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Everything posted by wandacleo

  1. Jmh I think that people use denial because it's so much easier. It's really hard to admit that a parent needs a parent (and that you're on the list to be the parent). If you have found a way to help avoid accidents around the house--that's great. Some of the adult diapers are pretty much like panties, so they aren't so hard for people to adjust to. Stains are a way of life. I have found a product that gets stains out of damn near everything--Nature Bright by Shaklee. Here is the link to where you can order Comfort Bath wipes if anyone is interested. I couldn't find them in the stores locally, but these are the ones that the hospital uses and they work really well. Drugstore.com Comfort baths It's so nice that your mother was able to dress up and go out with you! I'm sure she really enjoyed it. I know how hard it is for us to see someone declining, and I can't even imagine how hard it must be for him or her. Mom used to make quilts--the kind with 4 inch squares, and I really noticed something was wrong when the quilts she was working on would disappear and I'd find them hidden away somewhere with the sewing all messed up. I know she knew she was doing stuff wrong and was upset by it. I started laying out the quilts for her and pinning the squares in strips and then sat by her while she sewed and helped her put them together. When she was done, she was so proud because she thought she'd done them. It's really important for people to feel as though they're doing something of value, but it can be a real challenge to find ways to help them. I think it's a really good idea for you to go to the doctor with your mother because he needs to know what's going on. Sometimes, people can hide dementia really well at a visit. Also, if people are incontinent or forgetful, they are sometimes ashamed to tell the doctor. When I take Mom to the doctor, I always type up a report and give it to the doctor. That way, he can read it and I don't have to say it in front of Mom. (Well, right now it wouldn't matter, but it would have in the beginning.) I used to tell Mom I was listing her medications and stuff to make it easier for the doctor. She never asked to read what I'd written.
  2. I have no idea if Roger is good, bad, or indifferent--never really cared. I'm sure he did what RCA told him to do. I think this is probably a pretty damn good job--19 entertainment is huge. I wish him well. Maybe sweater girl will take over.
  3. TootsI didn't mean to cast aspersions on all cheerleaders (save the cheerleader, save the world!), but where I come from, being a cheerleader ONLY had to do with whether you lived in town (yes) or in the country (no) and which side of town you lived in (big house--yes; cheapass house--no). It wasn't exactly a democratic process. (NOT that some of the cheerleaders weren't perfectly nice young women!!) Now that I have washed myself politically clean, I feel better.
  4. couchie, are you flying out of San Jose on SW by any chance? We're leaving from there at about 9:30 (I think) on the 5th.
  5. I grew up in a small town in northern Idaho, and I went to my 10 and 25 year reunions--and hoping to go to the next as well. It was really ineresting. The "cheer leader" set pretty much stayed in town, didn't go to college, married the guys on the football team and looked about the same at 10 years. I swear, they even wore the same hairdos. By the 25th reunion, some of them had switched husbands. The people who came back changed and impressive--as in looking good and/or prosperous were the quiet ones. One kid who grew up on a farm and said about 6 words in high school came back looking about the same--still wearing overalls--with a young, very attractive wife. I was a little surprised until I discovered that he had made millions of dollars doing something with computers. Those with masters degrees and Ph.Ds were pretty much not in the fast crowd. They were the nerds, male and female. Just goes to show you how little importance there is to the pecking order of high school. Bet on the nerds everytime.
  6. CarolinaClay What a beautiful little boy!!! And, he's already smiling! (A budding genius.) Toots I really like Kelly Clarkson's voice. I didn't think she had a lot of stage presence during IT, but I enjoyed the songs, and I'm sure she's gotten better with more experience. I have to say that I don't care for the last album because it's just not my style, but I'm hoping her next album fares better.
  7. I'm wandacleo everywhere because I'm too damn lazy and too absent-minded to come up with anything more original.
  8. Interesting discussion to which I have very little to add. I love both Angela and Quiana and enjoy their solos so much. I don't know if I could choose between Listen and WTLGD because they were both just wonderful. I agree that AIW, artistically, is wonderful.
