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Everything posted by wandacleo

  1. I think that, in general, Clack serves a positive purpose. It aint for nothing that singers and groups "leak" songs and videos to the Internet. We spread Clay joy right and left. HOWEVER, there are all kinds of copyright laws related to Broadway productions and it's not a Clay show, as such. He's not producer. He doesn't own the show. He's WORKING for someone else, and that's a whole different thing. Clay has made clear that he doesn't care if we video his shows but wants us to show respect for him (not put mistakes on You-Tube) and respect the rights of others (not put shows that don't belong him up on You-Tube). Now, the problem with Spamalot is that if Clack of it is put up on any of the public (or private) sites, it's going to be damn hard to keep it out of the hands of people who will post it on You-tube in a heartbeat!! Does that mean NO ONE should tried to sneak some Clack. Probably, they shouldn't, but I have to admit to a selfish desire to be able to relive his performance in the next few years. i won't be able to do that without Clack. If Clack were available, would I watch it? You damn tootin'!!!! I CERTAINLY don't think there should be blatant filming with the theater people having to run around like Nazis, but a little sneaky videoing to be shared later or by Sendspace.....well, OK. Does that make me some kind of hypocritic bitch. Probably. As for "four months without Clay," get real. Clay tours once or twice a year (EVERY year) while many performers only tour every FEW YEARS!! And, that doesn't count his TV appearances and UNICEF and galas and "fat" pictures and such. We have a wealth of riches with Clay, and we may have become a bit spoiled. As a disclaimer, I must admit to having 2 Spamalot tickets in hand and reservations made and paid for, so perhaps that colors my thinking, but I hope not. Holy shit, that was very wordy for me.
  2. I love good reviews....and I don't care if they are written by some ancient half-blind demented escapee from a top-security correctional institution. I like what makes me feel good. And I consider all bad reviewers tin-eared assholes. So shoot me.
  3. I love MCWL, but I like his concert versions better and I MUCH prefer the production of AIW. I think it's interesting that some people worry that Clay doesn't have a musical vision, but I think that he clearly does (he just hasn't always been allowed to exercise it). As for positive/negative, good fan/bad fan, discussion/celebration. I just like to stay with the positive and try to ignore everything else as my life has had enough hell to last a lifetime. I see no purpose to bringing unnecessary misery onboard. I have a list of people whose posts I NEVER read. Works for me.
  4. I haven't been to a concert this season, so I haven't heard the stories in person, but I DO know that this is a season of love and giving, and those that read those stories are incredibly brave to share their stories, and feelings, and sometimes sadness. I couldn't do it. I have such admiration for them, and I can't help but feel how sad they must be to hear that people criticize their contribution. I guess if people don't want to listen, or can't understand, they can still just watch Clay watching. To me, that would be worth the price of admission.
  5. If it weren't for Clack, I wouldn't be here. I found Clay and the message boards in my search for Clack. The more the better. However, I agree that some things shouldn't be put on YouTube, but we're probably not the ones doing it. LOTS of people have video cameras, not just Claymates.
  6. Am I too late to this lovefest to say that I love Clay Aiken and he is so damn CUTE!!! Of course, slave that I am, I ran right to ITunes and downloaded AIW with no problem. And I left a glowing review. Thank God he doesn't ask us to do anything illegal or immoral as it would be SO hard to say "No." As for M&Gs--since I had one, I can say that those selected by the fanclub seemed pretty random and were all first-timers, but those from StubHub had been to M&Gs multiple times. Hey! If that's the way people want to spend money, it's ok with me. It goes to a good cause. Some people really feel the need to establish an ongoing relationship with Clay (bought and paid for), but I'm just not one of them. It was lovely to meet him once, though, and to be able to get a good closeup look at him although I swear I still can't picture his face very well. Sigh. Aiken fog.
  7. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Cindilu, I love a woman who loves Clay.
  8. I can't get a damn thing done as i keep thinking of Clay doing something freaky. (Whimper) .
  9. (sorry, farouche....but you know me.... ) Dirty minded sluts.
  10. Estella (my lovely daughter) is still raving about how wonderful the St. Louis show was. She thought Clay was hilarious. She said that he didn't talk alot but he didn't have to because he talks with his face and his expressions. Isn't that the truth? She also said the "camera gestapos" were out in force but that people were taking pictures and filming like crazy.
  11. I ONLY post non-stop saccharine fluffy positive things about Clay. If he were less well-endowed, I might be more critical. I doubt it though.
