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Everything posted by wandacleo

  1. In one of the video clips of Mylene, it looked as though the dancers were wearing loincloths. Praying for clearer uh....Rack.
  2. LdyJ I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's a very had thing to lose a parent. My heart is with you.
  3. Ldyj I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm sending positive thoughts. You and Couchie are having a bad week.
  4. I guess I have to give up all pretense of work and just wait at OFC for Clay. Love the Santa answer.
  5. I love Idol--even when I hate it. (Although I'm seriously getting annoyed at how little singing we get and how many ads--thank God for DVR.) I love that Idol gave us Clay and so many other talented people (like Adam). There are so many really talented people out there who NEVER get a real chance at success, otherwise--even people who are mad talented. I can forgive most any sins for that. I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance!!! Can't wait for that! (Bring on the crunk!) I love Clay. Love his answers--and REALLY love that he's reporting people! Good for him! I really hate those long wandering "look at me" posts with a rhetorical question buried somewhere in the middle. Who do they think they're kidding?? I'm off to derust and repaint my toolshed. Shit.
  6. Little bit of information: A positive is the most common blood type in the US--34% of the population. ETA: I lied. I AM a vampire.
  7. Ah, Clay is A positive. Here is a blurb about personality traits (supposedly) related to type A blood
  8. Thanks for posting the link, Annie. Couchie, I LOVE Florence!!
  9. Have i mentioned that the people who want to direct Clay's life make me want to heave???
  10. The world is full of sick cowardly people who hide behind the anonymity of the web. Their turn will come. I'm so excited to hear that Clay is in negotiations about ANYTHING. I don't care what it is. The economy is so bad now, that I trust he will make the best decision for himself and the times.
  11. My general rule is I never go to see any movie that involves a horse. That pretty much eliminates period pieces and westerns (although I DID like Pride and Prejudice--the long version with Firth). I love science fiction (Star Wars). Hate fantasy (Ring Trilogy, Harry Potter). Love Clay Aiken (and I'd even go see him in Cats--TRUE devotion).
  12. I don't think there's any real moral value in preferences--that is, cowboy songs are probably as enjoyable and worthy as opera and hokey movies are probably as enjoyable and worthy as arthouse movies. Tastes are so subjective and based on each person's personal experience and exposure. I generally hate unhappy endings and hate slapstick. There's probably some deep hidden meaning there, but I just tend to go with what I like. Other than fringe stuff--porn, snuff-films, etc.--I can pretty much accept that most of the world likes what I don't (and vice versa). I draw the line at people not liking Clay. Batshit assholes.
  13. OMG, Gone with the Wind! I hated that sorryass depressing movie--and had to sit through it interminable times when my niece came to live with me. Her favorite. PS: I loved the Diving Bell film also. So interesting.
  14. I hated Mama Mia (except for Pierce Brosnan's singing, which sent me into gales of hysterical laughter), hated Titanic, hated Forrest Gump and out and out detested the Broadway production of Cats. I'm completely out of step with modern culture.
  15. I don't care what he blogs about. It's so nice to know that he's sentimental--and so caring. We're so lucky.
  16. Aikim I just wanted to tell you that I would never have a clue in hell what was going on and would probably miss half of Clay's appearances if it weren't for your daily updates. Thanks.
  17. I love that little wink ;0) Those two are so sweet. I love that they are in love.
  18. If I were Rosie, I'd have told that person not to bother to come. The event is not planned as a tribute to Clay.
  19. Twitter is probably invasive, but (hides head in shame) I love getting these little tidbits about Clay. Little drops of gossip in the midst of a drought.
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