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Posts posted by liney23

  1. Then I saw the picture of him and Aaron with the caption that, "Me and my homie off to make some people(?) mad." The thought that he did it under the radar and put himself in control just tickled me and turned me on (not that that is difficult when it comes to Clay... LOL)

    JMO, but I think Nigel Lithgow was aware from the beginning, and !! also Clive !! I think they knew he was going to appear on AI back when the pictures that didn't show his face were posted at the fan club.

    jmh... I didn't say they didn't know he was going to appear... I just don't think they knew about the surprise hairdo, IMO. Niguel was interviewed after the show with Ryan and didn't say he knew or didn't know, just that it was a great tv moment. Roger was at the fitting, but he might not of known how Clay was going to do his hair. We had seen Clay from the miliary ceremony he sang at a bit before and his hair was very long then, but no one guessed what he was going to do with it. Especially the 3 stooges and Ryan didn't know. So... I think he surprised almost everyone. JMHO!

  2. I truly wish the fandom would allow him to develop into who is meant to be instead of always trying to make him into who they want or need him to be.


    Aikim... love this statement... can we have it bronzed!!!

    Why do the same heads explode over and over? Shouldn't they get that fixed?

    keepingfaith... I love your whole prior post and then this statement made me :cryingwlaughter: it's soooo true!

    I loved everything about AI5. I played the part where he walked down the stairs over and over and over and still love it! :Thud: Then I saw the picture of him and Aaron with the caption that, "Me and my homie off to make some people(?) mad." The thought that he did it under the radar and put himself in control just tickled me and turned me on (not that that is difficult when it comes to Clay... LOL)

  3. ooooh...thank you, liney! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Ain't he delicious? :hubbahubba:

    Ummm, muski... ya.ah... he is just a leetle delicious! :Thud: You're very welcome! It was a tremendous amount of work... NOT! :cryingwlaughter:

    Claygasm, glad you realized no cropping was necessary to make that smiley sexysingerman your avie. Lookin' good, gals!!!

    All this avie changin'... I decided to change my own. One of my favorite clack... David Foster Gala... Love everything about that appearance and his appearance, too!

  4. OMFG. :hubbahubba:

    Those pics are lethal. Damn, he looked so good at that AMA show. Interesting to see pics with the 'old' teeth, isn't it?

    If anybody has extra time on her hands, I would LOVE an avie of that over-the-shoulder, you-know-I-could-do-you-good picture. :whistling-1:



    Muski... try this. I didn't crop out the tag, just a bit of empty space, so that should be ok... (how's that for rationalization). Your choice. I'm positive she means just don't crop out the tag or anything else in the picture... empty space doesn't count, right?


  5. Scarlett... I don't spork... I think that is unique to the eHP and since I live in OC, I don't qualify... hey, my ex lived in Houston many years and now lives outside Austin... would that qualify me? :cryingwlaughter:

    Hey liney! That's ok. Living about 1000 miles from here never stopped PerusingOne. Come join us! I think KAndre is still giving away toasters to new minions.

    Scarlett, ohohoh, a new toaster... can I? canI? :PickMe-1: Let's see, what could I bring to the eHP??? I am a Libra and we are very loyal and that makes a very good minion! :cryingwlaughter:

    I am driving to Vegas and would be glad to bring anything anyone cannot bring on a plane, by the way. Except Clay... for some reason he does not want to get in my car, even tho it is an Altima and red... :cryingwlaughter:

  6. gallery_11_15_186809.jpg

    OMG... ldyjocelyn... :Thud: to the max!!! The AMA pics are some of my faves, but this one... it is my desktop now and it expands to full size and... IT"S AWESOME!!! Try it, you'll like it! Thanks so much for bringing it over!

    Scarlett... I don't spork... I think that is unique to the eHP and since I live in OC, I don't qualify... hey, my ex lived in Houston many years and now lives outside Austin... would that qualify me? :cryingwlaughter: Anywho, thanks for the belated birthday. Keeping Faith had the birthday between ialreadyam and myself, so you are still a candidate for possible sporking... :cryingwlaughter:

    Wonder what's up with Fifth Grader/OFC. There is no way Fifth Grader would not advertise his appearance to the max, so something is wrong somewhere and given OFC's history, guess which one I would vote for being wrong? LOL

  7. keeping faith... you may be down, but you are not out... woman, those gifs ROCK!!! At least my libido is rocked... :cryingwlaughter: Thanks!

    I have a daughter and a DIL on Paxil and they both cried bitterly at having to chose between medication that helped them and a 10-12lb weight gain.

