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Everything posted by wandacleo

  1. I just don't get this whole anti-gay shit!??!! I'm sick to death of it and people like that asshole in NC (NOT CLAY, of course).
  2. I've been going to concerts for [censored] years. All kinds. NO ONE tops Clay in my book. He's so funny and sweet and sexy and cute. Good butt too.
  3. Day late and a dollar short but HAPPY BIRTHDAY FEAR!!!!
  4. I've felt so sad about MJ for a long time. When he was younger, I thought he was so beautiful and so amazingly talented. I couldn't understand the self-mutilation. I don't know about the molestation charges, but I think his behavior was questionable at best. It's so sad when someone with such talent just seems to lose it. That's why I never begrudge Clay is free time and his private life. I want him to stay sane and grounded.
  5. I'm sorry, but it really sickens me when people use Christianity/religion as an excuse for bigotry. So shoot me.
  6. I have absolutely no standards when it comes to Clay. I love everything he does. It makes life so much easier.
  7. Oh, God, those pants!!! They must be his lucky ones because he sure as hell wears them a lot! He's just so lovable.
  8. I TOTALLY love you avi--that's one of my favorite pictures. They look so much in love.
  9. I have to admit that I never really had any emotional investment in the various females that Clay has been shipped with through the years, but I'm very partial to Reed. That picture of him hugging Clay touched my heart.
  10. Article about Vigliano Official site: Vigliano Associates ETA: The first article is pretty bitchy about him, but his website shows some pretty impressive clients, work, etc.--not just celebrities. Interesting guy.
  11. Really interesting article. I hope you post the link on other sites as well. The more people know, the more they can understand and accept.
  12. Ah, these are great pictures! Happy birthday, justclay
  13. I hate negativity toward Clay even more than I hate negativity toward anyone else. Very interesting article about being gay: The Gay Asterisk
  14. I don't have any problem liking AL or anyone else, and I already bought my concert ticket. I don't see what liking another singer has to do with being a fan of Clay. I have no idea what causes AL is interested in--although gay rights comes to mind--so I can't pass judgment on that. I have no idea what he'll spend his money on, so I can't make judgments about that either. I just like to celebrate Clay. I have no interest whatsoever in trashing anyone else (with the possible exception of pondscum) in the process.
  15. Oh where oh where has my little gay gone Oh where oh where can he be? With his hair cut short and his tail so long Oh where, oh where can be he?
  16. I have no problem with anything that Clay has said or anything that Adam has said. I like ALL crotches, snake-adorned and otherwise.
  17. I don't see anything wrong with what AL said in the interview--and he's not too much different from other people in their 20s (gay or straight). Most have been indiscreet--many have been drunk or tried drugs (especially marijuana). I just don't see a problem with his honesty. Doesn't mean he is striving to be a role model for chastity or anything.
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