  9. I live in Carmel. Too far away to join you in your walk. LOL.
  10. I'm proud. I was just sitting here thinking how wonderful it is that it's raining because I'm SURELY not expected to walk in the rain. I read an article yesterday at the grocery store (killling time in line) that said the surefire way to lose weight is to eat 35 grams of fiber a day and then you can eat to your heart's content. I thought, THIS IS A PLAN!! However, you have no idea how hard it is to eat 35 grams of fiber! I finally resorted to eating some revolting high fiber cereal since everything else I'd eaten only added up to 5 grams. I got out my calorie counter book and looked up foods high in fiber and I'm eating lima beans today. All day. This better work. I'll report back.
  11. I was trying to figure out how to make monthly payments with paypal because CU has that set up and I was able to do that, but I can't figure out how to do it from my end to Couchie. Anyone know?
  12. WORD! I sense that some are trying too hard to prove that he has a girlfriend. They seem invested in the idea that he must be seeing someone, so they find relationships with any female who happens to be within a 30 mile radius. However, if he were with someone, I would actually hope that he could keep it a secret for a while, because the fans would be brutal. As much as people want him to happy, I think jealousy would make it very hard on whoever he was with, no matter how perfect she might be. WORD!! If I were Clay, I'd make an announcement only AFTER I got married. Until then, I'd say nothing.
  13. Shipping Clay? I don't mind light-hearted shipping at all, but I rarely take part in it (although I have some thoughts on the issue). I must confess to sometimes getting a little squigged out at some of the shipping as it seems as though Clay isn't allowed to have any female friends unless he's having a relationship (but it could just be jealousy!!!) I figure he'll tell us when it's serious, and I'm pretty much willing to wait for the final word.
  14. Something about blowtorching the puppy (HORRIBLE imagery!!) Since I absolutely don't care one single bit about any aspect of Clay's personal life, habits, etc., and don't care where he takes his career as long as he does something with it, he would have to be convicted of pedophilia or rape (with supporting video and 25 witnesses as evidence) for me to turn against him. Murder??? Well, if he did away with PH or JB or others of the same ilk, I'd even give him a pass on that.
  15. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? It took me quite awhile to discover messageboards, and I evolved from lurking to posting. However, I go through periods when I don't post a lot--especially if there's a lot of angst. I'm pretty much the same in my feelings about fandom now as when I started--I just want to have fun and enjoy Clay and the concerts. Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? Oh, hobby, for sure. I've seen some Clay addicts--serious bigtime--and I find that a bit scary. I'm pretty clear about that I have no relationship with Clay at all and never will and have no say in his life and never will--and don't even care to. I've met him once (and that was really nice as I wanted to get a closeup look at the man), but I don't plan to sign up for any more M&Gs because I would feel too much like a stalker. (Well, maybe in 10 or 20 years!!) I don't spend more than I can afford on Clay. I don't go in debt for him. I don't proselytize for Clay. I don't talk about him to non-Claymates. How much time do you spend on your fandom? This is a hard question. Some days and weeks--almost no time at all. Some times an hour or two a day--although usually I check CB each morning for new topics (2 minutes) and then check in somewhere (here at present) for a few minutes every hour or 2 during the day to break up the monotony of sitting at the computer for hours on end writing about medical stuff. Now, if there's something special going on--like a cellcert or THIS chat, then I'm there for the event--unless something intervenes. I don't change my life plans to accomodate the fandom except for concerts.
  16. Oh, how to celebrate a gift That gives such pleasure with each lift. I would bell the precious thing so that I could hear it ring and tie it with a big red bow Just so I could watch it grow! And as for others on the scene You are all just plain obscene.
  17. I was going to suggest that we compile these little "poems" into a book for a BAF fundraiser, but I was afraid I'd go to hell.
  18. Thank, Toots, I've lost 4 pounds in the past week (no where near the 10 pounds I WANTED to lose!!!) and I have been walking 2 miles a day. Groan. There's nothing good to eat in my entire house, so that helps. I'm eating so healthy my system is in a state of shock.
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