    Clay seems to feel that cause he wore bangs for the last two cds that he should have them for appearances. Unfortunately, bangs make his face rounder looking. Oh, well. I could care less! He is gorgeous 24/7 to me! :Thud:

    p.s. I just memorized the code for the thud emoticon and type it in... saves time looking for it. :cryingwlaughter:

  8. Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone, and thanks for the thanks for the presents/pictures I dropped off... I have good taste in pictures, I have good taste in sexysingerguys, and I have good taste in boards (love you FCA)... :F_05BL17blowkiss: Now, if I would only lose my taste in food and drop 20 pounds, I'd be a very happy camper! :cryingwlaughter:

    All of a sudden there is so much to do and watch.... eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

    And, only 34 days until Vegas... I sure hope to meet a whole bunch of you there. Can we designate a corner of the pre-party room to meet in? Or somepin????

  9. happybdaysparkle.gif

    crystals_flashing.gif to liney23

    Bottlecap... thanks. I love the crystals. I teach an all day class in crystals and mineral on the 27th... wanna come? :cryingwlaughter:

    I loved the vignettes cause I love that they came from Clay's brain, cause I think his brain is sexy!!! :Thud:

    I grew up with Spam... didn't mind it, didn't love it, but wouldn't eat it now.

    I also think Clay is far busier than anyone knows. He has so much to do with so many things it isn't even funny! Unfortunately for his middle, none of it is active... :cryingwlaughter: BAF, UNICEF, Presidential committee, legal stuff, investment stuff, tour stuff, CD stuff, writing songs (crosses fingers, arms, legs, eyes), tv stuff, family stuff, personal stuff and I'm sure that's not even all of it.

    It's my birthday, so I'm bringing presents...


    I looked at this face in person... :Thud:




    I was there for this one, too...


    OMG... how can anyone say he doesn't have a butt... :Thud:


    Love this look... and the look he is looking... LOL


    Could stare at this all day long... :Thud:


    And, finally, to leave you laughing (I hope)...


    Happy my birthday to you! Love you, FCA!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  10. I have a lot of funny Christmas stories, because I have crazy relatives. But there's one story that is a favorite of mine because it's so illustrative of my daughter -- and she can't escape the retelling of this story every Christmas. When she was five, we were at my parents for Christmas and my mother insisted we go to church that morning because they were having a Christmas caroling service. My daughter loved to sing, has never had a shy bone in her body, and tended to demand attention by being LOUD. Let's just say she's never needed approval in her life --- for anything. So when the songleader said to a group of children sitting in a group, "Who knows the words to Joy To The World?" my daughter jumped up and loudly intoned in the third row at the First Baptist Church:


    Jeremiah was a bullfrog

    Was a good friend of mine

    Never understood a single word he said

    But I helped him drink his wine

    And he always had some mighty fine wine

    Singin'... Joy to the world

    All the boys and girls now

    Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea

    Joy to you and me

    And although people were laughing, that didn't stop her until she was through. Yeah, she's still a piece of work. Now my mother, who is the opposite of my daughter and cares way too much about what other people think, was in a state of shock. She'd never heard of Three Dog Night, but she knew her granddaughter was singing about drinking somebody's mighty fine wine in the Baptist Church on Christmas Day!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes ... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Sure it's good to have them because it beats the alternative, yada yada, but do they have to keep coming so quickly?????

    Keeping Faith... LOVED your story. Laughed very hard, so please to submit it. Question is, could you read it without totally cracking up???

    And, :fest30: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I agree with you totally about how quickly they just keep on coming. Thank goodness for Clay... he makes me feel younger! :hubbahubba:

    I bring a prezzie.


    (It's not great but I am still learning, thanks to cha cha))

    merrieeee... I beg to differ... I think it is very great. Awesome clarity! I RCAS faster than the speed of a mouse!

    Never ever make the mistake of saying saying you are having a good day because it can only go down hill from there!

    I got to work this morning and here's what had happened today! My co-worker's aunt died, my husband's aunt died, my longtime friendly car mechanic died and another co-worker has her purse stolen!

    Gosh and it is only 1:00pm.


    merrieeee... OMG!

    I hope he does Spamolot. That sounds totally kool! And fun!!! I agree that he will make the storytime fun for all... that's just what he does! Exceptionally well, I might add. I can never figure out why people decide something is not going to be good before it happens. Have they not heard of self-fulfilling prophecy??? LOL

    Couchie... your idea sounds like a good one about starting our rating from the beginning rather than the end. I'll still volunteer! Honest! No, really... I only did one song, so it was a joy and I finished on time, so KAndre didn't have to spork me, so it's all good! As soon as we get a set list!

  11. Loved Clay on ET...he really is adorable and I didn't get the Donald Trump comparisons either.

    Amazing how one little appearance is getting him so much publicity...UNICEF or a new PR person?


