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Everything posted by playbiller

  1. Somehow, I think most pranks will come during the intros, et al - I can't see them joking around with religious songs - not mr. goodytwo shoes anyway. Celebrate me home - What a laugh on Allison tonight, probably the best she ever delivered these lines. Intermission So Bottlecap - you should have a stream now.
  2. As to the changes in the songs, I notice how there are changes everytime he sings something and it reminds me of how he hadto think on his feed during AI Vincident and how he had to quickly figure out how to get back in there without looking too obvious. I think that he has arrangements, but like a great Jazz musician, can play varioations off an arrangement - which is why people have to learn to respect his voice as an instrument. gasp Must recover from run on sentences. ETA - my posts are never edit free
  3. Ick Shelly, Ick, ICK!!! Tonight is funny, CB used to have their own cellcerters, now they are watching CH and CV, part of which has an individual getting a cellcert. And we watch them and CH and CV andliten to our own. It is all getting very circular. GBB says that she heard they rewrote the second place line, it was supposed to read Sorry, this was in reply to
  4. Anonymous guests can post anonymously - do they know that? another happy crowd crowd at the second place jokes - is it usually mostly fans at the last concerts?
  5. From Mrs Loki talking to friend of Deedle
  6. Someone somewhere said the pictures on the wall are different - but I don't remember where I saw that. I do love how softly Clay says gift in this song when talking about the ornament. As far as the Gregory in the first scene - you will have to ask Solo about that, she whispered it into the cellcert.
  7. There were dfifferences so far - Gregory in the outside scene and the huge snowflakes falling I just enjoy this bouncy part - Was that tinkling just a little different on "snowflakes are falling" - Wj's revenge?
  8. According to the CB which may be getting this from CV
  9. Oh, they are goofing up already with Gregory in the scene when he is not supposed to be. I am really surprisd they are goofing with the work. Mrs Loki is listening on a different phone and she she is listening on Deedles phone and says there are huge snowflakes falling on Clay.
  10. What the heck is about the row, row your boat?
  11. Whoops, time escapes me. Poor william, I think he is experiencing the Clay concert in full prank. I have gone to other concerts and I really wonder how many others go through this. I am surprised the Christmas COncert does it. I now have to go and look at last years recaps.
  12. Welcome Clayforever, and other lurkers. You can see that we combine all board information in this one place. Hee, we steal from the best.
  13. Actually she felt some people in the audience were misbehaving this time and that was interferring with her enjoyment. Did not sing DSIAFCD to anyone Newland felt they were rushing the intros fast again. she thinks it was to get in GN. SHe also felt he did not sing well tonight. He cracked a lot. Angie did an extra bumb bump bump tonight. and it Cracked Clay up. Standing Os for partial for everything, biggest for DSIAFCD, but got screaming before it for MDYK. Feels the screaming of the audience is ruining the clack. Said local groups are kept separate from the rest of the cast. Not much opportunity to talk to anyone one in the cast. Newland entertained the local group tellingthem Clay stories. She said the group is tight and they are joking around all the time. Venue people are serious, but the tour group is cracking on each other all the time. When Allison was explaing about how she knew Clay that indicated he was a smart ass.
  14. Interesting Bottlecap, our cert craopped out in OH and did not come back until the end of Emannual. CHer moaned out loud during O holy night.
  15. Don't forget to hound DJS for a recap tomorrow = I think she is there representing FCA tonight.
  16. At least we did not miss the end of Emanuel. I thought people had said it is the cellcert - people were saying Clay sounded sick over the cell in Raleigh. Actually, people think he is sick over most of the cellcerts. I call standing O over MDYK
  17. Main Entry: bogart1 Part of Speech: verb Definition: to selfishly take or keep something; hog Example: She was drunk and bogarted attention at the block party. Etymology: probably from Humphrey Bogart, US actor Usage: slang; bogarted, bogarting I believe this is common terminology with MaryJane AKA weed AKA pot
  18. There you go- Neewland was recognized because according to Careless whisper Could we describe that as "bogarting" the Clay?
  19. Newland not greatly amused with the stalking remark. She does not want that reputation among the fans. Food was soo good. Small room Grilled Mahi, Bacon shimp, broccli, fresh fruit, beef teryaki. Everyone was pretty impressed. More about bending stretching lying down. Interesting to watch, The Clay said " i guess that the suit is scotch guarded because it is not dirty." Show is starting. I will rest now.
