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Everything posted by Cotton

  1. Fear! Wish I were going with you, Honey!!! I'd love to see SPAM2. But, alas, it ain't gonna happen! And I never got to hear the AMEN sung.
  2. So - did nobody go look at the Rabbit Hash, Kentucky election?! Really, you MUST! It doesn't matter who you're for in the elections in the rest of the country - go look at Rabbit Hash! You can even VOTE in it for $1!! hee
  3. Good Morning! fear, I had to go look up your guy. Since we've been out of the Greensboro area for 3 1/2 years, I didn't know who he was. Good reading. This whole election year (actually 21 months according to GMA this morning) has been full of interesting twists. I hope you are celebrating for your guy on Tuesday night. Anybody watching Sunday Morning? Really interesting election in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky! Make sure you scroll through All the Candidates and see who's 1st! He's missing a leg so he may be getting the sympathy vote. He's pretty cute, though!
  4. Has anybody read Footprints of God by Greg Iles? Very interesting read. Footprints of God - Amazon Damned book kept me up til nearly 4 this morning!
  5. Oh, I definitely subscribe to the "Do Nuthin Philosophy"! Probably a little too much! :cryingwlaughter: But I hope you enjoy your well deserved break! Thank goodness for muski! At least one person noticed the Sword Pic!!! heh I knew I could count on you, Honey! *For the record, "kid" didn't bother me. It was "The Kid" that got to me. Clay saying, "Now that I have a kid" is not quite the same. IMO. I'll shut up now.
  6. Oh, yeah, I had seen the Salamander's stuff, but not recently. I thought it was something that had been posted here and I couldn't find it! Is it just me or does Clay seem entirely fascinated by the sword in this one??!!!
  7. Where's this one? I hate to think I missed sumpin!!!
  8. Couchie! My address is: CottonLuvs Chocolate 123 Youcanneverhavetoomuchchocolate Lane CandylessVillage, NC Send it on!!!
  9. I'm sure I'm way behind - DH and I just watched (recorded) Eli Stone. But this . . . . . . just CMSU!!!
  10. I also got an email today. The date may confuse some folks, but cool that they are using Clay to sell these last shows. A little sad, to see it so clearly taking its final bow, though. *snif*
  11. Ditto! I did some screencaps from the ET thingy. You can see the sweater has big buttons, not the zipper detail.
  12. Oh, yeah, it's Western! I love both Eastern and Western. I'm an equal opportunity NC BBQ kinda gal! But - you're getting NC BBQ info from the Washington Post??!!! Sacrilege! Try this History of NC BBQ
  13. muski! If your route from Raleigh to Charlotte takes you by Lexington, NC, anywhere close to lunchtime - you should stop there. Almost any BBQ place in Lexington will be good NC BBQ!!!
  14. :kirtsun_05: Scmoopie thought for the day - Parker outfitted as a little pumpkin, with stripey socks, sitting on his daddy's lap.
  15. Thank you! It was driving me bonkers! So - that's my recommendation for muski! If it's still as good as it was when DS lived there, you won't be disappointed!
  16. From Real Simple Today's Quote of the Day :kirtsun_05: ETA: When DS was at NC State, we liked a restaurant that was named the number of the street address. It was in an old train depot, I think. It was 318 or 812 or something like that. Is it not there anymore? I tried to search for it. The architecture was wonderful. The ceiling was painted like blue sky and clouds? Anyone? I'd be very disappointed if it were no more?
  17. Aww! Schnitzel looks related to Droopy! He's "supposedly" part Dachs, part Rough Coat Terrier! Same long nose. He has the most mournful eyes! Do you work in government, perchance?
  18. It may have been mentioned, but Sarah Silverman is on JK tonight. If you're interested!
  19. Yeah. Me, too, neither. Did any of y'all used to say that when you were kids? Me, too, neither. ??? :Kolobok_Laie_haha: No matter the language! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  20. Love the JBT banner. You really have to look to find Old Clay and New Clay! Loved Loved Loved JBT and I want another! Looking forward to mod's board improvements mishaps screwups meltdowns adventures.
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