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Posts posted by liney23

  1. ((((ldyjocelyn and hubby))))) Best of luck!

    I live in SoCal... The bad news is that they have extended the winds till Wednesday at 3pm!

    The good news is that I talked to my firefighter son this afternoon and he was ok. His fire dept has sent one unit to Malibu and one up to Arrowhead. Now there is a fire on the Pala side of Fallbrook and San Diego Wild Animal Park's 3500 animals are in danger. Keep praying!

    I have lived in SoCal since 1966 and have been thru many fires, but this one beats them all as far as number of fires and how they are just all over the place.

    The news tonight said that the number of people evacuated in the SD area alone equals the city of Pittsburgh. That is mind-boggling! They are being extra careful, cause these winds are frickin' unbelievable and unpredictable.

    I hope none of our FCAs are in the direct path of any of these fires. I'm far from any fires at this moment, just always concerned about my son, of course.

  2. {{{{{Scarlett}}}}} I'm with FromClaygary... if you can manage it at all, go see Clay... you need it and deserve it!

    Send prayers this way, please... SoCal is trying to burn down and my son is fighting the fires in San Diego and the winds aren't expected to stop until Tues/Wed. Visualize/pray for the wind stopping earlier than expected. Thanks!!!

    Love those Solitaire purdies, cindilu!!! :Thud:

  3. ETA: a picture from the summer before the era above: :cryingwlaughter: From left to right my sister, her boyfriend, and me in 1963.


    OMG, FromClaygary, I have a picture of myself from 1969 in the exact same hair. It was a fake piece you hairpined on and hairsparyed extensively. :lmaosmiley-1: That brought back memories!

    On Vegas... it's going to be pretty warm, cold at night. However, for the taping, remember it's Christmas and in a skating rink, so I'm packing a warm red sweater/black slacks to wear for the taping. Otherwise, layers work great. Jeans/slacks, short sleeve shirt/t, then lightweigt sweater/jacket. It'll be at least in the 80s during the day, 20-30 degrees cooler at night. Check weather.com tho, cause things change rapidly out in this neck of the woods.

    On Rewind, I wish Vanessa had said what she is doing now. I always liked her!

  4. Know what I've been doing for the last two hours? (well, except for a couple loads of clothes)...I've been sitting ALONE in my house watching DCAT Orlando on my tv...with the surround sound jacked up...and drinking cabernet while laughing and crying and drooling and feeling downright overwhelmed by how much I can love someone who's not even in my 'real' life...

    News Flash! Clay Aiken is a bona fide entertainer of the ages!

    Damn. And I was freakin THERE in Orlando! But watching this tonight? God ,I missed some things the first time around! Holy shit.

    This man has such a voice. Such a stage presence. Such a talent for making you feel loved and genuinely appreciated. I dare ANYBODY to watch him singing BYLM that last night of the tour and then suggest that he does NOT love us, does NOT understand us, does NOT feel a bond with us...

    He is such a smart person. So wise. I sat here and enjoyed that DVD as though I'd NEVER seen the damned show before. As though it was my first time, yet I...knew, too. I felt I was his friend, yet I don't even know him.

    I will never, never apologize to ANYONE for being this man's fan. He is a blessing. He could rest today, knowing that he has already done more to change others' lives for the better than most people can lay claim to in their entire lifetimes.

    And he's hot.

    Muski... your post made me all schmoopie... thanks! Especially the bolded part!

    Pets! My house runs amok with domestic and wild fur babies. Right now we have a cat, a rabbit, two hamsters and a 3 legged rat named Simon after that beloved AI judge. We also have a dog when my oldest wants us to dog sit.

    We have had snakes (daughter #2 brought home a garden snake she found outside; being good parents we said she could keep it); one day when everyone was out, the snake decided to have babies, lots of babies...about 24 little ones in all...I was totally freaking out as they were coming out...we eventually let them all the go except for 2 and they were with us until they passed on. Not really a snake lover, but as long as they were in the tank, I was okay. My daughter thought nothing of draping them around her neck like a stole!

    Then there were the mice...one winter we caught a mouse in the house and after disposing of it, discovered it was a mama mouse...we found a nest of about 3 babies...well, the kids carried on and on about how we had murdered their mother until we finally pulled out an old fish tank (yeah we, had fish too!) and made a home for the babies. We kept them until spring time and then let them go in the field near our house. Very interesting to watch them nest and build their home, but they stunk to high heaven!

    I swear we might as well put a sign on the front door that says strays welcome...we have nursed injured birds; ducks, bunnies...our first cat was a stray and one time my daughter 2 (again) brought home a baby skunk that she swears was abandoned by its mother (I doubt it...think she just wanted a pet)...he was immediately returned to the wild and we had to get rid of the clothes she was wearing at the time.

