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Everything posted by Cotton

  1. THANKS, Cotton!! Cindilu2?? Not sure if you were asking, but yeah, I made it for ya! I keep a "template" so I can insert text as needed! :thbighug-1:
  2. heh Check out the bday cake I made for DS's birthday . . .
  3. Yeah! Great banner! And - I had to put spaces in your emoti cuz the code for it just CMSU!!! heh That Clay Aiken is a fascinatin' fellow, ain't he?!
  4. KF, look! Boogie all grown up! ETA: Just because . . . .
  5. I think Clay was just "wiggling his ears" again.
  6. I rewound my recorded Rosie to watch Sir Robin again! I loved it! Loved it! I hope the show gets picked up. I can see Clay coming back to SING! Pretty Tday banner! Back to the kitchen!! *cotton skips off hearing clipclop coconuts *
  7. caro, I just posted a few bigger ones at cv. I'm worn out. I'll try to post them here after I get some din-din!
  8. Me, too!! He looks so happy! Even moreso in the video than in the still pics!
  9. I'm way behind, but I just wanted to speak up for the pets! keepingfaith We have had 3 Shi Ztu's and love them! Here's my sister's Boogie when he was just a pup. He's a mess! Houdini in fur! wandacleo I can't believe what happened with our Gracie! What a nightmare. Glad he's home safe! ETA: cindilu2 Congratulations!!!
  10. Ooh, me likey the present! Pop up Clay! hee Oh, Muski . . . Lotus - show off! Thanks for the bday wishes! DH just came home with pizza and a huge slice of Chocolate cake! Yum! Thanks, all! Nice to see all the balloons and whatnot! :thbighug-1: I think Shubert Alley needs a major hug! It's gonna be sad to think of The Land of SPAM being silent and the very empty very expensive forest. I wonder what The Aiken has up his sleeve? Okay - DH came over to chat and this took forever so who knows what's been posted since I started this! hee
  11. Wow! WMAG playing Clay?! That's AMAZING! I miss the little bit of snow from Greensboro. Most we have hear is about 10,000 flakes I saw when it snowed here last week for about 5 minutes! They were talking flakes today - but no snow for my bday! Oops! Sorry - didn't realize I hadn't filled out the bday in my profile! Thanks, Caro! (She sent me an ecard with a Droopyesque doggie!) Thanks for the bday and get well wishes. We aren't really celebrating today as DH is working. So - DH is smoking a pork roast tomorrow instead of going out. I don't think there's a restaurant around that wants me any where near their customers!!! And Sis and family are coming Thursday for Tday so they opted out for tomorrow. I am better, but still snuffy and coughing and SORE ribs from coughing, etc.! I promise I'm NOT 85, I just feel like it! Am excited for all the Clay happenings! Wish I were one of the lucky folks going to the Chat! What fun! Hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend. and still . . .
  12. As you can see from this quote, I ain't been around much! I, too, have a snus infection that has now become a full on upper respiratory infection. 2nd round of antibiotic started yesterday. Yuckety yuck. And Family is supposed to be at my house for tday! Yikes! Hey! We had 5 minutes of snow flakes here on the Coast! I just happened to look out the sliding glass door at the right time! You got 'em. :thbighug-1:
  13. Love the side by side! Thanks! Such cutie pies. both of 'em! So - nobody knows where little Clay pic came from?
  14. Whoa! That banner is beeyouteeful!!! And - where did this originate??!! ETA: He actually looks like he's singing in that pic! Looks a lot like
  15. Wanda admired Clay's ability to "kick yo' ownself in the Ass!" :cryingwlaughter:
  16. Lotus, you didn't really meant Rachel Ray, did you?
  17. Scarlett, I hate to say it, but if he has a sinus infection, my guess is he feels like crap. I have one right now and I kinda miss breathing! It's miserable. Stuffy nose. Burning when you inhale. Watery eyes. I bet he's grumpy. And I bet he's missing holding his little guy, too. Poor guy. ETA: Your pictures as peasant and the BC pose were wonderful! You looked great!
  18. Damn, muski! I want your dreams! I never dream anything fun!
  19. Broadway World on CBS T'day Parade Reports from CV SPAM attendees - Clay OUT again tonight! David Hibbard, too!
  20. Parker's getting ready - like 'Nora Desmond" - "I'm ready for my Close-up, Daddy."
  21. When DS was a baby - he had a serious expression on his face often. Even at the smiling, giggling age - 5-7 mos? people couldn't "get" him to smile. I remember once at a gas station, the guy almost got upset with him because he wouldn't smile. The guy (and other people) just didn't understand that DS was "studying" them. He was thinking on things, paying attention. Probably in his own little world just like he often is today! hee Maybe Parker is "studying" his environs, too! They are a lovely family! :flowers: Get well, Clay!!!
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