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Carolina Clay

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Posts posted by Carolina Clay

  1. :GE_FCA:

    Clay Aiken Practices Golf Swing is the headline of the new Carolina On My Mind blog. Besides GFI, featured segments include this weekend's National Youth Inclusion Summitt, and SueReu's RETRO 3 montage for anyone who has been on the moon these past few days. :)

    This is a clickable of the opening graphic by AmazingCA:


    Clickable by AmazingCA

    :hug: for all who need one.

    In our family, Mr. Caro is weak. He was zapped twice during last weekend's procedure and says he feels as if he's been run over by a mac truck. Still, he may go home tomorrow. We appreciate your prayers and concern. :wub:

    Have a wonderful rest of the week! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  2. :GE_FCA:

    BOOHOO, my vacation is over ... and I will be teaching little musical munchkins tomorrow. Unfortunately, it's a day I drive to them and not vice-versa. :)

    This evening I uploaded a new Carolina On My Mind blog featuring "Grace," montage by LovesClaysVoice that highlights Clay's humanitarian work. With a bow to our clack goddesses, this is the graph that Google picked up:

    Clay Aiken fans know they are blessed with a very talented brigade of photographers, videographers, and graphic artists, affectionately known as "clack goddesses," who have brilliantly documented the singer's performances, appearances, and humanitarian endeavors with the National Inclusion Project and UNICEF since 2003.

    For once, Google done good. Thnx in advance -- your hits/comments in the Clay blogs help keep the positive atop the heap. :wub:

    MORE THANK YOU'S for your Facebook suggestions!!! I finally saw the HIDDEN I needed and have removed lots of clutter. I was looking on the Carolina Clay page, and all I could see was REMOVE. What's so amazing is that I can now read interesting posts without interfering with farming or vice-versa. :lol:

    Caro... glad Poppy is ok now. Scary stuff and strong DD!

    Thank you, liney. Apparently, he is doing well with all that blood flowing again. I learned today that DD is the one who insisted on calling an ambulance. He would have gone in a car, although he knows better. Sweet little Kai has been asking for his Poppy. :)

    Have a great week, all! :snoopy:

    Caro :listen:

  3. :GA_FCA:

    On Jan. 1, 2010, Clay fans welcomed the Decca Decade while enjoying retrospective CA performances from 2003-09. Featured in the new Carolina On My Mind blog are SueReu's "Retro 2" montage, graphics by Cotton and cindilu2, and vintage postcard gems. Cindy's January calendar was added moments ago.


    Clickable by Cotton

    Thank you for your kind comments in the blogs. Happy 2010 and Decca Decade! yahoo.gif

    As for snow on Wednesday, the word "ha" comes to mind, as I patiently rotate between DayQuil, NyQuil, Sudafed. and anything I can pop to relieve this fricking head cold.

    Feel better, KAndre. Hope you find the right combination. :hug:

    Took me too long to post ... beautiful banner, cindilu2! :clap: :clap:

    About the same time I was preparing this post I learned that Kai and Lia's Poppy had a heart attack around noon. After many phone calls, the report is that the obstruction has been cleared, and he will be in the hospital for at least three days. Jen was working out, and her dad finally called her to come home. Even then, he was putting off calling 911; but, thank goodness, our daughter inherited her mother's hard head. :)

    Have a great day, all! :snoopy:

    Caro :listen:

  4. Caro, I think you already have this information, but just in case it might help someone else....

    To "hide" Farmville and other apps on Facebook....hover over the right side of one of the incoming messages; you will see "Hide" appear in the right hand column. Click on "Hide" and you will see choices to hide (the person) or (the application, e.g. Farmville). Click on the application name, and it will hide all posts from that application. If you "oops" it and hide someone you don't want to, you can undo it in the Edit Options at the bottom right of your wall page.

    Thnx, FromClaygary. I'll definitely try that. I hope I haven't offended people by the other ways I've gotten rid of them. :cryingwlaughter:

    Will check out the updates, cha cha! :rainbowsmile:

    Caro :listen:

  5. Caro.. FCA has nothing planned for New Years... I'm actually going out! hee. But hopefully after the new years we will plan some activities and fun stuff as we anticipate the new album for 2010. I checked out your blog the other day. Great job!!