    My husband decided to leave nuts out for the squirrels a couple of years ago since we had so many and now they just come right up to the front door in the morning looking for breakfast and he even has a couple of them eating out of his hand.

    Oh yeah, there was a guinea pig and three ferrets at one time too!


    :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:aikim... you got me beat! Wow!

    I expect Clay will be in NYC A LOT in the next 6-7 months. Recordng is nice!!! (nominating this statement for Understatement of the Year Award) :cryingwlaughter:

  5. Pretty doggies and kitties, you guys. I have no animals now, but in my many years as a mom and a gramma, I have lived with the following: dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, pet rats and mice, snakes, fish, birds, hamsters, iquana and chameleon. I don't think I forgot anything.

    Vegas is getting closer and closer. I am hoping to meet everyone of you who are representin' there! I lost the person who was riding to Vegas with me, so if anyone lives anywhere near North Orange County and would like to share a drive to Vegas, pm me.

    I think Clay is going to try just about everything there is to try in the entertainment industry. I think eventually he will be loved by the masses. I plan to take really good care of myself, cause I want to be around to watch it happen and I'm no spring chicken! (Oh... a degree of separation from Clay and his chicken...) :cryingwlaughter:

  6. couchie... :cryingwlaughter: Love your smilie storytelling ability! Good luck with your cover letter.

    Play... glad Holly is well enough to still want to get into trouble!

    Muski... :hubbahubba: your new avie. I loved that part and laughed when he said he'd probably get right to the end and then get thrown off... that was funny!

    Claygasm... he was so freaking gorgeous when he sang on the View... LOVED his hair that day! :Thud:

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone else who needs it!

    I'm babysitting today! I'll be back later tonight with hopefully enough energy to check in and drool some more!

    ETA: Gibby... :cryingwlaughter: You guys are good with the smilies!

  7. Play, the writer of the article called UNICEF and they contributed to the article. Paris is NOT involved with Unicef, but with her own charity. The writer was just comparing her to other celebrities with other charities. Bono was mentioned, too, and he is not with Unicef either. Unicef just picked Clay to speak in this interview. Good Choice!!! At least that was my understanding from my read of the article.

    :F_05BL17blowkiss: Glad your Holly is ok! What an experience for you and her! Good luck as the meds wear off!

  8. Can you visualize...

    Clay... "Excuse us, everyone (in southern british accent), we've got to move some scenary here, close your eyes for a bit... and keep them closed... and don't cheat!" :cryingwlaughter:

    Hope the stagehands don't strike, but if they do, I presume the show must go on. Wonder if they hire scabs or what.

    {{{{{playbiller and Holly}}}}} sending healing wishes and vibes your way!!!

  9. Welcome Karma and ausdon!!!

    Just post away and join the crowd. We like newbies here!

    There is a feature you will love (tongue in cheek)... it's called View New Posts and is the favorite thing of our fearless leader Couch Tomato... :cryingwlaughter:

    Sorry, couchie, I couldn't resist! I use it every day to get here just for you! (I actually do cause I have an old thread bookmarked and rather than make a new bookmark, I just hit View New Posts and come right to momma!) :cryingwlaughter:

    I wonder if they will let Clay sing those clear bell tones in the rabbit scene. He could do it and floor everyone with his purity of tone... swoon!

    Maybe we'll find out about the accent on the CITH tour, as he might practice his English accent on us if he is going that route. It would be a cute way to bring in a plug for the play.

    Gotta get to work... see ya' later!

  10. luckiest and goldarngirl... THANKS!!! Your montages are so enjoyed!!!

    Cha cha... I was in a bad auto accident 2 plus years ago. My neck and shoulders were the most injured. Chiropractic helped a lot, but massage REALLY helped. Her insurance should pay for all medical treatment, even massage, if it is perscibed by a personal injury doctor. Course, that's if you live in the U.S. Canada has a different system, I'm sure. Good luck and yes, pamper yourself for awhile. That was a real shock physically AND emotionally! {{{cha cha}}}

    Well, at least we know what Clay will be doing in the bus after each CITH show... learning lines and making his bus mates read lines with him... :cryingwlaughter:

  11. ldyj and others: Clay is meant to make memories for others. He'll be around a long time---I'm sure of it---to make plenty for you, too. Meanwhile, make some memories of your own with the people you love. Clay'll be waiting for you with or without tights on. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Muski... Beautiful thoughts! :clap: Thank you!

    We sent our two DDs to Europe for 6 weeks the year the younger one (17 months apart in age) gradruated from HS. They STILL talk about the trip. I can just imagine how excited she is. :bounce:

  12. Congratulations, Claygasm, on your great opening night seats! Should be a terrific night!

    ldyjocelyn, Bookwhore, let me just say that I admire the consideration you have for your husbands. As Cotton so wisely put it:

    As strange as it may sound, there are more important things in the world than Clay Aiken.

