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Posts posted by liney23

  1. laughn... :bday:

    Good luck to those going to the fair for both traffic and seeing Clay!

    I grew up in IL and was an idiot in HS. I would go to the HS football games in hose and flats and no hats and just about die from the cold, but I didn't want not to look kewl, so I just looked cold. I'm lucky I didn't lose some toes... :cryingwlaughter: How did we ever survive to adulthood???

    Couchie... love the new emoticons! Thanks!

  2. It's not that I imagine Clay becoming this kind of performer or songwriter, but I believe he can easily find a way to sustain a career doing the things he enjoys doing.

    And to the music snobs out there we're always hearing from who love to diss Clay for not writing his songs--these folks and thousands like them are the real singer (or fiddler)-songwriters, not the pop superstars who pretend they write. I can't respect the opinion of those critics who are so stupid that they honestly believe Avril or Ashlee really write anything, and I can't respect the opinions of people who are able to be swayed by media hype. And this is one of the reasons I respect Clay, for refusing to pretend to be anything other than who he is, even when he might be able to become a huge superstar if only he'd allow them to "shape" his image the way I'm sure they want to.

    jmh... I soooo agree with you! :clap:

    I feel that Clay has chosen the attitude that people are either going to like him or not as he is and he's just going to be himself. How other people react to him is not his problem, but theirs. That is a wonderful attitude, IMO and makes him very genuine, which I believe people sense about him and brings a lot of that respect that is slowly but surely on the rise.

  3. Today, one of my closest friends got her post-surgery pathology report from the lumpectomy she had had done three weeks ago to remove what the specialist called a tiny scrap of cancer in her right breast. The news was not good. In the next several weeks she will be undergoing a radical mastectomy along with removal of most of the lymph nodes on the right side. Since there is strong indication of metastisis to the liver as well, aggressive chemo will start almost immediatly after the surgery. She is fifty and one of those very alive people who live every moment.

    For me, crisis strips life down to its bare essentials pretty quickly. Love. Laughter. Faith. Family. Friends. And sometimes, no often, music to keep the darkness at bay.

    I hope you don't mind me sharing.....

    {{{{{zena and friend... and clazorback and hubby}}}}

    One of my best friends has been fighting colon cancer for several years. It is much less, but still there. We're hoping the new drug/chemo will triumph this time. It really gets to you sometimes. What I've learned from his fight, is that it's best not to take anything for granted, esp. your health and your friends.

    Cancer cells are fighting for survival and they are VERY good at it. The trick is to fight harder than them and to win. Sounds like your friend has a head start since she is a very live in the moment person already.


    As for Clay being cheap... don't see evidence of that. He's just not a spendthrift. Gotta remember that all expenses come out of his pocket on tour, so why wouldn't he save on sets, etc. He's smart not to be thrifty with his people, tho. The man is just plain smart!!!

    With Tyra, he probably would have paid for dinner if they had gone out to dinner, but lunch may have been all they could manage between their schedules, sooooo. She likes him, that's for sure. Sigh!!!

    playbiller, I think you are right. He will probably stand in the audience like with Kim. He is realistic and if ticket sales are bad for Ruben and his being in the audience will bring more people, then that's what he'll do. Ruben is used to Clay getting the lion's share of attention when they are together... LOL

  4. cindilu... I agree. This must be the actual show from the gal who went to the taping and told everyone about their lunch. Dang.... only two lunches... that we know about!

    You're right, ladies. The Pittsburgh paper quoted ET and then the cast member blogger are the two sources. I'm fine with whatever Clay wants to do either way. I guess we'll see next week (or so) whether his fun news is Spamalot or something else.

  5. I read that a cast memeber had confirmed that Clay had auditioned. I read around, but I THINK it was CB somewhere. It's fun to play with the idea, tho... especially the lunches with Trya part... :cryingwlaughter:

    I'm fine with it either way! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

    Congrats, Muski... does that mean you get an actual weekend? Awesome! Or, does Alex have sports/something that will require chauffer services and fan participation?

  6. His second post... he is a posting fool! :laugh2:

    I loved Corabeth's reply... "That is neither a yes nor a no." Wanna job in PR?" (Paraphrased) :cryingwlaughter:

    Well, he did audition for it, so he must have been interested. Whether he had second thoughts or the producers didn't think he would fit in with that accent of his... I guess we'll find out "next week"... :cryingwlaughter:

    The hours would be similar to touring, so he is used to it and I'm sure he could fit in meetings and recording sessions and lunches with Tyra just fine. He just might not be on Kimmel too often is all... LOL

    I hope his Ruben plug helps. I hope the two of them have fun being together... maybe a pool game without Kelly to sweep the table... :cryingwlaughter:

  7. nactbrownsuit.jpg

    Ah, the elusive brown suit of fuzzy goodness... :wub: I loved that thing, and he only wore it for one concert. I just want to hug it and pet it and call it George.

