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Posts posted by liney23

  1. ldyjocelyn' date='Sep 5 2007, 05:46 AM' post='39809']

    You know, I can handle if they say "I don't like the way he sings." That's fine with me -- there are many artists out there that I don't like the way they sing either. But when it's combined with the tabloid crap, that's when I just start to get confused -- what do the two have to do with each other? I don't understand that.

    I think they use the gay line to justify their not liking him... like it does - NOT. Like maybe not liking his voice isn't enough.

    I live for getting together with Clayfriends, as there is no one else in my world I can really talk to about Clay. My oldest DD and my DIL, I cannot even say his name or they go off on how can I be so stupid to believe he's not gay... grrrr! My work people are into rock and heavy metal, sooo...

    I cannot wait for Vegas... pre-party here I come. Hope to meet a bunch of you there!!!

  2. Smart, articulate people on this board... Love it! :clap:

    One of the things I have admired most about Clay is that when he looks at people, he sees their hearts, not their looks. He accepts others and himself and has been a role model for me to do the same and I love him madly for that alone.

    WARNING: Short rant coming...

    You have to understand, I don't normally cuss, so when I do, it has really pushed my buttons...

    I get so f'ing angry that here it is, the 21st Century, and it matters to ANYONE outside of a third world country what someone's sexual orientation, skin color, religion, gender, or anything else is. ARRRGGGG!!!!

    I know it is much better than it was when I was growing up, so progress has been made, but still! Geesh!!! (end of rant... told you it was short)

    Now to very important stuff...

    THUDING 101

    1) Post a warning so that everyone can properly arrange thud mats around computer chairs or surface where laptops are located...

    2) Make sure smelling salts are close at hand...

    3) Find a GAH-worthy photo and post...


    4) :Thud::Thud::Thud:

    I am such an idiot... RL kept me from the boards this weekend mostly, so I just stayed up till past midnight catching up and my alarm goes off at 6am. Sometimes I worry about me... :cryingwlaughter:

  3. Think I prefer the fuckem and foregetem post! Now that was intelligent discourse! :cryingwlaughter:

    So, where can we go find this wonderous post? I wanna... :cryingwlaughter:

    Thanks ldyjocelyn for the youtube. For some reason, I had never seen that in its entirety. He did very well in covering up not being able to do the last note. Sings fast on his feet! :clap:

    Happy Labor Day, all... I hope everyone is cooler than I am!!! Heat waves suck! :scream:

  4. eta... does anyone know what to do with a bucketload of concord grapes? I don't want them to go to waste and I can't bear to leave them out there for the birds.

    YSRN, I have a recipe for grape pie if you are interested. PM me and I will send it to you.

    I have loved the discussions today! I am feeling so optimistic about Clay's future and am really happy that there are others that feel the same way... thanks! The Big Men/Women On Campus that respect him are my clue that regardless of whether he ever gets on the Top 40 charts, he will be in Entertainment. That's all I want, is for him to gloriously continue to entertain me and fullfillingly do his humanitarian pursuits while just flat out being scrumpiously happy with his personal life, too.

    Scarlett... Whew! Thanks for my new Clelvis desktop... HAWT!!!

  5. Interesting thoughts, playbiller! It does seem that the "entertainment" side of the industry--that is, the magazines, the entertainment shows, the commentary shows, and so forth, are more positive towards women. Maybe because it's still a male-dominated industry??

    I read somewhere and believe, unfortunately, that the majority of men are afraid to let it be known that, in the male category, they like anything other than "macho" rock singers. For the obvious, unfortunately, reason.

    That's why I think Clay's humor is going to serve him very well. It makes it ok for men to like him. Stupid, but...

  6. Hey, everyone... I just discovered this thread and I am sooo here! I regained 40lbs after a car accident and I need to get back into my size 10s.

    Couchie... put video/cd of Clay singing fast songs and dance for 20 minutes a day or so. You don't need much room to move around for that and you can work up from barely moving your feet to really flinging yourself around. When I can't get outside that's what I like to do.

    Great technique when you eat your emotions... write them down instead, then tear up/burn/flush them when you are done. Roll up a towel and beat the end of the couch. I've done both and more and I have gotten past that problem, after many years of work, but self-indulgence is my problem and it's time to stop!

    Oh... another technique... deep breathing. We shallow breathe most of the time and never get enough oxygen... oxygen burns fat. So, 20 minutes a day of breathing in as deeply as you can and then breathing out as deeply as you can not only helps burn fat, but honestly makes you feel better cause your poor body gets the oxygen it is always craving. Toots, add this to your regimen and see if your tiredness gets a little less!

    I lost 50lbs 3 years ago, now I just have to do it again... dang car accident. 17 yr old girl lost control of her car and sideswiped me and I spun into the guard rail... both of us at 70mph. Was like the teacup ride at Disneyland. I'm ok now... finally... and it's time to re-lose the weight.

  7. Newbie question... how do you change font color? Thanks!

    The color chart is in kind of a weird place - on top of the banner, but it's there, and it works. Here's how to find it while in the reply box: Click on the A (between the 'strikeout' and 'web link' icons). Highlight the text you want in color. Scroll up to the top of the screen, and you'll see a color chart. Click on the desired color.

    Voila! Text in color!!

    Thanks, Gibby!!!

    liney I just did it for you. The "thread title suggestion" thread is also under the "Let's Talk about Clay" section. If you need a better map for a location, PM me or another admin or mod.

    Thanks to you, too, ldyjocelyn.

    As a thank you present... one of my faves...

    HAWT and HUNG!!!


