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Everything posted by treenuts

  1. I think I'm crying. what a dweeb I am. *sniff* CONGRATULATIONS, CLAY!!! So it really was a BIG week for him!! Wow I'm betting he will be a BIG PUSH for them when he sets to release his new CD in 2010. I hope so, cause he certainly deserves it FINALLY!! A somewhat bigger fish in this pond than at RCA's at least!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  2. The Long and Winding Road - The Beatles
  3. EXHIBIT A - (click to lick view) Just trying to be helpful
  4. treenuts

    this or that

    SUIT cake or pie?
  5. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Paul Leka
  6. To meet without overlapping or penetrating
  7. Holy crap, you mean I got it? *faints dead away*
  8. Uh...That Thing You Do I guess I'm all alone in my love for that film
  9. So does that mean my last guess was wrong? Ok, LAST ATTEMPT Shine?
  10. oops, sorry big ass "head"
  11. Ok I'll give it one last shot Measure of a Man? though I'm not sure why....lol
  12. Sorry Canfly, but I'm lost as well. Racked my brain and even resorted to googling. I got nuttin!!
  13. Bridge Over Troubled Water - Clay Aiken ......oh yea, and those Simon and Garfunkel guys too
  14. Wild in the Street - Bruce Springsteen
  15. Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf
  16. I loved listening (over and over) to the Speakaboos w/Clay!! He sounds so professional in his speaking manor now. And since it's quiet I'm posting a music video I LOVE!! I was reminded of it while I was playing the "Connect the songs" game here. If anyone else is a huge fan of the film "That Thing You Do" like me then you'll enjoy this! FUN That Thing You Do - The Wonders http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/--2149151
  17. That Thing You Do - The Wonders (or is that the Oneeders?) hee
  18. Hmmm, since this just makes me think of spreadsheets, and then Of course I think "spread" and then my mind just goes you know where.... I'll work on this one - I Survived You?
  19. I'm sorry, did you say something, canfly? I got distracted by "something"
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