    Bottlecap... me, too!!!! I LOVED that suit (and the guy in it). :cryingwlaughter: I have excellent taste, as I've mentioned before <g>. I also just adored the Miami IT clingy shirt and he never wore that again either. :cry4:

    I'm sure Clay feels comfortable with Jamie doing his hair, but she is just someone who can cut hair and is not one who can see what style is needed to compliment the shape of head, etc. She and Clay probably both look at him and just see "Clayton" so just don't get that some of his hairstyles don't compliment him a-tal! He's still gorgeous, but he could be gorgeouser! :cryingwlaughter:

  8. Warner Bros and Ticketmaster... do they know what they are doing??? :scream:

    I have complete faith in Clay's ability to ride the waves... oh, maybe that's not a good analogy, since he is afraid of water... :cryingwlaughter:

    He has proven he is a very smart man and used some of those smarts to get himself a top notch lawyer, so...

    I'm just going to enjoy the man and cross my fingers till the dust settles. :hubbahubba:

  9. Muski... I loved your dream. Yah... I want that for him, too. Someone he is sooo comfortable with and is soooo comfortable with him and all parts of his life that they can just casually walk hand-in-hand with the group and not care who sees them, especially ok with a loving kiss. Sigh!

    And, I loved the name!

    BWAH! about your new boss! Sage clears negative energy from a space, by the way. <g>

    KAndre... interesting article. I think many things are on the verge of changing. Hopefully, the way cds are created and shared with the public is one of them. She's right in that the cd is a way to get people to go to concerts and buy other stuff, so why not make them cheaper to create and share and buy? From the label's pov, it's bad, cause that's a lot of people looking for new jobs and losing some of their "control/power". But for the artists and the consumer it would be totally awesome! We'll see!

  10. Gad, that's a long flight! The shortest is 6 1/2 hours! And we have 45 min to an hour (traffic +_) to Wilmington airport. Ack! I don't do well in airplane seats. Too short. Feet don't touch the floor. Leg cramps.

    I know - too much whine!


    Cotton, see if you can dig up a piece of computer packing... that lightweight spongy stuff that is actually pretty stiff but weighs nothing. Cut it to size, then carry it on to make a footrest... or find an inflatable plastic footrest. Maybe in the toy section. Or, what I do... I have a folding bag inside my purse and a BIG coat or sweatshirt. I stuff that in my extra bag and bingo... foot rest. Brought to you by Suggestions are Us! :cryingwlaughter: Good luck!

    I am having a ball making the Table of Contents for the summer tour. I am up to Sterling Heights. I think this will happen sooner than I thought, cause I am enjoying it so much.

    :kra: <== this is sooo cute! I swear everytime I go looking for an emoticon, I find ones I am sure weren't there the last time I looked. Are you guys messing with my mind??? Be careful... I don't have much left to mess with! :cryingwlaughter:

  11. KarenEh! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :bighug: I want to barter in Baku, too!

    You know, Clay looked sorta 'used'---in a good way----in Houston, didn't he? Sorta rough and scruffy and hot and tousled? :hubbahubba:

    I've hit a block here at work. Overload. Too much to do--too many tasks and details to manage for the upcoming conference, yet still MAJOR, higher level things to put in motion for 2008 conferences---(already WAY behind there) and feeling VERY much like ONE SINGLE HUMAN BEING! :cry4:

    I need....

    I need....

    yeah, that. :lipstick:


    Take a 10-min laughter break with Clay and give a big sigh and keep plugging. How do you love Clay Aiken.... one lick at a time! :cryingwlaughter:

  12. FromClaygary... LOVE your pictures!!!

    My favorite...


    Living in OC, you miss the colors of fall sometimes, tho we have a few trees that do turn. Thanks for the purdy!

    I hope he does do Spamalot and I would go see him if it wasn't on the other side of the country! With Sean in the show, he'd have a pal and since he loves NY, I can see him really enjoying it. I think he wants to experience everything he can while he can.

    LURVE him!

  13. I might comment to her that I love a certain poster on a board, that I agree with everything they say and it'll turn out that she scrolls past that person becoss she disagrees vehemently with their views.