    Happy Wednesday everyone.

    Thnx, Couch Tomato. I was starting to make the rounds again to see if I had missed posts about NYE gatherings. :)

    This afternoon I uploaded a new Carolina On My Mind blog that features SueReu's "Retrospective, Part 1" montage; graphics by AmazingCA, Cotton, Fountaindawg, and fivegoldens; plus a Cyber party invite to welcome The Decca Decade! :yahoo:

    Announcements are on Facebook and Twitter and the blog is moving up at Google (currently Page 2), so hits/comments are most welcome. :wub:


    1. Do we have a place at FCA so I can put real names with screen names? I am using my screen name (Carolina Clay) since I signed up for the blog. Most of my students and friends know that is my SN.

    2. How can I stop receiving farm items/requests, etc.? I have posted that I'm not farming, but the items keep coming. Are they automatic?

    Thnx for the input ... and your visits, "thumbs up," etc. I even know who some of you are, LOL! :whistling-1:

    Have a great evening! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  6. :GE_FCA:

    The new Carolina On My Mind blog features the montage "Memories of 2009" by LovesClaysVoice, as well as an overview of graphics by cindilu2, AmazingCA, Fountaindawg, and Ashes. The blog is literally half 2009 and half anticipation for 2010 and the Decca Decade!!!

    Thank you for your hits/comments, which keep the Clay blogs in "business." My brother called in the middle of my tweet, which made editing interesting. I have also posted on Facebook. This graphic by cindilu2 appears there:


    Clickable by cindilu2

    The entry about Joan/Ashes/Claysmelody has received 50 comments. I do hope we will be able to reach her sons so they can read how much their mother meant to the Clay Nation. People are making donations to the National Inclusion Project, but we have no address for informing the family. If anyone does, please be in touch. :wub:

    Is FCA planning a New Year's Eve celebration? If so, I will be glad to advertise it in the next blog. :)

    Have a wonderful week! :snoopy:


  7. I hate to be the downer around here but my son who usually comes here to pick up his family's gifts emailed me last night to say that he has pneumonia and had spent 6 hours in the ER. He let his bronchitis go to far without getting antibiotics. I am concerned because his wife will not contact us no matter what. She has not let us see our granddaughter for three years, so if my son got sicker we would never know. He is usually pretty healthy so I'm not too concerned but I would love to bring him some of the chicken broth I have in the freezer. :angry2:

    I felt bad when our neighbors' invited us over for Christmas dinner with their family as I didn't get them a gift and they purchased one for us. Fortunately her daughter bought her a new computer which didn't come with a keyboard so I was able to give her one I had that was barely used. Amazing how things work out.

    Fear, sending good vibes for your son's recovery and your family. I love your Christmas Day story with the neighbor. :)

    Thnx for the pix, FromClaygary! :04:

    Caro :listen:

  8. Cotton_ban1b.jpg

    Graphic by Cotton

    Merry Christmas to FCA!

    The new Carolina blog -- Clay Aiken Sings of Christmas Joy -- extends holiday greetings, promotes "Merry Christmas With Love," and features seasonal graphics by Cotton, lindylo, and AmazingCA.

    I right-clicked Cotton's banner from CV's Fine Arts Forum yesterday. Great minds must think alike because today it is also the board's Christmas Day headliner. :)

    Thank you for your kind posts about Joan here and in the blogs. She is no doubt getting the biggest kick out of reading them. :hug:

    Wishing you and yours peace, love, and all of the wonder of the season! star2.gif


  9. I'm interrupting the Christmas Eve celebration for a second. I thought you might like to see a photo of Joan. One of her friends emailed me four, and I added this one to the Carolina blog. She looks just the way I would imagine.



    Have a wonderful Christmas. If I have learned anything the past two days from the outpouring at message boards and blogs, as well as emails from Joan's friends, that would be her wish for the Clay Nation.

    In the Remembering One of Our Own thread of CV's Paint Shop Pro Forum, cindilu2 posted the most endearing graphic. I shared the message with a friend whose husband died last week: Do not mourn the absence of the flame. Celebrate how brightly it glowed.


    Graphic by cindilu2

    Merry Christmas Eve, FCA!


