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Everything posted by jamar1700

  1. Must be LAL now, but I'm really having a hard time hearing. I'm still getting it, just very faint.
  2. Can't hear much of anything right now...
  3. Like I said ... someone else reported that HE SAID that is what happened in Columbus. Not that it happened tonight. We'll see. per Cap
  4. Someone else is reporting he said this happened in Columbus. Not that it happened tonight. Angie now.
  5. RHW w/big long glory note in the middle... Sound is suddenly poor...
  6. They went to a spa? He lost his train of thought on the Idol Audition story and Quiana picked it up and finished it.
  7. Be back in 20 mn. I heard that with my own ears.
  8. Talking about his favorite singers... He says they are right here on stage with him. Awwww. Quiana solo now.
  9. I can't make out much. Laughing, Chuckling. TOA! I can hear the songs just fine....
  10. Much screaming during the Jeffersons theme...Oh...now he took his jacket off...nevermind what I said before.
  11. Apparently. I didn't hear it. I can hear some but I'm bringing over what I can find from the CV cert thread. I hear the music pretty well and I can hear that Clay is talking but can't make out too much. Show me that smile again...
  12. I'm here. I'm still adding stuff to my posts. Something about Jesse's hair.... I think he took his jacket off? Okay I think I'm caught up. Doing the TV scthick now. PS Theme now.
  13. Somethings funny. eta Somebody in the front row in a red top... WISYS ETYGA *sigh*
  14. Sounded like a bit of a melisma contest at the end there.... Clay speaking. Can't make out a word of it. Yet I listen.
  15. New phone on CV. This is better...sorta. IWKWLI ... choppy.
  16. CV doesn't seem to have a connection yet. Poo. --- Okay...were on. EIH. Not great. But it's a connection.
  17. I'd like to welcome my dear friend AAIT to FCA. There are very few people that I go way back in the fandom with that any of you might know but she is one. Luv ya's. [tm Laurieeedeeee] :F_05BL17blowkiss: --- Awww. I'm glad Clay and his crew got to see the show. What a coup for the kids and the producer to have him there. I bet it was a surreal for them too. --- OT but we were speaking of Michael Vick at some point...no? Dogs will have their day ---- This post has now been edited beyond all recognition. Hee. & Oy.
  18. I'm pretty sure that it's a girl thing. My boys would dry off with whatever was handy. Their towel, my towel, a dish towel...the bathmat...a tshirt....you get the idea. My DD however did the "if it's touched my sparkling clean just washed body it can't be used again" thing. But! There is hope. DD is on her own now and when push comes to shove and she has to wash them... ...guess what? Let us know how the girls react to the towel embargo. --- Think I'll go watch some Clack now before hitting it. Omigosh. Only a weekend and a workday and I'm off to see Clay! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:
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