    All RIGHT! Which one of you doesn't like smut. :glare:

    I KNOW you're talking about ME! I just KNOW it! I know that people get sick of all my smut. I just KNOW it! :onsoapbox:

    And you know what I say to that? DO YOU?


    Yeah! That's what I say to that. :grrrr:

    huh? :thsigns053:

    You WEREN'T talking about me? :blush:



    Never mind. :bolt:

    Muski's been playing in the emoticons... :cryingwlaughter:

    BWAH... loved your earlier emoticon post, too, muski!

    I have no clue whether I'm a lyric person or a melody person or a .... fill in the blank person. I think I go back and forth. Often something about a song will hook me... like the attack of the violins in WISYS and I will listen to the whole song waiting for that part. I am so-so about ATD, but will listen to the whole song to hear the bridge and last verse. Songs I love EVERYTHING about are Clay's Broken Wings and in second place is Everything I do in that Celtic style. Oh, and I Know How The River Feels... GAH!

  14. Yep, now those are some memorable words there. Especially when I'm riding on the bus at 7:15am on the way to work and some kid wearing pants with the waistband around the tops of his knees sits next to me with his iPod blaring. Earphones? You betcha! But I also betcha the person at the other end of the bus can still bask in the glory of hearing about "jocking on yo bitch ass" just as clearly as I can. And a "Good Morning!" to us all!


    Bolding mine... muski... I :lmaosmiley-1: when I read this part. I have a 16 yr old grandson... luckily he's not into rap, but I sometimes marvel how he manages to keep his pants up when they are just sitting on his hips... barely... and seems like it would just take a slight breeze to have them around his ankles. I don't laugh at him to his face, but to myself I just shake my head.

    Cindilu... that banner is AMAZING! Thanks for the beauty! This one HAS to stay up more than a week, please! It's just sooo gorgeous!!!! Or, is there a banner thread where it will be stored for gazing and appreciation after the fact?

    Jaycee... I wrote a welcoming post last night and made some amazingly witty remarks to something someone had said <grin>, but the board locked up on me and I lost it and couldn't get back on for some reason. So.... WELCOME! Please post your little heart out... it helps you feel at home!

    Lyrics... as long as they are not nasty, I don't really care too much as long as they are simple enough for me to learn and sing along with at the top of my lungs. Did ya' all know that I can hold a note just as long as Clay? :cryingwlaughter: Course, I take a big breath before starting and then have to pant a few seconds afterwards, but so what??? :cryingwlaughter:

    Fifth Grader... no one knew what the fourth celebrity did, so we don't know yet if Clay won the most. He beat Regis by one question and we won't even talk about Kellie... so, we'll have to wait and see. I hope the 4th celebrity guy did well!

  15. I like your idea, liney. Don't forget the "Now I'm a MAN!" episode - my favorite! :cryingwlaughter: Although I have no idea which concert it's from. It's ridiculous that I have so much clack on my computer that I need a table of contents.

    Bolding mine. BW... Exactly my point. Thanks, luckiest, for the pointer to some Clay rundowns on the concerts. I am making it my goal to make that concert Table of Contents (TOC). I'll do a few at a time till it's done. I started a thread in the DCAT forum. Then when Bookwhore/anyone wants to find which concert he did the "Now, I'm a MAN!" bit in, they will know right where to look. Maybe once I'm done, someone can sticky it. This is going to be fun!

    Amazed in NJ...


  16. DCAT 2007

    Table of Contents

    Frisco, July 4, 2007

    • Barefoot Clay
    • Angela and Clay did cool dance moves during Classics
    • Parodied Keith from AI2 Auditions doing Like a Virgin
    • Ended the show with God Bless The USA
    Houston, July 6, 2007
    • Ceiling lowers - will smush them if they don't behave
    • Imitates Scarlett taking clack
    • Who bought A&Q's skirts - "My Sugar Daddy"
    • Who recognized Matlock - 4 yr old. Andy Griffith required watching in NC
    • Pee quick
    • Drawing of Clay
    • His Tacky Women w/ boas
    • Top 40 music moves him... at least his bowels were
    • Danced 1999 on his knees
    • Riveting "Yeah" GAH!
    Tulsa, July 7, 2997

    On airplane to Tulsa, woman attacked him while he was sleeping cause his toes were on her armrest. FBI called in.