    Caro :listen:

  10. Hello, FCA! :friends:

    I apologize for not reading, but I wanted you to know that the blog about Ashes/Claysmelody is up at Carolina On My Mind. Aspiegirl's montage to "Because You Loved Me" is beautiful and features many of Joan's graphics. There is also a clickable interlude.

    This is the second blog I have written like this in six months. We learned with xxx4clay that family members could come to the blog and read comments by online friends. Please add your thoughts to the Carolina blog. Hopefully, we will be in touch with Joan's son again. Plus there is a second son, I believe. :)

    There is also information for friends who would like to donate to the National Inclusion Project in her memory. Thank you for your assistance -- I quoted some of you. :) Also, you are welcome to post about the blog on any board, Facebook page, OFC thread, etc. Ashes/Claysmelody had a lot of fans and friends in the CA fandom. :wub:

    Have a great day -- she would want that! :BlowKiss:

    Caro :listen:

  11. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about CSM. Thanks for letting us know, Caro and Marilyon, but... *cries*! She was just here a few days ago.

    I hope she's very happy now and is watching us, reading along with us on posts and blogs.

    I hope her blog stays around for a while -- it will be a good place to "visit" when we're missing her, a lovely gift that she left behind.

    Sending you all our love, CSM!!! We hope to see you again sometime but meanwhile we'll remember and treasure all the good you've given us! Thank you so much! God bless!!! :thankyou:

    Ironically, Ashes had been trying to get me to post at Facebook for months. Today I joined. Right now the post about her death is at the top of my page with a link to her blog if you would like to comment. Here is the link: Carolina Clay.

    Aspiegirl is working on a montage, and there have been wonderful posts throughout the Clay Nation. I think Claycolombia, who always apologizes for her English, summed today's news up perfectly:

    This is sad news that shakes the soul to me. Joan was a wonderful woman, we were always in contact. My dear Joan. all clay Aiken fans will miss you.

    If you are a member of the Clayboard, I just posted about Joan's death on the Street. Here is the link: Claysmelody/Ashes Passes Away.

    Thank you for your posts. Joan had lots of friends throughout the Clay Nation and will be missed. :wub:

    Caro :listen:

  12. I have the saddest news to tell you. Marlyne of the OFC just forwarded me an email from Ashes' son. We have both been emailing her for days:

    Hello, my name is Perry, I am Joan's son, I am sorry to inform you that mom has passed away late last week. We really have no way of contacting her friends as yet so if you know of any please pass this on for me. Thank you.

    OMG, I knew something was wrong. Her screen name here and at the Clayboard was Claysmelody.

    RIP, Joan. :wub:

    Caro :listen:

  13. :GA_FCA:

    The National Inclusion Project has asked that WFI stories be shared on the foundation's Facebook page. This is awesome! Lots of folks have read the ones at the the Carolina blog site. Thnx to those who shared their experiences there. :wub:

    Facebook will reach even more, including Clay! :04:

    th_hbanimationsnag.gif to georgiesmybaby and spikesmom!

    Safe travels to those hitting the holiday trail! Have a great week, all! :yahoo:


  14. :GE_FCA:

    Sending you whichever boost you need, Scarlett! :)

    Just want y'all to know I added claylove's WFI story to the Carolina blog. I love that the last paragraph personifies the National Inclusion Project:

    The volunteer and her friend may not have been able to describe in audible words what the National Inclusion Project does, but they represented the mission of full inclusion beautifully. They did a fantastic job, and I hope both will join us again next year.

    Have a great week, all! :BlowKiss:


  15. :GE_FCA:

    A few minutes ago I uploaded a new Carolina On My Mind blog devoted to Wrapping for Inclusion info and experiences. I have one clickable photo from Rcknrllmom's Iowa station, but most of the divider graphics are older creations by AmazingCA and Clayquebec1. The lead graphic is cindilu2's latest. I had to work like crazy to tie this in, Cindy! :)


    Graphic by cindilu2

    Many thnx to playbiller, aikim, rcknrllmom, Rhode Island Fan, cablegirl, and SueRue for letting me quote them. Claylove, I see you posted while I was working on the blog. I hope people will share more WFI experiences in the comments.

