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Everything posted by ialreadyam

  1. Damn betcha! :dan1: play I never heard either side of this story. Care to fill me in? I loved Boobgate and LMAO even still whenever I see the picture. On the board I was on at the time (I think it was RHT) I made it my avi, with the caption "Is it real, or is it mammorex?". HoCrap! Talk about cause a stink. Well, it took me so long to get this typed I'm sure y'all have added three more pages by now and are on a whole nuther topic. <snip> Oh yeah! That was some crazy time. The thread proving it was a photoshop went on for freakin ever... :whatutterclaptrap: Absolutely :F_05BL17blowkiss: Perma
  2. Isn't he just the funniest? His use of CAPITALIZATION, ?!?!?, and such just makes me swoon. I KID YOU NOT!
  3. Lordy, I just heard on the news one million evacuees in the California fires. That is just unbelievable. Many prayers for all dealing with this. Couchie congrats on the new job. Is it full time or a part-time position? I'd love to hear more about it. Muski don't feel bad. All kids come in with their own life lessons to learn. Some just have a harder curriculum. I've raised 3 and we have many a laugh looking back. It will get better :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. JennaZ I so agree. I have friends who worry so much about the CD and the radio, the radio, the radio. I have always believed he is so much more than a recording artist. I truly expect him to not only be the entertainer's entertainer, but wouldn't be surprised at all if he ended up being "the" producer in many different fields of the entertainment world. He has the ability to do both sides of the business. aikim I don't think Cloud9 is high enough. Congratulations, you deserve it. :14:
  5. Belated Birthday Wishes to laughn :00003653: What is the significance of "red guy" Surely someone can relate the back-story. Please?
  6. As usual, I am the odd woman out. Lyrics are the least important part of music to me. Music that touches my soul, that is the be all end all for me. How does it make me feel? Does it make me feel? This You Tube Pavorotti/James Brown offering gets me on all levels. Clay's voice does the same, no matter what he sings.
  7. :bday2: liney23 Sorry this is so late :F_05BL17blowkiss: It was a Clayapalooza day with candid photos, promo, and AYSTAFG.
  8. wandacleo You are such a wise woman. keepingfaith you must send your "JTTW" story. It sounds like a winner to me. - and- Have a wonderful day :bday2:
  9. KAndre Yes, the history of the boards creates angst for some when a criticism is posted. While there are no easy answers to moderating people’s personal likes and dislikes, I want to give my thanks to the Admins for at least acknowledging the concerns and not ignoring it.
  10. :fest30: I've had a great birthday :fest30: Thanks for all the best wishes. I do appreciate it.
  11. cindilu that is so cool. The morphs you posted were fabulous! There was a morphing gif of Clay/Elvis posted ages ago. Does anyone have it? I can't find it.
  12. I really love this. jazzgirl great limerick!
  13. I know this is too long, but it CMSU! Maybe someone smart could shorten it. canuck said "He went to that fucking reunion, and was the alpha man in the room, his classmates were tharilllled beyond words that he was there, and everyone lived happily ever after."
  14. I think she had the bambino today. It sounded as if Drew didn't get a achance to rehearse. They only had the lady celebs dance tonight. Most were pretty good, one glaring exception though.
  15. I just watched this season's premiere. 'Twas good. Don't read this if you haven't seen epi 1 yet.
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