    Clay memories are great. However, ultimately, your husband is the one you go to bed with every night. I don't think Clay would want anyone to compromise their personal relationships for him. It can't be easy for the men in our lives to watch their wives devote so much time and money to a young celebrity. I don't think it's submissive or old-fashioned to give up one Clay experience if it means something extra for them.

    That said, I wish we could all win the lottery!

    Jenna... WORD!!! I hope to meet you sometimes. You are sooo wise and I love your posts, always!

    It is hard to think of missing the fun, but understanding husbands are to be cherished. I really believe we will get clack of this. Someone will manage to get at least a part of Clay's performance, I just bet. {{{{{hugs to those who cannot go}}}}

  13. Anyhoo....I, too, am feeling the pain of having spent most of yesterday in some altered state of bliss and fangirly goo. Work calls....demmit. But really, women....

    Could we have PICKED a more wonderful boyfriend? :wub::nanalove::loveletter::arrowed::flirtysmile3: :thsign27:

    (well, except for the lack of conjugal visits, of course)

    muski... were you in my head yesterday??? :cryingwlaughter:

    I couldn't sleep last night for the planning of this and that around getting my butt to NYC. When, who could I meet, can I pull any business into to it since our HQ is in MD, round and round and round! :cryingwlaughter:

    You know, I don't agree that radio will turn away cause of this. If anything, it will make him more of an accepted musical star/entertainer. If he has good uptempo songs on his next cd and they are supported properly, then I think he will have as much chance of getting radio play as he ever did and maybe more if he does well (and he will). JMHO!

    The fandom is in a fever and with all the stuff coming up... Fifth Grader/Vegas/CITH then Spamolot... Plus he should have appearances to plug his upcoming stuff, esp Broadway and a new cd, I'm thinking the mood will remain good for quite a while. Especially if his next cd comes out... say in June and he tours wtih it in August/Sept. Man, that would be perfect in my book!

    And, even if this doesn't happen... say he gets a movie offer next and the tour is put off till next spring, that's still a lot of wonderfulness and excitement. This is gonna be a good year and next, too!!! :clap:


    Now, do you think it would be too greedy of me to wish for a Meet and Greet so I can actually have him sign my screencap?

    I don't think that is too much to ask at all... ask away!!! I'll support you!

  14. luckiest, my oldest DGS is 16 and has been on Ritilin since he was diagnosed ADD at age 5. He decided when he went to HS that he didn't want to be treated special anymore. Ended up flunking a couple of courses and had to go to summer school. Same thing last year. He did really well in summer school actually cause the class was 3 hours each day and they couldn't work on anything but their classwork. He is very smart, just can't organize to save his soul and forgets homework assignments, etc. Good kid, tho, thank goodness.

    Unfortunately, his mom is also ADD and does next to nothing to help him. She does occasionally talk to a teacher.

    He has just started getting zits, so I think puberty is finally coming. He is 6ft and skinnier than Clay was on AI2. Weighs 125 on a good day. He eats like a horse, but only in the evenings when the Ritalin has worn off.

    I am helping to teach him how to drive... now that is a real challenge. He focuses straight ahead and doesn't remember to look to the sides and back. And, with our traffic here (SoCal - Orange County) that is scary. Plus, he plays guitar and sometimes gets lost in the music. He is now listening to classical in the car so he doesn't start composing guitar riffs while driving.

    I am so concerned with his future. What kind of career can he go into that will accomodate his problems with disorganization and forgetfulness. I know of two successful ADD people... the owner of JetBlue and the boss of a friend of mine. He does great, but she has to take care of reminding him all the time of what he has to do for his job all day long. Sigh!

  15. aikim... I love you!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: That was one of the most beautiful posts I have ever read and I got all misty myself thinking about Clay reading it.

    I have often cringed when thinking about him reading some of the stupids over there with their criticism and nastiness. I just about started crying thinking about him really reading good stuff for once! Thank you!!!!

    Are you not thrilled that he quoted your post? Let us know when you come down from cloud 9... :cryingwlaughter:

    AND, he let us know he's off the Paxil. :clap: That is soooo awesome! And, since he went to the UNICEF shingdig in that last month, that means his main reason for needing it is better... I am so thrilled that it helped him when he needed it.

    I don't know how I'm going to be able to ever get to sleep tonight... :cryingwlaughter:

  16. Wonder if the ticket office is in shock as the sales come rolling in!!??

    jmh... that's exactly why they cast him in the show... to up the sales. I imagine it will work... :cryingwlaughter:

    wandacleo.... your limericks are hysterical!!! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

    Sir Robin's costume has green in it... it was meant to happen! :cryingwlaughter:

    This is just sooo exciting!

