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Everything posted by jamar1700

  1. Hee. Rod Stewarts 73rd American Songbook CD.
  2. --- eta.... He won't know the words because he's been interogated by the FBI so many times the past week...
  3. ATD *this just may just be the clearest 'cert CV has ever had...*
  4. That wasn't for the baseball game, was it? Not at all, although that isn't going too badly either.
  5. Coming back onto stage...random screaming. Without You...
  6. So his hair is flat? Is that what she's trying to say? --- hee ldy. My bestClayfriend and traveling buddy Creole is one too. When we aren't talking Clay we're talking shop...
  7. Me too. And that song was a bonafide radio hit back in the day also. John Sebastion from Lovin' Spoonful. it's amazing I can remember my name with all the misc. crap I have stored in my brain... --- eta... Oh hells bells .... I believe I watched all of those shows. I ain't too proud.
  8. I remember Nell Carter singing this. Angela does a good job.
  10. Gadz I just lost everything but the stream and the baseball stream. Could not get a window to refresh. Perhaps I'm better at the multi-tasking then my computer is.
  11. I can not hear too well. I think he's reading posts from the boards? This could get interesting eta...oh letters. That makes more sense.
  12. Flip flops...not hearing much banter. Certer says he's beeeeeeeeeauuuuuutiful. Bantering about some fan who came in late. Sharon? Bringing her upfront.
  13. Hair parted on right...sandals... Sound on cert is not bad but it comes and goes....pretty sure we won't be able to get too much banter. eta : Quianna & Clay now! Sounds great! 2 out runner on 2nd
  14. CV certer reported jeans and shirt... Gadz I need a beer. Both the game and the cert started at exactly the same time. I'm listening to Clay sing while watching Garza pitch. eta ... so far singing going better than pitching...but that's to be expected.
  15. *waves* my first night trying to stream both cellcert and baseball game while posting in both cellcert thread and game thread. I also have my regular Tuesday night yahoo.chat tonight with my Clayfriends. I hope you'll be kind if I f**k up. I hear CLAY! Sorta....
  16. I can't help it. I like cheesy sitcoms. And their themes songs. For that reason I choose to believe Clay chose them all too. ---- Seriously Joan Jett did a great remake of the Mary Tyler Moore theme which is also on my ipod and Son #2 has the Saturday Morning Cartoons Greatest Hits CD which contains remakes of all your favorite Saturday Morning Cartoons. http://www.amazon.com/Saturday-Morning-Car...7982&sr=8-1 Seriously...Track 9 Spider-Man by the Ramones.
  17. ahem Not only did I watch it ...I have a version of the theme song (by Relient K) on my Ipod.
  18. Not me. I just think the nature of the show doesn't lend itself to much change. IIRC Jesse had to arrange all of those songs for the symphony's and I'm sure they need to have the music somewhat in advance.
  19. IMO because they are furiously trying to keep up. For better or worse the internet has changed journalism. Both of my sons graduated with related degrees. One in Broadcast Journalism ('03) and one in Media Communications ('04). They both have learned that the "old model" that they were taught just isn't realistic in today's internetsavymusthaveitrightnowbecauseI'llforgetaboutittomorrow society. I happened to be working in a HS library right on the cusp of the internet, when the netscape browser was first introduced and just before IE. What I noticed was that the easier and faster the kids could get the information ... the easier and faster they wanted it. I don't think it makes it right, but I think it is the way it is. Reminds me of the ongoing "discussion" I have with w/my family (sibs & 'rents) about Wal-Mart. They hate Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is evil. You know the drill. I try to get them to see that while that's fine to think that...Wal-Mart and their business model isn't going anywhere. Wal-Mart is successful because people shop at Wal-Mart. People shop at Wal-Mart because they can buy cheaper underwear (or whatever) and the rest of life isn't getting any less expensive to live. My insurance agent ain't selling me more insurance for less money, and he's not selling me the same amount of insurance for the same amount of money either. And my benefits at work aren't paying a greater share of my health & dental bills, and my property taxes aren't going down or even staying the same. Has Wal-Mart changed a part of our society by helping to put small Mom and Pop chains out of business? Probably. Will it ever change back? Probably not. Has the internet changed journalism by focusing on cheap and quick. I think so. Will it ever change back? I think not. To get this slightly back on topic (do I really have a topic?) ...I don't think I've turned my television set on all weekend. I streamed a couple of baseball games, listened to my ipod, watched a couple of DVDs read a weeks worth of FBOFW & Zits cartoons online and I've checked the weather and headlines at an online newspaper. Not my local one .... but that's another story. I was a minor player in an ongoing major local newstory for the last couple of years. I saw the way the story was reported in the local media and I saw the effort that was put into getting another side to the story out there. And I also saw that no one cared to report it. For two years they told the story that they wanted to tell and that was that. So I canceled my 20+ year subscription to the local paper and I haven't watched a local newscast since. Interestingly enough, I find that I don't miss much. *g* eta : I just want to stress again I understand all of the arguments in the Wal-Mart thing. I really do. I just don't expect them to ever go away. I really don't. Wow...I guess that's been building up or something given the recent conversations elsewhere. --- So ... is it TUESDAY yet!??????! :TourExcite: :Tour3: :TourExcite: :Tour3:
  20. Just saw it. Loved it. SPOILERS But as usual I wanted more. Because I know there is more. I wanted more scenes with the Order of the Phoenix and more scenes with the DA. But I don't know what I would have wanted cut out. It did feel a bit rushed at the end. I also thought they did a good job of portraying Harry's feelings of isolation and anger. This was a dark book and I'm glad they were as true to it as they could be. But no Quidditch scenes, very very little Hagrid and very little Draco. There were some younger children next to me that got quite restless toward the end. I loved Luna, she was spot on. And Daniel's all grown up. Took me a good 10 mn to get past the eyebrows w/the shorter hair.
  21. :F_05BL17blowkiss: But of course it is. And of course they willl. Just like the Twins. And we'll meet again in the post season. Just like last year. Can there be ANY doubt? Now I'm off to find the HP threads....just got back from the movie.
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