    • Got beat up by a... Q finishes... mad, angry... yeah
    • Haunted bathroom, Q anointed with olive oil
    • Cussed in M&G
    • Pagay from balcony wanted to meet Clay... "consider us met"
    • Water bottle lady
    • Likes Tulsa, may stay awhile. May be in Federal Court!
    • Asks, are you married? Sure am. Where is he? Don't know. Married 35 years. Secret to a happy marriage - don't know, don't care.
    • Burped at beginning of These Open Arms
    • Told story of Baptist Church preacher's teeth popped out. He popped them back in without missing a beat.
    • Armpits more flooded than your state so won't take coat off.
  17. I just had a brilliant idea... you'd better all run for the hills! :cryingwlaughter:

    Could we have a list somewhere of the main banter funnies/highlights/favorite part from each show? Or we could start it here in Main and just add to it. I never remember where he bantered what!


    WPB... he bantered with the man falling asleep.

    Pala... Flat Clay serenade

    Greek... "Surprise" to Angie's family when sitting next to her and "Don't kill me, dad" during BGB

    Indio... "Us white boys don't" when referring to the Indians liking the heat

    Ashville... bug in Angela's blouse/bat imitation

    Orlando... "Heartache" and "Pain" while pointing to A&Q during the duet


    I think we attempted something like for the last Christmas tour...but we didn;t get to finish it...If you want to start somethign like this for dcat you can start a thread a the Summer 2007 tour section of the Clay live Forum.

    Isn't this also what scruffy13's Best of Banter montages are? I have them all downloaded, but haven't had a chance to watch them yet.

    OK, I will do that, Ansa.

    Cindilu... Don't want to have videos, just a list of what funny bits are in which concert. Scruffy's series is fantastic, but I'm looking for the highlight in each show... like if I'm looking for the Bats/Bugs banter and don't remember that it was at Ashville, I'm not going to want to look thru every Scruffy series to find it. I'm thinking it would be like a Table of Contents, sorta.

  18. I just had a brilliant idea... you'd better all run for the hills! :cryingwlaughter:

    Could we have a list somewhere of the main banter funnies/highlights/favorite part from each show? Or we could start it here in Main and just add to it. I never remember where he bantered what!


    WPB... he bantered with the man falling asleep.

    Pala... Flat Clay serenade

    Greek... "Surprise" to Angie's family when sitting next to her and "Don't kill me, dad" during BGB

    Indio... "Us white boys don't" when referring to the Indians liking the heat

    Ashville... bug in Angela's blouse/bat imitation

    Orlando... "Heartache" and "Pain" while pointing to A&Q during the duet


  19. {{{{{{Divayenta}}}}}}

    Ask and you shall get... hugs that is!


    Muski, you got more hugs cause trying to raise a child is deserving of extra hugs any day in my book!

    I watched that group sing and didn't particularly think Clay was focusing below the neck, but I sure have seen plenty of other times that he has. He was always laying his head on someone's chest and they weren't male chests... :cryingwlaughter:

    Clay has said he doesn't make the tour schedule. I would love to know just how and when he does have input. All I know for sure is I wouldn't want to be anyone at that church or in that audience if any of his touring family is insulted in any way while they are there. No siree bob!

  20. I loved BFM for the energy of the song... it was just fun to sing along to!

    I hated ATD when I first heard it... I thought the lyrics were stupid and the first verse was wwwaaayyyy too slow. I would have liked it more if the tempo had started at what the tempo was for the second verse. I LOVED it from the bridge onward, espcially after they added the Andy reverb!

    If you listen to either of those songs and then listen to Invisible, to me you can hear the difference in quality immediately. Invisible is a great fast song for Clay's voice, especially after he started playing around wtih it a bit. I want more of that caliber. And, Clay has said he never gets tired of singing it, so that's what I want for him.

    There are many people who think that the way to show someone you love them is to worry about them. I think that is a part of the love for angst in the fandom.

    I also agree with whoever said that people have expectations of what Clay's being successful should look like and just can't get it in their minds that he's choosing his own path, his own version of what being successful looks like. I am having a ball watching him!

    To me, Clay has brought a tremendous amount of love into the world and that is being a HUGE success! I know the fandom can be a pain in the arse sometimes, but also think about the amount of love and caring it has exhibited at times. The true friendships and the way fans help fans and the massive support for his foundation and UNICEF. I love the way I have changed due to his example! I truly love the man!

    I guess I'm feeling philosophical this Sunday afternoon! LOL

    The man loves to play with us, sooo... here are some pics of him doing just that!





    GAH... he is sooo gorgeous! :Thud:

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