  20. Newland: When Clay was rushing through the intros - they knew that Good News was not happening. If they went over a certain time, they pay big bucks. They physically have to get off stage. They did not get off the stage until 10:45. She thinks there was no good news in Melborne because of time because of the way he was rushing. She does not believe that it was from Flashing. She did see some flashes, behind the curtains. 30 people at the meet and greet afterwards - radio, and OFC. Were you close when Clay changed clothes - no. - other side of stage. She did not see his ass. They can't see the blings (frozen Y'all) but have to listen for them.
  21. More Newland They are up singing at the end andthe curtain got stuck, they are swaying and singing. No one knew that they were going to have to wait forever through the intermission. Everyone changed to thier church clothes.They are standing in the wings, the stage is set and they are waiting. Allison John and Briana are sitting - Clay comes out with Quiana and Angela sitting on the riser. Angela is trying to show Clay how to do a back stretch exercise, then there is a problem with his shoes, . SO everyone is watching and he can't do the exercise. so he lies down and the people are amazed that Clay would lie down in the white suit on the riser that has to be filthy. (back to rehersal - when they are done ( good news was in the rehersal. ) They were also told not to lose their pass, they would have trouble getting back in without them. There were quite a lot of security people does not know how anyone to back there.) Finally start and sit and freeze and sit and freeze - but muszt freeze with heads down - Allison said you will be temptedto look up, but don't do it. Told them they had to freeze based on the bling sound. Other time, they have to chit chat, until the bling sound. When you see Allison sit, get in a comfortable position because you will be there during the whole song...ect more and more. Intors, etc. When they switch to the handhelds, souonded like peants .Wah wah wah.... You had to guess with the intros to when you want to get on the stage. So the intros were the only time to watch Clay, but they also had to watch Allison because thaty had to sing some phrases when she did., SO you could not really watch him.
  22. Newland - Finished rehersals - did not meet WJ - saw him eating on the table himself. Could not hear him backstage though. Clay was supposed to see the group before WJ, but Allison said it will between WJ and show - take pictures, etc. This is why the intermissions are so lenghty. People put in order for pictures. Clay is going to come out and shake hads and ask name. Sees Newland and recognizes her and tells next person "she is stalking us". Allison tels group Clay is kidding. He asks the name of the gour, what is your last show, what is your next show. He tells Neland that he knows she doesnlt live there. He gave her a hard time about where she lives. (he saw her in Maryland and in a M&G. The rest of the group had no idea why he is picking on her. Then pictures are taken withy Clay. They have cameras and camera phones. Clay kneels down between the little kids in the front row. The stuffthey want signed is gathered up. Clay will sign it later. The official group does the prayer circle. Then what's her name dancer tells them that "this is the fun part of the show we come out and as we walk forward the audience starts cheering and we think it is dfor us, but Clay is coming out". Show starts and they go out. Allison told them if they forget the lyrics, sing watermellon rutabaga. SO they do thier thing. When they come to get the cookie boy. and he asks if it is going to be scarey. She tells him it is all about him, After he is done people ask him how he did and he said he kicked their butts and cracked everyone up. The santa outfit is not brought out until they are going to use it. and the guy asks how many shows has this been in - the guy wearing the beard is afraid about geting sick.
  23. Love, love, love the silver bells duet. I was listening to NPR on Christmas and they were talking about the guys that wrote Silver Bells. They needed a Christmas in the city song and they had a bell on their piano. Some one lifted it up and rang it. One guy said "tinkle bell" and they both thought that was a good start. So they wrote this song they loved called "tinkle bell". They left the office happy that day, thinking they had a winner. So one guy walks in the door and his wife asked how his day went. He said great we wrote a song called tinkle bell and it could be a hit. "tinkle bell? you aren't serious" said his wife "don't you know what tinkle means to a lot of people?" The guy said most people wouldn't think like that. But his wife was pretty insistant that he rewrite the song. The next day he goes in and talks to his partner. They start thinking what else they could say - and one guy says look at the bell, it is silver, lets call it silver bell and see how much of the song we can save. This is the story of why people sit and listen to siler bells rather than run for bathrooms. ETA Ahem - you know at CV they don't have an edit message so people wouldn't feel so bad about editing their posts. Just saying.
  24. It was probably in .755 time. Well they seem receptinve to the second place jokes in Fla. Love, love, love the silver bell s duet.
  25. Well, if making fun of Adam's nose is something, just think how his sister feels with the same nose. Have yourself a merry little Christmas - makes this song so much better tahn it has been in over versions. I likethe way the guitar comes in.
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