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Posts posted by wandacleo

  1. I'm so easy when it comes to Clay. I've loved every concert--for special and different reasons. I have to say that when I'm downloading Clack, I do all the banter first and don't listen to most of the songs after the first concert because I KNOW the songs, but the banter is always so much fun. I can understand why Clay has some canned routines. First, he needs to plan the pacing of the show and can't just depend on making everything up as he goes. That could be disastrous--but what I REALLY like is that Clay does continue to change things up, add things, take things away, find what works and what doesn't--the mark of a true professional. I love to laugh--and Clay is a master comedian. I love it that the people on stage with him act like a big family and tease and joke with each other. I hope he always feels free to show this side. Lots of singers just come out and sing. (Remember IT when Kelly just announced the name of each song before singing it!!)

  2. Crying at the movies???

    Since I cry at Hallmark commercials.......I cry when things are touching and when they are sad and when they remind me of something touching or sad.

    I try to avoid tearjerkers--LOATHED Titanic (I'm talking bigtime hate) as I could see no reason at all to make a popsicle out of Leo. I mean REALLY, what was the point of that? Just mean-spirited writing shit.

  3. Good morning/afternoon:

    I taped PH scumass but haven't watched it yet, but since JK has been lied about more than once by the tabloids, I didn't expect he would give PH a warm fuzzy welcome.

    JK and Leno are very different kinds of comedians. I think that Leno is more old-school-tell-a-joke and Hollywood superficial. JK uses a lot of situational humor (with a good dose of slapstick)--sort of like Clay, as a matter of fact. I don't think Leno gives a ratsass about his guests except for the degree to which they will affect his ratings.

  4. Good morning all,

    I must have a different type of friends, family, and associates than some of you because NONE of them have ever given me any grief over Clay (and if they did, they'd get a tongue-lashing from hell!). I think it comes down to respect. I wouldn't dream of denigrating their taste--in clothes, art, music, or anything else. Why would anyone feel it's ok to say nasty things about Clay to someone who is a fan? That's just downright uncouth.

  5. I saw discussion of the word 'unconditional' - and it was a little freaky, because I had just updated my siggy. It's always been 'unconditional' but I added that other bit, and I swear it was before this discussion. No monkey! *g* When I say my support for Clay as an artist and as a man is unconditional, I mean it. I honestly can't think of anything within the realm of possibility that would turn me away from him. I feel he's shown us enough of himself over these past four years to state with confidence that the things that would end it for me are not within that realm.

    Not in musical choices, for I love to hear his voice. When the lyrics have meaning for me, he touches my soul. When they don't, he transcends them and I am still left with that glorious sound. I'm not religious, so things like YWT or GN are not an altar call for me. They are magnificent in that I see him in his element, and I don't think anybody would argue that when he sings those songs, there is something special there.

    Not in career choices, for I believe there are no boundaries to his talent, and I hope, no limits to his dreams. TV? Movies? Theatre? All good. Bring it on, Clay.

    Not in lifestyle choices, for as long as he loves and is loved in return I wish only happiness for him.

    And if he chucked it all and went back to 'real life' tomorrow? Well, after I cried for about a year, and offered up sacrifices to whatever deities I could think of to get him to come back, I'd still support him. Because as inexplicable as it is (even to myself), I really do love him.

    So yes, I can keep my signature down there and not feel the slightest bit of hypocrisy about it.

    :clap: I can so relate.

  6. lightmyfire I'm so sorry you feel that not re-joining OFC would be supporting Clay. I can't sign up fast enough.

    I may not like the MB for the most part but I just love, love, love his blogs and love being able to post occasional words of support to him. Plus, I want one of those cozy M&G's in the years to come. Gah! I can't imagine how much fun that would be. I also visit the "Tour" threads for helpful information. I found them great during SPHR for tips. I would prefer him to shut down most of the MB because it gives me a headache if I ever go there and I'd love it if they would add some kickass videos or maybe a "member's only" downloadable single. That would be so cool.

    I also get embarassingly giddy when the signup pack arrives in the mail. :)

    Yes!! I can't imagine not being able to read those sweet snarky blogs. They tell me so much about what goes on inside Clay's head. I love that. PLUS, I won a M&G, so I'm grateful to OFC for life. Those few minutes were worth any shit I might have to put up with on OFC. LOL.

  7. ...I do believe that everyone has the right to determine their fandom and yes there are factions that I WISH would go away or change. BUT I think there is still a very fine line between expressing our opinion about the action of others in the way that it affects us and the fandom in general...and actually policing the fandom and determining who is the bad fan and good fan. I personally don't want this board to be about that. I do believe each one of us responsible for our actions and the only one we can really change is ourself. I realized the best way for me to enjoy my fandom is not to let the actions of other fans affect me anymore. So if they want to continue angtsing and getting angry...they can do it without me.

    Word. I have no interest in policing other fans (OK, I lied--I would throw the boo[e]r's ass right off the boards), but I wouldn't feel BAD if some fans decided that they are so unhappy that they found someone more to their liking. Someone they could be happy with.

    I think I define "unconditional" also a bit liberally. I love my daughter unconditionally. However, I think she wears her jeans too tight, she looks better with her hair to her shoulders than too short, she should vacuum the corners of the rooms better, and she should polish her son's shoes. Do I tell her these thing?. HELLL NO!!! I respect her as an adult. She could pick my life apart if she wanted to, but she doesn't. Loving unconditionally doesn't mean being blind, just being kind.

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