  8. AAIT *g*

    One of my bestest memories of that very special time. **sa-woon**

    Aww :F_05BL17blowkiss: Back atcha!!! Meeting you and xxx and toni along with legions of others. It was the best!!! My first "road trip" and hopefully the first of many to come. It's also the weekend I met the luscious and lovely gareem and lovethatguy and had so much fun that we're hooking up to do Chicago this Christmas together! I love this fandom. And I love that sweet "hunk of Southern Comfort" who has brought us all together! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Best, most fangirly thing I've ever done in my life and something I'll never forget!!!


    Love that sweet "Hunk of Southern Comfort" who brought us all together!

    How do I nominate this wonderfulness for a thread title?

  9. Claygasm' post='39138' date='Sep 1 2007, 12:22 PM']

    By just being a normal guy, he can set a good example that is attainable to most people. He is a good role model IMO not because he is a goody-two-shoes, but because he's not and is still a good guy - compassionate, caring and intent on leaving the world a better place than he found it.

    And he can do all that and still have a drink every now and then :bier: , swear once in awhile, tell a dirty joke every now and then, be bawdy, lose his temper, take a peek at the Playboy channel and have hot sex with some lucky bitch!

    CG... loved your whole post, but this part the mostest. So many really smart, interesting posts this morning. I could have WORD'd the whole 6 pages of this thread.

    And, this, after a "few" pages of the best smut I've ever seen outside of Muski's writing... I LOVE FCA!!!

    Newbie question... how do you change font color? Thanks!

  10. I, too, feel that underlying ambition in Clay. I also think that he has scoped the scene and knows not to put all his eggs in the fame basket. 5230 was formed not only to use for getting himself and expenses paid... I believe he knows that for longevity, he needs to be involved in all aspects of his career and entertainment, not just singing on the stage. I believe that Executive Producer title will be used a lot in his career. It's that control issue he has... :lol:

    I was VERY interested in the Mark Burnett and other guy greeting Clay after Fifth Grader was wrapped. I think others (except Clive, who doesn't see beyond the end of his "it's always worked for me" nose) see the intelligence in Clay and respect who he is beyond a great singer. He's going to be around a LONG time, I think and is going to accomplish great things. So sayeth the sage... :cryingwlaughter:

    And... those bare toes/feet... :Thud:

    eta... my very first first page eveh!!! Someone pick me up off the floor! (faints dead away)

  11. Gibby... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    One of my favorite looks for Clay... AMA Clay makes me sa.woon. BIG TIME!!!


    Hey Play! You got a problem with football? heee Yeehaw...one week to go before the real season begins

    OMG, another football fan! :clap: I love football and wait each year for Sept football season! No favorite team, just favorite players!

    I have been reading Muski's Clrya and cannot tell you how much I am enjoying it, not just for the writing, which is awesome, but for the visuals (in my head visuals)... Woman... GAH!!!

    Off to turn off my smoke alarm... :cryingwlaughter:

  12. YSRN

    Then, then... I was helping someone with something and I somehow got reminded of the bestest old video ever... ldyjocelyn knows. Woo! LoverEyes knows. *sigh* *watches*


    LOVED ISY with the heat of a thousand suns after he "got" that the angsty looks raised the screaming thru the roof. LOVED it!!! Thanks!!!

    THANK YOU for the link to Muski's story... now I just have to find the time to read it in an atmosphere where I can moan to my hearts content... ie, not work! :cryingwlaughter:

  13. Just wanted to say, "Hey."

    Luckiest, I am enjoying your catching up a lot! The pages go by so fast that it is fun to catch up with you.

    Muski... I never noticed the "not a sock" in the AMA pic, either. Too busy looking at the overall luciousness and that smile on his face. Man he was gorgeous that night! :Thud: Anyway, thanks for bringing that to my attention! I'm still getting my smut radar tuned up after being on a smut-almost free board for so long. :cryingwlaughter:

  14. Thank you, Couchie!!! :RedGuy:

    I loved your recap and can't wait for the show. Glad he did so well. And, no hand over anyone's mouth... :cryingwlaughter: Sounds awesome.

    Shmoopie, myself! So proud of that man and of us, his fans, for being smart enough to SEE him and to SEE each other! Schmoopie!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    ETA: Hope the show pays the taxes so Clay can get his 30 camps!!! Maybe cause it's charity, they don't have to pay any!!! Hope, hope hope!!! Any tax attorneys in the house?

  15. Keeping Faith... thank you!!! :Thud:

    I come home from a VERY long day and those pictures you just posted put me in a wonderful state to go to bed and dah.ream. :Thud:

    QUOTE(muskifest @ Aug 27 2007, 10:34 AM)

    All I know is that Clay's instrument is full and can reach both high and low and is especially soul-piercing the deeper it goes. Also, when allowed to extend to its fullest, the overall effect on those on the receiving end is quite....pleasant.

    Muski... you are indeed the master aka. mistress (don't you wish... :Thud: ) of smut! I bow to you!!!

  16. Do we know the story that went with the newspaper picture of Clay and Jamie? I remember the picture but not why it was in the paper.

    The M&Gers kept saying it over and over in their recaps. Clay makes great eye contact and makes you feel that you have his whole attention when you/he are talking. That is such a gift. I don't know how any female on the receiving end of that for any length of time could not fall in love with him, at least in crush with him.

    Course I am speaking for myself! :Thud: And, I've only met the man for 10 seconds and he was looking at my CD for 8 of those 10 seconds... :cryingwlaughter:

    Kandre, I accept my mission with Baby Got Back... actually that one is pretty easy, I think. There are only a couple of shows that he actually sang the whole bit... LOL Lots of banter in the middle toward the end. But, I'll listen to them all, it is such a sacrifice, to make sure. Thanks for letting me help!

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