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Everything posted by wandacleo

  1. Maybe Clay's shirt is just baggy. He didn't look poochy in the video. NOT that I wouldn't love his little pooch.
  2. I've been tryng to catch up and watching Rewind. There's this one little moment in rewind when Simon comes out to talk and there's a quick glimpse of Clay with a big excited grin. He looked so young and excited. Made me all schmoopie. Dying for full frontal pictures of Clay at Ruben's concer.
  3. I don't think that someone who builds a whunking huge mansion and stays in first class hotels is basically cheap. Now, thrifty might account for one touring bus!! I'M cheap, however. I admit it. Hair on AYSTAFG--it kind of looks like the bangs were combed into the wrong place, so some look short. I find it kind of appealing. (I'm so easy.)
  4. Karen Thanks for the pictures and the reports! It's so interesting. Love the house!!!
  5. Oh, God, I've just been off lost in the wilds of the Internet looking for a hoarde of Woody's Cookin' Sauce, and I stumbled on a message board dedicated to bringing Woody's back (there is a message board for everything). The reason I'm sharing this little piece of info (aside from my sheer joy at finding it will soon be back in production) is that there was someone just BASHING others on the board for moaning about their loss and failing to read where it was posted it was coming back!! I kid you not. Bashing over frigging cooking sauce. :rollseyes The world is not a civil place
  6. I don't consider lyrics moral issues, and it really doesn't matter a ratsass to me if they are good, indifferent, or profound. Occasionally, I listen to lyrics (LAL), but half the time, I find out I've been singing along for years with TOTALLY the wrong lyrics and never noticed. I still like Louiie, Louie,"Uh, huh, uh, huh, me gotta go now," so "spinning balls" sounds downright poetic to me. Besides the visual image of Clay's spinning balls gives me a good laugh, and that's enough to make me love ATD. As for name-calling words, I think it's the tone and not the words that makes them offensive at times. People usually know when they are being offensive, I think, and some choose to do it for attention. Their problem, really. There are just some people whose posts I never read, and that solves MY problem.
  7. Jazzgirl Thanks for the link to the magazine. There were some really interesting articles. Mom has been up and down. Yesterday, I was even able to take her outside for a walk in the street, but today she's back staring into space and wouldn't feed herself so I couldn't take her to daycare. Fortunately, I'm busy with a writing project so I just sit here at the table with her. There was an interesting small article in the Caregiver magazine about how important it is to learn patience, and boy is that the truth. The more patient I am, the less stress I have (especially since impatience is pretty much a wasted emotion with Alzheimer's!) I have to admit to feeling a wee bit sad that a St. Louis concert is posted and I won't be able to go--although I'll buy tickets for my daughter. Since it's in the middle of the week, I can't really justify going for a day because I couldn't see my grandkids. I doubt they'd appreciate a trip for Clay that omitted them!! LOL. Anyhow, my caregiver is staying while I got to LV, so I don't think she'd want to do it again so soon--she finds it exhausting. (No kidding!) (Moan, piss, groan.)
  8. And don't assume she'll remember next week either! I used to put big labels on things (Put panties here!!!) and that helped for awhile. A couple years ago, when Mom, could read a little, if I had to run in the store and leave her in the car, I would make a big sign "Stay in the car!!" and give it to her and have her read it a couple of times. That worked until the time I came out and she was hanging out the window, waving it like a flag and screaming, "HELP!! HELP!" So much for that idea. LOL. I've had one of THOSE weeks. Mom hasn't been able to go to daycare because she won't cooperate enough for me to get her there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow because I'm SO tired.
  9. I think the Christmas idea is lovely. It will give us a chance to watch Clay's face while others talk and give him something to talk/snark/laugh/cry about. I was reading an article recently about how important it has become for artists to have audience participation--people no longer want to just sit and listen. (Sorry, I have no idea where I read it or I'd bring it here.) Anyhow, my point is that I think Clay understands that instinctually. Now, there will always be a few who resent ANY attention that anyone gets because they're jealous, but those are the "over-invested" not the NJU and sane people who make up most of the audience. I really don't think it matters that some people don't like the concept or "ONLY" want Clay (a point that I personally find so tiresome) because I think the majority of the audience WILL. I pretty much ignore all the gloom and doom about how something will ruin his concert/tour/career etc because we hear the same old thing about pretty much every single thing he does , and it never amounts to anything but a tempest in a teapot. At any rate, it's Clay's concert and he can damn well do as he pleases. (Thank God--his instincts have been pretty good so far.)
