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Everything posted by Cotton

  1. Clay and Phil are dwarfing poor Jaymes! Step back, guys! Give a girl a little breathing room!
  2. Thanks, bottle and gibby! I stole borrowed your pics to post at CV tonight where there was some mention of . . . tongue!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  3. Bottle! You can post those at CV! I've turned over the game to the "natives"! Lord, y'all. If you google Clay Aiken images you get some weird shit!!!
  4. Ooh - quick challenge - post some TONGUE pictures!!! ETA: Come on - I'm counting on ya'!!!
  5. Or maybe there was another recap. I just saw that one and thought that's where the confusion arose. Bad enough mix was peasant and did bunny ears over Clay's head. I'd hate to think they were hanging around taking notes on baby seat going in and out of the theater, etc. I mean, they might be, for all I know. Thank God for Jerome!!!
  6. Here it is from CV QUOTE(lindylo @ Oct 29 2008, 09:23 AM) It's not signed by Jessie. It said the peasant went and sat with her friend Jessie. I don't know who the poster is.
  7. The recap about watching the cars w Clay, Jerome, Jaymes, etc. was from crazyglue91152. Is she FBM? Or Mix?
  8. Yes, he did. *shudder* UNICEF USA Ambassador Clay Aiken visits Somalia May this world find peace. ___ In other, sillier, news...remember the good old days of voting our silly fingers off for Clay on TRL? Maybe he'll be on this special? Probably a long shot, but you never know... Yes, I've been seeing the news on CNN. Very scary. And you know, after the fact, Clay did say he was afraid. I think he had good reason to be healthily afraid! TRL - who knows? They could revive "The Vault" thingy! It's fun to remember (or relive) the old days of voting!
  9. Schmoopie! Can you imagine all Clay's castmates and their schmoopiness of meeting little Sweet P for the first time?!!? He has such a family there - just like he creates wherever he goes! I can just see all the gypsies cuddling and cooing to little Parker! Awww! The Shubert Family and Parker's Uncle and Kel and Jerome and his Mrs.? That's gonna be one loved little baby boy! I wish we'd get some more pictures, too. But I don't believe I'll hold my breath!
  10. OMG! I know I watched that at the time it was posted, but, WOW! Jaymes and Clay have been living with that song for a long time, huh? I mean I know they "found" it early on, but to hear him sing that little snip is amazing! Great find! And thank you! I'm sorry about the piles of snow,etc. Luckiest! I wouldn't survive! No. I'm not kidding! I'm a Southern Gal through and through!
  11. BTW, shineinnc's video of EIDN shows the sitting down/realizing wrong song/standing up beginning really well!!! If you're interested! ETA: You can actually hear him say, "Ooh! That's not what I expected", before he starts to sing!
  12. calurker, maybe it's because you voted before . . . ? For a certain tall red-haired, golden-throated North Carolinian? :cryingwlaughter: BTW, if you're in the mood to vote . . . from CV
  13. Good God! It's criminal how sexy that guy is! Criminal! He's everything I don't need - A Sexy Beast of a Man who - er - wouldn't want - um - well - YKWIM! Damn! ETA: He looked quite pleased with himself at the end of that, didn't he?!
  14. I don't have the color one saved. I love it. I know he'll be very protective of him, but I do hope we get to see more pics once in a while. :babies_82: :bb18: :babies_100:
  15. Where? Where? I don't remember this clip!!! ETA: In other words . . . Exactly how lost is it??!!!
  16. I think not, Sweetie. I think it's blue or at the very least, dark grey, stripes. Please Clickety Clack! ETA: Couchie, I know what you mean about Jennifer and "the Circus" surrounding this awful event. It's sad how the media and the public salivate over human tragedy. Clay wasn't at Wicked thingy, but Jerome was! I like thinking of him getting a night off to just enjoy NYC with his wife (?) or a friend. EATA: I just clicked on the picture to be sure it was coming out right. My LORD, the shoulders!!!
  17. Clickety Clack! (I'm almost ashamed to post such for the queen of photoshopping! I have no such fabu software, just humble appleworks which is ancient!) Cindilu2!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Thanks for the recap, Play! Wish I were going again for SPAM2! He never sang the AMEN for me in March! BTW, I just got my March French Taunter photo! Yay!
  19. Wow! ldyj! I was trying to bring that over for you and you beat me to it! How's this? It's a repeat but it's definitely purdy!
  20. Not necessarily a pretty picture, but a great rotating ad at Broadway.com! <http://www.broadway.com/American-Songbook-Series-to-Spotlight-Foster-Szot-Cumming-More/broadway_news/5013923> And a video it leads to featuring Clay! <http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/b...bctid1868992069>
  21. Oh, hell, those chickies don't know nuttin! He wasn't looking for p-nut butter oreos!@ He was looking for Nutter Butter Pnut Butter cookies!!! Kinda funny that they described him only as "someone from tv"! ???
  22. I must say, bottle, that is one delicious looking neck!!! . . . nibble nibble nibble . . . hee
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