    The report from the 2010 calendar created by Rosa Shurtz is also in this blog. She sent Aron a check for $648.52, as well as everyone's name/address who donated! Now that's some bookkeeping! :whistling-1:

    Thank you for your support of the blogs. Wacky Google picked this one up before I could even ping it. Maybe that's a good sign. :)

    Have a great evening, all! :BlowKiss:


  16. :GA_FCA:

    Yesterday I began collecting WFI stories posted on three boards. I have been trying to edit these heartening stories down for the next Carolina blog, but it's hard to leave anything out.

    kim, I love the WFI stories! I actually think the name change of the foundation was a good idea now. I had doubts before but no longer.

    Tree, just about every person wrote how much the name change has helped convey the Project's purpose and start a conversation. Btw, thnx for visiting the recital/grandkids entry. :)

    Haven't made a graphic (that wasn't a calendar) for a while now, but I got this phrase in my head this morning and it just wouldn't go away!

    I believe it. Bring on 2010!!!



    Awesome, cindilu2! :clap: :clap:

    2010 -- Bring It On! :04:

    Have a great afternoon, all! :banana:


  17. :GA_FCA:

    :snoopy: Greetings from Winter Wonderland, NC -- nothing like the weather some of you have but definitely unusual for us!

    My best friend's husband died this week. He lived a long life, but these times are always sad. Terri said their 11-year-old granddaughter stood by her grandfather's hospital bed and talked to him throughout his final day. I remember when my mother died, the hospice representatives said hearing is the last to go. Even though Henry was out of it most of the time, Markey talked to him about school, how much she loves playing the violin, and on and on non-stop. I think that's a sweet story. :)

    Yesterday afternoon, my 26 year old daughter who was coming home from Vermont for the weekend, lost control of her car and fell in a ditch. Thank God!! she was not hurt. She is very sore this morning. We had her checked at the ER last evening, it cost her $800. before seeing a doctor, they took an Xray and everything was normal. her US insurance will cover that fee. Good thing she had a credit card. Her car is probably totalled, too bad she had just finished paying it. I told her a car is replaceable not a daughter. I'm thankful to God for watching over her.

    {{{preden}}} for your daughter and your husband's family.

    Thnx to all who have dropped by the Carolina blog and read about/shared recital stories. There's a whole mid-section on MCWL and the handsome dude who sings it like no other. :wub:

    Have a happy, safe weekend, all! :yahoo:



    Drop by anytime: Carolina On My Mind

    Click to stream Clay Aiken at MySpace

  18. :GM_FCA:

    WOOHOO, I am done! Recitals are finished, and there are no more lessons until Jan. 4!!! :04:

    The new Carolina On My Mind blog is about the week's two student holiday recitals with a section on "Merry Christmas With Love" (montage with video from Scarlett, Hippoga, and SLC; graphics; lyrics; and other info). I didn't put Clay's name in the headline, and that probably was not wise for Google hits/comments.

    ABeautifulMind surprised me with Christmas graphics of Kai and Lia, and her MCWL design (with a photo by fivegoldens) leads the blog. Here are the thumbnails for all three. I hope you will drop by and see the larger versions:


    Graphics by ABeautifulMind

    At the bottom I asked if readers have been involved in similar recitals as a student, teacher, or parent; and I hope there are several takers. I have tons of other stories from the years I taught 50 students a week versus the current 12. With the 50, we did four separate recitals on one Saturday, after which I was one dead mama. :cryingwlaughter:

    Thank you for your support. Apparently, the blog is really going to need it this time! :)

    cindilu2, you know I think that banner would make a gorgeous graphic. :whistling-1:

    My condolences to the family and friends of sassafras. I never met her, but remember her name from the early years of supporting Clay. :wub:

    Have a wonderful Friday, all! yahoo.gif



    Drop by anytime: Carolina On My Mind

    Click to stream Clay Aiken at MySpace

  19. Caro, hope you have a fun day with your students! a living room with a grand piano, a sofa and lots of eager minds sounds perfect for t his time of year...

