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Everything posted by wandacleo

  1. He is spending much more time singing... he's gonna do like 2005 and talk at the end so as not to interrupt the flow... I'm liking this.. wonder if I"ll get good news. please baby jesus please PLEASE, PLEASE (my alltime favorite!)
  2. People would complain if Clay came out singing naked. Some people just like to complain. It's not as though Clay would ADD songs if he subtracted the stories. There's a limit to how many songs he should be expected to sing. (Vicious thoughts)
  3. sounds like the 4th story now. Can't hear.
  4. Another story. The pacing and spacing seem pretty good, but I can't tell what this one is saying either. I'm probably just in tune with Clay's voice and find him easier to understand. Clay singing now--what is this??? I'll be home for Christmas.....?? and into CHestnuts roasting.... (great arrangements!!!)
  5. Clay never disappoints me (have I mentioned that before?) But, I think that those who are unhappy with the concept should DEFINITELY stay away and let the rest enjoy the concerts in peace.
  6. I can hear Clay singing, but I can't figure out what he's singing/???? Maybe I don't know this song. A NEW SONG!!! Ack!
  7. Sounds like Angie singing now, but not sure what this song is.
  8. I can hear Clay pretty well, but I can't make out what the women are saying--second story now. Something about someone trying to avoid Christmas.
  9. As much as I love banter, I can understand that he might want the focus to be on the music and stories and not on him. Something different. It's the most wonderful time of the year......(Oh, he sounds so good)--and Sleigh ride--and Jingle Bells. (Medley again?)
  10. Someone must be reading her story now, but I can't quite make out the words. Music low in the background.
  11. Oh, Lord, I love that sweet NC twang. Now: MCWL
  12. I can't believe how thrilled I am to hear this tinny, underwater cellstream. I SO wish I could go to this concert. MDYK--so beautiful. He's certainly starting this concert off differently than the others.
  13. Nothing Clay has ever said, done, sung, , or worn has EVER disappointed me. I have no standards at all when it comes to those I love.
  14. Good morning everybody. I just wanted to drop by and thank everyone for being so supportive. I'm trying to catch up as I am woefully behind. Awaiting incoming clack.
  15. Thank you to all of you. I've appreciated your support. Mom died last night. It's been a very difficult week, but I'm happy that she's at peace. She had a good long life--not many people make it to 98. Her last words were "I love you" and "you sonofabitch" (when we were turning her to clean her), and that pretty much captured her spirit!
  16. Well, jeez, I finally get around to checking in and there are only 2 of us still up. I belatedly downloaded the AIR clips. OMFG, could he be any CUTER???? And the pitchpipe. I don't know, but that just sent me into gales of laughter. He's just so damn sweetly nerdy--and that wonderful smile. He looks so damn young compared to now. (Maybe because he WAS young!) The only reason I can see for not showing these clips originally is that they didn't think he'd be such a hot property. Now, I DO take offense at calling those clothes fugly (with the exception of the truly hideous necklace!) LOL
  17. I'm still glowing from my brief shining moments of Las Vegas joy. Aikim It's not safe out there.
  18. Finally home and sitting down at the computer. Last night was just magical--Clay singing among those twinkling lights and the beautiful skaters. I thought he was perfection--freaking hot and sounding great. I know that some people think that DSIAFCD wasn't perfect, but i thought it was--he just did it a little different. Quite lovely. AIW--well, I just cannot imagine anyone NOT standing and cheering because it was just that amazing!! His voice is just like honey and spice. Unbelievalble. I'm sure if the producers thought his songs were off, he'd have been out there resinging--just like the reskating skaters. The pre-party was so well organized and a wonderful beginning for the evening. It was so much fun to get to know Couch Tomato, Gibby, Playbilller, FearofH20, Luckiest & daughter, Liney, and ReikiforClay as well as all of those whose names I can't remember right now in my bleary state. I was so sad when the evening was over, but it's a great memory.
  19. The daycare won't take Mom anymore because she can't feed herself and just sits and stares or sleeps. Sigh.
  20. Couchie I know that Medi-cal can authorize payments for family, but my problem is that I need help, not the money. Mom is just so hard to move and care for by myself. I'm hoping that I can get an aide for a few hours a day. We've actually tried a number of different medications and none really do anything--in fact, most made Mom much worse. I've read all the studies, and most drugs really don't work very well with Alzheimer patients. Mom is only combative if I try to get her to do something she doesn't want to do (like sit up or bathe) because she's afraid and doesn't understand. There's just not much help for that. Most of the time, I know how to keep her on even keel, but sometimes, I have to move her or make her do something--and then I have to duck!!
  21. I tried to organize, prepare, and take care of things--made sure I had power of attorney and paid the bills, knew where everything was, but the reality of taking care of someone with Alzheimer's (or any debilitating disease) is that it's just flatout exhausting and never-ending. I've been taking care of Mom for 17 years--and half of those were with her having dementia. You just have NO IDEA how expensive it all can be. Just going away for 3 days is costing me about $1200 for care. People with unlimited funds or longterm care insurance are so lucky, but for the average working person, it's overwhelming. Mom has now run out of all savings, and her sole income is social security (and that's not much), so I'm applying to social services to see if I can get someone for a few hours a day in the home to help--but I don't know. If she goes to a facility, then it will have to be under Medicaid because I can't afford $7000 a month!! That's far from ideal. Plus, I know they will just drug Mom into oblivion because there's just no way they're going to put up with her fighting them. I wish I could say that there was no reason for you to fear this type of future, but I'd line up committments for help from other family members if you can, now before they can think of excuses. My sisters were great about helping when all they had to do was "babysit," but they won't help now that it's difficult: "Too hard." Thank God for Clay and Las Vegas!!!
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