  10. I'm just staying here in my happy place and not venturing out until the nutjobs run out of steam.
  11. I just want to make it very clear that I love Clay Aiken unconditionally, and I wouldn't dream of criticizing or passing judgement about any aspect of his life or his looks. Just saying. However, this is my unconditional sappy lovetheman reaction to those pictures. :cryingwlaughter:
  12. Ahhhhh.....I'd know that snarky little voice anywhere!!!! I'm loving this! I missed all the first few shows of AI2 because I didn't start watching until people kept telling me about this guy called "Clay" that was so great. So--these rehearsals are new to me. BAD. Clay did a hell of a lot better singing Baby got Back!!
  13. Oh, crap, the game is finally over and WTF, they're showing something from the first season. Oh, bad thought, bad thought, bad thought.
  14. Oh (sob, sniffle, snortle) we don't get KTLA and it's up to the 11th inning!!!!! It's rerun tomorrow at 6. I'll have to wait for downloads, I guess. I hate baseball.
  15. I found the cereal at the health food store. What is Kozy Shack? Is that a brand? a store? I've never heard of it, but I'd sure like to find that high fibre chocolate pudding!!! I probably do need to drink more. I sort of sip tea all day.
  16. ACK!!! It's 4 oclock and the f$%king bsseball game is tied and in the 10th inning!!!! CRAP!
  17. Where does the time go? I was just sitting here pissing and moaning that it would be HOURS until I could listen to Clay on AIRewind at 4 and I looked up at the clock and it's already 3:30!!!! How great is that???!! Not that I'm excited.
  18. I've been faithfully walking 2 miles a day. It was so hot a couple of days ago (unusual for here) that I actually went to the giant Safeway grocery store and walked round and round for 40 minutes. Is that dedication or what? I found some cereal with 9 grams of fiber per 1/2 cup (cooked), so I've been eating 1.5 cups of that in the morning. Fills me right up: Arrowhead Mills Organic 4 Grain Plus Flax. If you like chewy hot breakfast cereal, it's right good (low fat, high in protein).
  19. I've set my DVR (and Toots, don't even think about it. A DVR is worth $100 a month--$10 is nothing.) and now I'm impatiently waiting for 4 oclock here on the West coast. Hopefully, someone will upload it before then. I'm practically panting at the thought of hearing Clay's voice. (and just thinking about the money he's making!) It just makes my heart so happy. I can't get a damn thing done--anticipatory sloth.
  20. I seem to be forever stuck at 4 pound loss. I have been making a concerted effort to eat 35 grams of fiber a day. (Which leaves me too full for much else.) Bonus: I will never have constipation again
  21. Favorite tour? How could I pick. I love them all for various reasons. I suppose if I could only see ONE over again, it would be the JBT because he was just so damn hot....but then, I LOVED this summer's concerts. Crap, I don't know. I love the Christmas ones too---Good News is my all time favorite Christmas song. Unbelievable when he hit those falsetto notes. AGHHHH!! Good fan, bad fan, fighting, name calling, judging Clay, protecting Clay, OWNING Clay....I hate it all. Clay stalkers. Just.downright.scary. Clack coming soon!!!! (Sedaka tribute) I can hardly wait!!!
  22. Good morning/afternoon, I haven't even tried to check out other boards because i just don't want to read any of the rabid shit about Roger one way or the other. And (oh, sweet Jesus, save us all!!!) a FAN???????!!!! taking over for Roger. Now, that's a plan. One of my friends sent me a copy of one of those crazy blogs "outing" Chexxxy. She had no clue what was going on and wanted to know if I knew anything about it. Honestly, the blog was scary crazy. I just scanned it and deleted it. Such garbage. Why can't people just love Clay and be sappy and happy. Honestly, I've gotten to the point where, when people start trying to run Clay's life and career, i just move on and pretty much ignore them. It's so boring. I can't help but feel that Clay feels the same way. I mean, some of the people on OFC (and other places) are just plain lunatics. He would be nuts to give them any mind. AI--I'm just happy as shit we'll be hearing that wonderful voice talking. AND, it's good publicity for his new album. I hope he's making a pile of money for the gig.
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