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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Just back from bowling and I see we have some news! Not surprised that Clay picked the songs...I couldn't imagine RCA selecting some of those songs. I pretty much love all the choices except for "Here You Come Again"...not really one of my favorites. Kim
  2. My mug will be filled with water; I don't drink coffee and usually only hot tea when I am sick...come summer though I can use it for my iced-tea. Kim
  3. Good Morning Everyone, 9 Days until Daylight Saving Time! 21 Days until The First Day of Spring! 32 Days until Playlist: The Best of Clay Aiken is available! 40 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. Per BFS (Mod at the OFC), they have fixed the problem with the $19.95 membership, so if anyone was trying to renew with that and having problems, you should be able to now. Kim
  5. I'm renewed! There was such complaining about the fanclub not delivering on things they offered; I am thinking this time around they were not offering as much upfront, but that doesn't mean they can't add things later. That way, less complaining and we get surprises. They can always add meet and greets and tour tickets when they need to. Kim
  6. Olsee I love the banner also...thank you! Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, Nice to wake up to a blog in the morning; even if it is short and sweet. Sorry to hear he is still healing; he probably is crabby and bored and missing Reed but I hope is enjoying Parker and not driving Jaymes too crazy! BAF name change...I can understand why they are doing it...but in the long run it is probably a good thing if he wants national recognition and less of a fan-supported organization. 10 Days until Daylight Saving Time! 22 Days until The First Day of Spring! 33 Days until Playlist; The Very Best of Clay Aiken is available! 41 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Pictures of Reed from last night...the link is for page 10, but you can go back and look at the others: http://www.afterelton.com/theater/2009/2/d...quality?page=0% Also, on Amazon...Clay #23...David Foster is #24! Kim
  9. Good Morning Everyone; Love the track list for the CD...kind of surprised Ashes was on there though. 11 Days until Daylight Saving Time! 23 Days until The First Day of Spring! 34 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken is available! 42 Days until Judge Aiken is holding Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. My dream vacation would be Italy...can't afford it now, but maybe I should start putting a bug in hubby's ear for our 30th wedding anniversary in a few years! Kim Yes, the first dancer! Kim
  11. Yes they do...although I do have to giggle at the irony of Clay ending up with a dancer! Kim
  12. There is a link to the video at the CH for the Facebook-less...it is very powerful. Here is the direct link: http://www.4shared.com/file/89335219/822e7...6421_21329.html Kim
  13. I changed the title of the link to the correct title, and I haven't watched it yet... FYI..you can only watch it if you have Facebook...unfortunately, I do not. Kim
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Scarlett Don't worry about it; I got my information from google, but you know, I usually post the countdown around 6:30 a.m. my time and I am not always quite awake and yesterday, I just googled the information and tried to make it as brief as possible. I guess I'll stick to the condensed version of the countdown! 12 Days until Daylight Saving Time! 24 Days until The First Day of Spring! 35 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken is available! 43 Days until Judge Aiken holds Court on ANTM! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  15. I saw a number of "The Very Best of" CDs with similar covers, so I think it is real. I didn't know they used similiar covers...now we just need a tracklist! Kim
  16. I love the cover...wonder if it is real or fan generated? Kim
  17. Good Morning Everyone, 12 Days, 2 hours until Daylight Saving Time occurs in the United Sates; 33 Days until The European Union changes 1 hour and begins Summer Time...this occurs at 1:00 a.m. Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) the last Sunday in March! 25 Days until The Vernal Equinox, i.e. The date in The Northern Hemisphere when night and day are equal in length and the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator moving Northward! 36 Days until Playlist: The Very Best of Clay Aiken; A Compilation Disc of Remastered Recordings is available for purchase! 44 Days until Recording Star and International Superstar Clay Aiken (born Clayton Holmes Grissom) makes a guest appearance on America's Next Top Model and performs in the capacity of Judge; i.e. evaluates the talents such as poise, intelligence; acting ability and so forth of women of diverse ethnic, socia-economic; age and ability in their quest for the title of America's Next Top Model! (I don't need no stinking test!) Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. If it has Clay's name on it...I'm buying it! Kim
  19. Nevermind...since the gerbil is finally off the wheel, might as well not throw him back on there. Kim
  20. I was in no way implying that I know better than Clay what is best for his career or that I know anything about his career...just my opinions based on what we do know. I would be the last person to give Clay career advice since I know nothing about the music industry and I have always said that what we don't know is a heck of lot more than what we do know. But you know, there are always two sides to a story and I don't think RCA is totally to blame for whatever some fans think when wrong with Clay's career. Sorry if I gave the wrong impression. Kim
  21. Funny you should mention that, because that has struck me as one of Clay's weaknesses. I'll never forget reading in LTS where he became a vegetarian for TWO YEARS even thought he liked meat, just to "show" his mother. I am also a stubborn person and i know how it feels to dig in my heels and not budge but I have had to learn to compromise, it's been a life-long work in progress on my part. I am a pretty stubborn person too and yeah, it does take a lot of work to learn how to compromise and I haven't always been successful at it. Kim
  22. There is a lot we don't know about Clay and RCA and what went down there and since I doubt very much that Clay will be writing a tell-all book, I don't think we will ever know. But, I do think something happened in L.A. that caused him to head home and I do think whatever it was had a bearing on his not getting radio play...either him not playing the game, blackmail or blacklisting..who know, but I don't think it had anything to do with the fans. Clay can be quite stubborn and maybe that stubbornness and his unwillingness to compromise didn't serve him well at RCA...but we just don't know. It has never been as black and white to me as "RCA sucks and doesn't know what to do with Clay"...it is probably a little bit of everything. All I can hope for is that Clay has learned a lot about the business in the last 6 years; has made some contacts and has a vision for his future. Kim
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