  12. Are men better than women? Well, I've always kind of liked men, but I think the point is that Clay's audiences are usually more females, so I guess it's nice to think of male clayversions.
  13. CV: Person said that Angela said that Clay picked out the jewelry, described as diamonds, and that they got to keep them. The person assumed maybe they were their Christmas presents.
  14. On Clay's bus is Jamie, Mary, and Jerome (and Durham). Other bus went first last night. Others on second bus, obviously.
  15. From CV cellstream: Smartypantzsuz: He's amazing! Says she's going to provide Clack for the people sitting behind her. Someone else: Lot of men. Lot of men. No standing ovations yet. Really liking it and applauding a lot. ( I THINK she said it's about 70% full, but my sound was gorky.) Music is playing in the background,
  16. From CV: Girls wearing different black dresses. Not only did Clay for the dresses and jewelry, but he picked them out. Clay looks so relaxed, laughing and relaxed. Trying to find room to walk on little platform. Clay is gorgeous. He seems so much happier tonight. He's smiling. He's talking more. Clay is wearing a black suit with a regular jacket. From CV cellstream (phone report): No jumbotrons. Theatre is gorgeous. From CV cellstream report: Angela and Quiana come on stage together and then when the first storyteller is done, Quiana goes offstage. Angela is also off sometimes. A lot more hand action and mike action tonight. More relaxed more limber. Just Clay.
  17. Second story the same as last night. Farouche read the story.
  18. Wouldn't you think!!! People are slipping!!
  19. I can hear Clay pretty well on the Cellstream but the sound is pretty garbled--tinny and echoing at times.
  20. from CV I hear screams. Lights are down. Same setup as last night--stage is level with the piano. Big screams Emmanuel
  21. From CV The orchestra is playing background music now. There are people still coming in. It's only about 60% full and they are scattered everywhere at the moment.
  22. from CV Everyone is still milling around.
  23. From Cellstream: Clayperfect talking--their passes have a picture of a little boy but Jerome said he would lose his job if he explained. Jerome said the more Clay talked the faster he talked and the more he talked. They were downstairs in a private screening room with a Christmas tree. Could hear him coming. Never seen him so happy and jubilant. Just HAPPY. Came down and introduced and plopped in chair. Gray sweatsuit, pants and sweatshirt with Nebraska in red. He sat down and started talking about where people were from--is that Missoureee or Misourruh. Seemed really interested. I told him it makes a difference from where you're from (how you pronounce it). He asked if anyone had questions. One asked (joking) if they were going to have pictures taken and he said, Yeah, and she said, "dressed like that." He really laughed. He did say that the ice skating was a fake--all for TV. He was nonstop chatter. This tour is his absolute favorite. He loved the stories. It was a month before and someone suggested it. He doesn't care if it doesn't please everyone, said he does it to make himself happy, and he said he can't be something he wasn't. Had Huber snowflake picture signed. A young woman woman (disabled) who lives in a group home brought a tshirt, and Clay said he really liked it. He gave her extra attention. Lot of joking going on. After everyone got everything signed, pictures. She brought Moanica (little giraffe), and she asked if he would hold Moanica and he said he would. He is not skinny, by far not fat, he is perfection. It was wonderful. flash didn't work (and she had her arms around him) [lucky bitch] and she had to do it again. She'd never stood next to Clay like she did and he just towered over her. He's a lot lighter without makeup and WHAT a smile! It was a blast. After everyone took their pictures, he said it was time to go and he shook hands with everyone--oh yes, he asked if anyone had submitted story, and she said she had and he asked what it was about and she told him and he said her story was going to be read. He talked on and on. He asked how people liked the show and she said it was the most elegant classy show she had seen and he said that was what he was hoping for. He was just joking and laughing, and so relaxed. She wasn't a bit nervous around him. it was really, really good. They were with him about 40 minutes. Jerome was in a good mood. The girls were happy. Everyone was just UP. Place is filling up good. The balcony is filling too. They said no cameras but everyone has cameras. It was a wonderful experience and I'm so glad I got the chance. He's an amazing, amazing young man.
  24. I completely love everything that Clay sings (ad nauseum.) I consider every performance a gift, and the giver is free to choose that which is given. I do my best to completely ignore people who criticize Clay because I just don't give a shit about their opinions. I'm just so excited for tonight's perfomance. My daughter will be there, and I'm thrilled to know what pleasure she will get from this wonderful concert. She just called me to say that she was getting all dressed up to go to the theater! It makes my heart happy.
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