    Aikim... I think the Trumpness was his round face and blond eyebrows in that picture. Nothing else fit to me. He sure doen't have the combover, so that doesn't leave much else than their imagination... :cryingwlaughter:

  12. WestPointlean-1.jpg

    From JNT06 at West Point - The Suit? from a better angle.

    I wasn't a fan of the long hair, but this could change my mind! :hubbahubba:

    I LOVE this picture and how he looked last year with the long hair. :Thud:

    Wiglia? Well, true to my eHP form, my first thought was it must have something to do with what happens right after Angela runs her fingernails up Clay's arm. Or something.

    00Isee... BWAH! It has happened! I think his Wiglia even earned BAF some monies if I remember right... :cryingwlaughter:

    I have a funny Christmas story that someone who is going can borrow if they want. I live in OC! Sigh!

    The kids were ages 7, 11, 12. We were trying so hard to make this Christmas still "Santa" brings the presents for the youngest. One night when he was out of the room, I was impressing upon the girls that this would probably be his last "I believe in Santa" Christmas. The oldest piped up and said... well, then use different wrapping paper for the "From Santa" presents than what you and dad use for the presents from you guys, cause that's how we figured it you were really Santa Claus.

    BWAH! At least I thought it was funny!

  13. OMG... Randy Jackson announcing the tour that isn't... if I wasn't already losing too much hair, I'd pull mine out! :cryingwlaughter:

    Hopefully, Clay doesn't do that, his hair is so purdy! :Thud:

    Life is a rollercoaster when you are a member of the ClayNation, isn't it? :cryingwlaughter:

    Truth in jounalism just doesn't exist, plain and simple! Idjits!!! I guess Kim never put out a press release about the tour that isn't, so it still is. Sigh!

    Today I changed my homemade calendar and am just going to keep looking at the People Mag laying on his side gorgeousness that is Clay... :Thud::Thud::Thud:

    Carolina Clay, do you know when you are going to get to see your little guy? His parents will be lucky if you let them hold him at all when you finally get to him... :cryingwlaughter:

  14. Ok, I'm catching up from the weekend that wasn't (online that is) and just about :lmaosmiley-1: of the eHP get together... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter: Glad everyone survived!

    I have not watched AIR yet. I had 10 minutes between commitments this weekend to learn how to use a tivo for the first time and couldn't find the show. Figured out later that I look at FOX instead of KTLA... GRRRR at myself! I will have to download... sigh!

    cindilu... loved the morphs! :clap: Thanks!

    I made my recommendations but still haven't had the time to make MP3's of them. Hope KAndre's spork is tolerant for partial completions.... :whistling-1:

    Congrats, Phillys and USA!

  15. I have to work today but will be leaving early to see (hear) Clay on my teeeeveee. One tv listing shows AIR on at 4:00 but another one shows a baseball game at that time and AIR not until Sunday night. But on the 50/50 chance that I might get to hear my bf, I'm ditching work. In all other things I'm a rational, responsible human being.

    Bookwhore... bolding mine... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter: This is sooooo me, too!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    I have a tivo box my daughter gave me, but have never used it... so I have to figure out how firstest! But, I've had it a month, so this is just the incentive I need.

    Why are there so few hours in the day??? I need at least 2 more... :cryingwlaughter:

  16. You know what I truly, truly hope?

    I hope that when I'm an old woman and my kids are grown with families/lives of their own---I hope they will WANT to visit with me. I hope that the idea of going to see me, spend time with me, talk with me, listen to me...won't be something they have to work themselves up to do, something they feel obligated to do, something that they wish they could skip.

    That's what I truly, truly hope.

    Muski... As long as you are as young at heart and as much fun as you are now, you will have your kids in your life forever. If you're fun and interesting, why wouldn't they want to keep coming around?

    And, if you have grandkids... I guarantee they will want you in their lives... as a babysitter! :cryingwlaughter: With your kids, it was Do this... with your grandkids, it's Let's do this... You'll love it! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  17. OH, bwah! I've been wallowing in guilty pleasures---reading all of Shak's old AI2 recaps from TWOP...what a hoot. I'm even copying and pasting all the Clay references (No, KAndre, I haven't done my "Best of" assignment and instead have been spending mumblemumble hours doing something else totally UNassigned...)

    Anyhoo....I saw this from the top six or seven or something and it CMSU! It's referring to Diane Warren:

    She looks like she should be standing in line at Waldenbooks getting her copy of Dance Of Seduction autographed. If you cut her, she would bleed fan-fic.

    (muski looks nervously around, hoping no mirrors are nearby)


    Muski... will you share your Clay parts... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    sigh. gulp. gah. omg. do me clay.


    Know the only thing 'wrong' with this picture?

    His poor lips looked dry and chapped. I need to help moisten them for him....I need to...