    I sure hope he does grow his hair... he doesn't like wigs much, so there is a chance! :Thud:

  17. I would see him in Hell,

    I would go there with bells.

    I would see him in a casino,

    I would even imbibe the vino

    In vino veritas

    In Hell there would be heatus

    But I'd go

    I'd go

    Cause I'm a concert ho.

    Jazzgirl... GREAT!!! BWAH!!!

    Karen Eh... (I think, that'll teach me to copy instead of quote! )

    I would see him in the shower

    In a lovely Ivory Tower

    I would see him, raise him ten

    Oh, sweet Clay remember when...

    That I time I seen in you in Toledo

    Leather jacket and a Speedo?

    What's that you say?

    T'was no bikini?

    Someone is a great big meanie!

    BWAH!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    Clay joins Spamalot!

    Deets, girl, deets!!!

  18. Well, I'm looking at the bright side... they actually said what he said in RS that he was not gay. We haven't seen too much of that and I am very happy that was there. I also thought the comment about if he is still not gay by Christmas, he'll be there was an attempt at humor.

    OT, a bit... just watching Monday Night Football. Jimmy Kimmel is going to sub for Regis next week. I hope he puts his hand over her mouth!!! :cryingwlaughter:

    I wonder if there will be angst that Clay's friend would do this. :fca:

  19. Agreed about the resemblance to Marie Osmond! And as far as shipping Clay & Jamie - I think the two of them and a few close friends or relatives are the only ones who know the true nature of their relationship. And that's how it should be. Clay's entitled to a private life. I think it's equally possible that (1) she's a good friend and that (2) they are romantically involved. If they are romantically involved, what better cover for Clay to call her his cousin (even if it's not by blood, and it's an extremely remote cousin)? That way, no one hounds her, and they aren't in the tabloids. But, on the other hand, he likes having women friends, and it she could be just that - a good friend. Whatever way it is, I'm glad Clay has found someone to hang around with!

    Gibby... you said what I was going to say... especially the bolded (mine) part. :14:

    Permaswooned... WELCOME to posting!!! You give good :5: I have enjoyed so many of your pictures over the years... Thanks!!!

    Now that I have found FCA, I have almost given up the other boards I belong to. This one is soooo satisfying on so many levels. :thsign27:

  20. Oh I believe the pooch is pretty stable now in pictures and videos. Not as big as it seemed in that one photo...but its there. I think Clay's metabolism slowed down for some reason and now his old eating habits is creating this weight gain. I don't think he is anywhere near Ruben proportions but the weight gain is pretty obvious. He still looks hot though. There is something about his forearms that I find really sexy...

    Ansa... there is something about almost all of Clay that I find really sexy... :Thud:

    My take on the weight gain is that it is a combination of the meds and the fact that he hired a cook and is actually eating more than one meal a day... remember Leno when he told us about this. When he's on tour he always loses weight. He lost weight in Afganistan. But, when he doing 3 squares.... cute pooch! He looked GREAT in Sterling Heights in those low rider jeans and tucked in blue shirt... :hubbahubba: Also, the clothes/angle/posture affects the look, too. Gorgeous man!!!

    Ohhh, love smiley giving big Clay hug!!! :thbighug-1: :cryingwlaughter:

  21. I like Finding Clay Aiken

    CITH 2007

    That tells who we are and where we are... course if anyone??? can figure out something short and smutty (sorry, not sure those words go together, but what the hey), that would be cool! :cryingwlaughter:

    If you look at the video... and I did at least 20 times already, you don't see any pooch to speak of. But in the closeups, he seems to be slouching a bit and pooch appears. Is thrifty Clay going to cut back the pooch to be able to fit into a buttoned suit for the taping in Vegas or have to buy a new, bigger suit... inquiring minds want to know. :cryingwlaughter: Since I'm going to be there... eeeeeeeee... I'll know in 3 weeks! Whoo hoo!!!!

    Love Clay Aiken!!!

    Good luck with Shadow, Muski!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

  22. Why does all that make me go awwwww.... I feel all schmoopie for some reason that Clay was able to go see Ruben perform and not get mobbed and no Jerome (that we know of yet) and it just feels so right! Thank you Raleigh. The N&O may not be too nice to him but the town seems to be. Smart man to move back there.

    Four years ago I went out at my lunchtime and bought four copies of MOAM. Listened all the way back to work. Next week I bought two more copies, then one more the week after that... = 7 copies per required... :cryingwlaughter: I've bought more since and created umpteen cds of Clay concert music and banter. I cannot wait till the next time I get to buy multiple copies of his newest cd!!!

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