's building a career for himself, not just looking to record another CD. I love that he's (or seems to be) focusing on the entertainer side of things. He's got sooo much personality and charisma - can't wait for the general public to finally see it. *fingers crossed*

    :yeahthat: Speak it, Sista! :04:

    If this were Facebook, cindilu2, you would have received an email that someone commented on your comment in the previous Carolina entry with the "Retro 4" montage ... grinning constantly for 8-9 minutes, etc. I just had to pass that on. :lol:

    The current Carolina On My Mind blog went from celebrating all the best/most outstanding alum lists Clay made prior to Tuesday's AI9 opener to initial stirrings of the Decca Decade. There is a video player with Clay's gorgeous UM from AI2.


    Clickable of AI2 UM

    Loving where we are! Have a super weekend, all! :BlowKiss:

    Caro listen.gif

  19. :GE_FCA:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! :snoopy:

    SueReu's "Retro 4" is featured in the new Carolina On My Mind blog, along with mailbag segments from seven entries dating back to the 12/23/09 remembrances of Joan/Ashes/Claysmelody. The mailbag segments are led by graphics by AmazingCA, cindilu2, Fountaindawg, Cotton, and Ashes. Hope you enjoy! :whistling-1:


    Clickable by cindilu2

    Here's to the temps starting to rise for everyone. The 40's are going to feel like a heat wave! :yahoo:

    Have an awesome weekend, all! :BlowKiss:


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