    Thnx, Scarlett. There were some really good moments, but one pianist had an experience like my first recital. We were playing his "Frosty the Snowman" duet; he kept making mistakes and finally turned to me in tears. I told him to sit with his mom and we would come back to him later. Poor little guy never would play his two songs. :clay:

    These occasions are very informal in my living room. One down and one to go. Tomorrow is wire choir day. Y'all come on down. I'll reserve you a seat! :whistling-1:

    LOL, the rough performance happened to me in a spring recital when I was 10. I couldn't remember my memorized piece and ran off the stage crying, which is one reason my students are usually uber-prepared. :snoopy:

    I got some good news yesterday, which I really needed because otherwise it was a bad day. I have a friend who has gone to Clay concerts with me and likes him, just not like we do, called me to tell me about her son. He's about 17 months and is going through a stage now where he's not sleeping all through the night. She told me that she started playing Clay's Christmas cd to see if it would help him sleep, and loves it. He'll point to the cd player for her to turn it on. Kid's got great taste.

    Love that story, justclay12! :04:

    Great blog, Ashes! :clap:

    Sending good vibes your way, luckiest1! :wub:

    Have an awesome evening, all! :BlowKiss:



    Drop by anytime: Carolina On My Mind

    Click to stream Clay Aiken at MySpace

  20. Thank you so much for all the good wishes! :thankyou:Luckiest, I hope it went v. well for you!!!

    Well, I did have a malfunction. And it was a big one. But it didn't last very long. And it wasn't my fault. Honest! It turned out that the mic they gave me had a frequency that was being carried by every single room in the entire training complex! So... just about everyone heard my welcome pep talk, housekeeping rules, emergency evacuation route & safety tips! :) I'd like to think that I started off everyone's day with a smile -- in a big way! Hee!!! :claykiss:

    *after about 10 minutes, people figured out who was talking and tried to talk me into turning in my lavalier in exchange for a handheld the rest of the morning -- horrors! never could do that! -- so i gave everyone a break, and proceeded to the ladies room myself -- BUT only after turning in the offending device. ;)

    the rest of the day went well, thanks in no small part to all the good thoughts and wishes everyone sent here. Thank you!!! :BlowKiss:

    Scarlett, sounds as if you handled the situation with grace and aplomb! :cryingwlaughter:

    luckiest1, hope you broke a leg today! :snoopy:

    My living room will be full tomorrow with piano students and whoever they bring. I've tried explaining to the new people we are talking modest-sized room with a grand piano and a sofa. I usually have to bring in every possible chair, and we still have kids on the floor. Hope the little darlins' practiced their music tonight! :hahaha:




    Drop by anytime: Carolina On My Mind

    Click to stream Clay Aiken at MySpace

  21. :GM_FCA:

    Scarlett, Houston's new mayor made "Morning Joe" today. WOOHOO!!! :04:

    Finally dragged myself away from the banner just enough to say, "Great Banner"!!! Thanks so much, cindilu!!! :clap::clap::clap:

    DITTO -- awesome new banner, cindilu2! :clap: :clap: :clap:

    I attended a "virtual" Joyful Noise Tour last night. It was great watching videos of Clay performing holiday songs from throughout four seasons. Next may be a "virtual" graphic party. With all I have saved and posted in blogs, my P/B is more than prepared for that shindig. :whistling-1:

    Have a fabulous week, all! :yahoo:



    Drop by anytime: Carolina On My Mind

    Click to stream Clay Aiken at MySpace

  22. :GA_FCA:

    The new Carolina On My Mind blog combines montages by SueReu ("Four Years of Don't Save It All for Christmas Day") and Aspiegirl ("Little Drummer Boy") that deliver the same message: D-S-I-A-F-C-D! :P

    For my family and me, this has been "cantata weekend" -- Saturday rehearsal and two Sunday performances with a rainy weather forecast of 90-100%. The musicians and congregation were somewhat damp, but the music was glorious! An overview of selections is included in the blog. Next on the schedule are two student holiday recitals preempted by a thorough housecleaning! :whistling-1:

    Hope you enjoy! :wub:

    Annise Parker becomes mayor of Houston!

    Parker's win makes Houston the largest U.S. city ever to have an openly gay mayor.

    Way to go, Houston! :04:

    :hug: to all who need one.

    Hope you enjoy! Have a great week, all! :twirly:


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