    GAHHHHH ! :Thud: That is the best cap from that appearance!!! That was the day someone darkened his eyebrows till they were almost all you saw when you looked at him... dingbats, but this pic really shows the beauty of him without the eyebrows detracting. Thanks!!!

    Favorite moments... I Survived You in Las Vegas... when he glared, he glared right into my binoculars and I actually felt a jolt... I kid you not. WOW, that man is potent!!!

    I was at Clio for JBT and the "Clack Skip Around" statement that still CMSU!

    Couchie, I will join you with Good News at El Cajon... AWESOME!!!

    Flat Clay in Pala... :cryingwlaughter:

    "Surprise" at The Greek... :cryingwlaughter:

    Best moment I was not at... singing bluegrass to Poppa in Raleigh JNT05

    ETA: Thanks for reminding me, KAndre... the whole Long Island concert with vertigo... The definition of valiant!!!

    I want to thank, again, all the clack gathers, renderers, clackunlimited (which I support monthly... hint, hint) for my ability to enjoy what I have seen and what I haven't been able to see live. THANKS!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  18. and it looks like he would have good stroke control as well...

    Oh yes...I've always thought that he has honed a fine technique through the years...


    Muski... BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    I think Clay has said he really enjoyed being on AI. He has also said, "it hasn't been good in years."

    I think he probably has a ball doing Rewind and Season 2 did make AI a hit. Season 1 started the ball, but Season 2 got 'er done, IMO! After that, no season has ever compared to Season 2 in chemistry, group sings, best top 10, etc.

    ETA: my preview post does not work, by the way.

  19. Crap...I go to work and all sorts of stuff busts loose.

    :865538451: <----I happen to think he's cute in goofy dorky kinda way...*pouts*

    Goofy? Dorky? Uh....CLAY is goofy and dorky...

    This guy looks like an uncircumcised penis on Qualudes.

    BWAH!!!! :cryingwlaughter: BWAH!!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    YAY... new footage... YAY... Clay narrating. Maybe he'll video narrate... that would be totally awesome!!! And, I just got TIVO!!!


  20. Roger did some good stuff and Roger did some ???? stuff and Roger didn't do some stuff. Be interesting to see if his successor is better. If it is a female, we're in a better position. Women tend to sorta, kinda like Clay... :eusa_whistle:

    One year ago... a whole day of Clay. I was in one line or another from 7:30am to 7:30pm. Spent most of the day with Windstar and her friend. FUN! I didn't think I cared about having an autograph, but getting to look into those eyes for 3 seconds made that CD very precious to me! :yess:

    I was interviewed, but didn't say anything earthshattering... I thought of something REALLY good to say a couple of days later... :cryingwlaughter:

  21. liney23 reporting in with recommendations for Baby Got Back

    1st place!!! dlh7777's classics medley from Sterling Heights

    Honorable Mention: Spotlightlover's classics medley from Los Angeles/The Greek cause I LOVE the "Don't kill me, Dad" from Clay :cryingwlaughter: plus, I think he ad libbed a bit in the verses leading up to "Don't kill me, Dad."

    Now, I won't be able to clip the wmv files to mp3 of just that part until I get back to my own computer on the 30th, but... soon... :cryingwlaughter:

  22. (we eventually let them go again because lord knows we don't wanna pay for their upkeep)

    eeep... uh, did we remember to let that the last ones go? whose turn was it?

    ...she sincerely, honestly believed that the final battle between good and evil was going to take place here in Texas and frequently gushed over how lucky I was to live here. Finally, I had to say something to the effect of, "Well, I'm not sure I want the Final Battle between Good and Evil to happen in my hometown because it would be blacked out on pay-per-view". That sort of killed the weekend, but she forgave me and keeps including me in "Repent-now" chain e-mails. *sigh*

    Scarlett... :cryingwlaughter: Bolding mine... :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    I am downloading all the Honorable Mention (better known as second place) clack for my song rating. Will have that picked out tonight. Unfortunately, I won't be home on my own computer until the 30th to download something to convert a portion of a wmv file to mp3. So, I will have my recommendations up very soon, but the actual mp3 files to download... soon (tm CHA)! I have enjoyed the whole process very much! It's been a sacrifice to listen to 87 versions of the Classics... sigh!, but someone had to do it... :whistling-1:

    PRETTY... GORGEOUS babies in here today and I'm an expert cause I have 6 grandkids and they were all gorgeous, so I know one when I see one... :cryingwlaughter: Congratulations!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA to add.... Awww to the Williamsport myspace letter. That was saaweet!!!

    ETA #2: I'm at the top of the page and have been for HOURS!!! (slight exaggeration for dramatic effect)... Aw, I see luckiest did not leave me alone... thanks, Luckiest!!!

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